125 resultados para Intensity fluctuations


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The fatigue and fracture performance of a cracked plate can be substantially improved by providing patches as reinforcements. The effectiveness of the patches is related to the reduction they cause in the stress intensity factor (SIF) of the crack. So, for reliable design, one needs an accurate evaluation of the SIF in terms of the crack, patch and adhesive parameters. In this investigation, a centrally cracked large plate with a pair of symmetric bonded narrow patches, oriented normally to the crack line, is analysed by a continuum approach. The narrow patches are treated as transversely flexible line members. The formulation leads to an integral equation which is solved numerically using point collocation. The convergence is rapid. It is found that substantial reductions in SIF are possible with practicable patch dimensions and locations. The patch is more effective when placed on the crack than ahead of the crack. The present analysis indicates that a little distance inwards of the crack tip, not the crack tip itself, is the ideal location, for the patch.


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The structural integrity of any member subjected to a load gets impaired due to the presence of cracks or crack-like defects. The notch severity is one of the several parameters that promotes the brittle fracture. The most severe one is an ideal crack with infinitesimal width and infinitesimal or zero root radius. Though analytical investigations can handle an ideal crack, experimental work, either to validate the analytical conclusions or to impose the bounds, needs to be carried out on models or specimens containing the cracks which are far from the ideal ones. Thus instead of an ideal crack with infinitesimal width the actual model will have a slot or a slit of finite width and instead of a crack ending in zero root radius, the model contains a slot having a finite root radius. Another factor of great significance at the root is the notch angle along which the transition from the slot to the root takes place. This paper is concerned with the photoelastic determination of the notch stress intensity factor in the case of a “crack” subjected to Mode 1 deformation.


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We discuss the effect of fluctuations of the random potential in directions transverse to the current flow in a modified Migdal-Kadanoff approach to probabilistic scaling of conductance with size L, in d-dimensional metallic systems. The conductance cumulants are finite and vary as Ld−1−n for n greater-or-equal, slanted 2 i.e. conductance fluctuations are constant for d = 3. The mean conductance has a non-classical correction with Image Full-size image (<1K) for d greater-or-equal, slanted 2. The form of the higher cumulants is strongly influenced by the transverse potential fluctuations and may be compared with the results of perturbative diagrammatic approaches.


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IN the last two decades, the instantaneous structure of a turbulent boundary layer has been examined by many in an effort to understand the dynamics of the flow. Distinct and well-defined flow patterns that seem to have great relevance to the turbulence production mechanism have been observed in the wall region.1'2 The flow near the wall is intermittent with periodic eruptions of the fluid, a phenomenon generally termed "bursting process." Earlier investigations in this field were limited to liquid flows at low speeds and the entire flowpattern was observed using flow visualization techniques.Study was later extended to boundary-layer flows in windtunnels at higher speeds and Reynolds numbers using hot-wiresignals for the analysis of the bursting phenomenon.


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The coalescence of nearly rigid liquid droplets in a turbulent flow field is viewed as the drainage of a thin film of liquid under the action of a stochastic force representing the effect of turbulence. The force squeezing the drop pair is modelled as a correlated random function of time. The drops are assumed to coalesce once the film thickness becomes smaller than a critical thickness while they are regarded as separated if their distance of separation is larger than a prescribed distance. A semi-analytical solution is derived to determine the coalescence efficiency. The veracity of the solution procedure is established via a Monte-Carlo solution scheme. The model predicts a reversing trend of the dependence of the coalescence efficiency on the drop radii, the film liquid viscosity and the turbulence energy dissipation per unit mass, as the relative fluctuation increases. However, the dependence on physical parameters is weak (especially at high relative fluctuation) so that for the smallest droplets (which are nearly rigid) the coalescence efficiency may be treated as an empirical constant. The predictions of this model are compared with those of a white-noise force model. The results of this paper and those in Muralidhar and Ramkrishna (1986, Ind. Engng Chem. Fundam. 25, 554-56) suggest that dynamic drop deformation is the key factor that influences the coalescence efficiency.


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Marked changes in the LVV/LMV and LVV/LMM Auger intensity ratios of Co, Ni and Cu are observed on depositing Al on their surfaces. These changes, ascribed to charge-transfer or hybridization effects, are accompanied by changes in the intensity of the satellites next to the core levels of the transition metals.


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A novel method is proposed to treat the problem of the random resistance of a strictly one-dimensional conductor with static disorder. For the probability distribution of the transfer matrix R of the conductor we propose a distribution of maximum information entropy, constrained by the following physical requirements: (1) flux conservation, (2) time-reversal invariance, and (3) scaling with the length of the conductor of the two lowest cumulants of ω, where R=exp(iω→⋅Jbhat). The preliminary results discussed in the text are in qualitative agreement with those obtained by sophisticated microscopic theories.


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This paper reports an experimental investigation carried out, using the photoelastic technique, to determine the Mode I stress intensity factor in case of cracks of varying a/w ratio in single edge-notch specimens. The photoelastic information was analysed using the several methods proposed by earlier workers. The experimental results are compared with the analytical expressions.


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Placzek [1] was the first to derive general expressions for the intensities of overtones in case of Raman scattering. He assumed electrical anharmonicity. However, he left the expressions for the derivations of the polarizability tensor undetermined. In 1941, a classical and semiempirical theory was developed by Wolkenstein [2]. He assumed the validity of the additivity of bond polarizabilities. However, the expressions derived by him for the intensities of overtones remain yet to be verified. It is the purpose of this paper to derive a formula for Raman polarizability tensor for overtones of (intramolecular) vibrational spectra along the lines of Kondilenko et al. [3,4].


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The driven state of a well-ordered flux line lattice in a single crystal of 2H-NbSe2 in the time domain has revealed the presence of substantial fluctuations in velocity, with large and distinct time periods (similar to seconds). A superposition of a periodic drive in the driven vortex lattice causes distinct changes in these fluctuations. We propose that prior to the onset of the peak effect there exists a heretofore unexplored regime of coherent dynamics, with unexpected behavior in velocity fluctuations.


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We obtained the images of the eastern part of the solar corona in the Fe xiv 530.3 nm (green) and Fe x 637.4 nm (red) coronal emission lines during the total solar eclipse of 29 March 2006 at Manavgat, Antalya, Turkey. The images were obtained using a 35 cm Meade telescope equipped with a Peltier-cooled 2k x 2k CCD and 0.3 nm pass-band interference filters at the rates of 2.95 s (exposure times of 100 ms) and 2.0 s (exposure times of 300 ms) in the Fe xiv and Fe x emission lines,respectively. The analysis of the data indicates intensity variations at some locations with period of strongest power around 27 s for the green line and 20 s for the red line. These results confirm earlier findings of variations in the continuum intensity with periods in the range of 5 to 56 s by Singh et al. (Solar Phys. 170, 235, 1997). The wavelet analysis has been used to identify significant intensity oscillations at all pixels within our field of view. Significant oscillations with high probability estimates were detected for some locations only. These locations seem to follow the boundary of an active region and in the neighborhood, rather than within the loops themselves. These intensity oscillations may be caused by fast magneto-sonic waves in the solar corona and partly account for heating of the plasma in the corona.


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The concept of domain integral used extensively for J integral has been applied in this work for the formulation of J(2) integral for linear elastic bimaterial body containing a crack at the interface and subjected to thermal loading. It is shown that, in the presence of thermal stresses, the J(k) domain integral over a closed path, which does not enclose singularities, is a function of temperature and body force. A method is proposed to compute the stress intensity factors for bimaterial interface crack subjected to thermal loading by combining this domain integral with the J(k) integral. The proposed method is validated by solving standard problems with known solutions.


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Coherently moving flocks of birds, beasts, or bacteria are examples of living matter with spontaneous orientational order. How do these systems differ from thermal equilibrium systems with such liquid crystalline order? Working with a fluidized monolayer of macroscopic rods in the nematic liquid crystalline phase, we find giant number fluctuations consistent with a standard deviation growing linearly with the mean, in contrast to any situation where the central limit theorem applies. These fluctuations are long-lived, decaying only as a logarithmic function of time. This shows that flocking, coherent motion, and large-scale inhomogeneity can appear in a system in which particles do not communicate except by contact.


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The properties of the generalized survival probability, that is, the probability of not crossing an arbitrary location R during relaxation, have been investigated experimentally (via scanning tunneling microscope observations) and numerically. The results confirm that the generalized survival probability decays exponentially with a time constant tau(s)(R). The distance dependence of the time constant is shown to be tau(s)(R)=tau(s0)exp[-R/w(T)], where w(2)(T) is the material-dependent mean-squared width of the step fluctuations. The result reveals the dependence on the physical parameters of the system inherent in the prior prediction of the time constant scaling with R/L-alpha, with L the system size and alpha the roughness exponent. The survival behavior is also analyzed using a contrasting concept, the generalized inside survival S-in(t,R), which involves fluctuations to an arbitrary location R further from the average. Numerical simulations of the inside survival probability also show an exponential time dependence, and the extracted time constant empirically shows (R/w)(lambda) behavior, with lambda varying over 0.6 to 0.8 as the sampling conditions are changed. The experimental data show similar behavior, and can be well fit with lambda=1.0 for T=300 K, and 0.5


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In this paper, we report a systematic study of low frequency 1∕fα resistance fluctuation in thin metal films (Ag on Si) at different stages of damage process when the film is subjected to high current stressing. The resistance fluctuation (noise) measurement was carried out in situ using a small ac bias that has been mixed with the dc stressing current. The experiment has been carried out as a function of temperature in the range of 150–350 K. The experiment establishes that the current stressed film, as it undergoes damage due to various migration forces, develops an additional low-frequency noise spectral power that does not have the usual 1∕f spectral shape. The magnitude of extra term has an activated temperature dependence (activation energy of ≈0.1 eV) and has a 1∕f1.5 spectral dependence. The activation energy is the same as seen from the temperature dependence of the lifetime of the film. The extra 1∕f1.5 spectral power changes the spectral shape of the noise power as the damage process progress. The extra term likely arising from diffusion starts in the early stage of the migration process during current stressing and is noticeable much before any change can be detected in simultaneous resistance measurements. The experiment carried out over a large temperature range establish a strong correlation between the evolution of the migration process in a current stressed film and the low-frequency noise component that is not a 1∕f noise.