38 resultados para Foliar C:N:P Stoichiometry


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It is proved that the Riesz means S(R)(delta)f, delta > 0, for the Hermite expansions on R(n), n greater-than-or-equal-to 2, satisfy the uniform estimates \\S(R)(delta)f\\p less-than-or-equal-to C \\f\\p for all radial functions if and only if p lies in the interval 2n/(n + 1 + 2delta) < p < 2n/(n - 1 - 2delta).


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A general procedure for arriving at 3-D models of disulphiderich olypeptide systems based on the covalent cross-link constraints has been developed. The procedure, which has been coded as a computer program, RANMOD, assigns a large number of random, permitted backbone conformations to the polypeptide and identifies stereochemically acceptable structures as plausible models based on strainless disulphide bridge modelling. Disulphide bond modelling is performed using the procedure MODIP developed earlier, in connection with the choice of suitable sites where disulphide bonds could be engineered in proteins (Sowdhamini,R., Srinivasan,N., Shoichet,B., Santi,D.V., Ramakrishnan,C. and Balaram,P. (1989) Protein Engng, 3, 95-103). The method RANMOD has been tested on small disulphide loops and the structures compared against preferred backbone conformations derived from an analysis of putative disulphide subdatabase and model calculations. RANMOD has been applied to disulphiderich peptides and found to give rise to several stereochemically acceptable structures. The results obtained on the modelling of two test cases, a-conotoxin GI and endothelin I, are presented. Available NMR data suggest that such small systems exhibit conformational heterogeneity in solution. Hence, this approach for obtaining several distinct models is particularly attractive for the study of conformational excursions.


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The nucleotide sequence of cosmid B1790, carrying the Rif-Str regions of the Mycobacterium leprae chromosome, has been determined. Twelve open reading frames were identified in the 36716bp sequence, representing 40% of the coding capacity. Five ribosomal proteins, two elongation factors and the β and β'subunits of RNA polymerase have been characterized and two novel genes were found. One of these encodes a member of the so-called ABC family of ATP-binding proteins while the other appears to encode an enzyme involved in repairing genomic lesions caused by free radicals. This finding may well be significant as M. leprae, an intracellular pathogen, lives within macrophages.


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The variation in the bulk modulus of semiconductor nanoparticles has been studied within first-principles electronic-structure calculations using the local density approximation (LDA) for the exchange correlation. Quantum Monte Carlo calculations carried out for a silicon nanocrystal Si87H76 provided reasonable agreement with the LDA results. An enhancement was observed in the bulk modulus as the size of the nanoparticle was decreased, with modest enhancements being predicted for the largest nanoparticles studied here, a size just accessible in experiments. To access larger sizes, we fit our calculated bulk moduli to the same empirical law for all materials, the asymptote of which is the bulk value of the modulus. This was found to be within 2-10% of the independently calculated value. The origin of the enhancement has been discussed in terms of Cohen's empirical law M.L. Cohen, Phys. Rev. B 32, 7988 (1985)] as well as other possible scenarios.


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We present results on interfacial shear rheology measurements on Langmuir monolayers of two different polymers, poly(vinyl acetate) and poly(methyl methacrylate) as a function of surface concentration and temperature. While for the high glass transition poly(methyl methacrylate) polymer we find a systematic transition from a viscous dominated regime to an elastic dominated regime as surface concentration is increased, monolayers of the low glass transition polymer, poly(vinyl acetate), remain viscous even at very high surface concentrations. We further interpret the results in terms of the soft glassy rheology model of Sollich et al. P. Sollich, F. C. Lequeux, P. Hebraud and M. E. Cates, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1997, 78, 2020-2023] and provide evidence of possible reduction in glass transition temperatures in both poly(methyl methacrylate) and poly(vinyl acetate) monolayers due to finite size effects.


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Let G be a simple, undirected, finite graph with vertex set V(G) and edge set E(C). A k-dimensional box is a Cartesian product of closed intervals a(1), b(1)] x a(2), b(2)] x ... x a(k), b(k)]. The boxicity of G, box(G) is the minimum integer k such that G can be represented as the intersection graph of k-dimensional boxes, i.e. each vertex is mapped to a k-dimensional box and two vertices are adjacent in G if and only if their corresponding boxes intersect. Let P = (S, P) be a poset where S is the ground set and P is a reflexive, anti-symmetric and transitive binary relation on S. The dimension of P, dim(P) is the minimum integer l such that P can be expressed as the intersection of t total orders. Let G(P) be the underlying comparability graph of P. It is a well-known fact that posets with the same underlying comparability graph have the same dimension. The first result of this paper links the dimension of a poset to the boxicity of its underlying comparability graph. In particular, we show that for any poset P, box(G(P))/(chi(G(P)) - 1) <= dim(P) <= 2box(G(P)), where chi(G(P)) is the chromatic number of G(P) and chi(G(P)) not equal 1. The second result of the paper relates the boxicity of a graph G with a natural partial order associated with its extended double cover, denoted as G(c). Let P-c be the natural height-2 poset associated with G(c) by making A the set of minimal elements and B the set of maximal elements. We show that box(G)/2 <= dim(P-c) <= 2box(G) + 4. These results have some immediate and significant consequences. The upper bound dim(P) <= 2box(G(P)) allows us to derive hitherto unknown upper bounds for poset dimension. In the other direction, using the already known bounds for partial order dimension we get the following: (I) The boxicity of any graph with maximum degree Delta is O(Delta log(2) Delta) which is an improvement over the best known upper bound of Delta(2) + 2. (2) There exist graphs with boxicity Omega(Delta log Delta). This disproves a conjecture that the boxicity of a graph is O(Delta). (3) There exists no polynomial-time algorithm to approximate the boxicity of a bipartite graph on n vertices with a factor of O(n(0.5-epsilon)) for any epsilon > 0, unless NP=ZPP.


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Reactions of hexachlorocyclodiphosphazane [MeNPCl3]2 with primary aromatic amines afforded the bisphosphinimine hydrochlorides [(RNH)2(RN)PN(Me)P(NHMe)(NHR)2]+Cl- (R = Ph 1, C6H4Me-4 2 or C6H4OMe-4 3). Dehydrochlorination of 2 and 3 by methanolic KOH yielded highly basic bisphosphinimines [(RNH)2(RN)PN(Me)P(NMe)(NHR)2] (R = C6H4Me-4 4 or C6H4OMe-4 5). Compounds 1-5 have been characterised by elemental analysis and IR and NMR (H-1, C-13, P-31) spectroscopy. The structure of 2 has been confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The short P-N bond lengths and the conformations of the PN, units can be explained on the basis of cumulative negative hyperconjugative interactions between nitrogen lone pairs and adjacent P-N sigma* orbitals. Ab initio calculations on the model phosphinimine (H2N)3P=NH and its protonated form suggest that (amino)phosphinimines would be stronger bases compared to many organic bases such as guanidine.


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Accurate numerical solutions to the problems in fluid-structure (aeroelasticity) interaction are becoming increasingly important in recent years. The methods based on FCD (Fixed Computational Domain) and ALE (Alternate Lagrangian Eulerian) to solve such problems suffer from numerical instability and loss of accuracy. They are not general and can not be extended to the flowsolvers on unstructured meshes. Also, global upwind schemes can not be used in ALE formulation thus leads to the development of flow solvers on moving grids. The KFVS method has been shown to be easily amenable on moving grids required in unsteady aerodynamics. The ability of KFMG (Kinetic Flux vector splitting on Moving Grid) Euler solver in capturing shocks, expansion waves with small and very large pressure ratios and contact discontinuities has been demonstrated.


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The intensity ratio between L2-M45M45 and L3-M45M45 spectral features for both Fe and Co indicates significant tranfer of intensity from L2- to L3-M45M45 region due to Coster-Kronig L2-M45M45 transition. The L2-L3M45 transition can be suppressed by turning the photon energy between the L2 and L3 thresholds; however, the L3-M45M45 spectral shapes for Fe and Co do not change very significantly even at these photom energies unlike the cases of Ni, Cu and Zn, thus establishing that the M45-hole decays predominantly before the L3-hole Auger decay in the early transition elements in contrast to the late ones.


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A new class of photo-crosslinkable flame retardant arylphosphate ester polymers based on diarylidenecycloalkanone groups has been synthesized by polymerizing 2,5-divanillylidene cyclopentanone and 2,6-divanillylidenecyclohexanone with various arylphosphorodichloridates by interfacial polycondensation using a phase transfer catalyst. The resulting polymers were characterized by inherent viscosity, g.p.c., i.r., H-1, C-13, P-31 n.m.r. spectroscopy. These polymers were studied for their photochemical and flame retardant properties. The divanillylidene cycloalkanone group in the chain function as photoactive centres while arylphosphate ester groups impart flame retardancy. The photo-crosslinking proceeds via 2 pi + 2 pi cycloaddition reaction of the divanillylidene cycloalkanone moieties. The crosslinking rate, thermal stability and flammability characteristics of the polymers increase with decrease in the size of the cycloalkanone ring. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Glass nanocomposites in the system (100 - x)Li2B4O7-xSrBi(2)Ta(2)O(9) (0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 22.5, in molar ratio) were fabricated via a melt quenching technique followed by controlled heat-treatment. The as-quenched samples were confirmed to be glassy and amorphous by differential thermal analysis (DTA) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) techniques, respectively. The phase formation and crystallite size of the heat-treated samples (glass nanocomposites) were monitored by XRD and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The relative permittivities (epsilon(tau)') of the glass nanocomposites for different compositions were found to lie in between that of the parent host glass (Li2B4O7) and strontium bismuth tantalate (SBT) ceramic in the frequency range 100 Hz-40 MHz at 300 K, whereas the dielectric loss (D) of the glass nanocomposite was less than that of both the parent phases. Among the various dielectric models employed to predict the effective relative permittivity of the glass nanocomposite, the one obtained using the Maxwell's model was in good agreement with the experimentally observed value. Impedance analysis was employed to rationalize the electrical behavior of the glasses and glass nanocomposites. The pyroelectric response of the glasses and glass nanocomposites was monitored as a function of temperature and the pyroelectric coefficient for glass and glass nanocomposite (x = 20) at 300 K were 27 muC m(-2) K-1 and 53 muC m(-2) K-1, respectively. The ferroelectric behavior of these glass nanocomposites was established by P vs. E hysteresis loop studies. The remnant polarization (P-r) of the glass nanocomposite increases with increase in SBT content. The coercive field (E-c) and P-r for the glass nanocomposite (x = 20) were 727 V cm(-1) and 0.527 muC cm(-2), respectively. The optical transmission properties of these glass nanocomposites were found to be composition dependent. The refractive index (n = 1.722), optical polarizability (am = 1.266 6 10 23 cm 3) and third-order nonlinear optical susceptibility (x(3) = 3.046 6 10(-21) cm(3)) of the glass nanocomposite (x = 15) were larger than those of the as-quenched glass. Second harmonic generation (SHG) was observed in transparent glass nanocomposites and the d(eff) for the glass nanocomposite (x = 20) was found to be 0.373 pm V-1.


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Picosecond time-resolved resonance Raman spectra of the A (intramolecular charge transfer, ICT) state of DMABN, DMABN-d(6) and DMABN-N-15 have been obtained. The isotopic shifts identify the nu (s)(ph-N) mode as a band at 1281 cm(-1). The similar to 96 cm(-1) downshift of this mode from its ground state frequency rules out the electronic coupling PICT model and unequivocally supports the electronic decoupling TICT model. However, our results suggest some pyramidal character of the A state amino conformation.


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A series of novel hexasubstituted cyclophosphazene hydrazones [N(3)P(3)(-OC(6)H(4)-p-CH=N-NH-C(O)-C(6)H(4)-p-X)(6)] (X = H, Br, Cl, F, OH, OCH(3), CH(3), NO(2), NH(2)) were prepared by a sixfold condensation reaction of [N(3)P(3)(-OC(6)H(4)-p-CHO)(6)] with para-substituted benzoic hydrazides [NH(2)-NH-C(O)-C(6)H(4)-p-X] with excellent yields (91-98%). The structures of the compounds were confirmed by elemental analysis, FT-IR, (1)H, (13)C, (31)P, 2D-HSQC NMR and mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF). All the synthesized cyclophosphazene hydrazones exhibit high thermal stability. The crystal structure of a homogeneously substituted hexakis(4-formylphenoxy)-cyclotriphosphazene was determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P2(1)/n with a = 16.558(3) angstrom, b = 10.250(2) angstrom, c = 23.429(5) angstrom, alpha = gamma = 90.00 degrees, beta = 90.461(4)degrees, V = 3976.5(14) angstrom(3) and Z = 4. The R value is 0.0823 for 4290 observed reflections. The conformations of the 4-formylphenoxy-groups are different at the three phosphorus atoms. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present work is an attempt to study crack initiation in nuclear grade, 9Cr-1Mo ferritic steel using AE as an online NDE tool. Laboratory experiments were conducted on 5 heat treated Compact Tension (CT) specimens made out of nuclear grade 9Cr-1Mo ferritic steel by subjecting them to cyclic tensile load. The CT Specimens were of 12.5 mm thickness. The Acoustic emission test system was setup to acquire the data continuously during the test by mounting AE sensor on one of the surfaces of the specimen. This was done to characterize AE data pertaining to crack initiation and then discriminate the samples in terms of their heat treatment processes based on AE data. The AE signatures at crack initiation could conclusively bring to fore the heat treatment distinction on a sample to sample basis in a qualitative sense.Thus, the results obtained through these investigations establish a step forward in utilizing AE technique as an on-line measurement tool for accurate detection and understanding of crack initiation and its profile in 9Cr-1Mo nuclear grade steel subjected to different processes of heat treatment.