28 resultados para Female labor participation


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Mechanistic studies of two intramolecular processes, nucleophilic displacement of N-methylmorpholinium in N-methyl-N-{9-oxobicyclo[3,3,1]nonan-2 alpha-yl}morpholinium iodide, anchimerically assisted by keto carbonyl, and a Cannizzaro-type reaction of 3-(2-oxocyclohexyl)propanal, occurring via axial hydride transfer onto the cyclohexanone, are reported.


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By employing a procedure that combines ELISA and photoacoustic spectroscopy, we have examined the content of 5-methylcytosine (m(5)C) in DNA of individuals who differed from one another in the number of X chromosomes in their genomes. The results show that the human inactive X chromosome (Xi) contains very high amounts of this modified nucleotide. We estimate that in the 46,XX female there is more m(5)C in Xi (similar to3.6 x 10(7)) than in all the remaining chromosomes put together (similar to2.1 x 10(7)). Our results also suggest that nearly one-fifth of all cytosines in Xi are methylated and that, in addition to CpG methylation, there is extensive non-CpG methylation as well.


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A customer reported problem (or Trouble Ticket) in software maintenance is typically solved by one or more maintenance engineers. The decision of allocating the ticket to one or more engineers is generally taken by the lead, based on customer delivery deadlines and a guided complexity assessment from each maintenance engineer. The key challenge in such a scenario is two folds, un-truthful (hiked up) elicitation of ticket complexity by each engineer to the lead and the decision of allocating the ticket to a group of engineers who will solve the ticket with in customer deadline. The decision of allocation should ensure Individual and Coalitional Rationality along with Coalitional Stability. In this paper we use game theory to examine the issue of truthful elicitation of ticket complexities by engineers for solving ticket as a group given a specific customer delivery deadline. We formulate this problem as strategic form game and propose two mechanisms, (1) Division of Labor (DOL) and (2) Extended Second Price (ESP). In the proposed mechanisms we show that truth telling by each engineer constitutes a Dominant Strategy Nash Equilibrium of the underlying game. Also we analyze the existence of Individual Rationality (IR) and Coalitional Rationality (CR) properties to motivate voluntary and group participation. We use Core, solution concept from co-operative game theory to analyze the stability of the proposed group based on the allocation and payments.


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Electronic states of CeO(2), Ce(1 -aEuro parts per thousand x) Pt (x) O(2 -aEuro parts per thousand delta) , and Ce(1 -aEuro parts per thousand x -aEuro parts per thousand y) Ti (y) Pt (x) O(2 -aEuro parts per thousand delta) electrodes have been investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy as a function of applied potential for oxygen evolution and formic acid and methanol oxidation. Ionically dispersed platinum in Ce(1 -aEuro parts per thousand x) Pt (x) O(2 -aEuro parts per thousand delta) and Ce(1 -aEuro parts per thousand x -aEuro parts per thousand y) Ti (y) Pt (x) O(2 -aEuro parts per thousand delta) is active toward these reactions compared with CeO(2) alone. Higher electrocatalytic activity of Pt(2+) ions in CeO(2) and Ce(1 -aEuro parts per thousand x) Ti (x) O(2) compared with the same amount of Pt(0) in Pt/C is attributed to Pt(2+) ion interaction with CeO(2) and Ce(1 -aEuro parts per thousand x) Ti (x) O(2) to activate the lattice oxygen of the support oxide. Utilization of this activated lattice oxygen has been demonstrated in terms of high oxygen evolution in acid medium with these catalysts. Further, ionic platinum in CeO(2) and Ce(1 -aEuro parts per thousand x) Ti (x) O(2) does not suffer from CO poisoning effect unlike Pt(0) in Pt/C due to participation of activated lattice oxygen which oxidizes the intermediate CO to CO(2). Hence, higher activity is observed toward formic acid and methanol oxidation compared with same amount of Pt metal in Pt/C.


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Service systems are labor intensive. Further, the workload tends to vary greatly with time. Adapting the staffing levels to the workloads in such systems is nontrivial due to a large number of parameters and operational variations, but crucial for business objectives such as minimal labor inventory. One of the central challenges is to optimize the staffing while maintaining system steady-state and compliance to aggregate SLA constraints. We formulate this problem as a parametrized constrained Markov process and propose a novel stochastic optimization algorithm for solving it. Our algorithm is a multi-timescale stochastic approximation scheme that incorporates a SPSA based algorithm for ‘primal descent' and couples it with a ‘dual ascent' scheme for the Lagrange multipliers. We validate this optimization scheme on five real-life service systems and compare it with a state-of-the-art optimization tool-kit OptQuest. Being two orders of magnitude faster than OptQuest, our scheme is particularly suitable for adaptive labor staffing. Also, we observe that it guarantees convergence and finds better solutions than OptQuest in many cases.


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A principal hypothesis for the evolution of leks (rare and intensely competitive territorial aggregations) is that leks result from females preferring to mate with clustered males. This hypothesis predicts more female visits and higher mating success per male on larger leks. Evidence for and against this hypothesis has been presented by different studies, primarily of individual populations, but its generality has not yet been formally investigated. We took a meta-analytical approach towards formally examining the generality of such a female bias in lekking species. Using available published data and using female visits as an index of female mating bias, we estimated the shape of the relationship between lek size and total female visits to a lek, female visits per lekking male and, where available, per capita male mating success. Individual analyses showed that female visits generally increased with lek size across the majority of taxa surveyed; the meta-analysis indicated that this relationship with lek size was disproportionately positive. The findings from analysing per capita female visits were mixed, with an increase with lek size detected in half of the species, which were, however, widely distributed taxonomically. Taken together, these findings suggest that a female bias for clustered males may be a general process across lekking species. Nevertheless, the substantial variation seen in these relationships implies that other processes are also important. Analyses of per capita copulation success suggested that, more generally, increased per capita mating benefits may be an important selective factor in lek maintenance.


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Primates exhibit laterality in hand usage either in terms of (a) hand with which an individual solves a task or while solving a task that requires both hands, executes the most complex action, that is, hand preference, or (b) hand with which an individual executes actions most efficiently, that is, hand performance. Observations from previous studies indicate that laterality in hand usage might reflect specialization of the two hands for accomplishing tasks that require maneuvering dexterity or physical strength. However, no existing study has investigated handedness with regard to this possibility. In this study, we examined laterality in hand usage in urban free-ranging bonnet macaques, Macaca radiata with regard to the above possibility. While solving four distinct food extraction tasks which varied in the number of steps involved in the food extraction process and the dexterity required in executing the individual steps, the macaques consistently used one hand for extracting food (i.e., task requiring maneuvering dexterity)the maneuvering hand, and the other hand for supporting the body (i.e., task requiring physical strength)the supporting hand. Analogously, the macaques used the maneuvering hand for the spontaneous routine activities that involved maneuvering in three-dimensional space, such as grooming, and hitting an opponent during an agonistic interaction, and the supporting hand for those that required physical strength, such as pulling the body up while climbing. Moreover, while solving a task that ergonomically forced the usage of a particular hand, the macaques extracted food faster with the maneuvering hand as compared to the supporting hand, demonstrating the higher maneuvering dexterity of the maneuvering hand. As opposed to the conventional ideas of handedness in non-human primates, these observations demonstrate division of labor between the two hands marked by their consistent usage across spontaneous and experimental tasks requiring maneuvering in three-dimensional space or those requiring physical strength. Am. J. Primatol. 76:576-585, 2014. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Female mate choice decisions, which influence sexual selection, involve complex interactions between the 2 sexes and the environment. Theoretical models predict that male movement and spacing in the field should influence female sampling tactics, and in turn, females should drive the evolution of male movement and spacing to sample them optimally. Theoretically, simultaneous sampling of males using the best-of-n or comparative Bayes strategy should yield maximum mating benefits to females. We examined the ecological context of female mate sampling based on acoustic signals in the tree cricket Oecanthus henryi to determine whether the conditions for such optimal strategies were met in the field. These strategies involve recall of the quality and location of individual males, which in turn requires male positions to be stable within a night. Calling males rarely moved within a night, potentially enabling female sampling strategies that require recall. To examine the possibility of simultaneous acoustic sampling of males, we estimated male acoustic active spaces using information on male spacing, call transmission, and female hearing threshold. Males were found to be spaced far apart, and active space overlap was rare. We then examined female sampling scenarios by studying female spacing relative to male acoustic active spaces. Only 15% of sampled females could hear multiple males, suggesting that simultaneous mate sampling is rare in the field. Moreover, the relatively large distances between calling males suggest high search costs, which may favor threshold strategies that do not require memory.


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Drosophila melanogaster has served as an excellent model system for understanding the neuronal circuits and molecular mechanisms regulating complex behaviors. The Drosophila female reproductive circuits, in particular, are well studied and can be used as a tool to understand the role of novel genes in neuronal function in general and female reproduction in particular. In the present study, the role of Beadex, a transcription co-activator, in Drosophila female reproduction was assessed by generation of mutant and knock down studies. Null allele of Beadex was generated by transposase induced excision of P-element present within an intron of Beadex gene. The mutant showed highly compromised reproductive abilities as evaluated by reduced fecundity and fertility, abnormal oviposition and more importantly, the failure of sperm release from storage organs. However, no defect was found in the overall ovariole development. Tissue specific, targeted knock down of Beadex indicated that its function in neurons is important for efficient female reproduction, since its neuronal knock down led to compromised female reproductive abilities, similar to Beadex null females. Further, different neuronal class specific knock down studies revealed that Beadex function is required in motor neurons for normal fecundity and fertility of females. Thus, the present study attributes a novel and essential role for Beadex in female reproduction through neurons.


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We consider the problem of optimizing the workforce of a service system. Adapting the staffing levels in such systems is non-trivial due to large variations in workload and the large number of system parameters do not allow for a brute force search. Further, because these parameters change on a weekly basis, the optimization should not take longer than a few hours. Our aim is to find the optimum staffing levels from a discrete high-dimensional parameter set, that minimizes the long run average of the single-stage cost function, while adhering to the constraints relating to queue stability and service-level agreement (SLA) compliance. The single-stage cost function balances the conflicting objectives of utilizing workers better and attaining the target SLAs. We formulate this problem as a constrained parameterized Markov cost process parameterized by the (discrete) staffing levels. We propose novel simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA)-based algorithms for solving the above problem. The algorithms include both first-order as well as second-order methods and incorporate SPSA-based gradient/Hessian estimates for primal descent, while performing dual ascent for the Lagrange multipliers. Both algorithms are online and update the staffing levels in an incremental fashion. Further, they involve a certain generalized smooth projection operator, which is essential to project the continuous-valued worker parameter tuned by our algorithms onto the discrete set. The smoothness is necessary to ensure that the underlying transition dynamics of the constrained Markov cost process is itself smooth (as a function of the continuous-valued parameter): a critical requirement to prove the convergence of both algorithms. We validate our algorithms via performance simulations based on data from five real-life service systems. For the sake of comparison, we also implement a scatter search based algorithm using state-of-the-art optimization tool-kit OptQuest. From the experiments, we observe that both our algorithms converge empirically and consistently outperform OptQuest in most of the settings considered. This finding coupled with the computational advantage of our algorithms make them amenable for adaptive labor staffing in real-life service systems.


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Elaborate male traits with no apparent adaptive value may have evolved through female mate discrimination. Tusks are an elaborate male-only trait in the Asian elephant that could potentially influence female mate choice. We examined the effect of male body size, tusk possession and musth status on female mate choice in an Asian elephant population. Large/musth males received positive responses from oestrous females towards courtship significantly more often than did small/non-musth males. Young, tusked non-musth males attempted courtship significantly more often than their tuskless peers, and received more positive responses (though statistically insignificant) than did tuskless males. A positive response did not necessarily translate into mating because of mate-guarding by a dominant male. Female elephants appear to choose mates based primarily on traits such as musth that signal direct fertility benefits through increased sperm received than for traits such as tusks that may signal only indirect fitness benefits.


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Aims: Administration of estradiol or compounds with estrogenic activity to newborn female rats results in irreversible masculinization as well as defeminization in the brain and the animals exhibit altered reproductive behavior as adults. The cellular and molecular mechanism involved in inducing the irreversible changes is largely unknown. In the present study, we have monitored the changes in the expression of selected synaptogenesis related genes in the sexually dimorphic brain regions such as POA, hypothalamus and pituitary following 17 beta-estradiol administration to neonatal female rats. Main methods: Female Wistar rats which were administered 17 beta-estradiol on day 2 and 3 after birth were sacrificed 120 days later and the expression levels of genes implicated in synaptogenesis were monitored by semi-quantitative reverse transcription PCR. Since estradiol induced up-regulation of COX-2 in POA is a marker for estradiol induced masculinization as well as defeminization, in the present study only animals in which the increase in expression of COX-2 gene was observed in POA were included in the study. Key findings: Down-regulation of genes such as NMDA-2B, NETRIN-1, BDNF, MT-5 MMP and TNF-alpha was observed in the pre-optic area of neonatally E2 treated female rat brain but not in hypothalamus and pituitary compared to the vehicle- treated controls as assessed by RT-PCR and Western blot analysis. Significance: Our results suggest a possibility that down-regulation of genes associated with synaptogenesis in POA, may be resulting in disruption of the cyclical regulation of hormone secretion by pituitary the consequence of which could be infertility and altered reproductive behavior. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.