29 resultados para Former captive


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The two-dimensional,q-state (q>4) Potts model is used as a testing ground for approximate theories of first-order phase transitions. In particular, the predictions of a theory analogous to the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff theory of freezing are compared with those of ordinary mean-field (Curie-Wiess) theory. It is found that the Curie-Weiss theory is a better approximation than the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff theory, even though the former neglects all fluctuations. It is shown that the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff theory overestimates the effects of fluctuations in this system. The reasons behind the failure of the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff approximation and the suitability of using the two-dimensional Potts model as a testing ground for these theories are discussed.


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Coloration in polyacrylonitrile can be induced in three distinct ways: by heat treatment, by treatment with base, or during synthesis of the polymer itself using ionic initiators at relatively higher temperatures. The present investigation employing 'H and NMR spectroscopy has revealed some common features in colored polyacrylonitrile irrespective of ita mode of coloration. All colored polyacrylonitriles give an additional peak around S 2.7 in 'H NMR spectra and, except for heat-treated polyacrylonitrile, one extra group of peaks in the region 8 12-16 in 13C NMR spectra. The former peak has been attributed to methine and/or methylene protons in branched and/or cyclized structures, while the latter peak has been attributed to methylene carbon atoms in the branched structure. Colorless polyacrylonitriles have been found to be predominantly heterotactic, while colored polyacrylonitriles have been found to have appreciable isotactic contribution.


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We present here the first statistically calibrated and verified tree-ring reconstruction of climate from continental Southeast Asia.The reconstructed variable is March-May (MAM) Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) based on ring widths from 22 trees (42 radial cores) of rare and long-lived conifer, Fokienia hodginsii (Po Mu as locally called) from northern Vietnam. This is the first published tree ring chronology from Vietnam as well as the first for this species. Spanning 535 years, this is the longest cross-dated tree-ring series yet produced from continental Southeast Asia. Response analysis revealed that the annual growth of Fokienia at this site was mostly governed by soil moisture in the pre-monsoon season. The reconstruction passed the calibration-verification tests commonly used in dendroclimatology, and revealed two prominent periods of drought in the mid-eighteenth and late-nineteenth enturies. The former lasted nearly 30 years and was concurrent with a similar drought over northwestern Thailand inferred from teak rings, suggesting a ``mega-drought'' extending across Indochina in the eighteenth century. Both of our reconstructed droughts are consistent with the periods of warm sea surface temperature (SST)anomalies in the tropical Pacific. Spatial correlation analyses with global SST indicated that ENSO-like anomalies might play a role in modulating droughts over the region, with El Nio (warm) phases resulting in reduced rainfall. However, significant correlation was also seen with SST over the Indian Ocean and the north Pacific,suggesting that ENSO is not the only factor affecting the climate of the area. Spectral analyses revealed significant peaks in the range of 53.9-78.8 years as well as in the ENSO-variability range of 2.0 to 3.2 years.


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CaH406P-.K +, M r = 206.10, is orthorhombic, space group Pbca (from systematic absences), a = 14.538(4), b = 13.364(5), c = 6.880 (6)A, U = 1383.9 A 3, D x = 2.07 Mg m -a, Z = 8, ~.(Mo Ka) = 0.7107/~, p(MO Ka) = 1.015 mm -1. The final R value is 0.042 for a total of 1397 reflections. The high energy P-O(13) and the enolic C(1)-O(13) bonds are 1.612 and 1.374 A respectively. The enolpyruvate moiety is essentially planar. The orientation of the phosphate with respect to the pyruvate group in PEP.K is distinctly different from that in the PEP-cyclohexylammonium salt, the torsion angle C (2)-C (1)-O(13)- P being -209.1 in the former and -90 ° in the latter. The K + ion binds simultaneously to both the phosphate and carboxyl ends of the same PEP molecule. The ester O(13) is also a binding site for the cation. The K + ion is coplanar with the pyruvate moiety and binds to 0(22) and O(13) almost along their lone-pair directions. The carbonyl 0(22) prefers to bind to the K + ion rather than take part in the formation of hydrogen bonds usually observed in carboxylic acid structures.


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Elastic properties of lead phosphomolybdate [PbO-1bMoO3-1bP2O5] glasses have been investigated using ultrasonic velocity measurements at 10MHz. The composition dependence of elastic moduli, Poisson's ratio and the Debye temperature are found to be consistent with a structural model proposed earlier. According to this model lead acts both as a network former and as a network modifier in different composition regimes. It is suggested that the incorporation of lead into the network is accompanied by the conversion of three-connected [Image ] tetrahedra into four-connected Image tetrahedra in the network. lead; phosphorus; molybdenum


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Bees of the genus Apis are important foragers of nectar and pollen resources. Although the European honeybee, Apis mellifera, has been well studied with respect to its sensory abilities, learning behaviour and role as pollinators, much less is known about the other Apis species. We studied the anatomical spatial resolution and absolute sensitivity of the eyes of three sympatric species of Asian honeybees, Apis cerana, Apis florea and Apis dorsata and compared them with the eyes of A. mellifera. Of these four species, the giant honeybee A. dorsata (which forages during moonlit nights) has the lowest spatial resolution and the most sensitive eyes, followed by A. mellifera, A. cerana and the dwarf honeybee, A. florea (which has the smallest acceptance angles and the least sensitive eyes). Moreover, unlike the strictly diurnal A. cerana and A. florea, A. dorsata possess large ocelli, a feature that it shares with all dim-light bees. However, the eyes of the facultatively nocturnal A. dorsata are much less sensitive than those of known obligately nocturnal bees such as Megalopta genalis in Panama and Xylocopa tranquebarica in India. The differences in sensitivity between the eyes of A. dorsata and other strictly diurnal Apis species cannot alone explain why the former is able to fly, orient and forage at half-moon light levels. We assume that additional neuronal adaptations, as has been proposed for A. mellifera, M. genalis and X. tranquebarica, might exist in A. dorsata.


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Plasmodium falciparum TIM (PfTIM) is unique in possessing a Phe residue at position 96 in place of the conserved Ser that is found in TIMs from the majority of other organisms. In order to probe the role of residue 96, three PfTIM mutants, F96S, F96H and F96W, have been biochemically and structurally characterized. The three mutants exhibited reduced catalytic efficiency and a decrease in substrate-binding affinity, with the most pronounced effects being observed for F96S and F96H. The k(cat) values and K-m values are (2.54 +/- 0.19) x 10(5) min(-1) and 0.39 +/- 0.049 mM, respectively, for the wild type; (3.72 +/- 0.28) x 10(3) min(-1) and 2.18 +/- 0.028 mM, respectively, for the F96S mutant;(1.11 +/- 0.03) x 10(4) min(-1) and 2.62 +/- 0.042 mM, respectively, for the F96H mutant; and (1.48 +/- 0.05) x 10(5) min(-1) and 1.20 +/- 0.056 mM, respectively, for the F96W mutant. Unliganded and 3-phosphoglycerate (3PG) complexed structures are reported for the wild-type enzyme and the mutants. The ligand binds to the active sites of the wild-type enzyme (wtPfTIM) and the F96W mutant, with a loop-open state in the former and both open and closed states in the latter. In contrast, no density for the ligand could be detected at the active sites of the F96S and F96H mutants under identical conditions. The decrease in ligand affinity could be a consequence of differences in the water network connecting residue 96 to Ser73 in the vicinity of the active site. Soaking of crystals of wtPfTIM and the F96S and F96H mutants resulted in the binding of 3PG at a dimer-interface site. In addition, loop closure at the liganded active site was observed for wtPfTIM. The dimer-interface site in PfTIM shows strong electrostatic anchoring of the phosphate group involving the Arg98 and Lys112 residues of PfTIM.


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Solvolysis of normal and pseudo phthaloyl chlorides in aqueous acetone and in aqueous dioxane has revealed that the former solvolyses about hundred-fold faster than the latter. Contrary to the accepted belief, there is no evidence for equilibrium between the normal and the pseudo forms of phthaloyl chloride, under a variety of conditions.


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The tensile stress–strain response and fracture in a hypereutectic Ti–6Al–4V–1.7B (weight percent) alloy were investigated by employing interrupted tensile tests combined with acoustic emission measurements, with the aim to identify the cause for the observed low ductility in this alloy. These tests were complemented with microscopy. The alloy contains TiB whiskers of different length scales, the majority of which include micro-whiskers ( 5–10 μm length) and a few primary-whiskers ( 200–300 μm length). Although the fracture of both types of whiskers occur during deformation, the former leads to a gradual decrease in the secant modulus whereas initiation of the latter leads to a drastic drop in the modulus along with failure of the specimen, limiting the ductility.


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Conceptual advances in the field of membrane transport have, in the main, utilized artificial membranes, both planar and vesicular. Systems of biological interest,viz., cells and organelles, resemble vesicles in size and geometry. Methods are, therefore, required to extend the results obtained with planar membranes to liposome systems. In this report we present an analysis of a fluorescence technique, using the divalent cation probe chlortetracycline, in small, unilamellar vesicles, for the study of divalent cation fluxes. An ion carrier (X537 A) and a pore former (alamethicin) have been studied. The rate of rise of fluorescence signal and the transmembrane ion gradient have been related to transmembrane current and potential, respectively. A second power dependence of ion conduction-including the electrically silent portion thereof — on X537 A concentration, has been observed. An exponential dependence of ldquocurrentrdquo on ldquotransmembrane potentialrdquo in the case of alamethicin is also confirmed. Possible errors in the technique are discussed.


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The method of characteristics with some simplifying assumptions is made applicable for analyzing a given straight slope. By assuming that the mobilized shear strength varies with depth, and treating the whole soil mass as a series of layers, factors of safety of a given slope at different heights and a series of lines with different mobilized shear strength are obtained. The results show that the factors of safety obtained by the present method are lower than those obtained by friction circle method.


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The probable modes of binding of some complex carbohydrates, which have the trimannosidic core structure (Man3GlcNAc2), to concanavalin A (Con A) have been determined using a computer modelling technique. These studies show that Con a can bind to the terminal mannose residues of the trimannosidic core structure and to the internal mannosyl as well as to the terminal N-acetylglucosamine residues of the N-acetylglucosamine substituted trimannosidic core structure. The oligosaccharide with terminal mannose residues can bind in its minimum energy conformers, whereas the oligosaccharide with internal mannosyl and terminal N-acetylglucosamine residues can bind only in higher energy conformers. In addition the former oligosaccharide forms more hydrogen bonds with Con A than the latter. These results suggest that, for these oligosaccharides, the terminal mannose residue has a much higher probability of reaching the binding site than either the internal mannosyl or the terminal N-acetylglucosamine residues. The substitution of a bisecting N-acetylglucosamine residue on these oligosaccharides, affects significantly the accessibility of the residues which bind to Con A and thereby reduces their binding affinity. It thus seems that the binding affinity of an oligosaccharide to Con A depends not only on the number of sugar residues which possess free 3-, 4- and 6-hydroxyl groups but also on the accessibility of these sugar residues to Con A. This study also reveals that the sugar binding site of Con A is small and that the interactions between Con A and carbohydrates are extended slightly beyond the single sugar residue that is placed in the binding site.


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Conformational energy calculations were carried out on penicillin α-and Β-sulfoxides and δ2- and δ3-cephalosporins, in order to identify the structural features governing their biological activity. Results on penicillin Β-sulfoxide indicated that in its favoured conformation, the orientation of the aminoacyl group was different from the one required for biological activity. Penicillin α sulfoxide, like penicillin sulfide, favoured two conformations of nearly equal energies, but separated by a much higher energy barrier. The reduced activity of the sulfoxides despite the nonplanarity of their lactam peptide indicated that the orientations of the aminoacyl and carboxyl groups might also govern biological activity. δ3-cephalosporins favoured two conformations of nearly equal energies, whereas δ2-cephalosporins favoured only one conformation. The lactam peptide was moderately nonplanÄr in the former, but nearly planar in the latter. The differences in the.preferred orientations of the carboxyl group between penicillins and cephalosporins were correlated with the resistance of cephalosporins to penicillinases.


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Empirical potential energy calculations have been carried out to determine the preferred conformations of penicillins and penicillin sulphones and their 1-oxa-1-dethia and 1-carba-1-dethia analogues. With the exception of 1-oxa-1-dethia penicillins, all the other compounds favour C2 and the C3 puckered conformations of their five-membered rings. Replacement of C2 methyl groups by hydrogen atoms as in bisnorpenicillin V or oxidation of sulphur in position 1 as in sulphones, makes the C3 puckered form much less favourable. Addition of an amino-acyl group at the C6 atom, however, makes the C3 puckered form more favoured in penicillin G or V and in 1-carba-1-dethia penicillins. Through the replacement of the sulphur atom at position 1 by an oxygen atom or by a -CH2 group increases the non-planarity of the lactam peptide bond, it significantly affects the relative disposition of the C3 carboxyl group with respect to the β-lactam ring. These conformational differences have been correlated with the biological activities of these compounds. The present study suggests that the conformation of the bicyclic ring system may be more important for initial binding with the crosslinking enzyme(s) involved in the biosynthesis of bacterial cell-wall peptidoglycan and that the mode of binding is influenced by the nature of the side-group at the C6 atom. These studies predict, in agreement with experimental results, that the 1-oxa-1-dethia penicillin nulceus is an inhibitor of penicillianses. The study also suggests that the stereospecificities of the crosslinking enzyme(s) and penicillinases are very similar with regard to the nature of the side-group at the 6 atom and the confirmation of the bicyclic ring system. However, the confirmational requirement for the bicyclic ring system appears to be more specific in the former enzyme than in the latter.