25 resultados para Hermite


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The growth rates of the hydrodynamic modes in the homogeneous sheared state of a granular material are determined by solving the Boltzmann equation. The steady velocity distribution is considered to be the product of the Maxwell Boltzmann distribution and a Hermite polynomial expansion in the velocity components; this form is inserted into them Boltzmann equation and solved to obtain the coeificients of the terms in the expansion. The solution is obtained using an expansion in the parameter epsilon =(1 - e)(1/2), and terms correct to epsilon(4) are retained to obtain an approximate solution; the error due to the neglect of higher terms is estimated at about 5% for e = 0.7. A small perturbation is placed on the distribution function in the form of a Hermite polynomial expansion for the velocity variations and a Fourier expansion in the spatial coordinates: this is inserted into the Boltzmann equation and the growth rate of the Fourier modes is determined. It is found that in the hydrodynamic limit, the growth rates of the hydrodynamic modes in the flow direction have unusual characteristics. The growth rate of the momentum diffusion mode is positive, indicating that density variations are unstable in the limit k--> 0, and the growth rate increases proportional to kslash} k kslash}(2/3) in the limit k --> 0 (in contrast to the k(2) increase in elastic systems), where k is the wave vector in the flow direction. The real and imaginary parts of the growth rate corresponding to the propagating also increase proportional to kslash k kslash(2/3) (in contrast to the k(2) and k increase in elastic systems). The energy mode is damped due to inelastic collisions between particles. The scaling of the growth rates of the hydrodynamic modes with the wave vector I in the gradient direction is similar to that in elastic systems. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this article we plan to demonstrate the usefulness of `Gutzmer's formula' in the study of various problems related to the Segal-Bargmann transform. Gutzmer's formula is known in several contexts: compact Lie groups, symmetric spaces of compact and noncompact type, Heisenberg groups and Hermite expansions. We apply Gutzmer's formula to study holomorphic Sobolev spaces, local Peter-Weyl theorems, Paley-Wiener theorems and Poisson semigroups.


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This report contains the details of the development of the stiffness matrix for a rectangular laminated anisotropic shallow thin shell finite element. The derivation is done under linear thin shell assumptions. Expressing the assumed displacement state over the middle surface of the shell as products of one-dimensional first-order Hermite interpolation polynomials, it is possible to insure that the displacement state for the assembled set of such elements, to be geometrically admissible. Monotonic convergence of the total potential energy is therefore possible as the modelling is successively refined. The element is systematically evaluated for its performance considering various examples for which analytical or other solutions are available


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Instability of laminated curved composite beams made of repeated sublaminate construction is studied using finite element method. In repeated sublaminate construction, a full laminate is obtained by repeating a basic sublaminate which has a smaller number of plies. This paper deals with the determination of optimum lay-up for buckling by ranking of such composite curved beams (which may be solid or sandwich). For this purpose, use is made of a two-noded, 16 degress of freedom curved composite beam finite element. The displacements u, v, w of the element reference axis are expressed in terms of one-dimensional first-order Hermite interpolation polynomials, and line member assumptions are invoked in formulation of the elastic stiffness matrix and geometric stiffness matrix. The nonlinear expressions for the strains, occurring in beams subjected to axial, flexural and torsional loads, are incorporated in a general instability analysis. The computer program developed has been used, after extensive checking for correctness, to obtain optimum orientation scheme of the plies in the sublaminate so as to achieve maximum buckling load for typical curved solid/sandwich composite beams.


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We study the boundedness of Toeplitz operators on Segal-Bargmann spaces in various contexts. Using Gutzmer's formula as the main tool we identify symbols for which the Toeplitz operators correspond to Fourier multipliers on the underlying groups. The spaces considered include Fock spaces, Hermite and twisted Bergman spaces and Segal-Bargmann spaces associated to Riemannian symmetric spaces of compact type.


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A system of transport equations have been obtained for plasma of electrons and having a background of positive ions in the presence of an electric and magnetic field. The starting kinetic equation is the well-known Landau kinetic equation. The distribution function of the kinetic equation has been expanded in powers of generalized Hermite polynomials and following Grad, a consistent set of transport equations have been obtained. The expressions for viscosity and heat conductivity have been deduced from the transport equation.


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This article deals with the structure of analytic and entire vectors for the Schrodinger representations of the Heisenberg group. Using refined versions of Hardy's theorem and their connection with Hermite expansions we obtain very precise representation theorems for analytic and entire vectors.


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We discuss the analytic extension property of the Schrodinger propagator for the Heisenberg sublaplacian and some related operators. The result for the sublaplacian is proved by interpreting the sublaplacian as a direct integral of an one parameter family of dilated special Hermite operators.


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We characterise higher order Riesz transforms on the Heisenberg group and also show that they satisfy dimension-free bounds under some assumptions on the multipliers. Using transference theorems, we deduce boundedness theorems for Riesz transforms on the reduced Heisenberg group and hence also for the Riesz transforms associated to multiple Hermite and Laguerre expansions.


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In this paper we prove weighted mixed norm estimates for Riesz transforms on the Heisenberg group and Riesz transforms associated to the special Hermite operator. From these results vector-valued inequalities for sequences of Riesz transforms associated to generalised Grushin operators and Laguerre operators are deduced.