25 resultados para Image analysis


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The Australia Telescope Low-brightness Survey (ATLBS) regions have been mosaic imaged at a radio frequency of 1.4 GHz with 6 `' angular resolution and 72 mu Jy beam(-1) rms noise. The images (centered at R. A. 00(h)35(m)00(s), decl. -67 degrees 00'00 `' and R. A. 00(h)59(m)17(s), decl. -67.00'00 `', J2000 epoch) cover 8.42 deg(2) sky area and have no artifacts or imaging errors above the image thermal noise. Multi-resolution radio and optical r-band images (made using the 4 m CTIO Blanco telescope) were used to recognize multi-component sources and prepare a source list; the detection threshold was 0.38 mJy in a low-resolution radio image made with beam FWHM of 50 `'. Radio source counts in the flux density range 0.4-8.7 mJy are estimated, with corrections applied for noise bias, effective area correction, and resolution bias. The resolution bias is mitigated using low-resolution radio images, while effects of source confusion are removed by using high-resolution images for identifying blended sources. Below 1 mJy the ATLBS counts are systematically lower than the previous estimates. Showing no evidence for an upturn down to 0.4 mJy, they do not require any changes in the radio source population down to the limit of the survey. The work suggests that automated image analysis for counts may be dependent on the ability of the imaging to reproduce connecting emission with low surface brightness and on the ability of the algorithm to recognize sources, which may require that source finding algorithms effectively work with multi-resolution and multi-wavelength data. The work underscores the importance of using source lists-as opposed to component lists-and correcting for the noise bias in order to precisely estimate counts close to the image noise and determine the upturn at sub-mJy flux density.


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Automated image segmentation techniques are useful tools in biological image analysis and are an essential step in tracking applications. Typically, snakes or active contours are used for segmentation and they evolve under the influence of certain internal and external forces. Recently, a new class of shape-specific active contours have been introduced, which are known as Snakuscules and Ovuscules. These contours are based on a pair of concentric circles and ellipses as the shape templates, and the optimization is carried out by maximizing a contrast function between the outer and inner templates. In this paper, we present a unified approach to the formulation and optimization of Snakuscules and Ovuscules by considering a specific form of affine transformations acting on a pair of concentric circles. We show how the parameters of the affine transformation may be optimized for, to generate either Snakuscules or Ovuscules. Our approach allows for a unified formulation and relies only on generic regularization terms and not shape-specific regularization functions. We show how the calculations of the partial derivatives may be made efficient thanks to the Green's theorem. Results on synthesized as well as real data are presented.


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We address the problem of detecting cells in biological images. The problem is important in many automated image analysis applications. We identify the problem as one of clustering and formulate it within the framework of robust estimation using loss functions. We show how suitable loss functions may be chosen based on a priori knowledge of the noise distribution. Specifically, in the context of biological images, since the measurement noise is not Gaussian, quadratic loss functions yield suboptimal results. We show that by incorporating the Huber loss function, cells can be detected robustly and accurately. To initialize the algorithm, we also propose a seed selection approach. Simulation results show that Huber loss exhibits better performance compared with some standard loss functions. We also provide experimental results on confocal images of yeast cells. The proposed technique exhibits good detection performance even when the signal-to-noise ratio is low.


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This paper presents a new hierarchical clustering algorithm for crop stage classification using hyperspectral satellite image. Amongst the multiple benefits and uses of remote sensing, one of the important application is to solve the problem of crop stage classification. Modern commercial imaging satellites, owing to their large volume of satellite imagery, offer greater opportunities for automated image analysis. Hence, we propose a unsupervised algorithm namely Hierarchical Artificial Immune System (HAIS) of two steps: splitting the cluster centers and merging them. The high dimensionality of the data has been reduced with the help of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The classification results have been compared with K-means and Artificial Immune System algorithms. From the results obtained, we conclude that the proposed hierarchical clustering algorithm is accurate.


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Approximate Nearest Neighbour Field maps are commonly used by computer vision and graphics community to deal with problems like image completion, retargetting, denoising, etc. In this paper, we extend the scope of usage of ANNF maps to medical image analysis, more specifically to optic disk detection in retinal images. In the analysis of retinal images, optic disk detection plays an important role since it simplifies the segmentation of optic disk and other retinal structures. The proposed approach uses FeatureMatch, an ANNF algorithm, to find the correspondence between a chosen optic disk reference image and any given query image. This correspondence provides a distribution of patches in the query image that are closest to patches in the reference image. The likelihood map obtained from the distribution of patches in query image is used for optic disk detection. The proposed approach is evaluated on five publicly available DIARETDB0, DIARETDB1, DRIVE, STARE and MESSIDOR databases, with total of 1540 images. We show, experimentally, that our proposed approach achieves an average detection accuracy of 99% and an average computation time of 0.2 s per image. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the present work, a cooling channel is employed to produce semi-solid A356 alloy slurry. To understand the transport process involved, a 3D non-isothermal, multiphase volume averaging model has been developed for simulation of the semi-solid slurry generation process in the cooling channel. For simulation purpose, the three phases considered are the parent melt, the nearly spherical grains and air as separated but highly coupled interpenetrating continua. The conservation equations of mass, momentum, energy and species have been solved for each phase and the thermal and mechanical interactions (drag force) among the phases have been considered using appropriate model. The superheated liquid alloy is poured at the top of the cooling slope/channel, where specified velocity inlet boundary condition is used in the model, and allowed to flow along gravity through the channel. The melt loses its superheat and becomes semisolid up to the end of cooling channel due to the evolving -Al grains with decreasing temperature. The air phase forms a definable air/liquid melt interface, i.e. free surface, due its low density. The results obtained from the present model includes volume fractions of three different phases considered, grain evolution, grain growth rate, size and distribution of solid grains. The effect of key process variables such as pouring temperature, slope angle of the cooling channel and cooling channel wall temperature on temperature distribution, velocity distribution, grain formation and volume fraction of different phases are also studied. The results obtained from the simulations are validated by microstructure study using SEM and quantitative image analysis of the semi-solid slurry microstructure obtained from the experimental set-up.


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This paper reports on an experimental study on the ploughing or orthogonal cutting in sand. Plane strain cutting or ploughing experiments were carried out on model Ottawa sand while being imaged at high resolution. The images obtained were further processed using image analysis and the evolution of the velocity and deformation fields were obtained from these analysis. The deformation fields show the presence of a clear shear zone in which the sand accrues deformation. A net change in the direction of the velocity of the sand is also clearly visible. The effective depth of cut of the sand also increases with continuous cutting as the sand reposes on itself. This deformation mechanics at the incipient stages of cutting is similar to that observed in metal cutting.


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In the present study, a detailed visualization of the transport of fuel film has been performed in a small carburetted engine with a transparent manifold at the exit of the carburettor. The presence of fuel film is observed significantly on the lower half of the manifold at idling, while at load conditions, the film is found to be distributed all throughout the manifold walls. Quantitative measurement of the fuel film in a specially-designed manifold of square cross section has also been performed using the planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) technique. The measured fuel film thickness is observed to be of the order of 1 nun at idling, and in the range of 0.1 to 0.4 mm over the range of load and speed studied. These engine studies are complemented by experiments conducted in a carburettor rig to study the state of the fuel exiting the carburettor. Laser-based Particle/Droplet Image Analysis (PDIA) technique is used to identify fuel droplets and ligaments and estimate droplet diameters. At a throttle position corresponding to idling, the fuel exiting the carburettor is found to consist of very fine droplets of size less than 15 mu m and large fuel ligaments associated with length scales of the order of 500 mu m and higher. For a constant pressure difference across the carburettor, the fuel consists of droplets with an SMD of the order of 30 mu m. Also, the effect of liquid fuel film on the cold start HC emissions is studied. Based on the understanding obtained from these studies, strategies such as manifold heating and varying carburettor main jet nozzle diameter are implemented. These are observed to reduce emissions under both idling and varying load conditions.


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Acidic region streaking (ARS) is one of the lacunae in two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) of bacterial proteome. This streaking is primarily caused by nucleic acid (NuA) contamination and poses major problem in the downstream processes like image analysis and protein identification. Although cleanup and nuclease digestion are practiced as remedial options, these strategies may incur loss in protein recovery and perform incomplete removal of NuA. As a result, ARS has remained a common observation across publications, including the recent ones. In this work, we demonstrate how ultrasound wave can be used to shear NuA in plain ice-cooled water, facilitating the elimination of ARS in the 2DE gels without the need for any additional sample cleanup tasks. In combination with a suitable buffer recipe, IEF program and frequent paper-wick changing approach, we are able to reproducibly demonstrate the production of clean 2DE gels with improved protein recovery and negligible or no ARS. We illustrate our procedure using whole cell protein extracts from two diverse organisms, Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium smegmatis. Our designed protocols are straightforward and expected to provide good 2DE gels without ARS, with comparable times and significantly lower cost.


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This paper investigates the effect of particle size of sand and the surface asperities of reinforcing material on their interlocking mechanism and its influence on the interfacial shear strength under direct sliding condition. Three sands of different sizes with similar morphological characteristics and four different types of reinforcing materials with different surface features were used in this study. Interface direct shear tests on these materials were performed in a specially developed symmetric loading interface direct shear test setup. Morphological characteristics of sand particles were determined from digital image analysis and the surface roughness of the reinforcing materials was measured using an analytical expression developed for this purpose. Interface direct shear tests at three different normal stresses were carried out by shearing the sand on the reinforcing material fixed to a smooth surface. Test results revealed that the peak interfacial friction and dilation angles are hugely dependent upon the interlocking between the sand particles and the asperities of reinforcing material, which in turn depends on the relative size of sand particles and asperities. Asperity ratio (AS/D-50) of interlocking materials, which is defined as the ratio of asperity spacing of the reinforcing material and the mean particle size of sand was found to govern the interfacial shear strength with highest interfacial strength measured when the asperity ratio was equal to one, which represents the closest fitting of sand particles into the asperities. It was also understood that the surface roughness of the reinforcing material influences the shear strength to an extent, the influence being more pronounced in coarser particles. Shear bands in the interface shear tests were analysed through image segmentation technique and it was observed that the ratio of shear band thickness (t) to the median particle size (D-50) was maximum when the AS/D-50 was equal to one. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.