30 resultados para Fruit growing


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Agroforestry has a potential for sequestering as much carbon if not more than forests. Massive benefits can be channeled to small farmers and landless labourers through cultivation of Tamarind and other fast growing and fruit yielding trees. This paper describes a project started by small farmers and landless labourers in a semiarid areas of south India. The aim is to upgrade dryland holdings of the member families through economically sound dry land horticulture, community woodlots, and planting of fast growing species along orchard and field boundaries. The small farmers invest massive labour inputs and project gives economic benefits to change their land use practices and improve environmental quality. This paper describes the planning. processes of the project, hurdles in finding AIJ partners, current monitoring procedures and costs of C sequestration. This shows this project is economically viable on its own, but initially needed, and continues to need Carbon credit investment in order to spread rapidly across the geopolitical region covered by the organization. It argues that economic gains to small farmers and landless labourers are the most certain way of achieving massive biomass increase and soil carbon replenishment, and that multiple holistic benefits are achieved through this kind of project.


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Organic acids are important constituents of fruit juices. They render tartness, flavour and specific taste to fruit juices. Shelf life and stability of fruit juices are important factors, which determine their nutritional quality and freshness. In this view, the effect of storage on the concentration of organic acids in commercially packed fruit juices is studied by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Ten packed fruit juices from two different brands are stored at 30 C for 24, 48 and 72 hours. A reverse phase high performance liquid chromatographic method is used to determine the concentration of oxalic, tartaric, malic, ascorbic and citric acid in the fruit juices during storage. The chromatographic analysis of organic acids is carried out using mobile phase 0.5% (w/v) ammonium dihydrogen orthophosphate buffer (pH 2.8) on C18 column with UV-Vis detector. The results show that the concentration of organic acids generally decreases in juices under study with the increase in storage time. All the fruit juices belonging to tropicana brand underwent less organic acid degradation in comparison to juices of real brand. Orange fruit juice is found to be least stable among the juices under study, after the span of 72 hours. Amongst all the organic acids under investigation minimum stability is shown by ascorbic acid followed by malic and citric acid.


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Here we report the results of a study aimed at examining stability of adult emergence and activity/rest rhythms under seminatural conditions (henceforth SN), in four large outbred fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster populations, selected for emergence in a narrow window of time under laboratory (henceforth LAB) light/dark (LD) cycles. When assessed under LAB, selected flies display enhanced stability in terms of higher amplitude, synchrony and accuracy in emergence and activity rhythms compared to controls. The present study was conducted to assess whether such differences in stability between selected and control populations, persist under SN where several gradually changing time-cues are present in their strongest form. The study revealed that under SN, emergence waveform of selected flies was modified, with even more enhanced peak and narrower gate-width compared to those observed in the LAB and compared to control populations in SN. Furthermore, flies from selected populations continued to exhibit enhanced synchrony and accuracy in their emergence and activity rhythms under SN compared to controls. Further analysis of zeitgeber effects revealed that enhanced stability in the rhythmicity of selected flies under SN was primarily due to increased sensitivity to light because emergence and activity rhythms of selected flies were as stable as controls under temperature cycles. These results thus suggest that stability of circadian rhythms in fruit flies D. melanogaster, which evolved as a consequence of selection for emergence in a narrow window of time under weak zeitgeber condition of LAB, persists robustly in the face of day-to-day variations in cycling environmental factors of nature.


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Environment-friendly management of fruit flies involving pheromones is useful in reducing the undesirable pest populations responsible for decreasing the yield and the crop quality. A nanogel has been prepared from a pheromone, methyl eugenol (ME) using a low-molecular mass gelator. This was very stable at open ambient conditions and slowed down the evaporation of pheromone significantly. This enabled its easy handling and transportation without refrigeration, and reduction in the frequency of pheromone recharging in the orchard. Notably the involvement of the nano-gelled pheromone brought about an effective management of Bactrocera dorsalis, a prevalent harmful pest for a number of fruits including guava. Thus a simple, practical and low cost green chemical approach is developed that has a significant potential for crop protection, long lasting residual activity, excellent efficacy and favorable safety profiles. This makes the present invention well-suited for pest management in a variety of crops.


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A DC micro-grid essentially consists of power ports, bidirectional power converter and a controller structure that enables the control of dynamic power flow. In this paper, a prototype of a micro-grid structure using a recently proposed multi-winding transformer based power converter has been implemented. The power converter topology is further extended to multiple transformer cores in order to form a growing micro-grid structure. Additionally, modifications have been made in order to incorporate a battery charge controller with the main power circuit. All the other advantages of the power converter and its control scheme are still preserved.


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The present work reports the compositional analysis of thirteen different packed fruit juices using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Vitamin C, organic acids (citric and malic) and sugars (fructose, glucose and sucrose) were separated, analyzed and quantified using different reverse phase methods. A new rapid reverse phase HPLC method was developed for routine analysis of vitamin C in fruit juices. The precision results of the methods showed that the relative standard deviations of the repeatability and reproducibility were < 0.05 and < 0.1 respectively. Correlation coefficient of the calibration models developed was found to be higher than 0.99 in each case. It has been found that the content of Vitamin C was less variable amongst different varieties involved in the study. It is also observed that in comparison to fresh juices, the packed juices contain lesser amounts of vitamin C. Citric acid was found as the major organic acids present in packed juices while maximum portion of sugars was of sucrose. Comparison of the amount of vitamin C, organic acids and sugars in same fruit juice of different commercial brands is also reported.


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Fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster females display rhythmic egg-laying under 12: 12 h light/dark (LD) cycles which persists with near 24 h periodicity under constant darkness (DD). We have shown previously that persistence of this rhythm does not require the neurons expressing pigment dispersing factor (PDF), thought to be the canonical circadian pacemakers, and proposed that it could be controlled by peripheral clocks or regulated/triggered by the act of mating. We assayed egg-laying behaviour of wild-type Canton S (CS) females under LD, DD and constant light (LL) conditions in three different physiological states; as virgins, as females allowed to mate with males for 1 day and as females allowed to mate for the entire duration of the assay. Here, we report the presence of a circadian rhythm in egg-laying in virgin D. melanogaster females. We also found that egg-laying behaviour of 70 and 90% females from all the three male presence/absence protocols follows circadian rhythmicity under DD and LL, with periods ranging between 18 and 30 h. The egg-laying rhythm of all virgin females synchronized to LD cycles with a peak occurring soon after lights-off. The rhythm in virgins was remarkably robust with maximum number of eggs deposited immediately after lights-off in contrast to mated females which show higher egg-laying during the day. These results suggest that the egg-laying rhythm of D. melanogaster is endogenously driven and is neither regulated nor triggered by the act of mating; instead, the presence of males results in reduction in entrainment to LD cycles.


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The question of whether the dramatic slowing down of the dynamics of glass-forming liquids near the structural glass transition is caused by the growth of one or more correlation lengths has received much attention in recent years. Several proposals have been made for both static and dynamic length scales that may be responsible for the growth of timescales as the glass transition is approached. These proposals are critically examined with emphasis on the dynamic length scale associated with spatial heterogeneity of local dynamics and the static point-to-set or mosaic length scale of the random first order transition theory of equilibrium glass transition. Available results for these length scales, obtained mostly from simulations, are summarized, and the relation of the growth of timescales near the glass transition with the growth of these length scales is examined. Some of the outstanding questions about length scales in glass-forming liquids are discussed, and studies in which these questions may be addressed are suggested.


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Despite decades of research, it remains to be established whether the transformation of a liquid into a glass is fundamentally thermodynamic or dynamic in origin. Although observations of growing length scales are consistent with thermodynamic perspectives, the purely dynamic approach of the Dynamical Facilitation (DF) theory lacks experimental support. Further, for vitrification induced by randomly freezing a subset of particles in the liquid phase, simulations support the existence of an underlying thermodynamic phase transition, whereas the DF theory remains unexplored. Here, using video microscopy and holographic optical tweezers, we show that DF in a colloidal glass-forming liquid grows with density as well as the fraction of pinned particles. In addition, we observe that heterogeneous dynamics in the form of string-like cooperative motion emerges naturally within the framework of facilitation. Our findings suggest that a deeper understanding of the glass transition necessitates an amalgamation of existing theoretical approaches.


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Plants emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from most parts of their anatomy. Conventionally, the volatiles of leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds have been investigated separately. This review presents an integrated perspective of volatiles produced by fruits and seeds in the context of selection on the whole plant. It suggests that fruit and seed volatiles may only be understood in the light of the chemistry of the whole plant. Fleshy fruit may be viewed as an ecological arena within which several evolutionary games are being played involving fruit VOCs. Fruit odour and colour may be correlated and interact via multimodal signalling in influencing visits by frugivores. The hypothesis of volatile crypsis in the evolution of hard seeds as protection against volatile diffusion and perception by seed predators is reviewed. Current views on the role of volatiles in ant dispersal of seeds or myrmecochory are summarised, especially the suggestion that ants are being manipulated by plants in the form of a sensory trap while providing this service. Plant VOC production is presented as an emergent phenotype that could result from multiple selection pressures acting on various plant parts; the ``plant'' phenotype and VOC profile may receive significant contributions from symbionts within the plant. Viewing the plant as a holobiont would benefit an understanding of the emergent plant phenotype.


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The transformation of flowing liquids into rigid glasses is thought to involve increasingly cooperative relaxation dynamics as the temperature approaches that of the glass transition. However, the precise nature of this motion is unclear, and a complete understanding of vitrification thus remains elusive. Of the numerous theoretical perspectives(1-4) devised to explain the process, random first-order theory (RFOT; refs 2,5) is a well-developed thermodynamic approach, which predicts a change in the shape of relaxing regions as the temperature is lowered. However, the existence of an underlying `ideal' glass transition predicted by RFOT remains debatable, largely because the key microscopic predictions concerning the growth of amorphous order and the nature of dynamic correlations lack experimental verification. Here, using holographic optical tweezers, we freeze a wall of particles in a two-dimensional colloidal glass-forming liquid and provide direct evidence for growing amorphous order in the form of a static point-to-set length. We uncover the non-monotonic dependence of dynamic correlations on area fraction and show that this non-monotonicity follows directly from the change in morphology and internal structure of cooperatively rearranging regions(6,7). Our findings support RFOT and thereby constitute a crucial step in distinguishing between competing theories of glass formation.


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Large animal species are prone to local extirpation, but ecologists cannot yet predict how the loss of megaherbivores affects ecosystem processes such as seed dispersal. Few studies have compared the quantity and quality of seed dispersal by megaherbivores versus alternative frugivores in the wild, particularly for plant species with fruit easily consumed by many frugivorous species. In a disturbed tropical moist forest in India, we examine whether megaherbivores are a major frugivore of two tree species with easily edible, mammal-dispersed fruit. We quantify the relative fruit removal rates of Artocarpus chaplasha and Careya arborea, by the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and alternative dispersers. Through focal watches and camera trapping, we found the elephant to be amongst the top three frugivores for each tree species. Furthermore, seed transects under A. chaplasha show that arboreal frugivores discard seeds only a short distance from the parental tree, underscoring the elephant's role as a long-distance disperser. Our data provide unprecedented support for an old notion: megaherbivores may be key dispersers for a broad set of mammal-dispersed fruiting species, and not just fruit inaccessible to smaller frugivores. As such, the elephant may be particularly important for the functional ecology of the disturbed forests it still inhabits across tropical Asia.


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Primates constitute 25-40 % of the frugivore biomass of tropical forests. Primate fruit preference, as a determinant of seed dispersal, can therefore have a significant impact on these ecosystems. Although the traits of fruits included in primate diets have been described, fruit trait preference has been less studied with respect to fruit availability. We examined fruit trait preference and its implications for seed dispersal in the rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta), a dietarily flexible species and important seed disperser, at the Buxa Tiger Reserve, India. Over a year, we monitored the phenology of selected trees in the study area, observed the feeding behavior of rhesus macaques using scans and focal animal sampling, and documented morphological traits of the fruits/seeds consumed. Using generalized linear modeling, we found that the kind of edible tissue was the chief determinant of fruit consumption, with M. mulatta feeding primarily on fruits with juicy-soft pulp and acting as seed predators for those with no discernible pulp. Overall, the preferred traits were external covers that could be easily pierced by a fingernail, medium to large seeds, true stone-like seeds, and juicy-soft edible tissue, thereby implying that fruit taxa with these traits had a higher probability of being dispersed. Macaques were more selective during the high fruit availability period than the low fruit availability period, preferentially feeding on soft-skinned fruits with juicy-soft pulp. We suggest that further studies be conducted across habitats and time to understand the consistency of interactions between primates and fruits with specific traits to determine the degree of selective pressure (if any) that is exerted by primates on fruit traits.