27 resultados para Four-Dimensional Computed Tomography


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We present reduced dimensionality (RD) 3D HN(CA)NH for efficient sequential assignment in proteins. The experiment correlates the N-15 and H-1 chemical shift of a residue ('i') with those of its immediate N-terminal (i - 1) and C-terminal (i + 1) neighbors and provides four-dimensional chemical shift correlations rapidly with high resolution. An assignment strategy is presented which combines the correlations observed in this experiment with amino acid type information obtained from 3D CBCA(CO)NH. By classifying the 20 amino acid types into seven distinct categories based on C-13(beta) chemical shifts, it is observed that a stretch of five sequentially connected residues is sufficient to map uniquely on to the polypeptide for sequence specific resonance assignments. This method is exemplified by application to three different systems: maltose binding protein (42 kDa), intrinsically disordered domain of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-2 and Ubiquitin. Fast data acquisition is demonstrated using longitudinal H-1 relaxation optimization. Overall, 3D HN(CA)NH is a powerful tool for high throughput resonance assignment, in particular for unfolded or intrinsically disordered polypeptides.


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The photoinduced hydrogen elimination reaction in thiophenol via the conical intersections of the dissociative (1)pi sigma* excited state with the bound (1)pi pi* excited state and the electronic ground state has been investigated with ab initio electronic-structure calculations and time-dependent quantum wave-packet calculations. A screening of the coupling constants of the symmetry-allowed coupling modes at the (1)pi pi*-(1)pi sigma* and (1)pi sigma*-S-0 conical intersection shows that the SH torsional mode is by far the most important coupling mode at both conical intersections. A model including three intersecting potential-energy surfaces (S-0, (1)pi pi*, (1)pi sigma*) and two nuclear degrees of freedom (SH stretch and SH torsion) has been constructed on the basis of ab initio complete-active-space self-consistent field and multireference second-order perturbation theory calculations. The nonadiabatic quantum wave-packet dynamics initiated by optical excitation of the (1)pi pi* and (1)pi sigma* states has been explored for this three-state two-coordinate model. The photodissociation dynamics is characterized in terms of snapshots of time-dependent wave packets, time-dependent electronic population probabilities, and the branching ratio of the (2)sigma/(2)pi electronic states of the thiophenoxyl radical. The dependence of the timescale of the photodissociation process and the branching ratio on the initial excitation of the SH stretching and SH torsional vibrations has been analyzed. It is shown that the node structure, which is imposed on the nuclear wave packets by the initial vibrational preparation as well as by the transitions through the conical intersections, has a profound effect on the photodissociation dynamics. The effect of additional weak coupling modes of CC twist (nu(16a)) and ring-distortion (nu(16b)) character has been investigated with three-dimensional and four-dimensional time-dependent wave-packet calculations, and has been found to be minor. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4709608]


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This research paper presents the first results on the protein adsorption and release kinetics and in vitro biodegradability of cryogenically cured hydroxyapatite-gelatin based micro/macroporous scaffolds (CHAMPS). While the adsorption and release of bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein exhibits steady state behavior over an incubation period of up to 10 days, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) analysis importantly confirms the absence of any change in the secondary structure of BSA proteins due to interaction with the CHAMPS scaffold. The compression properties of the CHAMPS scaffold with interconnected porosity (pore size similar to 50-200 mm) is characterized by a non-linear stress-strain response with a strength close to 5 MPa and a maximum strain of up to 24%. The slow but systematic increase in weight loss over a period of 7 days as well as apatite layer formation indicates its good bioactivity. The extensive micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) analysis establishes cancellous bone-like highly interconnected and complex porous architecture of the CHAMPS scaffold. Importantly, the excellent adsorption (up to 50%) and release (up to 60% of adsorbed protein) of BSA has been uniquely attributed to the inherent porous microstructure of the CHAMPS scaffold. Overall, the present study provides an assessment of the interaction of protein with the gelatin-hydroxyapatite macroporous scaffold in vitro, as well as reporting for the first time the efficacy of such scaffolds to release 60% of BSA loaded onto the scaffold in vitro, which is significantly higher than earlier literature reports.


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Four-dimensional fluorescence microscopy-which records 3D image information as a function of time-provides an unbiased way of tracking dynamic behavior of subcellular components in living samples and capturing key events in complex macromolecular processes. Unfortunately, the combination of phototoxicity and photobleaching can severely limit the density or duration of sampling, thereby limiting the biological information that can be obtained. Although widefield microscopy provides a very light-efficient way of imaging, obtaining high-quality reconstructions requires deconvolution to remove optical aberrations. Unfortunately, most deconvolution methods perform very poorly at low signal-to-noise ratios, thereby requiring moderate photon doses to obtain acceptable resolution. We present a unique deconvolution method that combines an entropy-based regularization function with kernels that can exploit general spatial characteristics of the fluorescence image to push the required dose to extreme low levels, resulting in an enabling technology for high-resolution in vivo biological imaging.


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The most important property of a bone cement or a bone substitute in load bearing orthopaedic implants is good integration with host bone with reduced bone resorption and increased bone regeneration at the implant interface. Long term implantation of metal-based joint replacements often results in corrosion and particle release, initiating chronic inflammation leading onto osteoporosis of host bone. An alternative solution is the coating of metal implants with hydroxyapatite (HA) or bioglass or the use of bulk bioglass or HA-based composites. In the above perspective, the present study reports the in vivo biocompatibility and bone healing of the strontium (Sr)-stabilized bulk glass ceramics with the nominal composition of 4.5SiO(2)-3Al(2)O(3)-1.5P(2)O(5)-3SrO-2SrF(2) during short term implantation of up to 12 weeks in rabbit animal model. The progression of healing and bone regeneration was qualitatively and quantitatively assessed using fluorescence microscopy, histological analysis and micro-computed tomography. The overall assessment of the present study establishes that the investigated glass ceramic is biocompatible in vivo with regards to local effects after short term implantation in rabbit animal model. Excellent healing was observed, which is comparable to that seen in response to a commercially available implant of HA-based bioglass alone. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider four-dimensional CFTs which admit a large-N expansion, and whose spectrum contains states whose conformal dimensions do not scale with N. We explicitly reorganise the partition function obtained by exponentiating the one-particle partition function of these states into a heat kernel form for the dual string spectrum on AdS(5). On very general grounds, the heat kernel answer can be expressed in terms of a convolution of the one-particle partition function of the light states in the four-dimensional CFT. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We consider generalized gravitational entropy in various higher derivative theories of gravity dual to four dimensional CFTs using the recently proposed regularization of squashed cones. We derive the universal terms in the entanglement entropy for spherical and cylindrical surfaces. This is achieved by constructing the Fefferman-Graham expansion for the leading order metrics for the bulk geometry and evaluating the generalized gravitational entropy. We further show that the Wald entropy evaluated in the bulk geometry constructed for the regularized squashed cones leads to the correct universal parts of the entanglement entropy for both spherical and cylindrical entangling surfaces. We comment on the relation with the Iyer-Wald formula for dynamical horizons relating entropy to a Noether charge. Finally we show how to derive the entangling surface equation in Gauss-Bonnet holography.


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Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) offers a unique opportunity to measure brain metabolites in-vivo, and in doing so enables one to understand the brain function and cellular processes implicated in the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders. MRS, in addition to being non-invasive, is devoid of radioactive tracers and ionizing radiation, a distinct advantage over other imaging modalities like positron emission tomography and single photon emission computed tomography. With advances in MRS technique it is now possible to quantify concentrations of relevant compounds like neurotransmitters, neuronal viability markers and pharmacological compounds. Majority of the MRS studies have examined the neurometabolites in schizophrenia, a common and debilitating psychiatric disorder. Abnormalities in N Acetyl aspartate and Glutamate are consistently reported while the reports regarding the myoinsoitol and choline are inconsistent. These abnormalities are not changed across the illness stages and despite treatment. However, multiple technical challenges have limited the widespread use of MRS in psychiatric disorders. Guidelines for uniform acquisition and preprocessing are need of the hour, which. would increase the replicability and validity of MRS measures in psychiatry. Finally long term, prospective, longitudinal studies are required in different psychiatric disorders for potential clinical applications.


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We compute logarithmic corrections to the twisted index B-6(g) in four-dimensional N = 4 and N = 8 string theories using the framework of the Quantum Entropy Function. We find that these vanish, matching perfectly with the large-charge expansion of the corresponding microscopic expressions.


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We compute the renormalized entanglement entropy (REE) for BPS black solutions in N = 2, four-dimensional gauged supergravity. We find that this quantity decreases monotonically with the size of the entangling region until it reaches a critical point, then increases and approaches the entropy density of the brane. This behavior can be understood as a consequence of the renormalized entanglement entropy being driven by two competing factors, namely, entanglement and the mixedness of the black brane. In the UV, entanglement dominates, whereas in the IR, the mixedness takes over.


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Purpose: Composition of the coronary artery plaque is known to have critical role in heart attack. While calcified plaque can easily be diagnosed by conventional CT, it fails to distinguish between fibrous and lipid rich plaques. In the present paper, the authors discuss the experimental techniques and obtain a numerical algorithm by which the electron density (rho(e)) and the effective atomic number (Z(eff)) can be obtained from the dual energy computed tomography (DECT) data. The idea is to use this inversion method to characterize and distinguish between the lipid and fibrous coronary artery plaques. Methods: For the purpose of calibration of the CT machine, the authors prepare aqueous samples whose calculated values of (rho(e), Z(eff)) lie in the range of (2.65 x 10(23) <= rho(e) <= 3.64 x 10(23)/cm(3)) and (6.80 <= Z(eff) <= 8.90). The authors fill the phantom with these known samples and experimentally determine HU(V-1) and HU(V-2), with V-1,V-2 = 100 and 140 kVp, for the same pixels and thus determine the coefficients of inversion that allow us to determine (rho(e), Z(eff)) from the DECT data. The HU(100) and HU(140) for the coronary artery plaque are obtained by filling the channel of the coronary artery with a viscous solution of methyl cellulose in water, containing 2% contrast. These (rho(e), Z(eff)) values of the coronary artery plaque are used for their characterization on the basis of theoretical models of atomic compositions of the plaque materials. These results are compared with histopathological report. Results: The authors find that the calibration gives Pc with an accuracy of 3.5% while Z(eff) is found within 1% of the actual value, the confidence being 95%. The HU(100) and HU(140) are found to be considerably different for the same plaque at the same position and there is a linear trend between these two HU values. It is noted that pure lipid type plaques are practically nonexistent, and microcalcification, as observed in histopathology, has to be taken into account to explain the nature of the observed (rho(e), Z(eff)) data. This also enables us to judge the composition of the plaque in terms of basic model which considers the plaque to be composed of fibres, lipids, and microcalcification. Conclusions: This simple and reliable method has the potential as an effective modality to investigate the composition of noncalcified coronary artery plaques and thus help in their characterization. In this inversion method, (rho(e), Z(eff)) of the scanned sample can be found by eliminating the effects of the CT machine and also by ensuring that the determination of the two unknowns (rho(e), Z(eff)) does not interfere with each other and the nature of the plaque can be identified in terms of a three component model. (C) 2015 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.


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3D porous membranes were developed by etching one of the phases (here PEO, polyethylene oxide) from melt-mixed PE/PEO binary blends. Herein, we have systematically discussed the development of these membranes using X-ray micro-computed tomography. The 3D tomograms of the extruded strands and hot-pressed samples revealed a clear picture as to how the morphology develops and coarsens over a function of time during post-processing operations like compression molding. The coarsening of PE/PEO blends was traced using X-ray micro-computed tomography and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of annealed blends at different times. It is now understood from X-ray micro-computed tomography that by the addition of a compatibilizer (here lightly maleated PE), a stable morphology can be visualized in 3D. In order to anchor biocidal graphene oxide sheets onto these 3D porous membranes, the PE membranes were chemically modified with acid/ethylene diamine treatment to anchor the GO sheets which were further confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and surface Raman mapping. The transport properties through the membrane clearly reveal unimpeded permeation of water which suggests that anchoring GO on to the membranes does not clog the pores. Antibacterial studies through the direct contact of bacteria with GO anchored PE membranes resulted in 99% of bacterial inactivation. The possible bacterial inactivation through physical disruption of the bacterial cell wall and/or reactive oxygen species (ROS) is discussed herein. Thus this study opens new avenues in designing polyolefin based antibacterial 3D porous membranes for water purification.