47 resultados para Geo-statistical model


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The absorption produced by the audience in concert halls is considered a random variable. Beranek's proposal [L. L. Beranek, Music, Acoustics and Architecture (Wiley, New York, 1962), p. 543] that audience absorption is proportional to the area they occupy and not to their number is subjected to a statistical hypothesis test. A two variable linear regression model of the absorption with audience area and residual area as regressor variables is postulated for concert halls without added absorptive materials. Since Beranek's contention amounts to the statement that audience absorption is independent of the seating density, the test of the hypothesis lies in categorizing halls by seating density and examining for significant differences among slopes of regression planes of the different categories. Such a test shows that Beranek's hypothesis can be accepted. It is also shown that the audience area is a better predictor of the absorption than the audience number. The absorption coefficients and their 95% confidence limits are given for the audience and residual areas. A critique of the regression model is presented.


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The aim of this paper is to construct a nonequilibrium statistical‐mechanics theory to study hysteresis in ferromagnetic systems. We study the hysteretic response of model spin systems to periodic magnetic fields H(t) as a function of the amplitude H0 and frequency Ω. At fixed H0, we find conventional, squarelike hysteresis loops at low Ω, and rounded, roughly elliptical loops at high Ω, in agreement with experiments. For the O(N→∞), d=3, (Φ2)2 model with Langevin dynamics, we find a novel scaling behavior for the area A of the hysteresis loop, of the form A∝H0.660Ω0.33. We carry out a Monte Carlo simulation of the hysteretic response of the two‐dimensional, nearest‐neighbor, ferromagnetic Ising model. These results agree qualitatively with the results obtained for the O(N) model.


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The problem of estimating the time-dependent statistical characteristics of a random dynamical system is studied under two different settings. In the first, the system dynamics is governed by a differential equation parameterized by a random parameter, while in the second, this is governed by a differential equation with an underlying parameter sequence characterized by a continuous time Markov chain. We propose, for the first time in the literature, stochastic approximation algorithms for estimating various time-dependent process characteristics of the system. In particular, we provide efficient estimators for quantities such as the mean, variance and distribution of the process at any given time as well as the joint distribution and the autocorrelation coefficient at different times. A novel aspect of our approach is that we assume that information on the parameter model (i.e., its distribution in the first case and transition probabilities of the Markov chain in the second) is not available in either case. This is unlike most other work in the literature that assumes availability of such information. Also, most of the prior work in the literature is geared towards analyzing the steady-state system behavior of the random dynamical system while our focus is on analyzing the time-dependent statistical characteristics which are in general difficult to obtain. We prove the almost sure convergence of our stochastic approximation scheme in each case to the true value of the quantity being estimated. We provide a general class of strongly consistent estimators for the aforementioned statistical quantities with regular sample average estimators being a specific instance of these. We also present an application of the proposed scheme on a widely used model in population biology. Numerical experiments in this framework show that the time-dependent process characteristics as obtained using our algorithm in each case exhibit excellent agreement with exact results. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A number of neural network models, in which fixed-point and limit-cycle attractors of the underlying dynamics are used to store and associatively recall information, are described. In the first class of models, a hierarchical structure is used to store an exponentially large number of strongly correlated memories. The second class of models uses limit cycles to store and retrieve individual memories. A neurobiologically plausible network that generates low-amplitude periodic variations of activity, similar to the oscillations observed in electroencephalographic recordings, is also described. Results obtained from analytic and numerical studies of the properties of these networks are discussed.


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We calculate analytically the average number of fixed points in the Hopfield model of associative memory when a random antisymmetric part is added to the otherwise symmetric synaptic matrix. Addition of the antisymmetric part causes an exponential decrease in the total number of fixed points. If the relative strength of the antisymmetric component is small, then its presence does not cause any substantial degradation of the quality of retrieval when the memory loading level is low. We also present results of numerical simulations which provide qualitative (as well as quantitative for some aspects) confirmation of the predictions of the analytic study. Our numerical results suggest that the analytic calculation of the average number of fixed points yields the correct value for the typical number of fixed points.


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We use a path-integral approach to calculate the distribution P(w, t) of the fluctuations in the work W at time t of a polymer molecule (modeled as an elastic dumbbell in a viscous solvent) that is acted on by an elongational flow field having a flow rate (gamma) over dot. We find that P(w, t) is non-Gaussian and that, at long times, the ratio P(w, t)/ P (-w, t) is equal to expw/(k(B)T)], independent of (gamma) over dot. On the basis of this finding, we suggest that polymers in elongational flows satisfy a fluctuation theorem.


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The authors present the simulation of the tropical Pacific surface wind variability by a low-resolution (R15 horizontal resolution and 18 vertical levels) version of the Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Interactions, Maryland, general circulation model (GCM) when forced by observed global sea surface temperature. The authors have examined the monthly mean surface winds acid precipitation simulated by the model that was integrated from January 1979 to March 1992. Analyses of the climatological annual cycle and interannual variability over the Pacific are presented. The annual means of the simulated zonal and meridional winds agree well with observations. The only appreciable difference is in the region of strong trade winds where the simulated zonal winds are about 15%-20% weaker than observed, The amplitude of the annual harmonics are weaker than observed over the intertropical convergence zone and the South Pacific convergence zone regions. The amplitudes of the interannual variation of the simulated zonal and meridional winds are close to those of the observed variation. The first few dominant empirical orthogonal functions (EOF) of the simulated, as well as the observed, monthly mean winds are found to contain a targe amount of high-frequency intraseasonal variations, While the statistical properties of the high-frequency modes, such as their amplitude and geographical locations, agree with observations, their detailed time evolution does not. When the data are subjected to a 5-month running-mean filter, the first two dominant EOFs of the simulated winds representing the low-frequency EI Nino-Southern Oscillation fluctuations compare quite well with observations. However, the location of the center of the westerly anomalies associated with the warm episodes is simulated about 15 degrees west of the observed locations. The model simulates well the progress of the westerly anomalies toward the eastern Pacific during the evolution of a warm event. The simulated equatorial wind anomalies are comparable in magnitude to the observed anomalies. An intercomparison of the simulation of the interannual variability by a few other GCMs with comparable resolution is also presented. The success in simulation of the large-scale low-frequency part of the tropical surface winds by the atmospheric GCM seems to be related to the model's ability to simulate the large-scale low-frequency part of the precipitation. Good correspondence between the simulated precipitation and the highly reflective cloud anomalies is seen in the first two EOFs of the 5-month running means. Moreover, the strong correlation found between the simulated precipitation and the simulated winds in the first two principal components indicates the primary role of model precipitation in driving the surface winds. The surface winds simulated by a linear model forced by the GCM-simulated precipitation show good resemblance to the GCM-simulated winds in the equatorial region. This result supports the recent findings that the large-scale part of the tropical surface winds is primarily linear.


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The nonequilibrium-phase transition has been studied by Monte Carlo simulation in a ferromagnetically interacting (nearest-neighbour) kinetic Ising model in presence of a sinusoidally oscillating magnetic field. The ('specific-heat') temperature derivative of energies (averaged over a full cycle of the oscillating field) diverge near the dynamic transition point.


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The nonequilibrium dynamic phase transition, in the kinetic Ising model in the presence of an oscillating magnetic field has been studied both by Monte Carlo simulation and by solving numerically the mean-field dynamic equation of motion for the average magnetization. In both cases, the Debye ''relaxation'' behavior of the dynamic order parameter has been observed and the ''relaxation time'' is found to diverge near the dynamic transition point. The Debye relaxation of the dynamic order parameter and the power law divergence of the relaxation time have been obtained from a very approximate solution of the mean-field dynamic equation. The temperature variation of appropriately defined ''specific heat'' is studied by the Monte Carlo simulation near the transition point. The specific heat has been observed to diverge near the dynamic transition point.


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The nonequilibrium dynamic phase transition in the kinetic Ising model in the presence of an oscillating magnetic field is studied by Monte Carlo simulation. The fluctuation of the dynamic older parameter is studied as a function of temperature near the dynamic transition point. The temperature variation of appropriately defined ''susceptibility'' is also studied near the dynamic transition point. Similarly, the fluctuation of energy and appropriately defined ''specific heat'' is studied as a function of temperature near the dynamic transition point. In both cases, the fluctuations (of dynamic order parameter and energy) and the corresponding responses diverge (in power law fashion) near the dynamic transition point with similar critical behavior (with identical exponent values).


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The two-phase thermodynamic (2PT) model is used to determine the absolute entropy and energy of carbon dioxide over a wide range of conditions from molecular dynamics trajectories. The 2PT method determines the thermodynamic properties by applying the proper statistical mechanical partition function to the normal modes of a fluid. The vibrational density of state (DoS), obtained from the Fourier transform of the velocity autocorrelation function, converges quickly, allowing the free energy, entropy, and other thermodynamic properties to be determined from short 20-ps MD trajectories. The anharmonic effects in the vibrations are accounted for by the broadening of the normal modes into bands from sampling the velocities over the trajectory. The low frequency diffusive modes, which lead to finite DoS at zero frequency, are accounted for by considering the DoS as a superposition of gas-phase and solid-phase components (two phases). The analytical decomposition of the DoS allows for an evaluation of properties contributed by different types of molecular motions. We show that this 2PT analysis leads to accurate predictions of entropy and energy of CO2 over a wide range of conditions (from the triple point to the critical point of both the vapor and the liquid phases along the saturation line). This allows the equation of state of CO2 to be determined, which is limited only by the accuracy of the force field. We also validated that the 2PT entropy agrees with that determined from thermodynamic integration, but 2PT requires only a fraction of the time. A complication for CO2 is that its equilibrium configuration is linear, which would have only two rotational modes, but during the dynamics it is never exactly linear, so that there is a third mode from rotational about the axis. In this work, we show how to treat such linear molecules in the 2PT framework.


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We perform computer simulations of a Cahn-Hilliard model of phase separation that has dynamical asymmetry between the two coexisting phases. The dynamical asymmetry is incorporated by considering a mobility function that is order parameter dependent. Simulations of this model reveal morphological features similar to those observed in viscoelastic phase separation. In the early stages, the minority phase domains form a percolating structure that shrinks with time, eventually leading to the formation of disconnected regions that are characterized by the presence of random interfaces as well as isolated droplets. The domains grow as L(t)similar to t(1/3) in the very late stages. Although dynamical scaling is violated in the area shrinking regime, it is restored at late times. However, the form of the scaling function is found to depend on the extent of dynamical asymmetry. [S1063-651X(99)12101-9].


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We propose a scheme for the compression of tree structured intermediate code consisting of a sequence of trees specified by a regular tree grammar. The scheme is based on arithmetic coding, and the model that works in conjunction with the coder is automatically generated from the syntactical specification of the tree language. Experiments on data sets consisting of intermediate code trees yield compression ratios ranging from 2.5 to 8, for file sizes ranging from 167 bytes to 1 megabyte.


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With extensive use of dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) there is increasing need for voltage scalable models. Similarly, leakage being very sensitive to temperature motivates the need for a temperature scalable model as well. We characterize standard cell libraries for statistical leakage analysis based on models for transistor stacks. Modeling stacks has the advantage of using a single model across many gates there by reducing the number of models that need to be characterized. Our experiments on 15 different gates show that we needed only 23 models to predict the leakage across 126 input vector combinations. We investigate the use of neural networks for the combined PVT model, for the stacks, which can capture the effect of inter die, intra gate variations, supply voltage(0.6-1.2 V) and temperature (0 - 100degC) on leakage. Results show that neural network based stack models can predict the PDF of leakage current across supply voltage and temperature accurately with the average error in mean being less than 2% and that in standard deviation being less than 5% across a range of voltage, temperature.


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The primary objective of the paper is to make use of statistical digital human model to better understand the nature of reach probability of points in the taskspace. The concept of task-dependent boundary manikin is introduced to geometrically characterize the extreme individuals in the given population who would accomplish the task. For a given point of interest and task, the map of the acceptable variation in anthropometric parameters is superimposed with the distribution of the same parameters in the given population to identify the extreme individuals. To illustrate the concept, the task space mapping is done for the reach probability of human arms. Unlike the boundary manikins, who are completely defined by the population, the dimensions of these manikins will vary with task, say, a point to be reached, as in the present case. Hence they are referred to here as the task-dependent boundary manikins. Simulations with these manikins would help designers to visualize how differently the extreme individuals would perform the task. Reach probability at the points in a 3D grid in the operational space is computed; for objects overlaid in this grid, approximate probabilities are derived from the grid for rendering them with colors indicating the reach probability. The method may also help in providing a rational basis for selection of personnel for a given task.