294 resultados para Channel Capacity


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In a dense multi-hop network of mobile nodes capable of applying adaptive power control, we consider the problem of finding the optimal hop distance that maximizes a certain throughput measure in bit-metres/sec, subject to average network power constraints. The mobility of nodes is restricted to a circular periphery area centered at the nominal location of nodes. We incorporate only randomly varying path-loss characteristics of channel gain due to the random motion of nodes, excluding any multi-path fading or shadowing effects. Computation of the throughput metric in such a scenario leads us to compute the probability density function of random distance between points in two circles. Using numerical analysis we discover that choosing the nearest node as next hop is not always optimal. Optimal throughput performance is also attained at non-trivial hop distances depending on the available average network power.


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In the two-user Gaussian Strong Interference Channel (GSIC) with finite constellation inputs, it is known that relative rotation between the constellations of the two users enlarges the Constellation Constrained (CC) capacity region. In this paper, a metric for finding the approximate angle of rotation to maximally enlarge the CC capacity is presented. It is shown that for some portion of the Strong Interference (SI) regime, with Gaussian input alphabets, the FDMA rate curve touches the capacity curve of the GSIC. Even as the Gaussian alphabet FDMA rate curve touches the capacity curve of the GSIC, at high powers, with both the users using the same finite constellation, we show that the CC FDMA rate curve lies strictly inside the CC capacity curve for the constellations BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM. It is known that, with Gaussian input alphabets, the FDMA inner-bound at the optimum sum-rate point is always better than the simultaneous-decoding inner-bound throughout the Weak Interference (WI) regime. For a portion of the WI regime, it is shown that, with identical finite constellation inputs for both the users, the simultaneous-decoding inner-bound enlarged by relative rotation between the constellations can be strictly better than the FDMA inner-bound.


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The capacity region of the 3-user Gaussian Interference Channel (GIC) with mixed strong-very strong interference was established in [1]. The mixed strong-very strong interference conditions considered in [1] correspond to the case where, at each receiver, one of the interfering signals is strong and the other is very strong. In this paper, we derive the capacity region of K-user (K ≥ 3) Discrete Memoryless Interference Channels (DMICs) with a mixed strong-very strong interference. This corresponds to the case where, at each receiver one of the interfering signals is strong and the other (K - 2) interfering signals are very strong. This includes, as a special case, the 3-user DMIC with mixed strong-very strong interference. The proof is specialized to the 3-user GIC case and hence an alternative derivation for the capacity region of the 3-user GIC with mixed strong-very strong interference is provided.


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Sensor nodes with energy harvesting sources are gaining popularity due to their ability to improve the network life time and are becoming a preferred choice supporting `green communication'. We study such a sensor node with an energy harvesting source and compare various architectures by which the harvested energy is used. We find its Shannon capacity when it is transmitting its observations over an AWGN channel and show that the capacity achieving energy management policies are related to the throughput optimal policies. We also obtain the capacity when energy conserving sleep-wake modes are supported and an achievable rate for the system with inefficiencies in energy storage.


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Fast and efficient channel estimation is key to achieving high data rate performance in mobile and vehicular communication systems, where the channel is fast time-varying. To this end, this work proposes and optimizes channel-dependent training schemes for reciprocal Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) channels with beamforming (BF) at the transmitter and receiver. First, assuming that Channel State Information (CSI) is available at the receiver, a channel-dependent Reverse Channel Training (RCT) signal is proposed that enables efficient estimation of the BF vector at the transmitter with a minimum training duration of only one symbol. In contrast, conventional orthogonal training requires a minimum training duration equal to the number of receive antennas. A tight approximation to the capacity lower bound on the system is derived, which is used as a performance metric to optimize the parameters of the RCT. Next, assuming that CSI is available at the transmitter, a channel-dependent forward-link training signal is proposed and its power and duration are optimized with respect to an approximate capacity lower bound. Monte Carlo simulations illustrate the significant performance improvement offered by the proposed channel-dependent training schemes over the existing channel-agnostic orthogonal training schemes.


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Identifying the determinants of neuronal energy consumption and their relationship to information coding is critical to understanding neuronal function and evolution. Three of the main determinants are cell size, ion channel density, and stimulus statistics. Here we investigate their impact on neuronal energy consumption and information coding by comparing single-compartment spiking neuron models of different sizes with different densities of stochastic voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels and different statistics of synaptic inputs. The largest compartments have the highest information rates but the lowest energy efficiency for a given voltage-gated ion channel density, and the highest signaling efficiency (bits spike(-1)) for a given firing rate. For a given cell size, our models revealed that the ion channel density that maximizes energy efficiency is lower than that maximizing information rate. Low rates of small synaptic inputs improve energy efficiency but the highest information rates occur with higher rates and larger inputs. These relationships produce a Law of Diminishing Returns that penalizes costly excess information coding capacity, promoting the reduction of cell size, channel density, and input stimuli to the minimum possible, suggesting that the trade-off between energy and information has influenced all aspects of neuronal anatomy and physiology.


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This paper considers the design of a power-controlled reverse channel training (RCT) scheme for spatial multiplexing (SM)-based data transmission along the dominant modes of the channel in a time-division duplex (TDD) multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) system, when channel knowledge is available at the receiver. A channel-dependent power-controlled RCT scheme is proposed, using which the transmitter estimates the beamforming (BF) vectors required for the forward-link SM data transmission. Tight approximate expressions for 1) the mean square error (MSE) in the estimate of the BF vectors, and 2) a capacity lower bound (CLB) for an SM system, are derived and used to optimize the parameters of the training sequence. Moreover, an extension of the channel-dependent training scheme and the data rate analysis to a multiuser scenario with M user terminals is presented. For the single-mode BF system, a closed-form expression for an upper bound on the average sum data rate is derived, which is shown to scale as ((L-c - L-B,L- tau)/L-c) log logM asymptotically in M, where L-c and L-B,L- tau are the channel coherence time and training duration, respectively. The significant performance gain offered by the proposed training sequence over the conventional constant-power orthogonal RCT sequence is demonstrated using Monte Carlo simulations.


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We use information theoretic achievable rate formulas for the multi-relay channel to study the problem of optimal placement of relay nodes along the straight line joining a source node and a destination node. The achievable rate formulas that we utilize are for full-duplex radios at the relays and decode-and-forward relaying. For the single relay case, and individual power constraints at the source node and the relay node, we provide explicit formulas for the optimal relay location and the optimal power allocation to the source-relay channel, for the exponential and the power-law path-loss channel models. For the multiple relay case, we consider exponential path-loss and a total power constraint over the source and the relays, and derive an optimization problem, the solution of which provides the optimal relay locations. Numerical results suggest that at low attenuation the relays are mostly clustered close to the source in order to be able to cooperate among themselves, whereas at high attenuation they are uniformly placed and work as repeaters. We also prove that a constant rate independent of the attenuation in the network can be achieved by placing a large enough number of relay nodes uniformly between the source and the destination, under the exponential path-loss model with total power constraint.


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We study the diversity order vs rate of an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel in the whole capacity region. We show that for discrete input as well as for continuous input, Gallager's upper bounds on error probability have exponential diversity in low and high rate region but only subexponential in the mid-rate region. For the best available lower bounds and for the practical codes one observes exponential diversity throughout the capacity region. However we also show that performance of practical codes is close to Gallager's upper bounds and the mid-rate subexponential diversity has a bearing on the performance of the practical codes. Finally we show that the upper bounds with Gaussian input provide good approximation throughout the capacity region even for finite constellation.


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This paper considers the problem of channel estimation at the transmitter in a spatial multiplexing-based Time Division Duplex (TDD) Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system with perfect CSIR. A novel channel-dependent Reverse Channel Training (RCT) sequence is proposed, using which the transmitter estimates the beamforming vectors for forward link data transmission. This training sequence is designed based on the following two metrics: (i) a capacity lower bound, and (ii) the mean square error in the estimate. The performance of the proposed training scheme is analyzed and is shown to significantly outperform the conventional orthogonal RCT sequence. Also, in the case where the transmitter uses water-filling power allocation for data transmission, a novel RCT sequence is proposed and optimized with respect to the MSE in estimating the transmit covariance matrix.


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We consider a Gaussian multiple access channel (GMAC) where the users are sensor nodes powered by energy harvesters. The energy harvesters may have finite or infinite buffer to store the harvested energy. First, we find the capacity region of a GMAC powered by transmit nodes with an infinite energy buffer. Next, we consider a GMAC with the transmitting nodes equipped with a finite energy buffer. Initially we assume perfect knowledge of the buffer state information at both the encoders and the decoder. We provide an achievable region for this case. We also generalize the achievable region when only partial information about buffer state is available at both the encoders and the decoder.


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In this paper, we study the achievable rate region of two-user Gaussian broadcast channel (GBC) when the messages to be transmitted to both the users take values from finite signal sets and the received signal is quantized at both the users. We refer to this channel as quantized broadcast channel (QBC). We first observe that the capacity region defined for a GBC does not carry over as such to QBC. Also, we show that the optimal decoding scheme for GBC (i.e., high SNR user doing successive decoding and low SNR user decoding its message alone) is not optimal for QBC. We then propose an achievable rate region for QBC based on two different schemes. We present achievable rate region results for the case of uniform quantization at the receivers. We find that rotation of one of the user's input alphabet with respect to the other user's alphabet marginally enlarges the achievable rate region of QBC when almost equal powers are allotted to both the users.


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In this work, we consider two-dimensional (2-D) binary channels in which the 2-D error patterns are constrained so that errors cannot occur in adjacent horizontal or vertical positions. We consider probabilistic and combinatorial models for such channels. A probabilistic model is obtained from a 2-D random field defined by Roth, Siegel and Wolf (2001). Based on the conjectured ergodicity of this random field, we obtain an expression for the capacity of the 2-D non-adjacent-errors channel. We also derive an upper bound for the asymptotic coding rate in the combinatorial model.


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This work presents novel achievable schemes for the 2-user symmetric linear deterministic interference channel with limited-rate transmitter cooperation and perfect secrecy constraints at the receivers. The proposed achievable scheme consists of a combination of interference cancelation, relaying of the other user's data bits, time sharing, and transmission of random bits, depending on the rate of the cooperative link and the relative strengths of the signal and the interference. The results show, for example, that the proposed scheme achieves the same rate as the capacity without the secrecy constraints, in the initial part of the weak interference regime. Also, sharing random bits through the cooperative link can achieve a higher secrecy rate compared to sharing data bits, in the very high interference regime. The results highlight the importance of limited transmitter cooperation in facilitating secure communications over 2-user interference channels.


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Energy harvesting sensor nodes are gaining popularity due to their ability to improve the network life time and are becoming a preferred choice supporting green communication. In this paper, we focus on communicating reliably over an additive white Gaussian noise channel using such an energy harvesting sensor node. An important part of this paper involves appropriate modeling of energy harvesting, as done via various practical architectures. Our main result is the characterization of the Shannon capacity of the communication system. The key technical challenge involves dealing with the dynamic (and stochastic) nature of the (quadratic) cost of the input to the channel. As a corollary, we find close connections between the capacity achieving energy management policies and the queueing theoretic throughput optimal policies.