23 resultados para Control de constitucionalidad


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Concurrency control (CC) algorithms are important in distributed database systems to ensure consistency of the database. A number of such algorithms are available in the literature. The issue of performance evaluation of these algorithms has been recognized to be important. However, only a few studies have been carried out towards this. This paper deals with the performance evaluation of a CC algorithm proposed by Rosenkrantz et al. through a detailed simulation study. In doing so, the algorithm has been modified so that it can, within itself, take care of the redundancy in the database. The influences of various system parameters and the transaction profile on the response time and on the degree of conflict are considered. The entire study has been carried out using the programming language SIMULA on a DEC-1090 system.


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An approach is presented for hierarchical control of an ammonia reactor, which is a key unit process in a nitrogen fertilizer complex. The aim of the control system is to ensure safe operation of the reactor around the optimal operating point in the face of process variable disturbances and parameter variations. The four different layers perform the functions of regulation, optimization, adaptation, and self-organization. The simulation for this proposed application is conducted on an AD511 hybrid computer in which the AD5 analog processor is used to represent the process and the PDP-11/ 35 digital computer is used for the implementation of control laws. Simulation results relating to the different layers have been presented.


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Control systems arising in many engineering fields are often of distributed parameter type, which are modeled by partial differential equations. Decades of research have lead to a great deal of literature on distributed parameter systems scattered in a wide spectrum.Extensions of popular finite-dimensional techniques to infinite-dimensional systems as well as innovative infinite-dimensional specific control design approaches have been proposed. A comprehensive account of all the developments would probably require several volumes and is perhaps a very difficult task. In this paper, however, an attempt has been made to give a brief yet reasonably representative account of many of these developments in a chronological order. To make it accessible to a wide audience, mathematical descriptions have been completely avoided with the assumption that an interested reader can always find the mathematical details in the relevant references.


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A new current pulsewidth modulation (PWM) method is presented which uses the principle of creating zero three-phase currents at selected instants of time, through which the load current harmonic content can be controlled along with the magnitude of its fundamental content. This gives rise to reduction of motor torque ripples through the selection of suitable PWM patterns and a fast current control in the inverter by varying the pulsewidths of the PWM pattern. Under this new PWM mode of operation, the autosequentially commutated inverter (ASCI) circuit can be modified easily so that a higher number of pulses can be accomodated within a half-cycle, compared to the normal ASCI circuit. The experimental oscillograms verify the effectiveness of the new PWM method.


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A stretch of 71 nucleotides in a 1.2 kilobase pair Pst I fragment of rice DNA was identified as tRNA~ gene by hybridization and nucleotide sequence analyses. The hybridization of genomic DNA with the tRNA gene showed that there are about 10 glycine tRNA genes per diploid rice genome. The 3' and 5' internal control regions, where RNA polymerase III and transcription factors bind, were found to be present in the coding sequence. The gene was transcribed into a 4S product in an yeast cell-free extract. The substitution of 5' internal control region with analogous sequences from either M13mpl9 or M13mpl8 DNA did not affect the transcription of the gene in vitro. The changes in three highly conserved nucleotides in the consensus 5' internal control region (RGYNNARYGG; R = purine, Y = pyrimidine, N = any nucleotide) did not affect transcription showing that these nucleotides are not essential for promotion of transcription. There were two 16 base pair repeats, 'TGTTTGTTTCAGCTTA' at - 130 and - 375 positions upstream from the start of the gene. Deletion of 5' flanking sequences including the 16 base pair repeat at - 375 showed increased transcription indicating that these sequences negatively modulate the expression of the gene.


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Excised shoot tips of Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. (dodder), a rootless and leafless angiospermic plant parasite, were cultured in vitro for the study of the control of lateral bud development by the apex. In a chemically defined medium lacking hormones, the basal bud alone developed into a shoot. The addition of coconut milk to the growth medium induced the activation of multiple lateral buds, but only a single bud developed further into a shoot. The decapitation of this shoot induced the development of another shoot and the process could be repeated. This showed the controlling effect of the apex in correlative control of bud development. Application of indole-3-acetic acid to the shoot tip explant delayed the development of the lateral bud. Gibberellic acid A3 induced a marked elongation growth of the explant and reinforced apical dominance. The direct application of cytokinin to an inhibited bud relieved it from apical dominance. A basipetally decreasing concentration gradient of auxin may prevail at the nodes. Bud outgrowth is probably stimulated by cytokinin produced locally in the bud.


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A two-level control scheme for the load frequency control of a multi-area power system utilizing certain possible beneficial aspects of interconnections is described in this paper. The problem is identified as the determination of the necessary equivalent perturbation on the control distribution matrix to provide the corrective control.


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A simple ramp control firing circuit, suitable for use with fully controlled, line-commutated thyristor bridge circuits, is discussed here. This circuit uses very few components and generates the synchronized firing pulses in a simple way. It operates from a single 15 V Supply and has an inherent pulse inhibit facility. This circuit provides the synchronized firing pulses for both thyristors of the same limb in a bridge. To ensure reliability, wide triggering pulses are used, which are modulated to pass through the pulse transformers1 and demodulated before being fed to the thyristor gates. The use of throe such circuits only for a three-phase bridge is discussed.