404 resultados para Ferroelectric ordering


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Triglycine selenate (TGSe) is isomorphous with Triglycine sulphate and is ferroelectric below 22°C. It is interesting to study the switching process in TGSe in the ferro-state with a view to comparing the results with TSG. The switching process was studied by applying electrical square pulses to produce fields up to 5 kV/cm on the sample, and measuring the parameters characterizing the transient current flowing in the sample, according to the Merz method. The temperature range in which the process was studied was 15°C to -20°C. The results were analysed by applying the Pulvari-Kuebler theory and the parameters α the activation field and µ the mobility of the domains were evaluated. It is found that µ varies with temperature in TGSe in a manner similar to TGS. µ is lesser for TGSe than for TGS for the same shift of temperature from Tc. The switching behaviour of γ-irradiated TGSe is qualitatively similar to that of unirradiated crystal eventhougth the process gets slowed down as a result of irradiation.


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The switching transients in dicalcium strontium propionate and azoxybenzene were studied by the use of the Merz method. It was observed that the switching time depends linearly on the applied electric field. Under similar electric fields, the switching processes in DSP and azoxybenzene are slower than in triglycine sulphate (TGS) at 27°C.


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Lithium rubidium sulphate, LiRbSO4 (LRS), undergoes a sequence of four phase transitions at 166, 185, 202 and 204°C. The phase between 202 and 204°C is incommensurate. Polarized phonon Raman spectra in the frequency region of 50-1200 cm-1 are presented to identify the external and internal vibrational modes at room temperature. The internal mode frequencies of the sulphate ions are presented in the temperature region from -150 to 230°C covering all the phase transitions. The total integrated areas of the 1, 2 and 4 modes show an anomalous increase across the phase transitions. The frequencies of the symmetric stretching (1) and symmetric bending (2) modes do not show any changes at the phase transitions, but the width of the 2 mode shows changes across the phase transitions. A small increase in the linewidth of the 2 mode observed in the incommensurate phase is attributed to the influence of the incommensurate modulation wave. A DSC thermogram showed endothermic peaks during heating at all the phase transitions. The IR spectrum recorded at room temperature showed the expected Au and Bu internal modes.


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The ferroelectric polarization switching was studied in DSP single crystal and Azoxybenzene liquid film using the method described by Merz (1954). The DSP single crystal samples were in the form of plates 0.5 mm - 1.0 mm thick. The Azoxybenzene liquid film samples had a thickness from 0.025 mm - 0.125 mm. Switching in DSP was observed in the temperature range +7°C to -30°C, while in Azoxybenzene it was observed from 30°C to 70°C.


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The Raman and infrared absorption spectra of sodium ammonium selenate dihydrate (SASD) have been recorded both above and below the ferroelectric transition temperature. The deuterated SASD has also been investigated. The results support the view that while there is only one type of NH4+ ions in the para electric phase, there are two types of NH4+ ions below Tc. The water molecules undergo considerable change and non-equivalent O-H bonds are produced below Tc. The SeO2/4- ions undergo very little change.


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Raman spectra of the ferroelectric LiH3 (SeO3)2 and NaH3(SeO3)2 and the anti-ferroelectric KH3 (SeO3)2 have been recorded at room temperature using a He-Ne and also an Ar-ion laser source. The infrared absorption spectra of these crystals and their deuterated analogues have been recorded in the region 400–4000 cm−1 both below and above the Curie temperature. From an analysis of the spectrum in the region 400–900 cm−1 it is concluded that (i) in LiH3 (SeO3)2 the protons are ordered in an asymmetric double minimum potential with a low barrier and the spectrum can be interpreted in terms of HSeO3− and H2SeO3 vibrations, (ii) in NaH3 (SeO3)2 all three protons occupy a single minimum potential at room temperature and below the transition temperature the groups HSeO3− and H2SeO3 are present, (iii) the proton at the inversion centre in KH3(SeO3)2 is in a broad troughed potential well and the low temperature spectrum is more likely to be due to H3SeO3+ and SeO32− species. This deviation of the spectrum from that of the previous two crystals is attributed to the difference in H-bond scheme and hence the absence of any cooperative motion of protons in this crystal.


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X-ray absorption edge and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic studies of As-Se glasses seem to support a chemical ordering model.


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The polarization switching processes in radiation damaged ferroelectrics were studied by the Merz method. In irradiated triglycine sulphate and sodium nitrite, the switching time depends exponentially on the applied electric field. Irradiation increases the importance of nucleation and sideways motion of the domain walls in polarization switching.


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The phase transition in gamma-irradiated triglycine sulphate (TGS) has been investigated by using a method based on the measurement of thermal noise. The results of a study of the polarization switching characteristics of gamma irradiated TGS and sodium nitrite (NaNO2) have also been presented. The effect of irradiation on the phase transition and the switching processes has been discussed.


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The crystal structure of ferroelectric sodium meta vanadate, NaVO3 has been solved using three dimensional X-ray data and refined to an R-value of 0.077 for 375 observed reflections. The crystal belongs to the monoclinic system with space group Cc and with unit cell dimensions a = 10.494 (9) Aring, b = 9.434 (7) Aring, c = 5.863 (6) Aring and β = 108° 48' in the room temperature ferroelectric phase. The unit cell dimensions in the high temperature paraelectric phase (above 380°C) are a = 10.595 (15) Aring, b = 9.671 (10) Aring, c = 5.926 (8) Aring and β = 108° 45' with space group C2/c. The crystal structure may be viewed as consisting of alternate channels of sodium polyhedra and VO4 tetrahedra.


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Single crystal electron spin resonance studies of Cu2+ doped ferroelectric ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4, Tc = 223 K) are reported at 300 and 77 K. The Cu2+ ion is found to enter the lattice interstitially with a trigonal bipyramidal coordination. Proton superhyperfine interaction is found for magnetic field directions close to the a-axis. Changes are observed in the 77 K recordings indicating a distortion of the trigonal bipyramid consistent with crystal structure data. An increase of the proton superhyperfine constant in the ferroelectric phase is indicative of stronger hydrogen bonding. The Cu2+ ion doped as an impurity in a trigonal bipyramid environment in a diamagnetic host lattice is reported for the first time.


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Using even driven simulations, we show that homogeneously sheared inelastic dumbbells in two dimensions are randomly orientated in the limit of low density. As the packing fraction is increased, particles first tend to orient along the extensional axis, and then as the packing fraction is further increased, the alignment shifts closer to the flow axis. The orientational order parameter displays a continuous increase with packing fraction and does not appear to exhibit a universal scaling with elongation. Except at the highest packing fractions, the orientational distribution function can be reconstructed with only the first coefficient of the Fourier expansion.


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We report the synthesis and structural characterization of ferroelectric bismuth vanadate (Bi2VO5.5) (BVO) nanotubes within the nanoporous anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) templates via sol-gel method. The as-prepared BVO nanotubes were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (HRTEM) and the stoichiometry of the nanotubes was established by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Postannealed (675 degrees C for 1 h), BVO nanotubes were a polycrystalline and the XRD studies confirmed the crystal structure to be orthorhombic. The uniformity in diameter and length of the nanotubes as reveled by the TEM and SEM suggested that these were influenced to a guest extent by the thickness and pore diameter of the nanoporous AAO template. EDX analysis demonstrated the formation of stoichiometric Bi2VO5.5 phase. HRTEM confirmed that the obtained BVO nanotubes were made up of nanoparticles of 5-9 nm range. The possible formation mechanism of nanotubes was elucidated.


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X-band electron spin resonance (ESR) studies of (CrO4)2- doped, X-irradiated single crystals of ferroelectric ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4, TC = 223 K) at 300 and 208 K are reported. The paramagnetic centre responsible for the ESR spectrum is identified to be Cr5+. Superhyperfine interaction of the unpaired electron with two equivalent protons is observed. The spin-Hamiltonian parameters which are nearly axial at 300 K, with g < g indicating a dx2-y2 orbital ground state, acquired rhombic character below TC indicating a distortion of the sulphate tetrahedron. An increase in the value of the proton superhyperfine constant in the ferroelectric phase is indicative of stronger hydrogen bonding.