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The conformation and stability of pearl millet prolamin (pennisetin) were examined by using circular dichroism and C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The far UV spectrum of pennisetin in 70% (v/v) aqueous ethanol showed the presence of predominant alpha-helical structure and its occurrence in the alpha + beta class of protein. The far and near UV spectra of pennisetin in ethanol: trifluoroethanol also supported this observation. However pennisetin showed the presence of some helical structure in 8 M urea which is known to be a highly unordered structure forming solvent. A decrease in alpha helical content of native pennisetin was observed with rise in temperature from 5-75-degrees-C and this effect of temperature was found to be reversible. A C-13 NMR spectrum of pennisetin in 70% ethanol suggested a high degree of molecular mobility in ethanol. Comparison of the cross polarization spectrum with the single pulse excitation spectrum suggested pennisetin to be a heterogeneous protein.


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Unusual low-temperature magneto-resistance (MR) of ferromagnetic Sr2FeMoO6 polycrystals has been attributed to magnetically hard grain boundaries which act as spin valves. We detected the different magnetic hysteresis curves for the grains and the grain boundaries of polycrystalline Sr2FeMoO6 by utilizing the different probing depths of the different detection modes of x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), namely, the total electron yield (TEY) mode (probing depth similar to 5 nm) and the total fluorescence yield (TFY) mode (probing depth similar to 100 nm). At 20 K, the magnetic coercivity detected in the TEY mode (H-c,H- TEY) was several times larger than that in the TFY mode (H-c,H- TFY), indicating harder ferromagnetism of the grain boundaries than that of the grains. At room temperature, the grain boundary magnetism became soft and H-c,H- TEY and H-c,H- TFY were nearly the same. From the line-shape analysis of the XAS and XMCD spectra, we found that in the grain boundary region the ferromagnetic component is dominated by Fe2+ or well-screened signals, while the non-magnetic component is dominated by Fe3+ or poorly screened signals. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2014


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Fenvalerate is a pyrethroid insecticide which interacts with ionic channels. Using circular dichroism technique we have studied the interaction of fenvalerate with gramicidin, a model channel peptide which transports ions. In most organic solvents, gramicidin exists as a double helix except in trifluoroethanol where it exists as a channel forming single stranded beta(6.3) helical monomer. In model lipid membranes, under certain experimental conditions, gramicidin exists as a channel forming single stranded beta(6.3) helical dimer. Our results show that fenvalerate interacts more with the single stranded beta(6.3) helical monomer or dimer than with the double helical form of gramicidin. This was further confirmed by an increase in the rate of gramicidin mediated proton transport in liposomes by fenvalerate, using the pH sensitive fluorophore, pyranine.


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This paper reports a new class of photo-cross-linkable side chain liquid crystalline polymers (PSCLCPs) based on the bis(benzylidene)cyclohexanone unit, which functions as both a mesogen and a photoactive center. Polymers with the bis(benzylidene)cyclohexanone unit and varying spacer length have been synthesized. Copolymers of bis(benzylidene)cyclohexanone containing monomer and cholesterol benzoate containing monomer with different compositions have also been prepared. All these polymers have been structurally characterized by spectroscopic techniques. Thermal transitions were studied by DSC, and mesophases were identified by polarized light optical microscopy (POM). The intermediate compounds OH-x, the monomers SCLCM-x, and the corresponding polymers PSCLCP-x, which are essentially based on bis(benzylidene)cyclohexanone, all show a nematic mesophase. Transition temperatures were observed to decrease with increasing spacer length. The copolymers with varying compositions exhibit a cholesteric mesophase, and the transition temperatures increase with the cholesteric benzoate units in the copolymer. Photolysis of the low molecular weight liquid crystalline bis(benzylidene)-cyclohexanone compound reveals that there are two kinds of photoreactions in these systems: the EZ photoisomerization and 2 pi + 2 pi addition. The EZ photoisomerization in the LC phase disrupts the parallel stacking of the mesogens, resulting in the transition from the LC phase to the isotropic phase. The photoreaction involving the 2 pi + 2 pi addition of the bis(benzylidene)cyclohexanone units in the polymer results in the cross-linking of the chains. The liquid crystalline induced circular dichroism (LCICD) studies of the cholesterol benzoate copolymers revealed that the cholesteric supramolecular order remains even after the photo-cross-linking.


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We have designed a four-helix protein that is expected to tetramerize in the membrane to form an ion channel with a structurally well defined pore. A synthetic peptide corresponding to the channel lining helix facilitates ion transport across liposomal membranes and largely helical in membranes. Detailed circular dichroism studies of the peptide in methanol, water and methanal-water mixtures reveal that it is helical in methanol, beta-structured in 97.5% water and a combination of these two structures at intermediate compositions of methanol and water. A fluorescence resonance energy transfer study of the peptide shows that the peptide is monomeric in methanol but undergoes extensive anti-parallel aggregation in aqueous solution.


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The effect of pH on the unfolding pathway acid the stability of the toxic protein abrin-II have been studied by increasing denaturant concentrations of guanidine hydrochloride and by monitoring the change in 8,1-anilino naphthalene sulfonic acid (ANS) fluorescence upon binding to the hydrophobic sites of the protein. Intrinsic protein fluorescence, far and near UV-circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy and ANS binding studies reveal that the unfolding of abrin-II occurs through two intermediates at pH 7.2 and one intermediate at pH 4.5. At pH 7.2, the two subunits A and B of abrin-II unfold sequentially. The native protein is more stable at pH 4.5 than at pH 7.2. However, the stability of the abrin-II A-subunit is not affected by a change in pH. These observations may assist in an understanding of the physiologically relevant transmembrane translocation of the toxin.


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The genomic sequences of several RNA plant viruses including cucumber mosaic virus, brome mosaic virus, alfalfa mosaic virus and tobacco mosaic virus have become available recently. The former two viruses are icosahedral while the latter two are bullet and rod shaped, respectively in particle morphology. The non-structural 3a proteins of cucumber mosaic virus and brome mosaic virus have an amino acid sequence homology of 35% and hence are evolutionarily related. In contrast, the coat proteins exhibit little homology, although the circular dichroism spectrum of these viruses are similar. The non-coding regions of the genome also exhibit variable but extensive homology. Comparison of the brome mosaic virus and alfalfa mosaic virus sequences reveals that they are probably related although with a much larger evolutionary distance. The polypeptide folds of the coat protein of three biologically distinct isometric plant viruses, tomato bushy stunt virus, southern bean mosaic virus and satellite tobacco necrosis virus have been shown to display a striking resemblance. All of them consist of a topologically similar 8-standard β-barrel. The implications of these studies to the understanding of the evolution of plant viruses will be discussed.


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Coordination compounds of the polypyridines, 2,2 ' -bipyridine (bipy) and 1,10-penanthroline (phen) have offered renewed interest on account of their manifold applications and from the point of view of understanding their structure-reactivity relationships.1 Iron(II) reacts with them to form tris-complexes possessing spin-paired ground states. Cyanide ion greatly enhances the rate of displacement of bipy or phen to form the Schilt class of compounds. Fe(bipy)2(CN)2 and Fe(phen)2(CN)2. They display varying colours in solution depending upon the nature of the solvent and react reversibly with acids to form diprotonated species.2 Magnetic circular dichroism studies have been reported to describe their lowest electronic excitation.


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The conformational analysis of the synthetic peptide Boc-Cys-Pro-Val-Cys-NHMe has been carried out, as a model for small disulfide loops, in biologically active polypeptides. 'H NMR studies (270 MHz) establish that the Val(3) and Cys(4) NH groups are solvent shielded, while 13C studies establish an all-trans peptide backbone. Circular dichroism and Raman spectroscopy provide evidence for a right-handed twist of the disulfide bond. Analysis of the vicinal (JaB)c oupling constants for the two Cys residues establishes that XI - *60° for Cys(4), while some flexibility is suggested at Cys( 1). Conformational energy calculations, imposing intramolecular hydrogen bonding constraints, favor a P-turn (type I) structure with Pro(2)-Va1(3) as the corner residues. Theoretical and spectroscopic results are consistent with the presence of a transannular 4 - 1 hydrogen bond between Cys( 1) CO and Cys(4) NH groups, with the Val NH being sterically shielded from the solvent environment.


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We report a pH-dependent conformational transition in short, defined homopolymeric deoxyadenosines (dA(15)) from a single helical structure with stacked nucleobases at neutral pH to a double-helical, parallel-stranded duplex held together by AH-HA base pairs at acidic pH. Using native PAGE, 2D NMR, circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence spectroscopy, we have characterized the two different pH dependent forms of dA(15). The pH-triggered transition between the two defined helical forms of dA(15) is characterized by CD and fluorescence. The kinetics of this conformational switch is found to occur on a millisecond time scale. This robust, highly reversible, pH-induced transition between the two well-defined structured states of dA(15)represents a new molecular building block for the construction of quick-response, pH-switchable architectures in structural DNA nanotechnology.


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The interaction of antibiotic valinomycin with manganese (II) has been studied using circular dichroism, electron spin resonance and infrared techniques. Results show that Mn(II) forms complexes with valinomycin in both 2:1 (valinomycin-ion-valinomycin sandwich) and 1:1 (equimolar) stoichiometries. The 1:1 type observed here is very different from the well known K+-valinomycin bracelet conformation.


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Racemic gossypol has been resolved by HPLC separation of diastereomeric (−) norepinephrine adducts on a reverse-phase column. The binding constants for the interaction of the three gossypol forms (+, − and −) with human and bovine serum albumins have been determined by fluoresence quenching studies. The KD values demonstrate that all three forms bind equally effectively to the two proteins, suggesting an absence of chiral discrimination in albumin-gossypol interactions. Circular dichroism studies of (+)-gossypol binding to the model dibasic peptides, Boc-Lys-Pro-Aib-Lys-NHMe and gramicidin S, suggesting that distortions of binaphthyl geometry may occur only for specific orientations of interacting residues at the receptor site.


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The octameric nucleosomal core-histone complex, (H2A)2-(H2B)2-(H3)2-(H4)2, isolated from rat liver, undergoes dissociation during gel exclusion chromatography as a result of dilution occurring in the columns. The elution pattern at pH 7.0 and 4°C showed a sharp leading peak containing all four histones but predominantly H3 and H4, and a trailing peak containing equal amounts of histones H2A and H2B. As column length was increased the area under the leading peak decreased and that under the trailing peak increased. In addition the relative positions of the two peaks varied with column length. From an analysis of the data on increase in elution volume of the leading peak in relation to column length an apparent molecular weight of 86 000 was calculated for the undissociated molecule. Its apparent molecular weight, histone composition and pattern of further dissociation in relation to column length suggest that this species is the hexamer, (H2A-H2B)-(H3)2-(H4)2. At pH 7.0 and 4°C the dissociation of the core complex appears to be as follows: (H2A)2-(H2B)2-(H3)2-(H4)2 → (H2A-H2B) + (H2A-H2B)-(H3)2-(H4)2 → 2(H2A-H2B) + (H3)2-(H4)2 This dissociation was accelerated by an increase in temperature or decrease in pH and was accompanied by marked conformational changes as judged by circular dichroism measurements.


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The interaction of the ionophore antibiotic lasalocid-A with lithium perchlorate in acetonitrile has been studied by circular dichroism (c.d.) and 1H, 13C and 7Li nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) techniques. Analysis of the c.d. data has shown that both the 2:1 sandwich (ionophore-cation-ionosphore) complex and 1:1 complex coexist in solution. The n.m.r. data are consistent with a conformational model in which the carbonyl oxygen, he tetrahydrofuran and the tetrahydropyran ring oxygen atoms, two hydroxyl group oxygens and either a water or a solvent molecule coordinate to the lithium ion.


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A chitooligosaccharide specific lectin (Luffa acutangula agglutinin) has been purified from the exudate of ridge gourd fruits by affinity chromatography on soybean agglutininglycopeptides coupled to Sepharose-6B. The affinity purified lectin was found homogeneous by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, in sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gels, by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100 and by sedimentation velocity experiments. The relative molecular weight of this lectin is determined to be 48,000 ± 1,000 by gel chromatography and sedimentation equilibrium experiments. The sedimentation coefficient (S20, w) was obtained to be 4·06 S. The Stokes’ radius of the protein was found to be 2·9 nm by gel filtration. In sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis the lectin gave a molecular weight of 24,000 in the presence as well as absence of 2-mercaptoethanol. The subunits in this dimeric lectin are therefore held by non-covalent interactions alone. The lectin is not a glycoprotein and circular dichroism spectral studies indicate that this lectin has 31% α-helix and no ß-sheet. The lectin is found to bind specifically to chitooligosaccharides and the affinity of the lectin increases with increasing oligosaccharide chain length as monitored by near ultra-violetcircular dichroism and intrinsic fluorescence titration. The values of ΔG, ΔΗ and ΔS for the binding process showed a pronounced dependence on the size of the oligosaccharide. The values for both ΔΗ and ΔS show a significant increase with increase in the oligosaccharide chain length showing that the binding of higher oligomers is progressively more favoured thermodynamically than chitobiose itself. The thermodynamic data is consistent with an extended binding site in the lectin which accommodates a tetrasaccharide. Based on the thermodynamic data, blue shifts and fluorescence enhancement, spatial orientation of chitooligosaccharides in the combining site of the lectin is assigned.