452 resultados para Flow separation


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The unsteady laminar incompressible nonsimilar boundary layer flow over a circular cylinder placed symmetrically inside a channel has been studied when the unsteadiness and nonsimilarity are due to the free stream velocity. The nonlinear partial differential equations with three independent variables have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference in combination with the quasilinearization technique. It is found that the channel blockage parameter controls the transfer of heat from the cylinder and delays separation. The skin friction and heat transfer are significantly affected by the free stream velocity distributions.


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We have discussed here the flow of a dilute suspension of rigid particles in Newtonian fluid in slowly varying tubes characterized by a small parameter ε. Solutions are presented in the form of asymptotic expansions in powers of ε. The effect of the suspension on the fluid is described by two parameters β and γ which depend on the volume fraction of the particles which we assume to be small. It is found that the presence of the particles accelerate the process of eddy formation near the constriction and shifts the point of separation.


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The presence of cell agglomerates has been found to influence significantly the rates of liquid drainage from static foams. The process of drainage has been modelled by considering the foam to be made of pentagonal dodecahedral bubbles yielding films, nearly horizontal and nearly vertical Plateau borders. The films are assumed to drain into both kinds of Plateau borders equally. The horizontal Plateau borders are assumed to receive liquid from the films and drain into the vertical Plateau borders, which, in turn, form the main flow paths for gravity drainage. The drainage process is assumed to be similar to that for pure liquid until a stage is reached where the size of the cell agglomerates become equivalent to those of films and Plateau borders. Thereafter, a squeezing flow mechanism has been formulated where the aggromerates deform and flow. The model based on the above assumptions has been verified against experimental results and has been found to predict not only drainage data but also the separation of cell agglomerates from broths.


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A two-dimensional numerical model which employs the depth-averaged forms of continuity and momentum equations along with k-e turbulence closure scheme is used to simulate the flow at the open channel divisions. The model is generalised to flows of arbitrary geometries and MacCormack finite volume method is used for solving governing equations. Application of cartesian version of the model to analyse the flow at right-angled junction is presented. The numerical predictions are compared with experimental data of earlier investigators and measurements made as part of the present study. Performance of the model in predicting discharge distribution, surface profiles, separation zone parameters and energy losses is evaluated and discussed in detail. To illustrate the application of the numerical model to analyse the flow in acute angled offtakes and streamlined branch entries, a few computational results are presented.


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The velocity distribution function for the steady shear flow of disks (in two dimensions) and spheres (in three dimensions) in a channel is determined in the limit where the frequency of particle-wall collisions is large compared to particle-particle collisions. An asymptotic analysis is used in the small parameter epsilon, which is naL in two dimensions and na(2)L in three dimensions, where; n is the number density of particles (per unit area in two dimensions and per unit volume in three dimensions), L is the separation of the walls of the channel and a is the particle diameter. The particle-wall collisions are inelastic, and are described by simple relations which involve coefficients of restitution e(t) and e(n) in the tangential and normal directions, and both elastic and inelastic binary collisions between particles are considered. In the absence of binary collisions between particles, it is found that the particle velocities converge to two constant values (u(x), u(y)) = (+/-V, O) after repeated collisions with the wall, where u(x) and u(y) are the velocities tangential and normal to the wall, V = (1 - e(t))V-w/(1 + e(t)), and V-w and -V-w, are the tangential velocities of the walls of the channel. The effect of binary collisions is included using a self-consistent calculation, and the distribution function is determined using the condition that the net collisional flux of particles at any point in velocity space is zero at steady state. Certain approximations are made regarding the velocities of particles undergoing binary collisions :in order to obtain analytical results for the distribution function, and these approximations are justified analytically by showing that the error incurred decreases proportional to epsilon(1/2) in the limit epsilon --> 0. A numerical calculation of the mean square of the difference between the exact flux and the approximate flux confirms that the error decreases proportional to epsilon(1/2) in the limit epsilon --> 0. The moments of the velocity distribution function are evaluated, and it is found that [u(x)(2)] --> V-2, [u(y)(2)] similar to V-2 epsilon and -[u(x)u(y)] similar to V-2 epsilon log(epsilon(-1)) in the limit epsilon --> 0. It is found that the distribution function and the scaling laws for the velocity moments are similar for both two- and three-dimensional systems.


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Experimental study and optimization of Plasma Ac- tuators for Flow control in subsonic regime PRADEEP MOISE, JOSEPH MATHEW, KARTIK VENKATRAMAN, JOY THOMAS, Indian Institute of Science, FLOW CONTROL TEAM | The induced jet produced by a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) setup is capable of preventing °ow separation on airfoils at high angles of attack. The ef-fect of various parameters on the velocity of this induced jet was studied experimentally. The glow discharge was created at atmospheric con-ditions by using a high voltage RF power supply. Flow visualization,photographic studies of the plasma, and hot-wire measurements on the induced jet were performed. The parametric investigation of the charac- teristics of the plasma show that the width of the plasma in the uniform glow discharge regime was an indication of the velocity induced. It was observed that the spanwise and streamwise overlap of the two electrodes,dielectric thickness, voltage and frequency of the applied voltage are the major parameters that govern the velocity and the extent of plasma.e®ect of the optimized con¯guration on the performance characteristics of an airfoil was studied experimentally.


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The non-similar boundary layer flow of a viscous incompressible electrically conducting fluid over a moving surface in a rotating fluid, in the presence of a magnetic field, Hall currents and the free stream velocity has been studied. The parabolic partial differential equations governing the flow are solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. The Coriolis force induces overshoot in the velocity profile of the primary flow and the magnetic field reduces/removes the velocity overshoot. The local skin friction coefficient for the primary flow increases with the magnetic field, but the skin friction coefficient for the secondary flow reduces it. Also the local skin friction coefficients for the primary and secondary flows are reduced due to the Hall currents. The effects of the magnetic field, Hall currents and the wall velocity, on the skin friction coefficients for the primary and secondary flows increase with the Coriolis force. The wall velocity strongly affects the flow field. When the wall velocity is equal to the free stream velocity, the skin friction coefficients for the primary and secondary flows vanish, but this does not imply separation. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Earlier desinent cavitation studies on a 1/8 caliber ogive by one of the authors (J. W. H.) showed a sudden change in the magnitude of the desinent cavitation number at a critical velocity. In the present work it is shown by means of oil-film flow visualization that below the critical velocity a long laminar separation bubble exists whereas above the critical velocity the laminar separation bubble is short. Thus the desinent cavitation characteristics of a 1/8 caliber ogive are governed by the nature of the viscous flow around the body.


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Condensation of water droplets during rapid evaporation of a polymer solution, under humid conditions, has been known to generate uniformly porous polymer films. Similar porous films are also formed when a solution of the polymer in THF containing small amounts of water, is allowed to evaporate rapidly under air flow; this suggests that water droplets may be formed during the final stages of film formation. In the presence of added surfactants, the interface of water droplets could become lined with the surfactants and consequently the internal walls of the pores generated, upon removal of the water, could become decorated with the hydrophilic head groups of the surfactant molecules. In a series of carefully designed experiments, we have examined the effect of added surfactants, both anionic and cationic, on the formation of porous PMMA films; the films were prepared by evaporating a solution of the polymer in THF containing controlled amounts of aqueous surfactant solutions. We observed that the average size of the pores decreases with increasing surfactant concentration, while it increases with increasing amounts of added water. The size of the pores and their distribution were examined using AFM and IR imaging methods. Although IR imaging possessed inadequate resolution to confirm the presence of surfactants at the pore surface, exchange of the inorganic counterion, such as the sodium-ion of SDS, with suitable ionic organic dyes permitted the unequivocal demonstration of the presence of the surfactants at the interface by the use of confocal fluorescence microscopy.


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The generalizations of the Onsager model for the radial boundary layer and the Carrier-Maslen model for the end-cap axial boundary layer in a high-speed rotating cylinder are formulated for studying the secondary gas flow due to wall heating and due to insertion of mass, momentum and energy into the cylinder. The generalizations have wider applicability than the original Onsager and Carrier-Maslen models, because they are not restricted to the limit A >> 1, though they are restricted to the limit R e >> 1 and a high-aspect-ratio cylinder whose length/diameter ratio is large. Here, the stratification parameter A = root m Omega(2)R(2)/2k(B)T). This parameter A is the ratio of the peripheral speed, Omega R, to the most probable molecular speed, root 2k(B)T/m, the Reynolds number Re = rho w Omega R(2)/mu, where m is the molecular mass, Omega and R are the rotational speed and radius of the cylinder, k(B) is the Boltzmann constant, T is the gas temperature, rho(w) is the gas density at wall, and mu is the gas viscosity. In the case of wall forcing, analytical solutions are obtained for the sixth-order generalized Onsager equations for the master potential, and for the fourth-order generalized Carrier-Maslen equation for the velocity potential. For the case of mass/momentum/energy insertion into the flow, the separation-of-variables procedure is used, and the appropriate homogeneous boundary conditions are specified so that the linear operators in the axial and radial directions are self-adjoint. The discrete eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the linear operators (sixth-order and second-order in the radial and axial directions for the Onsager equation, and fourth-order and second-order in the axial and radial directions for the Carrier-Maslen equation) are determined. These solutions are compared with direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) simulations. The comparison reveals that the boundary conditions in the simulations and analysis have to be matched with care. The commonly used `diffuse reflection' boundary conditions at solid walls in DSMC simulations result in a non-zero slip velocity as well as a `temperature slip' (gas temperature at the wall is different from wall temperature). These have to be incorporated in the analysis in order to make quantitative predictions. In the case of mass/momentum/energy sources within the flow, it is necessary to ensure that the homogeneous boundary conditions are accurately satisfied in the simulations. When these precautions are taken, there is excellent agreement between analysis and simulations, to within 10 %, even when the stratification parameter is as low as 0.707, the Reynolds number is as low as 100 and the aspect ratio (length/diameter) of the cylinder is as low as 2, and the secondary flow velocity is as high as 0.2 times the maximum base flow velocity. The predictions of the generalized models are also significantly better than those of the original Onsager and Carrier-Maslen models, which are restricted to thin boundary layers in the limit of high stratification parameter.


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Laminar separation bubbles are thought to be highly non-parallel, and hence global stability studies start from this premise. However, experimentalists have always realized that the flow is more parallel than is commonly believed, for pressure-gradient-induced bubbles, and this is why linear parallel stability theory has been successful in describing their early stages of transition. The present experimental/numerical study re-examines this important issue and finds that the base flow in such a separation bubble becomes nearly parallel due to a strong-interaction process between the separated boundary layer and the outer potential flow. The so-called dead-air region or the region of constant pressure is a simple consequence of this strong interaction. We use triple-deck theory to qualitatively explain these features. Next, the implications of global analysis for the linear stability of separation bubbles are considered. In particular we show that in the initial portion of the bubble, where the flow is nearly parallel, local stability analysis is sufficient to capture the essential physics. It appears that the real utility of the global analysis is perhaps in the rear portion of the bubble, where the flow is highly non-parallel, and where the secondary/nonlinear instability stages are likely to dominate the dynamics.


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Cooling slope (CS) has been used in this study to prepare semi-solid slurry of A356 Al alloy, keeping in view of slurry generation on demand for Rheo-pressure die casting process. Understanding the physics of microstructure evolution during cooling slope slurry formation is important to satisfy the need of semi-sold slurry with desired shape, size and morphology of primary Al phase. Mixture of spherical and rosette shaped primary Al phase has been observed in the samples collected during melt flow through the slope as well as in the cast (mould) samples compared to that of dendritic shape, observed in case of conventionally cast A356 alloy. The liquid melt has been poured into the slope at 650 A degrees C temperature and during flow it falls below the liquidus temperature of the said alloy, which facilitates crystallization of alpha-Al crystals on the cooling slope wall. Crystal separation due to melt flow is found responsible for nearly spherical morphology of the primary Al phase.


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Film flows on inclined surfaces are often assumed to be of constant thickness, which ensures that the velocity profile is half-Poiseuille. It is shown here that by shallow water theory, only flows in a portion of Reynolds number-Froude number (Re-Fr) plane can asymptotically attain constant film thickness. In another portion on the plane, the constant thickness solution appears as an unstable fixed point, while in other regions the film thickness seems to asymptote to a positive slope. Our simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations confirm the predictions of shallow water theory at higher Froude numbers, but disagree with them at lower Froude numbers. We show that different regimes of film flow show completely different stability behaviour from that predicted earlier. Supercritical decelerating flows are shown to be always unstable, whereas accelerating flows become unstable below a certain Reynolds number for a given Froude number. Subcritical flows on the other hand are shown to be unstable above a certain Reynolds number. In some range of parameters, two solutions for the base flowexist, and the attached profile is found to be more stable. All flows except those with separation become more stable as they proceed downstream. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4758299]


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Boundary layers are subject to favorable and adverse pressure gradients because of both the temporal and spatial components of the pressure gradient. The adverse pressure gradient may cause the flow to separate. In a closed loop unsteady tunnel we have studied the initiation of separation in unsteady flow past a constriction (bluff body) in a channel. We have proposed two important scalings for the time when boundary layer separates. One is based on the local pressure gradient and the other is a convective time scale based on boundary layer parameters. The flow visualization using a dye injection technique shows the flow structure past the body. Nondimensional shedding frequency (Strouhal number) is calculated based on boundary layer and momentum thicknesses. Strouhal number based on the momentum thickness shows a close agreement with that for flat plate and circular cylinder.


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Shock-Boundary Layer Interaction (SBLI) often occurs in supersonic/hypersonic flow fields. Especially when accompanied by separation (termed strong interaction), the SBLI phenomena largely affect the performance of the systems where they occur, such as scramjet intakes, thus often demanding the control of the interaction. Experiments on the strong interaction between impinging shock wave and boundary layer on a flat plate at Mach 5.96 are carried out in IISc hypersonic shock tunnel HST-2. The experiments are performed at moderate flow total enthalpy of 1.3 MJ/kg and freestream Reynolds number of 4 million/m. The strong shock generated by a wedge (or shock generator) of large angle 30.96 degrees to the freestream is made to impinge on the flat plate at 95 mm (inviscid estimate) from the leading edge, due to which a large separation bubble of length (75 mm) comparable to the distance of shock impingement from the leading edge is generated. The experimental simulation of such large separation bubble with separation occurring close to the leading edge, and its control using boundary layer bleed (suction and tangential blowing) at the location of separation, are demonstrated within the short test time of the shock tunnel (similar to 600 mu s) from time resolved schlieren flow visualizations and surface pressure measurements. By means of suction - with mass flow rate one order less than the mass flow defect in boundary layer - a reduction in separation length by 13.33% was observed. By the injection of an array of (nearly) tangential jets in the direction of mainstream (from the bottom of the plate) at the location of separation - with momentum flow rate one order less than the boundary layer momentum flow defect - 20% reduction in separation length was observed, although the flow field was apparently unsteady. (C) 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.