244 resultados para Double-cladding fiber


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Prequantization has been forwarded as a means to improve the performance of double phase holograms (DPHs). We show here that any improvement (even under the best of conditions) is not large enough to help the DPH to compete favourably with other holograms.


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X-ray crystal structure analysis of 7-methoxycoumarin reveals that the reactive double bonds are rotated by about 65° with respect to each other, the centre-to-centre distance between the double bonds being 3.83 Å. In spite of this unfavourable arrangement, photodimerization occurs in the crystalline state yielding the syn-head-tail dimer as the only product. Lattice energy calculations on ground-state molecules in crystals throw light on the mechanism of the reaction.


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The degree of B/B alternate cation order is known to heavily influence the magnetic properties of A2BB O6 double perovskites although the nature of such disorder has never been critically studied. Our detailed x-ray absorption fine structure studies in conjunction with synchrotron radiation x-ray diffraction experiments on polycrystalline Sr2FeMoO6 samples with various degrees of disorder reveal that a very high degree of short range order is preserved even in samples with highly reduced long range chemical order. Based on these experimental results and with the help of detailed structural simulations, we are able to model the nature of the disorder in this important class of materials and discuss the consequent implications on its physical properties.


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Detailed ESR investigations of Mn2+ substituting for Ca2+ in Ca2Sr(C2H5COO)6, (DSP) and Ca2Pb(C2H5COO)6, (DLP) and Ca2Ba(C2H5COO)6, (DBP), in single crystals and powders, over the temperature range from 300°C to -180°C have been carried out to study the successive phase transitions in these compounds. Spectra have been analyzed in terms of axial spin Hamiltonians and the temperature dependences of the parameters studied. Across the I-II transition, new physically and chemically inequivalent sites appear indicating the disappearance of the diad axes on which the propionate groups are located, bringing out the connection between the motional states of the propionate groups and the occurrence of ferroelectricity. The II-III transition also causes chemically inequivalent sites to develop, indicating that the transitions may not be isomorphous as believed previously. Similarities and dissimilarities of the ESR spectra of DLP, DSP and DBP are discussed in relation to the phase transitions.


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The routine use of proton NMR for the visualization of enantiomers, aligned in the chiral liquid crystal solvent poly-γ-benzyl-l-glutamate (PBLG), is restricted due to severe loss of resolution arising from large number of pair wise interaction of nuclear spins. In the present study, we have designed two experimental techniques for their visualization utilizing the natural abundance 13C edited selective refocusing of single quantum (CH-SERF) and double quantum (CH-DQSERF) coherences. The methods achieve chiral discrimination and aid in the simultaneous determination of homonuclear couplings between active and passive spins and heteronuclear couplings between the excited protons and the participating 13C spin. The CH-SERF also overcomes the problem of overlap of central transitions of the methyl selective refocusing (SERF) experiment resulting in better chiral discrimination. Theoretical description of the evolution of magnetization in both the sequences has been discussed using polarization operator formalism.


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Detailed ESR investigations of Mn2+ substituting for Ca2+ in Ca2Sr(C2H5COO)6 (DSP), Ca2Pb(C2H5COO)6 (DLP) and Ca2Ba(C2H5COO)6 (DBP), in single crystals and powders, over the temperature range from 200°C to -180°C have been carried out to study the successive phase transitions in these compounds. (DSP: [Tetragonal] ← 8.5°C → [tetragonal, ferroelectric] [tetragonal] ← -169°C → [monoclinic, ferroelectric]; DLP : [tetragonal] ← 60°C → [tetragonal, ferroelectric] ← -71.5°C → [monoclinic, ferroelectric]; [Cubic] ← -6°C → [orthorhombic] ← -75°C → [?]). Spectra have been analysed in terms of axial spin Hamiltonians and the temperature dependences of the parameters studied. In DSP and DLP across the I ↔ II transition, new physically and chemically inequivalent sites appear indicating the disappearance of the diad axes on which the propionate groups are located, bringing out the connection between the motional states of the propionate groups and the occurence of ferroelectricity. The II ↔ III transition also causes chemically inequivalent sites to develop, indicating that the transitions may not be isomorphous as believed previously. In DBP, the -6°C transition leads to (i) a doubling of both physically and chemically inequivalent sites (ii) a small (150 G at -6°C to 170 G at -8°C), but abrupt change in the magnitude of the zero-field splitting tensor D, and (iii) displacements of the orientations of the D tensors. Results are interpreted in terms of alternate rotations of the oxygen octahedra, showing participation of the carboxyl oxygens in the transition. No drastic changes in the parameters occur across the -75°C transition consistent with its second order nature. Similarities and dissimilarities of the ESR spectra of the three compounds in relation to the phase transitions, are discussed.


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Evidence was obtained for the participation of iron in the double hydroxylation reaction catalyzed by anthranilate hydroxylase from Aspergillus niger (UBC 814). Omission of iron from the growth medium gave inactive preparations of anthranilate hydroxylase which could be reactivated by incubating the enzyme preparations with ferric citrate. The enzyme was susceptible to inhibition by metal chelating agents. The Ki for o-phenanthroline, which inhibited the enzyme activity non-competitively with respect to anthranilate, was calculated to be 0.9 mM. The inhibition by o-phenanthroline was counteracted by ferric complexes such as ferric-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and ferric citrate. Anthranilate afforded protection against inhibition by o-phenanthroline.


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Measurements of small phase shifts by double-exposure holographic interferometry are facilitated, and ambiguities in the sign of the phase shift eliminated, by introducing a background pattern of interference fringes. A simple and reliable optical system for this purpose utilizing a rotating wedge is described, with which fringes of any desired orientation and spacing can conveniently be obtained. It is shown how this system can be used under certain conditions for measurements of small mechanical deformations.


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Pristine and molybdenum filled double walled carbon nanotubes (DWNTs) suspended in D2O show excellent ultrafast optical switching properties investigated through femtosecond Z-scan and degenerate pump-probe method using 50 fs pulses with central photon energy of 1.57 eV. For pristine-DWNT, the two photon absorption coefficient, beta and nonlinear refraction coefficient, n2 are 4.9×10−8 cm/W, and 9.5×10−11 cm2/W, respectively, which yield one photon figure of merit, W=133 and two photon figure of merit, T=0.4. The degenerate pump-probe measurements show strong photoinduced bleaching with biexponential decay with time constants ~150 and 600 fs. ©2009 American Institute of Physics


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Two typical alternative conformations for double strandee polynucleotides with Watson-Crick base pairing scheme are presented. these types avoid tangling of the chains. Representative models of these types with two different views, to show the similarity and dissimilarity between these models and the Watson-Crick model, are given.


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Here, we describe a novel FBG interrogation system in which FBGs are used as both sensing and reference elements. The reference FBGs is bonded to a mechanical flexure system having a linear amplification of 1:3.5, which is actuated using a piezo-actuator by applying a 0-150V ramp. The lengths of the reference gratings decide the maximum strain that can be applied to the reference grating, which in turn decides that strain range which can be interrogated. The main advantages of the present system are the on-line measurement of the wavelength shifts, small size, good sensitivity, multiplexing capability and low cost.


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Polypeptides with alternating L- and D-amino acid residues can take up stereochemically satisfactory coaxial double-helical structures, both antiparallel and parallel, which are stabilized by systematic interchain NH O hydrogen bonds. Semiempirical energy calculations over allowed regions of conformational space have yielded the characteristics of these double-helices. There are four possible types of antiparallel double-helices - A3, A4, A5 and A6, with n, the number of LD peptide units per turn, around 2.8, 3.6, 4.5 and 5.5 respectively, while for the parallel double-helices there are two types, P3 and P4, having similar helical parameters as in A3 and A4. The hydrogen-bonding scheme restricts the pitch in all the models to the narrow range of 10.0 to 11.5 Å. All these helices have large central cores whose radii increase proportionately with n. In this respect, A3 and A4 are suitable models for the structure of gramicidin A. In terms of their relative energies, antiparallel double-helices are marginally more stable than those with parallel strands. Our results indicate that the energy differences amongst the members in the antiparallel family are not significant and thus provide an explanation for the polymorphism reported for poly(γ-benzyl-LD-glutamate).


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A new tripodal flexible ligand (L) containing pyrazolyl functionality has been prepared and successfully used to obtain a pd(6) (1) molecular double-square and a cu(3) trigonalbipyramidal cage (2), where complex 1 represents the first example of a double-square obtained using a flexible tripodal ligand.


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An instrument for simultaneous measurement of dynamic strain and temperature in a thermally unstable ambience has been proposed, based on fiber Bragg grating technology. The instrument can function as a compact and stand-alone broadband thermometer and a dynamic strain gauge. It employs a source wavelength tracking procedure for linear dependence of the output on the measurand, offering high dynamic range. Two schemes have been demonstrated with their relative merits. As a thermometer, the present instrumental configuration can offer a linear response in excess of 500 degrees C that can be easily extended by adding a suitable grating and source without any alteration in the procedure. Temperature sensitivity is about 0.06 degrees C for a bandwidth of 1 Hz. For the current grating, the upper limit of strain measurement is about 150 mu epsilon with a sensitivity of about 80 n epsilon Hz(-1/2). The major source of uncertainty associated with dynamic strain measurement is the laser source intensity noise, which is of broad spectral band. A low noise source device or the use of optical power regulators can offer improved performance. The total harmonic distortion is less than 0.5% up to about 50 mu epsilon, 1.2% at 100 mu epsilon and about 2.3% at 150 mu epsilon. Calibrated results of temperature and strain measurement with the instrument have been presented. Traces of ultrasound signals recorded by the system at 200 kHz, in an ambience of 100-200 degrees C temperature fluctuation, have been included. Also, the vibration spectrum and engine temperature of a running internal combustion engine has been recorded as a realistic application of the system.