66 resultados para Gauge boson


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It is shown that the Fayet-Illiopoulos D term in N= 1 supersymmetric spontaneously broken U( 1) gauge theories may get one-loop corrections, even when trace U( 1) charges are zero. However, these corrections are only logarithmically divergent and hence do not affect the naturalness of the theory.


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The one-loop quadratically divergent mass corrections in globally supersymmetric gauge theories with spontaneously broken abelian and non-abelian gauge symmetry are studied. Quadratically divergent mass corrections are found to persist in an abelian model with an ABJ anomaly. However, additional supermultiplets necessary to cancel the ABJ anomaly, turn out to be sufficient to eliminate the quadratic divergences as well, rendering the theory natural. Quadratic divergences are shown to vanish also in the case of an anomaly free model with spontaneously broken non-abelian gauge symmetry.


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We discuss the consistency, unitarity and Lorentz invariance of an anomalous U(1) gauge theory in four dimensions. Our analysis is based on an effective low-energy action valid in the chiral symmetry broken phase. The allegedly bad properties of anomalous theories (except non-renormalizability) are examined. It is shown that, in the low-energy context, the theory can be consistently and unitarily quantised, and is formally Lorentz covariant.


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Some recent developments with respect to the resolution of the gauge hierarchy problem in grand unified theories by supersymmetry are presented. A general argument is developed to show how global supersymmetry maintains the stability of the different mass-scales under perturbative effects.


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In a globally supersymmetric gauge theory with two distinct mass scales, the possible limitation on the gauge hierarchy due to the structure of the loop-corrected Higgs potential is shown to be absent. Also it has been demonstrated that the supersymmetry forces the large corrections to the two-point Greens functions of the light fields from the quadratic divergences and the logarithmic divergences with large coefficients to be zeroseparately. This would, therefore, allow a gauge hierarchy as large as desired.


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It has long been thought that tropical rainfall retrievals from satellites have large errors. Here we show, using a new daily 1 degree gridded rainfall data set based on about 1800 gauges from the India Meteorology Department (IMD), that modern satellite estimates are reasonably close to observed rainfall over the Indian monsoon region. Daily satellite rainfalls from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP 1DD) and the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) are available since 1998. The high summer monsoon (June-September) rain over the Western Ghats and Himalayan foothills is captured in TMPA data. Away from hilly regions, the seasonal mean and intraseasonal variability of rainfall (averaged over regions of a few hundred kilometers linear dimension) from both satellite products are about 15% of observations. Satellite data generally underestimate both the mean and variability of rain, but the phase of intraseasonal variations is accurate. On synoptic timescales, TMPA gives reasonable depiction of the pattern and intensity of torrential rain from individual monsoon low-pressure systems and depressions. A pronounced biennial oscillation of seasonal total central India rain is seen in all three data sets, with GPCP 1DD being closest to IMD observations. The new satellite data are a promising resource for the study of tropical rainfall variability.


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By using the Y(gl(m|n)) super Yangian symmetry of the SU(m|n) supersymmetric Haldane-Shastry spin chain, we show that the partition function of this model satisfies a duality relation under the exchange of bosonic and fermionic spin degrees of freedom. As a byproduct of this study of the duality relation, we find a novel combinatorial formula for the super Schur polynomials associated with some irreducible representations of the Y(gl(m|n)) Yangian algebra. Finally, we reveal an intimate connection between the global SU(m|n) symmetry of a spin chain and the boson-fermion duality relation. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The search and the probe of the fundamental properties of Higgs boson(s) and, in particular, the determination of their charge conjugation and parity (CP) quantum numbers, are the main tasks of future high-energy colliders. We demonstrate that the CP properties of a standard model-like Higgs particle can be unambiguously assessed by measuring just the total cross section and the top polarization in associated Higgs boson production with top quark pairs in e(+)e(-) collisions.


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Vibrational density of states (VDOS) in a supercooled polydisperse liquid is computed by diagonalizing the Hessian matrix evaluated at the potential energy minima for systems with different values of polydispersity. An increase in polydispersity leads to an increase in the relative population of localized high-frequency modes. At low frequencies, the density of states shows an excess compared to the Debye squared-frequency law, which has been identified with the boson peak. The height of the boson peak increases with polydispersity and shows a rather narrow sensitivity to changes in temperature. While the modes comprising the boson peak appear to be largely delocalized, there is a sharp drop in the participation ratio of the modes that exist just below the boson peak indicative of the quasilocalized nature of the low-frequency vibrations. Study of the difference spectrum at two different polydispersity reveals that the increase in the height of boson peak is due to a population shift from modes with frequencies above the maximum in the VDOS to that below the maximum, indicating an increase in the fraction of the unstable modes in the system. The latter is further supported by the facilitation of the observed dynamics by polydispersity. Since the strength of the liquid increases with polydispersity, the present result provides an evidence that the intensity of boson peak correlates positively with the strength of the liquid, as observed earlier in many experimental systems.


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An anomalous gauge theory can be reformulated in a gauge invariant way without any change in its physical content. This is demonstrated here for the exactly soluble chiral Schwinger model. Our gauge invariant version is very different from the Faddeev-Shatashvili proposal [L.D. Faddeev and S.L. Shatashvili, Theor. Math. Phys. 60 (1984) 206] and involves no additional gauge-group-valued fields. The status of the "gauge" A0=0 sometimes used in anomalous theories is also discussed and justified in our reformulation.


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An anomalous multiflavor chiral theory, with the gauge group SU(N), is studied using non-Abelian bosonization. The theory can be made gauge invariant by introducing Wess-Zumino fields and it is particularly simple if the Jackiw-Rajaraman parameter equals 2. In the strong-coupling limit, the low-energy effective theory only contains light unconfined fermions which interact weakly.


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A new fiber bundle approach to the gauge theory of a group G that involves space‐time symmetries as well as internal symmetries is presented. The ungauged group G is regarded as the group of left translations on a fiber bundle G(G/H,H), where H is a closed subgroup and G/H is space‐time. The Yang–Mills potential is the pullback of the Maurer–Cartan form and the Yang–Mills fields are zero. More general diffeomorphisms on the bundle space are then identified as the appropriate gauged generalizations of the left translations, and the Yang–Mills potential is identified as the pullback of the dual of a certain kind of vielbein on the group manifold. The Yang–Mills fields include a torsion on space‐time.


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We establish the Poincaré invariance of anomalous gauge theories in two dimensions, for both the Abelian and non-Abelian cases, in the canonical Hamiltonian formalism. It is shown that, despite the noncovariant appearance of the constraints of these theories, Poincaré generators can be constructed which obey the correct algebra and yield the correct transformations in the constrained space.