24 resultados para Copy number variation


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The fluctuating force model is developed and applied to the turbulent flow of a gas-particle suspension in a channel in the limit of high Stokes number, where the particle relaxation time is large compared to the fluid correlation time, and low particle Reynolds number where the Stokes drag law can be used to describe the interaction between the particles and fluid. In contrast to the Couette flow, the fluid velocity variances in the different directions in the channel are highly non-homogeneous, and they exhibit significant variation across the channel. First, we analyse the fluctuating particle velocity and acceleration distributions at different locations across the channel. The distributions are found to be non-Gaussian near the centre of the channel, and they exhibit significant skewness and flatness. However, acceleration distributions are closer to Gaussian at locations away from the channel centre, especially in regions where the variances of the fluid velocity fluctuations are at a maximum. The time correlations for the fluid velocity fluctuations and particle acceleration fluctuations are evaluated, and it is found that the time correlation of the particle acceleration fluctuations is close to the time correlations of the fluid velocity in a `moving Eulerian' reference, moving with the mean fluid velocity. The variances of the fluctuating force distributions in the Langevin simulations are determined from the time correlations of the fluid velocity fluctuations and the results are compared with direct numerical simulations. Quantitative agreement between the two simulations are obtained provided the particle viscous relaxation time is at least five times larger than the fluid integral time.


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The particle and fluid velocity fluctuations in a turbulent gas-particle suspension are studied experimentally using two-dimensional particle image velocimetry with the objective of comparing the experiments with the predictions of fluctuating force simulations. Since the fluctuating force simulations employ force distributions which do not incorporate the modification of fluid turbulence due to the particles, it is of importance to quantify the turbulence modification in the experiments. For experiments carried out at a low volume fraction of 9.15 x 10(-5) (mass loading is 0.19), where the viscous relaxation time is small compared with the time between collisions, it is found that the gas-phase turbulence is not significantly modified by the presence of particles. Owing to this, quantitative agreement is obtained between the results of experiments and fluctuating force simulations for the mean velocity and the root mean square of the fluctuating velocity, provided that the polydispersity in the particle size is incorporated in the simulations. This is because the polydispersity results in a variation in the terminal velocity of the particles which could induce collisions and generate fluctuations; this mechanism is absent if all of the particles are of equal size. It is found that there is some variation in the particle mean velocity very close to the wall depending on the wall-collision model used in the simulations, and agreement with experiments is obtained only when the tangential wall-particle coefficient of restitution is 0.7. The mean particle velocity is in quantitative agreement for locations more than 10 wall units from the wall of the channel. However, there are systematic differences between the simulations and theory for the particle concentrations, possibly due to inadequate control over the particle feeding at the entrance. The particle velocity distributions are compared both at the centre of the channel and near the wall, and the shape of the distribution function near the wall obtained in experiments is accurately predicted by the simulations. At the centre, there is some discrepancy between simulations and experiment for the distribution of the fluctuating velocity in the flow direction, where the simulations predict a bi-modal distribution whereas only a single maximum is observed in the experiments, although both distributions are skewed towards negative fluctuating velocities. At a much higher particle mass loading of 1.7, where the time between collisions is smaller than the viscous relaxation time, there is a significant increase in the turbulent velocity fluctuations by similar to 1-2 orders of magnitude. Therefore, it becomes necessary to incorporate the modified fluid-phase intensity in the fluctuating force simulation; with this modification, the mean and mean-square fluctuating velocities are within 20-30% of the experimental values.


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In this paper we present the effect of thickness variation of hole injection and hole blocking layers on the performance of fluorescent green organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs). A number of OLED devices have been fabricated with combinations of hole injecting and hole blocking layers of varying thicknesses. Even though hole blocking and hole injection layers have opposite functions, yet there is a particular combination of their thicknesses when they function in conjunction and luminous efficiency and power efficiency are maximized. The optimum thickness of CuPc (Copper(II) phthalocyanine) layer, used as hole injection layer and BCP (2,9 dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline) used as hole blocking layer were found to be 18 nm and 10 nm respectively. It is with this delicate adjustment of thicknesses, charge balancing is achieved and luminous efficiency and power efficiency were optimized. The maximum luminous efficiency of 3.82 cd/A at a current density of 24.45 mA/cm(2) and maximum power efficiency of 2.61 lm/W at a current density of 5.3 mA/cm(2) were achieved. We obtained luminance of 5993 cd/m(2) when current density was 140 mA/cm(2). The EL spectra was obtained for the LEDs and found that it has a peaking at 524 nm of wavelength. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Social insects are characterized by reproductive caste differentiation of colony members into one or a small number of fertile queens and a large number of sterile workers. The evolutionary origin and maintenance of such sterile workers remains an enduring puzzle in insect sociobiology. Here, we studied ovarian development in over 600 freshly eclosed, isolated, virgin female Ropalidia marginata wasps, maintained in the laboratory. The wasps differed greatly both in the time taken to develop their ovaries and in the magnitude of ovarian development despite having similar access to resources. All females started with no ovarian development at day zero, and the percentage of individuals with at least one oocyte at any stage of development increased gradually across age, reached 100% at 100. days and decreased slightly thereafter. Approximately 40% of the females failed to develop ovaries within the average ecological lifespan of the species. Age, body size and adult feeding rate, when considered together, were the most important factors governing ovarian development. We suggest that such flexibility and variation in the potential and timing of reproductive development may physiologically predispose females to accept worker roles and thus provide a gateway to worker ontogeny and the evolution of sociality.


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The thermal degradation of poly(n-butyl methacrylate-co-alkyl acrylate) was compared with ultrasonic degradation. For this purpose, different compositions of poly (n-butyl methacrylate-co-methyl acrylate) (PBMAMA) and a particular composition of poly(n-butyl methacrylate-co-ethyl acrylate) (PBMAEA) and poly(n-butyl methacrylate-co-butyl acrylate) (PBMABA) were synthesized and characterized. The thermal degradation of polymers shows that the poly(alkyl acrylates) degrade in a single stage by random chain scission and poly(n-butyl methacrylate) degrades in two stages. The number of stages of thermal degradation of copolymers was same as the majority component of the copolymer. The activation energy corresponding to random chain scission increased and then decreased with an increase of n-butyl methacrylate fraction in copolymer. The effect of methyl acrylate content, alkyl acrylate substituent, and solvents on the ultrasonic degradation of these copolymers was investigated. A continuous distribution kinetics model was used to determine the degradation rate coefficients. The degradation rate coefficient of PBMAMA varied nonlinearly with n-butyl methacrylate content. The degradation of poly (n-butyl methacrylate-co-alkyl acrylate) followed the order: PBMAMA < PBMAEA < PBMABA. The variation in the degradation rate constant with composition of the copolymer was discussed in relation to the competing effects of the stretching of the polymer in solution and the electron displacement in the main chain. (C) 2012 Society of Plastics Engineers


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Extensive molecular dynamics studies of 13 different silica polymorphs are reported in the isothermal-isobaric ensemble with the Parrinello-Rahman variable shape simulation cell. The van Beest-Kramer-van Santen (BKS) potential is shown to predict lattice parameters for most phases within 2%-3% accuracy, as well as the relative stabilities of different polymorphs in agreement with experiment. Enthalpies of high-density polymorphs - CaCl2-type, alpha-PbO2-type, and pyrite-type for which no experimental data are available as yet, are predicted here. Further, the calculated enthalpies exhibit two distinct regimes as a function of molar volume-for low and medium-density polymorphs, it is almost independent of volume, while for high-pressure phases a steep dependence is seen. A detailed analysis indicates that the increased short-range contributions to enthalpy in the high-density phases arise not only from an increased coordination number of silicon but also shorter Si-O bond lengths. Our results indicate that amorphous phases of silica exhibit better optimization of short-range interactions than crystalline phases at the same density while the magnitude of Coulombic contributions is lower in the amorphous phase. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Hydrophobic/superhydrophobic metallic surfaces prepared via chemical treatment are encountered in many industrial scenarios involving the impingement of spray droplets. The effectiveness of such surfaces is understood through the analysis of droplet impact experiments. In the present study, three target surfaces with aluminum (Al-6061) as base material-acid-etched, Octadecyl Trichloro Silane (OTS) coated, and acid-etched plus OTS-coated-were prepared. Experiments on the impact of inertia dominated water drops on these chemically modified aluminum surfaces were carried out with the objective to highlight the effect of chemical treatment on the target surfaces on key sub-processes occurring in drop impact phenomenon. High speed videos of the entire drop impact dynamics were captured at three Weber number (We) conditions representative of high We (We > 200) regime. During the early stages of drop spreading, the drop impact resulted in ejection of secondary droplets from spreading drop front on the etched surfaces resembling prompt splash on rough surfaces whereas no such splashing was observable on untreated aluminum surface. Prominent development of undulations (fingers) were observed at the rim of drop spreading on the etched surfaces; between the etched surfaces the OTS-coated surface showed a subdued development of fingers than the uncoated surface. The impacted drops showed intense receding on OTS-coated surfaces whereas on the etched surface a highly irregular receding, with drop liquid sticking to the surface, was observed. Quantitative analyses were performed to reveal the effect of target surface characteristics on drop impact parameters such as temporal variation of spread factor of drop lamella, temporal variation of average finger length during spreading phase, maximum drop spreading, time taken to attain maximum spreading, sensitivity of maximum spreading to We, number of fingers at maximum spreading, and average receding velocity of drop lamella. Existing models for maximum drop spreading showed reasonably good agreement with the experimental measurements on the target surfaces except the acid-etched surface. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A simple method employing an optical probe is presented to measure density variations in a hypersonic flow obstructed by a test model in a typical shock tunnel. The probe has a plane light wave trans-illuminating the flow and casting a shadow of a random dot pattern. Local slopes of the distorted wavefront are obtained from shifts of the dots in the pattern. Local shifts in the dots are accurately measured by cross-correlating local shifted shadows with the corresponding unshifted originals. The measured slopes are suitably unwrapped by using a discrete cosine transform based phase unwrapping procedure and also through iterative procedures. The unwrapped phase information is used in an iterative scheme for a full quantitative recovery of density distribution in the shock around the model through refraction tomographic inversion. Hypersonic flow field parameters around a missile shaped body at a free-stream Mach number of 5.8 measured using this technique are compared with the numerically estimated values. (C) 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)


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The behaviour of turbulent Prandtl/Schmidt number is explored through the model-free simulation results. It has been observed that compressibility affects the Reynolds scalar flux vectors. Reduced peak values are also observed for compressible convective Mach number mixing layer as compared with the incompressible convective Mach number counterpart, indicating a reduction in the mixing of enthalpy and species. Pr-t and Sc-t variations also indicate a reduction in mixing. It is observed that unlike the incompressible case, it is difficult to assign a constant value to these numbers due to their continuous variation in space. Modelling of Pr-t and Sc-t would be necessary to cater for this continuous spatial variation. However, the turbulent Lewis number is evaluated to be near unity for the compressible case, making it necessary to model only one of the Pr-t and Sc-t..