26 resultados para Hilbert-Smith Conjecture


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We associate a sheaf model to a class of Hilbert modules satisfying a natural finiteness condition. It is obtained as the dual to a linear system of Hermitian vector spaces (in the sense of Grothendieck). A refined notion of curvature is derived from this construction leading to a new unitary invariant for the Hilbert module. A division problem with bounds, originating in Douady's privilege, is related to this framework. A series of concrete computations illustrate the abstract concepts of the paper.


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Hilbert C*-module valued coherent states was introduced earlier by Ali, Bhattacharyya and Shyam Roy. We consider the case when the underlying C*-algebra is a W*-algebra. The construction is similar with a substantial gain. The associated reproducing kernel is now algebra valued, rather than taking values in the space of bounded linear operators between two C*-algebras.


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Berge's elegant dipath partition conjecture from 1982 states that in a dipath partition P of the vertex set of a digraph minimizing , there exists a collection Ck of k disjoint independent sets, where each dipath P?P meets exactly min{|P|, k} of the independent sets in C. This conjecture extends Linial's conjecture, the GreeneKleitman Theorem and Dilworth's Theorem for all digraphs. The conjecture is known to be true for acyclic digraphs. For general digraphs, it is known for k=1 by the GallaiMilgram Theorem, for k?? (where ?is the number of vertices in the longest dipath in the graph), by the GallaiRoy Theorem, and when the optimal path partition P contains only dipaths P with |P|?k. Recently, it was proved (Eur J Combin (2007)) for k=2. There was no proof that covers all the known cases of Berge's conjecture. In this article, we give an algorithmic proof of a stronger version of the conjecture for acyclic digraphs, using network flows, which covers all the known cases, except the case k=2, and the new, unknown case, of k=?-1 for all digraphs. So far, there has been no proof that unified all these cases. This proof gives hope for finding a proof for all k.


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Let M be the completion of the polynomial ring C(z) under bar] with respect to some inner product, and for any ideal I subset of C (z) under bar], let I] be the closure of I in M. For a homogeneous ideal I, the joint kernel of the submodule I] subset of M is shown, after imposing some mild conditions on M, to be the linear span of the set of vectors {p(i)(partial derivative/partial derivative(w) over bar (1),...,partial derivative/partial derivative(w) over bar (m)) K-I] (., w)vertical bar(w=0), 1 <= i <= t}, where K-I] is the reproducing kernel for the submodule 2] and p(1),..., p(t) is some minimal ``canonical set of generators'' for the ideal I. The proof includes an algorithm for constructing this canonical set of generators, which is determined uniquely modulo linear relations, for homogeneous ideals. A short proof of the ``Rigidity Theorem'' using the sheaf model for Hilbert modules over polynomial rings is given. We describe, via the monoidal transformation, the construction of a Hermitian holomorphic line bundle for a large class of Hilbert modules of the form I]. We show that the curvature, or even its restriction to the exceptional set, of this line bundle is an invariant for the unitary equivalence class of I]. Several examples are given to illustrate the explicit computation of these invariants.


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The analytic signal (AS) was proposed by Gabor as a complex signal corresponding to a given real signal. The AS has a one-sided spectrum and gives rise to meaningful spectral averages. The Hilbert transform (HT) is a key component in Gabor's AS construction. We generalize the construction methodology by employing the fractional Hilbert transform (FrHT), without going through the standard fractional Fourier transform (FrFT) route. We discuss some properties of the fractional Hilbert operator and show how decomposition of the operator in terms of the identity and the standard Hilbert operators enables the construction of a family of analytic signals. We show that these analytic signals also satisfy Bedrosian-type properties and that their time-frequency localization properties are unaltered. We also propose a generalized-phase AS (GPAS) using a generalized-phase Hilbert transform (GPHT). We show that the GPHT shares many properties of the FrHT, in particular, selective highlighting of singularities, and a connection with Lie groups. We also investigate the duality between analyticity and causality concepts to arrive at a representation of causal signals in terms of the FrHT and GPHT. On the application front, we develop a secure multi-key single-sideband (SSB) modulation scheme and analyze its performance in noise and sensitivity to security key perturbations. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sign changes of Fourier coefficients of various modular forms have been studied. In this paper, we analyze some sign change properties of Fourier coefficients of Hilbert modular forms, under the assumption that all the coefficients are real. The quantitative results on the number of sign changes in short intervals are also discussed. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We consider the problem of parameter estimation from real-valued multi-tone signals. Such problems arise frequently in spectral estimation. More recently, they have gained new importance in finite-rate-of-innovation signal sampling and reconstruction. The annihilating filter is a key tool for parameter estimation in these problems. The standard annihilating filter design has to be modified to result in accurate estimation when dealing with real sinusoids, particularly because the real-valued nature of the sinusoids must be factored into the annihilating filter design. We show that the constraint on the annihilating filter can be relaxed by making use of the Hilbert transform. We refer to this approach as the Hilbert annihilating filter approach. We show that accurate parameter estimation is possible by this approach. In the single-tone case, the mean-square error performance increases by 6 dB for signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) greater than 0 dB. We also present experimental results in the multi-tone case, which show that a significant improvement (about 6 dB) is obtained when the parameters are close to 0 or pi. In the mid-frequency range, the improvement is about 2 to 3 dB.


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Let C be a smooth irreducible projective curve of genus g and L a line bundle of degree d generated by a linear subspace V of H-0 (L) of dimension n+1. We prove a conjecture of D. C. Butler on the semistability of the kernel of the evaluation map V circle times O-C -> L and obtain new results on the stability of this kernel. The natural context for this problem is the theory of coherent systems on curves and our techniques involve wall crossing formulae in this theory.


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The colubrid snake Chrysopelea taprobanica Smith, 1943 was described from a holotype from Kanthali (= Kantalai) and paratypes from Kurunegala, both localities in Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) (Smith 1943). Since its description, literature pertaining to Sri Lankan snake fauna considered this taxon to be endemic to the island (Taylor 1950, Deraniyagala 1955, de Silva 1980, de Silva 1990, Somaweera 2004, Somaweera 2006, de Silva 2009, Pyron et al. 2013). In addition, earlier efforts on the Indian peninsula (e.g. Das 1994, 1997, Das 2003, Whitaker & Captain 2004, Aengals et al. 2012) and global data compilations (e.g. Wallach et al. 2014, Uetz & Hošek 2015) did not identify any record from mainland India until Guptha et al. (2015) recorded a specimen (voucher BLT 076 housed at Bio-Lab of Seshachalam Hills, Tirupathi, India) in the dry deciduous forest of Chamala, Seshachalam Biosphere Reserve in Andhra Pradesh, India in November 2013. Guptha et al. (2015) further mentioned an individual previously photographed in 2000 at Rishi Valley, Andhra Pradesh, but with no voucher specimen collected. Guptha’s record, assumed to be the first confirmed record of C. taprobanica in India, is noteworthy as it results in a large range extension, from northern Sri Lanka to eastern India with an Euclidean distance of over 400 km, as well as a change of status, i.e., species not endemic to Sri Lanka. However, at least three little-known previous records of this species from India evaded most literature and were overlooked by the researchers including ourselves.


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Schur 4] conjectured that the maximum length N of consecutive quadratic nonresidues modulo a prime p is less than root p if p is large enough. This was proved by Hummel in 2003. In this note, we outline a clear improvement over Hummel's bound for p > 23.


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Schur 4] conjectured that the maximum length N of consecutive quadratic nonresidues modulo a prime p is less than root p if p is large enough. This was proved by Hummel in 2003. In this note, we outline a clear improvement over Hummel's bound for p > 23.