53 resultados para GTP-Binding Proteins


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A simple, rapid and efficient procedure for the purification of thiamin-binding protein from chicken egg yolk was developed. The method involved removal, by exclusion, of lipoproteins from DEAE-cellulose and subsequent elution of water-soluble proteins held on the ion-exchanger with 1 M-NaCl, followed by treatment of the eluted protein fraction with an aqueous suspension of dextran/charcoal to generate apoprotein from the holoprotein. The resultant protein fraction was subjected to bioaffinity chromatography on thiamin pyrophosphate--AE (aminoethyl)-Sepharose. The protein eluted specifically with 10 microM-thiamin at pH 7.0, was homogeneous by the criteria of polyacrylamide-gel disc electrophoresis, had a mol.wt. of 38 000 +/- 2000 and was not a glycoprotein. The purified thiamin-binding protein specifically interacted with riboflavin-binding protein with no detectable deleterious affect on its (14C)thiamin-binding capacity. The protein bound [14C]thiamin with a molar ratio of 1.0, with dissociation constant (Kd) 0.41 microM. This protein-ligand interaction was inhibited by thiamin analogues and antagonists. The absorption spectrum of the protein in the presence of thiamin exhibited significant hypochromism at the 278 nm band, indicating the involvement of aromatic amino acid residues of the protein, during its binding to the ligand. The protein cross-reacted with the monospecific antiserum to egg-white thiamin-binding protein, showing thereby that thiamin-binding proteins present in chicken egg yolk and white are the products of the same structural gene.


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A specific radioimmunoassay procedure was developed to monitor the plasma concentrations of thiamin-binding protein, a minor yolk constituent of the chicken egg. By using this sensitive assay, the kinetics of oestrogen-induced elaboration of this specific protein in immature chicks was investigated. After a single injection of the steroid hormone, with an initial lag period of 4–5h the thiamin-binding protein rapidly accumulated in the plasma, attaining peak concentrations around 75h and declining thereafter. A 4-fold amplification of the response was noticed during the secondary stimulation, and this increased to 9-fold during the tertiary stimulation with the steroid hormone. The magnitude of the response was dependent on the hormone dose, and the initial latent period and the duration of the ascending phase of induction were unchanged for the hormonal doses tested during both the primary and secondary stimulations. The circulatory half-life of the protein was 6h as calculated from the measurement of the rate of disappearance of the exogenously administered 125I-labelled protein. Simultaneous administration of progesterone, dihydrotestosterone or corticosterone did not alter the pattern of induction. On the other hand, hyperthyroidism markedly decreased the oestrogenic response, whereas propylthiouracil-induced hypothyroidism had the opposite effect. The anti-oestrogen E- and Z-clomiphene citrates, administered 30min before oestrogen, effectively blocked the hormonal induction. α-Amanitin and cycloheximide administered along with or shortly after the sex steroid severely curtailed the protein elaboration. A comparison of the kinetics of induction of thiamin- and riboflavin-binding proteins by oestrogen revealed that, beneath an apparent similarity, a clear-cut difference exists between the two vitamin-binding proteins, particularly with regard to hormonal dose-dependent sensitivity of induction and the half-life in circulation. The steroid-mediated elaboration of the two yolk proteins thus appears to be not strictly co-ordinated, despite several common regulatory features underlying their induction.


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It is known that DNA-binding proteins can slide along the DNA helix while searching for specific binding sites, but their path of motion remains obscure. Do these proteins undergo simple one-dimensional (1D) translational diffusion, or do they rotate to maintain a specific orientation with respect to the DNA helix? We measured 1D diffusion constants as a function of protein size while maintaining the DNA-protein interface. Using bootstrap analysis of single-molecule diffusion data, we compared the results to theoretical predictions for pure translational motion and rotation-coupled sliding along the DNA. The data indicate that DNA-binding proteins undergo rotation-coupled sliding along the DNA helix and can be described by a model of diffusion along the DNA helix on a rugged free-energy landscape. A similar analysis including the 1D diffusion constants of eight proteins of varying size shows that rotation-coupled sliding is a general phenomenon. The average free-energy barrier for sliding along the DNA was 1.1 +/- 0.2 k(B)T. Such small barriers facilitate rapid search for binding sites.


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The Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells) proteins from Mycobacterium smegmatis MsDps1 and MsDps2 are both DNA-binding proteins with some differences. While MsDps1 has two oligomeric states, with one of them responsible for DNA binding, MsDps2 has only one DNA-binding oligomeric state. Both the proteins however, show iron-binding activity. The MsDps1 protein has been shown previously to be induced under conditions of starvation and osmotic stress and is regulated by the extra cellular sigma factors sigma(H) and sigma(F). We show here, that the second Dps homologue in M. smegmatis, namely MsDps2, is purified in a DNA-bound form and exhibits nucleoid-like structures under the atomic force microscope. It appears that the N-terminal sequence of Dps2 plays a role in nucleoid formation. MsDps2, unlike MsDps1, does not show elevated expression in nutritionally starved or stationary phase conditions; rather its promoter is recognized by RNA polymerase containing sigma(A) or sigma(B), under in vitro conditions. We propose that due to the nucleoid-condensing ability, the expression of MsDps2 is tightly regulated inside the cells.


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Penicillin binding proteins (PBPs) are membrane-associated proteins that catalyze the final step of murein biosynthesis. These proteins function as either transpeptidases or carboxypeptidases and in a few cases demonstrate transglycosylase activity. Both transpeptidase and carboxypeptidase activities of PBPs occur at the D-Ala-D-Ala terminus of a murein precursor containing a disaccharide pentapeptide comprising N-acetyl-glucosamine and N-acetyl-muramic acid-L-Ala-D-Glu-L-Lys-D-Ala-D-Ala. beta-Lactam antibiotics inhibit these enzymes by competing with the pentapeptide precursor for binding to the active site of the enzyme. Here we describe the crystal structure, biochemical characteristics, and expression profile of PBP4, a low-molecular-mass PBP from Staphylococcus aureus strain COL. The crystal structures of PBP4-antibiotic complexes reported here were determined by molecular replacement, using the atomic coordinates deposited by the New York Structural Genomics Consortium. While the pbp4 gene is not essential for the viability of S. aureus, the knockout phenotype of this gene is characterized by a marked reduction in cross-linked muropeptide and increased vancomycin resistance. Unlike other PBPs, we note that expression of PBP4 was not substantially altered under different experimental conditions, nor did it change across representative hospital- or community-associated strains of S. aureus that were examined. In vitro data on purified recombinant S. aureus PBP4 suggest that it is a beta-lactamase and is not trapped as an acyl intermediate with beta-lactam antibiotics. Put together, the expression analysis and biochemical features of PBP4 provide a framework for understanding the function of this protein in S. aureus and its role in antimicrobial resistance.


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The diverse biological activities of the insulin-like growth factors (IGF-1 and IGF-2) are mediated by the IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R). These actions are modulated by a family of six IGF-binding proteins (ICFBP-1-6; 22-31 kDa) that via high affinity binding to the IGFs (K-D similar to 300-700 pM) both protect the IGFs in the circulation and attenuate IGF action by blocking their receptor access In recent years, IGFBPs have been implicated in a variety of cancers However, the structural basis of their interaction with IGFs and/or other proteins is not completely understood A critical challenge in the structural characterization of full-length IGFBPs has been the difficulty in expressing these proteins at levels suitable for NMR/X-ray crystallography analysis Here we describe the high-yield expression of full-length recombinant human IGFBP-2 (rhIGFBP-2) in Eschericha coli Using a single step purification protocol, rhIGFBP-2 was obtained with >95% purity and structurally characterized using NMR spectroscopy. The protein was found to exist as a monomer at the high concentrations required for structural studies and to exist in a single conformation exhibiting a unique intra-molecular disulfide-bonding pattern The protein retained full biologic activity. This study represents the first high-yield expression of wild-type recombinant human IGFBP-2 in E coli and first structural characterization of a full-length IGFBP (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved


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A phosphorylcholine-binding protein from the hemolymph of the snail Achatina fulica was purified to near homogeneity using a Sepharose phenylphosphorylcholine affinity column. The protein bound to the affinity column was eluted with 5 mM phosphorylcholine as a single symmetrical peak. The purified protein (400 Kda) contained 35–40% carbohydrate. On SDS-PAGE the protein separated into two bands of 20 and 24 Kda, and had a pI of 5.9. On immunodiffusion, antiserum to the snail phosphorylcholine binding protein did not cross-react against other phosphorylcholine binding proteins, like rat serum phosphorylcholine-binding protein (PCBP), limulus C-reactive protein (CRP), or human CRP. On pretreatment of the snail hemolymph with this antiserum, the hemagglutination titer of the hemolymph was markedly decreased. The purified snail phosphorylcholine binding protein agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes in the absence of divalent cation (Ca+2) but trace amount of Ca+2 increased its binding. The strongest inhibitor of the agglutination reaction was lactose, followed by melibiose and 2-deoxygalactose. The relationships of the snail phosphorylcholine binding protein to other hemolymph agglutinins and to CRPs are discussed in light of common phylogeny.


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A specific radioimmunoassay procedure was developed to monitor the plasma concentrations of thiamin-binding protein, a minor yolk constituent of the chicken egg. By using this sensitive assay, the kinetics of oestrogen-induced elaboration of this specific protein in immature chicks was investigated. After a single injection of the steroid hormone, with an initial lag period of 4–5h the thiamin-binding protein rapidly accumulated in the plasma, attaining peak concentrations around 75h and declining thereafter. A 4-fold amplification of the response was noticed during the secondary stimulation, and this increased to 9-fold during the tertiary stimulation with the steroid hormone. The magnitude of the response was dependent on the hormone dose, and the initial latent period and the duration of the ascending phase of induction were unchanged for the hormonal doses tested during both the primary and secondary stimulations. The circulatory half-life of the protein was 6h as calculated from the measurement of the rate of disappearance of the exogenously administered 125I-labelled protein. Simultaneous administration of progesterone, dihydrotestosterone or corticosterone did not alter the pattern of induction. On the other hand, hyperthyroidism markedly decreased the oestrogenic response, whereas propylthiouracil-induced hypothyroidism had the opposite effect. The anti-oestrogen E- and Z-clomiphene citrates, administered 30min before oestrogen, effectively blocked the hormonal induction. a-Amanitin and cycloheximide administered along with or shortly after the sex steroid severely curtailed the protein elaboration. A comparison of the kinetics of induction of thiamin- and riboflavin-binding proteins by oestrogen revealed that, beneath an apparent similarity, a clear-cut difference exists between the two vitamin-binding proteins, particularly with regard to hormonal dose-dependent sensitivity of induction and the half-life in circulation. The steroid-mediated elaboration of the two yolk proteins thus appears to be not strictly co-ordinated, despite several common regulatory features underlying their induction.


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Different DNA-binding proteins have different interaction modes with DNA. Sequence-specific DNA protein interaction has been mostly associated with regulatory processes inside a cell, and as such extensive studies have been made. Adequate data is also available on nonspecific DNA protein interaction, as an intermediate to protein's search for its cognate partner. Multidomain nonspecific DNA protein interaction involving physical sequestering of DNA has often been implicated to regulate gene expression indirectly. However, data available on this type of interaction is limited. One such interaction is the binding of DNA with mycobacterium DNA binding proteins. We have used the Langmuir-Blodgett technique to evaluate for the first time the kinetics and thermodynamics of Mycobacterium smegmatis Dps 1 binding to DNA. By immobilizing one of the interacting partners, we have shown that, when a kinetic bottleneck is applied, the binding mechanism showed cooperative binding (n = 2.72) at lower temperatures, but the degree of cooperativity gradually reduces (n = 1.38) as the temperature was increased We have also compared the kinetics and thermodynamics of sequence-specific and nonspecific DNA protein interactions under the same set of conditions.


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Background: Insulin like growth factor binding proteins modulate the mitogenic and pro survival effects of IGF. Elevated expression of IGFBP2 is associated with progression of tumors that include prostate, ovarian, glioma among others. Though implicated in the progression of breast cancer, the molecular mechanisms involved in IGFBP2 actions are not well defined. This study investigates the molecular targets and biological pathways targeted by IGFBP2 in breast cancer. Methods: Transcriptome analysis of breast tumor cells (BT474) with stable knockdown of IGFBP2 and breast tumors having differential expression of IGFBP2 by immunohistochemistry was performed using microarray. Differential gene expression was established using R-Bioconductor package. For validation, gene expression was determined by qPCR. Inhibitors of IGF1R and integrin pathway were utilized to study the mechanism of regulation of beta-catenin. Immunohistochemical and immunocytochemical staining was performed on breast tumors and experimental cells, respectively for beta-catenin and IGFBP2 expression. Results: Knockdown of IGFBP2 resulted in differential expression of 2067 up regulated and 2002 down regulated genes in breast cancer cells. Down regulated genes principally belong to cell cycle, DNA replication, repair, p53 signaling, oxidative phosphorylation, Wnt signaling. Whole genome expression analysis of breast tumors with or without IGFBP2 expression indicated changes in genes belonging to Focal adhesion, Map kinase and Wnt signaling pathways. Interestingly, IGFBP2 knockdown clones showed reduced expression of beta-catenin compared to control cells which was restored upon IGFBP2 re-expression. The regulation of beta-catenin by IGFBP2 was found to be IGF1R and integrin pathway dependent. Furthermore, IGFBP2 and beta-catenin are co-ordinately overexpressed in breast tumors and correlate with lymph node metastasis. Conclusion: This study highlights regulation of beta-catenin by IGFBP2 in breast cancer cells and most importantly, combined expression of IGFBP2 and beta-catenin is associated with lymph node metastasis of breast tumors.


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Flaviviral RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRps) initiate replication of the single-stranded RNA genome in the absence of a primer. The template sequence 5'-CU-3' at the 3'-end of the flaviviral genome is highly conserved. Surprisingly, flaviviral RdRps require high concentrations of the second incoming nucleotide GTP to catalyze de novo template-dependent RNA synthesis. We show that GTP stimulates de novo RNA synthesis by RdRp from Japanese encephalitis virus (jRdRp) also. Crystal structures of jRdRp complexed with GTP and ATP provide a basis for specific recognition of GTP. Comparison of the jRdRp(GTP) structure with other viral RdRp-GTP structures shows that GTP binds jRdRp in a novel conformation. Apo-jRdRp structure suggests that the conserved motif F of jRdRp occupies multiple conformations in absence of GTP. Motif F becomes ordered on GTP binding and occludes the nucleotide triphosphate entry tunnel. Mutational analysis of key residues that interact with GTP evinces that the jRdRp(GTP) structure represents a novel pre-initiation state. Also, binding studies show that GTP binding reduces affinity of RdRp for RNA, but the presence of the catalytic Mn2+ ion abolishes this inhibition. Collectively, these observations suggest that the observed pre-initiation state may serve as a check-point to prevent erroneous template-independent RNA synthesis by jRdRp during initiation.


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Single-stranded DNA binding proteins (SSBs) are vital in all organisms. SSBs of Escherichia coli (EcoSSB) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtuSSB) are homotetrameric. The N-terminal domains (NTD) of these SSBs (responsible for their tetramerization and DNA binding) are structurally well defined. However, their C-terminal domains (CTD) possess undefined structures. EcoSSB NTD consists of beta 1-beta 1'-beta 2-beta 3-alpha-beta 4-beta 45(1)-beta 45(2)-beta 5 secondary structure elements. MtuSSB NTD includes an additional beta-strand (beta 6) forming a novel hook-like structure. Recently, we observed that MtuSSB complemented an E. coli Delta ssb strain. However, a chimeric SSB (m beta 4-beta 5), wherein only the terminal part of NTD (beta 4-beta 5 region possessing L-45 loop) of EcoSSB was substituted with that from MtuSSB, failed to function in E. coli in spite of its normal DNA binding and oligomerization properties. Here, we designed new chimeras by transplanting selected regions of MtuSSB into EcoSSB to understand the functional significance of the various secondary structure elements within SSB. All chimeric SSBs formed homotetramers and showed normal DNA binding. The m beta 4-beta 6 construct obtained by substitution of the region downstream of beta 5 in m beta 4-beta 5 SSB with the corresponding region (beta 6) of MtuSSB complemented the E. coli strain indicating a functional interaction between the L-45 loop and the beta 6 strand of MtuSSB.


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Isopentenyl adenosine antibodies useful in the investigations of the "cytokinin" functions of isopentenyl adenosine were purified by affinity chromatography. Using different affinity columns, the antibodies were purified to near complete purity. Analyses of the purified proteins revealed the presence of isopentenyl adenosine binding proteins in normal rabbit serum, which presence supports a suggested role for isopentenyl adenosine and its related compounds in animal cell division in vivo.


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A sensitive dimerization assay for DNA binding proteins has been developed using gene fusion technology. For this purpose, we have engineered a gene fusion using protein A gene of Staphylococcus aureus and C gene, the late gene transactivator of bacteriophage Mu. The C gene was fused to the 3' end of the gene for protein A to generate an A- C fusion. The overexpressed fusion protein was purified in a single step using immunoglobulin affinity chromatography. Purified fusion protein exhibits DNA binding activity as demonstrated by electrophoretic mobility shift assays. When the fusion protein A-C was mixed with C and analyzed for DNA binding, in addition to C and A-C specific complexes, a single intermediate complex comprising of a heterodimer of C and A-C fusion proteins was observed. Further, the protein A moiety in the fusion protein A-C does not contribute to DNA binding as demonstrated by proteolytic cleavage and circular dichroism (CD) analysis. The assay has also been applied to analyze the DNA binding domain of C protein by generating fusions between protein A and N- and C-terminal deletion mutants of C. The results indicate a role for the region towards the carboxy terminal of the protein in DNA binding. The general applicability of this method is discussed.


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The LysR-type transcriptional regulators (LTTRs) are widely distributed in various genera of prokaryotes LTTRs are DNA binding proteins that can positively or negatively regulate target gene expression and can also repress their own transcription Salmonella enterica comprises a group of Gram-negative bacteria capable of causing clinical syndromes that range from self-limiting diarrhoea to severe fibrinopurulent necrotizing enteritis and life threatening systemic disease. The survival and replication of Salmonella in macrophages and in infected host is brought about by the means of various two component regulatory systems, transporters and other virulence islands In Salmonella genome the existence of 44 LTTRs has been documented These LTTRs regulate bacterial stress response. systemic virulence in mice and also many virulence determinants in vitro. Here we focus on the findings that elucidate the structure and function of the LTTRs in Salmonella and discuss the importance of these LTTRs in making Salmonella a Successful pathogen...