290 resultados para K Channels


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In this paper we review the most peculiar and interesting information-theoretic and communications features of fading channels. We first describe the statistical models of fading channels which are frequently used in the analysis and design of communication systems. Next, we focus on the information theory of fading channels, by emphasizing capacity as the most important performance measure. Both single-user and multiuser transmission are examined. Further, we describe how the structure of fading channels impacts code design, and finally overview equalization of fading multipath channels.


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In this paper, we deal with low-complexity near-optimal detection/equalization in large-dimension multiple-input multiple-output inter-symbol interference (MIMO-ISI) channels using message passing on graphical models. A key contribution in the paper is the demonstration that near-optimal performance in MIMO-ISI channels with large dimensions can be achieved at low complexities through simple yet effective simplifications/approximations, although the graphical models that represent MIMO-ISI channels are fully/densely connected (loopy graphs). These include 1) use of Markov random field (MRF)-based graphical model with pairwise interaction, in conjunction with message damping, and 2) use of factor graph (FG)-based graphical model with Gaussian approximation of interference (GAI). The per-symbol complexities are O(K(2)n(t)(2)) and O(Kn(t)) for the MRF and the FG with GAI approaches, respectively, where K and n(t) denote the number of channel uses per frame, and number of transmit antennas, respectively. These low-complexities are quite attractive for large dimensions, i.e., for large Kn(t). From a performance perspective, these algorithms are even more interesting in large-dimensions since they achieve increasingly closer to optimum detection performance for increasing Kn(t). Also, we show that these message passing algorithms can be used in an iterative manner with local neighborhood search algorithms to improve the reliability/performance of M-QAM symbol detection.


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In orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) on the uplink, the carrier frequency offsets (CFOs) and/or timing offsets (TOs) of other users with respect to a desired user can cause multiuser interference (MUI). Analytically evaluating the effect of these CFO/TO-induced MUI on the bit error rate (BER) performance is of interest. In this paper, we analyze the BER performance of uplink OFDMA in the presence of CFOs and TOs on Rician fading channels. A multicluster multipath channel model that is typical in indoor/ultrawideband and underwater acoustic channels is considered. Analytical BER expressions that quantify the degradation in BER due to the combined effect of both CFOs and TOs in uplink OFDMA with M-state quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) are derived. Analytical and simulation BER results are shown to match very well. The derived BER expressions are shown to accurately quantify the performance degradation due to nonzero CFOs and TOs, which can serve as a useful tool in OFDMA system design.


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In the preparation of synthetic conotoxins containing multiple disulfide bonds, oxidative folding can produce numerous permutations of disulfide bond connectivities. Establishing the native disulfide connectivities thus presents a significant challenge when the venom-derived peptide is not available, as is increasingly the case when conotoxins are identified from cDNA sequences. Here, we investigate the disulfide connectivity of mu-conotoxin KIIIA, which was predicted originally to have a C1-C9,C2-C15,C4-C16] disulfide pattern based on homology with closely related mu-conotoxins. The two major isomers of synthetic mu-KIIIA formed during oxidative folding were purified and their disulfide connectivities mapped by direct mass spectrometric collision-induced dissociation fragmentation of the disulfide-bonded polypeptides. Our results show that the major oxidative folding product adopts a C1-C15,C2-C9,C4-C16] disulfide connectivity, while the minor product adopts a C1-C16,C2-C9,C4-C15] connectivity. Both of these peptides were potent blockers of Na(v)1.2 (K-d values of 5 and 230 nM, respectively). The solution structure for mu-KIIIA based on nuclear magnetic resonance data was recalculated with the C1-C15,C2-C9,C4-C16] disulfide pattern; its structure was very similar to the mu-KIIIA structure calculated with the incorrect C1-C9,C2-C15,C4-C16] disulfide pattern, with an alpha-helix spanning residues 7-12. In addition, the major folding isomers of mu-KIIIB, an N-terminally extended isoform of mu-KIIIA, identified from its cDNA sequence, were isolated. These folding products had the same disulfide connectivities as mu-KIIIA, and both blocked Na(v)1.2 (K-d values of 470 and 26 nM, respectively). Our results establish that the preferred disulfide pattern of synthetic mu-KIIIA and mu-KIIIB folded in vitro is 1-5/2-4/3-6 but that other disulfide isomers are also potent sodium channel blockers. These findings raise questions about the disulfide pattern(s) of mu-KIIIA in the venom of Conus kinoshitai; indeed, the presence of multiple disulfide isomers in the venom could provide a means of further expanding the snail's repertoire of active peptides.


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This paper analyzes the error exponents in Bayesian decentralized spectrum sensing, i.e., the detection of occupancy of the primary spectrum by a cognitive radio, with probability of error as the performance metric. At the individual sensors, the error exponents of a Central Limit Theorem (CLT) based detection scheme are analyzed. At the fusion center, a K-out-of-N rule is employed to arrive at the overall decision. It is shown that, in the presence of fading, for a fixed number of sensors, the error exponents with respect to the number of observations at both the individual sensors as well as at the fusion center are zero. This motivates the development of the error exponent with a certain probability as a novel metric that can be used to compare different detection schemes in the presence of fading. The metric is useful, for example, in answering the question of whether to sense for a pilot tone in a narrow band (and suffer Rayleigh fading) or to sense the entire wide-band signal (and suffer log-normal shadowing), in terms of the error exponent performance. The error exponents with a certain probability at both the individual sensors and at the fusion center are derived, with both Rayleigh as well as log-normal shadow fading. Numerical results are used to illustrate and provide a visual feel for the theoretical expressions obtained.


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In this work, interference alignment for a class of Gaussian interference networks with general message demands, having line of sight (LOS) channels, at finite powers is considered. We assume that each transmitter has one independent message to be transmitted and the propagation delays are uniformly distributed between 0 and (L - 1) (L >; 0). If receiver-j, j ∈{1,2,..., J}, requires the message of transmitter-i, i ∈ {1, 2, ..., K}, we say (i, j) belongs to a connection. A class of interference networks called the symmetrically connected interference network is defined as a network where, the number of connections required at each transmitter-i is equal to ct for all i and the number of connections required at each receiver-j is equal to cr for all j, for some fixed positive integers ct and cr. For such networks with a LOS channel between every transmitter and every receiver, we show that an expected sum-spectral efficiency (in bits/sec/Hz) of at least K/(e+c1-1)(ct+1) (ct/ct+1)ct log2 (1+min(i, j)∈c|hi, j|2 P/WN0) can be achieved as the number of transmitters and receivers tend to infinity, i.e., K, J â∞ where, C denotes the set of all connections, hij is the channel gain between transmitter-i and receiver-j, P is the average power constraint at each transmitter, W is the bandwidth and N0 W is the variance of Gaussian noise at each receiver. This means that, for an LOS symmetrically connected interference network, at any finite power, the total spectral efficiency can grow linearly with K as K, J â∞. This is achieved by extending the time domain interference alignment scheme proposed by Grokop et al. for the k-user Gaussian interference channel to interference networks.


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The subiculum, considered to be the output structure of the hippocampus, modulates information flow from the hippocampus to various cortical and sub-cortical areas such as the nucleus accumbens, lateral septal region, thalamus, nucleus gelatinosus, medial nucleus and mammillary nuclei. Tonic inhibitory current plays an important role in neuronal physiology and pathophysiology by modulating the electrophysiological properties of neurons. While the alterations of various electrical properties due to tonic inhibition have been studied in neurons from different regions, its influence on intrinsic subthreshold resonance in pyramidal excitatory neurons expressing hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels is not known. Using pharmacological agents, we show the involvement of alpha 5 beta gamma GABA(A) receptors in the picrotoxin-sensitive tonic current in subicular pyramidal neurons. We further investigated the contribution of tonic conductance in regulating subthreshold electrophysiological properties using current clamp and dynamic clamp experiments. We demonstrate that tonic GABAergic inhibition can actively modulate subthreshold properties, including resonance due to HCN channels, which can potentially alter the response dynamics of subicular pyramidal neurons in an oscillating neuronal network.


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Spontaneous entry of water molecules inside single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) has been confirmed by both simulations and experiments. Using molecular dynamics simulations, we have studied the thermodynamics of filling of a (6,6) carbon nanotube in a temperature range from 273 to 353K and with different strengths of the nanotube-water interaction. From explicit energy and entropy calculations using the two-phase thermodynamics method, we have presented a thermodynamic understanding of the filling behaviour of a nanotube. We show that both the energy and the entropy of transfer decrease with increasing temperature. On the other hand, scaling down the attractive part of the carbon-oxygen interaction results in increased energy of transfer while the entropy of transfer increases slowly with decreasing the interaction strength. Our results indicate that both energy and entropy favour water entry into (6,6) SWCNTs. Our results are compared with those of several recent studies of water entry into carbon nanotubes.


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Microfluidic/optofluidic microscopy is a versatile modality for imaging and analyzing properties of cells/particles while they are in flow. In this paper, we demonstrate the integration of fused silica microfluidics fabricated using femtosecond laser machining into optofluidic imaging systems. By using glass for the sample stage of our microscope, we have exploited its superior optical quality for imaging and bio-compatibility. By integrating these glass microfluidic devices into a custom-built bright field microscope, we have been able to image red blood cells in flow with high-throughputs and good fidelity. In addition, we also demonstrate imaging as well as detection of fluorescent beads with these microfluidic devices.


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Abstract: We report the growth and the electron cyclotron resonance measurements of n-type Si/Si0.62Ge0.38 and Si0.94Ge0.06/Si0.62Ge0.38 modulation-doped heterostructures grown by rapid thermal chemical vapor deposition. The strained Si and Si0.94Ge0.06 channels were grown on relaxed Si0.62Ge0.38 buffer layers, which consist of 0.6 mu m uniform Si0.62Ge0.38 layers and 0.5 mu m compositionally graded relaxed SiGe layers from 0 to 38% Ge. The buffer layers were annealed at 800 degrees C for 1 h to obtain complete relaxation. A 75 Angstrom Si(SiGe) channel with a 100 Angstrom spacer and a 300 Angstrom 2 X 10(19) cm(-3) n-type supply layer was grown on the top of the buffer layers. The cross-sectional transmission electron microscope reveals that the dense dislocation network is confined to the buffer layer, and relatively few dislocations terminate on the surface. The plan-view image indicates the threading dislocation density is about 4 X 10(6) cm(-2). The far-infrared measurements of electron cyclotron resonance were performed at 4 K with the magnetic field of 4-8 T. The effective masses determined from the slope of the center frequency of the absorption peak versus applied magnetic field plot are 0.203m(0) and 0.193m(0) for the two dimensional electron gases in the Si and Si0.94Ge0.06 channels, respectively. The Si effective mass is very close to that of a two dimensional electron gas in an Si MOSFET (0.198m(0)). The electron effective mass of Si0.94Ge0.06 is reported for the first time and is about 5% lower than that of pure Si.


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Nine tie-lines between Fe-Ni alloys and FeTiO3-NiTiO3 solid solutions were determined at 1273 K. Samples were equilibrated in evacuated quartz ampoules for periods up to 10 days. Compositions of the alloy and oxide phases at equilibrium were determined by energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. X-ray powder diffraction was used to confirm the results. Attainment of equilibrium was verified by the conventional tie-line rotation technique and by thermodynamic analysis of the results. The tie-lines are skewed toward the FeTiO3 corner. From the tie-line data and activities in the Fe-Ni alloy phase available in the literature, activities of FeTiO3 and NiTiO3 in the ilmenite solid solution were derived using the modified Gibbs-Duhem technique of Jacob and Jeffes [K.T. Jacob and J.H.E. Jeffes, An Improved Method for Calculating Activities from Distribution Equilibria, High Temp. High Press., 1972, 4, p 177-182]. The components of the oxide solid solution exhibit moderate positive deviations from Raoult's law. Within experimental error, excess Gibbs energy of mixing for the FeTiO3-NiTiO3 solid solution at 1273 K is a symmetric function of composition and can be represented as: Delta G(E) = 8590 (+/- 200) X-FeTiO3 X-NiTiO3 J/mol Full spectrum of tie-lines and oxygen potentials for the three-phase equilibrium involving Fe-Ni alloys, FeTiO3-NiTiO3 solid solutions, and TiO2 at 1273 K were computed using results obtained in this study and data available in the literature.


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A graph is said to be k-variegated if its vertex set can be partitioned into k equal parts such that each vertex is adjacent to exactly one vertex from every other part not containing it. Bednarek and Sanders [1] posed the problem of characterizing k-variegated graphs. V.N. Bhat-Nayak, S.A. Choudum and R.N. Naik [2] gave the characterization of 2-variegated graphs. In this paper we characterize k-variegated graphs for k greater-or-equal, slanted 3.


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A locked high-pressure cell with working pressure range up to 10 kbars suitable for low-temperature studies to 77 K has been described. It can be used for both EPR and NMR studies of single crystals (and other solid samples). The high-pressure seal and all other aspects of the cell remain the same for either application. Only a change of the bottom plug is required for a switch from a nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) to an electron-paramagnetic-resonance (EPR) experiment. Details of the procedure for the calibration of pressure inside the cell at various temperatures are discussed. The performance of the cell in EPR (Cr3+ion) and NMR (27Al nucleus) studies is reported.


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The effect of a magnetic field on the flow and oxygenation of an incompressible Newtonian conducting fluid in channels with irregular boundaries has been investigated. The geometric parameter δ, which is a ratio of the mean half width of the channel d to the characteristic length λ along the channel over which the significant changes in the flow quantities occur, has been used for perturbing the governing equations. Closed form solutions of the various order equations are presented for the stream function. The equations for oxygen partial pressure remain nonlinear even after perturbation, therefore a numerical solution is presented. The expressions for shear stress at a wall and pressure distributions are derived. Here the separation in the flow occurs at a higher Reynolds number than the corresponding non-magnetic case. It is found that the magnetic field has an effect on local oxygen concentration but has a little effect on the saturation length.


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The design and fabrication of a spool valve for a two-stage Gifford-McMahon cycle cryorefrigerator is described. The effect of this valve on the P-V diagram and practical methods of reducing the P-V degradation are also discussed.