22 resultados para Chronic intermittent hypoxia


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In infected tissues oxygen tensions are low. As innate immune cells have to operate under these conditions, we analyzed the ability of macrophages (M phi) to kill Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus in a hypoxic microenvironment. Oxygen restriction did not promote intracellular bacterial growth but did impair the bactericidal activity of the host cells against both pathogens. This correlated with a decreased production of reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) and reactive nitrogen intermediates. Experiments with phagocyte NADPH oxidase (PHOX) and inducible NO synthase (NOS2) double-deficient M phi revealed that in E. coli- or S. aureus-infected cells the reduced antibacterial activity during hypoxia was either entirely or partially independent of the diminished PHOX and NOS2 activity. Hypoxia impaired the mitochondrial activity of infected M phi. Inhibition of the mitochondrial respiratory chain activity during normoxia (using rotenone or antimycin A) completely or partially mimicked the defective antibacterial activity observed in hypoxic E. coli-or S. aureus-infected wild-type M phi, respectively. Accordingly, inhibition of the respiratory chain of S. aureus-infected, normoxic PHOX-/- NOS2(-/-) M phi further raised the bacterial burden of the cells, which reached the level measured in hypoxic PHOX-/- NOS2(-/-) M phi cultures. Our data demonstrate that the reduced killing of S. aureus or E. coli during hypoxia is not simply due to a lack of PHOX and NOS2 activity but partially or completely results from an impaired mitochondrial antibacterial effector function. Since pharmacological inhibition of the respiratory chain raised the generation of ROI but nevertheless phenocopied the effect of hypoxia, ROI can be excluded as the mechanism underlying the antimicrobial activity of mitochondria.


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Trypanosoma evansi is the most extensively distributed trypanosome responsible for disease called surra in livestock in many countries including frequent outbreaks in India. The prevalence of this disease is most commonly reported by standard parasitological detection methods (SPDM); however, antibody ELISA is being in practice by locally produced whole cell lysate (WCL) antigens in many countries. In the present investigation, we attempted to identify and purify immuno dominant, infection specific trypanosome antigens from T. evansi proteome using experimentally infected equine serum by immuno blot. Three immuno dominant clusters of proteins i.e. 62-66 kDa, 52-55 kDa and 41-43 kDa were identified based on their consistent reactivity with donkey sequential serum experimentally infected T. evansi up to 280 days post infection (dpi). The protein cluster of 62-66 kDa was purified in bulk in native form and comparatively evaluated with whole cell lysate antigen (WCL). ELISA and immuno blot showed that polypeptide of this cluster is 100% sensitive in detection of early and chronic infection. Further, this protein cluster was also found immuno reactive against hyper immune serum raised against predominantly 66 kDa exo antigen, revealed that this is a common immunodominant moieties in proteome and secretome of T. evansi.


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Mycobacteria are an important group of pathogenic bacteria. We generated a series of DNA repair deficient strains of Mycobacterium smegmatis, a model organism, to understand the importance of various DNA repair proteins (UvrB, Ung, UdgB, MutY and Fpg) in survival of the pathogenic strains. Here, we compared tolerance of the M. smegmatis strains to genotoxic stress (ROS and RNI) under aerobic, hypoxic and recovery conditions of growth by monitoring their survival. We show an increased susceptibility of mycobacteria to genotoxic stress under hypoxia. UvrB deficiency led to high susceptibility of M. smegmatis to the DNA damaging agents. Ung was second in importance in strains with single deficiencies. Interestingly, we observed that while deficiency of UdgB had only a minor impact on the strain's susceptibility, its combination with Ung deficiency resulted in severe consequences on the strain's survival under genotoxic stress suggesting a strong interdependence of different DNA repair pathways in safeguarding genomic integrity. Our observations reinforce the possibility of targeting DNA repair processes in mycobacteria for therapeutic intervention during active growth and latency phase of the pathogen. High susceptibility of the UvrB, or the Ung/UdgB deficient strains to genotoxic stress may be exploited in generation of attenuated strains of mycobacteria. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the context of the role of multiple physical factors in dictating stem cell fate, the present paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the intermittently delivered external electric field stimulation towards switching the stem cell fate to specific lineage, when cultured in the absence of biochemical growth factors. In particular, our findings present the ability of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) to respond to the electric stimuli by adopting extended neural-like morphology on conducting polymeric substrates. Polyaniline (PANI) is selected as the model system to demonstrate this effect, as the electrical conductivity of the polymeric substrates can be systematically tailored over a broad range (10(-9) to 10 S/cm) from highly insulating to conducting by doping with varying concentrations (10(-5) to 1 M) of HCl. On the basis of the culture protocol involving the systematic delivery of intermittent electric field (dc) stimulation, the parametric window of substrate conductivity and electric field strength was established to promote significant morphological extensions, with minimal cellular damage. A time dependent morphological change in hMSCs with significant filopodial elongation was observed after 7 days of electrically stimulated culture. Concomitant with morphological changes, a commensurate increase in the expression of neural lineage commitment markers such as nestin and PI tubulin was recorded from hMSCs grown on highly conducting substrates, as revealed from the mRNA expression analysis using Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) as well as by immune-fluorescence imaging. Therefore, the present work establishes the key role of intermittent and systematic delivery of electric stimuli as guidance cues in promoting neural-like differentiation of hMSCs, when grown on electroconductive substrates. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Irregular force fluctuations are seen in most nanotubulation experiments. The dynamics behind their presence has, however, been neither commented upon nor modeled. A simple estimate of the mean energy dissipated in force drops turns out to be several times the thermal energy. This coupled with the rate dependent nature of the deformation reported in several experiments point to a dynamical origin of the serrations. We simplify the whole process of tether formation through a three-stage model of successive deformations of sphere to ellipsoid, neck-formation, and tubule birth and extension. Based on this, we envisage a rate-softening frictional force at the neck that must be overcome before a nanotube can be pulled out. Our minimal model includes elastic and visco-elastic deformation of the vesicle, and has built-in dependence on pull velocity, vesicle radius, and other material parameters, enabling us to capture various kinds of serrated force-extension curves for different parameter choices. Serrations are predicted in the nanotubulation region. Other features of force-extension plots reported in the literature such as a plateauing serrated region beyond a force drop, serrated flow region with a small positive slope, an increase in the elastic threshold with pull velocity, force-extension curves for vesicles with larger radius lying lower than those for smaller radius, are all also predicted by the model. A toy model is introduced to demonstrate that the role of the friction law is limited to inducing stick-slip oscillations in the force, and all other qualitative and quantitative features emerging from the model can only be attributed to other physical mechanisms included in the deformation dynamics of the vesicle. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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In cells, N-10-formyltetrahydrofolate (N-10-fTHF) is required for formylation of eubacterial/organellar initiator tRNA and purine nucleotide biosynthesis. Biosynthesis of N-10-fTHF is catalyzed by 5,10-methylene-tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase/cyclohydrolase (FolD) and/or 10-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (Fhs). All eubacteria possess FolD, but some possess both FolD and Fhs. However, the reasons for possessing Fhs in addition to FolD have remained unclear. We used Escherichia coli, which naturally lacks fhs, as our model. We show that in E. coli, the essential function of folD could be replaced by Clostridium perfringens fhs when it was provided on a medium-copy-number plasmid or integrated as a single-copy gene in the chromosome. The fhs-supported folD deletion (Delta folD) strains grow well in a complex medium. However, these strains require purines and glycine as supplements for growth in M9 minimal medium. The in vivo levels of N-10-fTHF in the Delta folD strain (supported by plasmid-borne fhs) were limiting despite the high capacity of the available Fhs to synthesize N-10-fTHF in vitro. Auxotrophy for purines could be alleviated by supplementing formate to the medium, and that for glycine was alleviated by engineering THF import into the cells. The Delta folD strain (harboring fhs on the chromosome) showed a high NADP(+)-to-NADPH ratio and hypersensitivity to trimethoprim. The presence of fhs in E. coli was disadvantageous for its aerobic growth. However, under hypoxia, E. coli strains harboring fhs outcompeted those lacking it. The computational analysis revealed a predominant natural occurrence of fhs in anaerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria.


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Bacterial biofilms are associated with 80-90% of infections. Within the biofilm, bacteria are refractile to antibiotics, requiring concentrations >1,000 times the minimum inhibitory concentration. Proteins, carbohydrates and DNA are the major components of biofilm matrix. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) biofilms, which are majorly associated with chronic lung infection, contain extracellular DNA (eDNA) as a major component. Herein, we report for the first time that L-Methionine (L-Met) at 0.5 mu M inhibits Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) biofilm formation and disassembles established PA biofilm by inducing DNase expression. Four DNase genes (sbcB, endA, eddB and recJ) were highly up-regulated upon L-Met treatment along with increased DNase activity in the culture supernatant. Since eDNA plays a major role in establishing and maintaining the PA biofilm, DNase activity is effective in disrupting the biofilm. Upon treatment with L-Met, the otherwise recalcitrant PA biofilm now shows susceptibility to ciprofloxacin. This was reflected in vivo, in the murine chronic PA lung infection model. Mice treated with L-Met responded better to antibiotic treatment, leading to enhanced survival as compared to mice treated with ciprofloxacin alone. These results clearly demonstrate that L-Met can be used along with antibiotic as an effective therapeutic against chronic PA biofilm infection.