22 resultados para Free source software
CAELinux is a Linux distribution which is bundled with free software packages related to Computer Aided Engineering (CAE). The free software packages include software that can build a three dimensional solid model, programs that can mesh a geometry, software for carrying out Finite Element Analysis (FEA), programs that can carry out image processing etc. Present work has two goals: 1) To give a brief description of CAELinux 2) To demonstrate that CAELinux could be useful for Computer Aided Engineering, using an example of the three dimensional reconstruction of a pig liver from a stack of CT-scan images. One can note that instead of using CAELinux, using commercial software for reconstructing the liver would cost a lot of money. One can also note that CAELinux is a free and open source operating system and all software packages that are included in the operating system are also free. Hence one can conclude that CAELinux could be a very useful tool in application areas like surgical simulation which require three dimensional reconstructions of biological organs. Also, one can see that CAELinux could be a very useful tool for Computer Aided Engineering, in general.
Most Java programmers would agree that Java is a language that promotes a philosophy of “create and go forth”. By design, temporary objects are meant to be created on the heap, possibly used and then abandoned to be collected by the garbage collector. Excessive generation of temporary objects is termed “object churn” and is a form of software bloat that often leads to performance and memory problems. To mitigate this problem, many compiler optimizations aim at identifying objects that may be allocated on the stack. However, most such optimizations miss large opportunities for memory reuse when dealing with objects inside loops or when dealing with container objects. In this paper, we describe a novel algorithm that detects bloat caused by the creation of temporary container and String objects within a loop. Our analysis determines which objects created within a loop can be reused. Then we describe a source-to-source transformation that efficiently reuses such objects. Empirical evaluation indicates that our solution can reduce upto 40% of temporary object allocations in large programs, resulting in a performance improvement that can be as high as a 20% reduction in the run time, specifically when a program has a high churn rate or when the program is memory intensive and needs to run the GC often.
Memory models for shared-memory concurrent programming languages typically guarantee sequential consistency (SC) semantics for datarace-free (DRF) programs, while providing very weak or no guarantees for non-DRF programs. In effect programmers are expected to write only DRF programs, which are then executed with SC semantics. With this in mind, we propose a novel scalable solution for dataflow analysis of concurrent programs, which is proved to be sound for DRF programs with SC semantics. We use the synchronization structure of the program to propagate dataflow information among threads without requiring to consider all interleavings explicitly. Given a dataflow analysis that is sound for sequential programs and meets certain criteria, our technique automatically converts it to an analysis for concurrent programs.
We present an open-source, realtime, embedded implementation of a foot-mounted, zero-velocity-update-aided inertial navigation system. The implementation includes both hardware design and software, uses off-the-shelf components and assembly methods, and features a standard USB interface. The software is written in C and can easily be modified to run user implemented algorithms. The hardware design and the software are released under permissive open-source licenses and production files, source code, documentation, and further resources are available at www.openshoe.org. The reproduction cost for a single unit is below $800, with the inertial measurement unit making up the bulk ($700). The form factor of the implementation is small enough for it to be integrated in the sole of a shoe. A performance evaluation of the system shows a position errors for short trajectories (<;100 [m]) of ± 0.2-1% of the traveled distance, depending on the shape of trajectory.
Opportunistic relay selection in a multiple source-destination (MSD) cooperative system requires quickly allocating to each source-destination (SD) pair a suitable relay based on channel gains. Since the channel knowledge is available only locally at a relay and not globally, efficient relay selection algorithms are needed. For an MSD system, in which the SD pairs communicate in a time-orthogonal manner with the help of decode-and-forward relays, we propose three novel relay selection algorithms, namely, contention-free en masse assignment (CFEA), contention-based en masse assignment (CBEA), and a hybrid algorithm that combines the best features of CFEA and CBEA. En masse assignment exploits the fact that a relay can often aid not one but multiple SD pairs, and, therefore, can be assigned to multiple SD pairs. This drastically reduces the average time required to allocate an SD pair when compared to allocating the SD pairs one by one. We show that the algorithms are much faster than other selection schemes proposed in the literature and yield significantly higher net system throughputs. Interestingly, CFEA is as effective as CBEA over a wider range of system parameters than in single SD pair systems.
We report a one-pot hydrothermal synthesis of nitrogen doped reduced graphene oxide (N-rGO) and Ag nanoparticle decorated N-rGO hybrid nanostructures from graphene oxide (GO), metal ions and hexamethylenetetramine (HMT). HMT not only reduces GO and metal ions simultaneously but also acts as the source for the nitrogen (N) dopant. We show that the N-rGO can be used as a metal-free surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) substrate, while the Ag nano-particles decorated N-rGO can be used as an effective SERS substrate as well as a template for decorating various other nanostructures on N-rGO.
This work sets forth a `hybrid' discretization scheme utilizing bivariate simplex splines as kernels in a polynomial reproducing scheme constructed over a conventional Finite Element Method (FEM)-like domain discretization based on Delaunay triangulation. Careful construction of the simplex spline knotset ensures the success of the polynomial reproduction procedure at all points in the domain of interest, a significant advancement over its precursor, the DMS-FEM. The shape functions in the proposed method inherit the global continuity (Cp-1) and local supports of the simplex splines of degree p. In the proposed scheme, the triangles comprising the domain discretization also serve as background cells for numerical integration which here are near-aligned to the supports of the shape functions (and their intersections), thus considerably ameliorating an oft-cited source of inaccuracy in the numerical integration of mesh-free (MF) schemes. Numerical experiments show the proposed method requires lower order quadrature rules for accurate evaluation of integrals in the Galerkin weak form. Numerical demonstrations of optimal convergence rates for a few test cases are given and the method is also implemented to compute crack-tip fields in a gradient-enhanced elasticity model.