33 resultados para Gène ribosomal


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Gelonin inhibits protein synthesis by inactivating the eukaryotic 60 S ribosomal subunit by an unknown mechanism. The protein was purified in high yield by a new method using Cibacron blue F3GA-Sepharose. Chemical modification studies reveal that arginine residues are essential for biological activity.


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Nucleolin is a major nucleolar phosphoprotein involved in various steps of ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotic cells. As nucleolin plays a significant role in ribosomal RNA transcription we were interested in examining in detail the expression of nucleolin across different stages of spermatogenesis and correlate with the transcription status of ribosomal DNA in germ cells.


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Analysis of ribosomes and the post ribosomal supernatant fraction of actively growing cells ofThermomyces lanuginosus showed the presence of free 5 S RNA in the supernatant fraction. This 5 S RNA was identical to the ribosomal 5 S RNA in its electrophoretic mobility on 10% Polyacrylamide gel and in its base composition. 5 S RNA from both the sources gave evidence for the presence of diphosphate at the 5’ end. Most of the 5 S RNA that appeared in the cytoplasm was that transported from the nucleus during the isolation. This could be prevented by the use of a hexylene glycol-HEPES buffer.


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Two methods were employed to measure the rate of ribonucleic acid (RNA) chain growth in vivo in Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv cultures growing in Sauton medium at 37 degrees C, with a generation time of 10 h. In the first, the bacteria were allowed to assimilate [3H]uracil or [3H]guanine into their RNA for short time periods. The RNA was then extracted and hydrolyzed with alkali, and the radioactivity in the resulting nucleotides and nucleosides was measured. The data obtained by this method allowed the calculation of the individual nucleotide step times during the growth of RNA chains, from which the average rate of RNA chain elongation was estimated to be about 4 nucleotides per s. The second method employed the antibiotic rifampin, which specifically inhibits the initiation of RNA synthesis without interfering with the elongation and completion of nascent RNA chains. Usint this method, the transcription time of the 16S, 23S, and 5S ribosomal RNA genes was estimated to be 7.6 min, which corresponds to a ribosomal RNA chain growth rate of 10 nucleotides per s.


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Obtaining pure mRNA preparations from prokaryotes has been difficult, if not impossible, for want of a poly(A) tail on these messages, We have used poly(A) polymerase from yeast to effect specific polyadenylation of Escherichia coli polysomal mRNA in the presence of magnesium and manganese, The polyadenylated total mRNA, which could be subsequently purified by binding to and elution from oligo(dT) beads, had a size range of 0.4-4.0 kb. We have used hybridization to a specific plasmid-encoded gene to further confirm that the polyadenylated species represented mRNA, Withdrawal of Mg2+ from the polyadenylation reaction rRNA despite the presence of Mn2+, indicating the vital role of Mg2+ in maintaining the native structure of polysomes, Complete dissociation of polysomes into ribosomal subunits resulted in quantitative polyadenylation of both 16S and 23S rRNA species, Chromosomal lacZ gene-derived messages were quantitatively recovered in the oligo(dT)-bound fraction, as demonstrated by RT-PCR analysis, Potential advantages that accrue from the availability of pure total mRNA from prokaryotes is discussed.


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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, transcriptional silencing occurs at the cryptic mating-type loci (HML and HMR), telomeres, and ribosomal DNA ( rDNA; RDN1). Silencing in the rDNA is unusual in that polymerase II (Pol II) promoters within RDN1 are repressed by Sir2 but not Sir3 or Sir4. rDNA silencing unidirectionally spreads leftward, but the mechanism of limiting its spreading is unclear. We searched for silencing barriers flanking the left end of RDN1 by using an established assay for detecting barriers to HMR silencing. Unexpectedly, the unique sequence immediately adjacent to RDN1, which overlaps a prominent cohesin binding site (CARL2), did not have appreciable barrier activity. Instead, a fragment located 2.4 kb to the left, containing a tRNA(Gln) gene and the Ty1 long terminal repeat, had robust barrier activity. The barrier activity was dependent on Pol III transcription of tRNA(Gln), the cohesin protein Smc1, and the SAS1 and Gcn5 histone acetyltransferases. The location of the barrier correlates with the detectable limit of rDNA silencing when SIR2 is overexpressed, where it blocks the spreading of rDNA heterochromatin. We propose a model in which normal Sir2 activity results in termination of silencing near the physical rDNA boundary, while tRNA(Gln) blocks silencing from spreading too far when nucleolar Sir2 pools become elevated.


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In eubacteria, ribosome recycling factor (RRF) and elongation factor G (EFG) function together to dissociate posttermination ribosomal complexes. Earlier studies, using heterologous factors from Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Escherichia coli revealed that specific interactions between RRF and EFG are crucial for their function in ribosome recycling. Here, we used translation factors from E.coli,Mycobacterium smegmatis and M. tuberculosis, and polysomes from E. coli and M. smegmatis, and employed in vivo and in vitro experiments to further understand the role of EFG in ribosome recycling. We show thatE. coli EFG (EcoEFG) recycles E. coli ribosomes with E. coli REF (EcoRRF), but not with mycobacterial RRFs. Also, EcoEFG fails to recycle M. smegmatis ribosomes with either EcoRRF or mycobacterial RRFs. On the other hand, mycobacterial EFGs recycle both E. coli and M. smegmatis ribosomes with either of the RRFs. These observations suggest that EFG establishes distinct interactions with REF and the ribosome to carry out ribosome recycling. Furthermore, the EFG chimeras generated by swapping domains betweenmycobacterial EFGs and EcoEFG suggest that while the residues needed to specify the EFG interaction with REF arelocated in domains IV and V. those required to specify its interaction with the ribosome are located throughout the molecule. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The nucleotide sequence of cosmid B1790, carrying the Rif-Str regions of the Mycobacterium leprae chromosome, has been determined. Twelve open reading frames were identified in the 36716bp sequence, representing 40% of the coding capacity. Five ribosomal proteins, two elongation factors and the β and β'subunits of RNA polymerase have been characterized and two novel genes were found. One of these encodes a member of the so-called ABC family of ATP-binding proteins while the other appears to encode an enzyme involved in repairing genomic lesions caused by free radicals. This finding may well be significant as M. leprae, an intracellular pathogen, lives within macrophages.


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Physalis mottle virus (PhMV) belongs to the tymogroup of positive-strand RNA viruses with a genome size of 6 kb. Crude membrane preparations from PhMV-infected Nicotiana glutinosa plants catalyzed the synthesis of PhMV genomic RNA from endogenously bound template. Addition of exogenous genomic RNA enhanced the synthesis which was specifically inhibited by the addition of sense and antisense transcripts corresponding to 3' terminal 242 nucleotides as well as the 5' terminal 458 nucleotides of PhMV genomic RNA while yeast tRNA or ribosomal RNA failed to inhibit the synthesis. This specific inhibition suggested that the 5' and 3' non-coding regions of PhMV RNA might play an important role in viral replication.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV), a member of Flaviviridae, encoding a positive-sense single-stranded RNA translates by cap-independent mechanism using the internal ribosome entry site (IRES) present in the 5' UTR of the virus. The IRES has complex stem loop structures and is capable of recruiting the 40S ribosomal subunit in a factor-independent fashion. As the IRES sequence is highly conserved throughout the HCV genotypes and the translation is the first obligatory step of the HCV life cycle, the IRE'S-mediated translation, or more specifically, the ribosome HCV RNA interaction is an attractive target to design effective antivirals. This article will focus on the mechanism of the HCV IRES translation and the various ways in which the interaction of ribosome and IRES has been targeted.


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Translation initiation of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA is the initial obligatory step of the viral life cycle, mediated through the internal ribosome entry site (IRES) present in the 5'-untranslated region (UTR). Initiation on the HCV IRES is mediated by multiple structure-specific interactions between IRES RNA and host 40S ribosomal subunit. In the present study we demonstrate that the SLIIIef domain, in isolation from other structural elements of HCV IRES, retain the ability to interact with 40S ribosome subunit. A small RNA SLRef, mimicking the SLIIIef domain was found to interact specifically with human La protein and the ribosomal protein S5 and selectively inhibit HCV RNA translation. More importantly, SLRef RNA showed significant suppression of replication in HCV monocistronic replicon and decrease of negative strand synthesis in HCV cell culture system. Finally, using Sendai virus based virosome, the targeted delivery of SLRef RNA into mice liver succeeded in selectively inhibiting HCV IRES mediated translation in vivo.


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Of all tRNAs, initiator tRNA is unique in its ability to start protein synthesis by directly binding the ribosomal P-site. This ability is believed to derive from the almost universal presence of three consecutive G-C base (3G-C) pairs in the anticodon stem of initiator tRNA. Consistent with the hypothesis, a plasmid-borne initiator tRNA with one, two, or all 3G-C pairs mutated displays negligible initiation activity when tested in a WT Escherichia coli cell. Given this, the occurrence of unconventional initiator tRNAs lacking the 3G-C pairs, as in some species of Mycoplasma and Rhizobium, is puzzling. We resolve the puzzle by showing that the poor activity of unconventional initiator tRNAs in E. coli is because of competition from a large pool of the endogenous WT initiator tRNA (possessing the 3G-C pairs). We show that E. coli can be sustained on an initiator tRNA lacking the first and third G-C pairs; thereby reducing the 3G-C rule to a mere middle G-C requirement. Two general inferences following from our findings, that the activity of a mutant gene product may depend on its abundance in the cell relative to that of the WT, and that promiscuous initiation with elongator tRNAs has the potential to enhance phenotypic diversity without affecting genomic integrity, have been discussed.


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In all domains of life, initiator tRNA functions exclusively at the first step of protein synthesis while elongator tRNAs extend the polypeptide chain. Unique features of initiator tRNA enable it to preferentially bind the ribosomal P site and initiate translation. Recently, we showed that the abundance of initiator tRNA also contributes to its specialized role. This motivates the question, can a cell also use elongator tRNA to initiate translation under certain conditions? To address this, we introduced non-AUG initiation codons CCC (Pro), GAG (Glu), GGU (Gly), UCU (Ser), UGU (Cys), ACG (Thr), AAU (Asn), and AGA (Arg) into the uracil DNA glycosylase gene (ung) used as a reporter gene. Enzyme assays from log-phase cells revealed initiation from non-AUG codons when intracellular initiator tRNA levels were reduced. The activity increased significantly in stationary phase. Further increases in initiation from non-AUG codons occurred in both growth phases upon introduction of plasmid-borne genes of cognate elongator tRNAs. Since purine-rich Shine-Dalgarno sequences occur frequently on mRNAs (in places other than the canonical AUG codon initiation contexts), initiation with elongator tRNAs from the alternate contexts may generate proteome diversity under stress without compromising genomic integrity. Thus, by changing the relative amounts of initiator and elongator tRNAs within the cell, we have blurred the distinction between the two classes of tRNAs thought to be frozen through years of evolution.


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Human La protein is known to be an essential host factor for translation and replication of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA. Previously, we have demonstrated that residues responsible for interaction of human La protein with the HCV internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) around the initiator AUG within stem-loop IV form a beta-turn in the RNA recognition motif (RRM) structure. In this study, sequence alignment and mutagenesis suggest that the HCV RNA-interacting beta-turn is conserved only in humans and chimpanzees, the species primarily known to be infected by HCV. A 7-mer peptide corresponding to the HCV RNA-interacting region of human La inhibits HCV translation, whereas another peptide corresponding to the mouse La sequence was unable to do so. Furthermore, IRES-mediated translation was found to be significantly high in the presence of recombinant human La protein in vitro in rabbit reticulocyte lysate. We observed enhanced replication with HCV subgenomic and full-length replicons upon overexpression of either human La protein or a chimeric mouse La protein harboring a human La beta-turn sequence in mouse cells. Taken together, our results raise the possibility of creating an immunocompetent HCV mouse model using human-specific cell entry factors and a humanized form of La protein.


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Initiator tRNAs are special in their direct binding to the ribosomal P-site due to the hallmark occurrence of the three consecutive G-C base pairs (3GC pairs) in their anticodon stems. How the 3GC pairs function in this role, has remained unsolved. We show that mutations in either the mRNA or 16S rRNA leading to extended interaction between the Shine-Dalgarno (SD) and anti-SD sequences compensate for the vital need of the 3GC pairs in tRNA(fMet) for its function in Escherichia coli. In vivo, the 3GC mutant tRNA(fMet) occurred less abundantly in 70S ribosomes but normally on 30S subunits. However, the extended SD:anti-SD interaction increased its occurrence in 70S ribosomes. We propose that the 3GC pairs play a critical role in tRNA(fMet) retention in ribosome during the conformational changes that mark the transition of 30S preinitiation complex into elongation competent 70S complex. Furthermore, treating cells with kasugamycin, decreasing ribosome recycling factor (RRF) activity or increasing initiation factor 2 (IF2) levels enhanced initiation with the 3GC mutant tRNA(fMet), suggesting that the 70S mode of initiation is less dependent on the 3GC pairs in tRNA(fMet).