248 resultados para CHEMICAL-STRUCTURE


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Extended x-ray absorption fine-structure studies have been performed at the Zn K and Cd K edges for a series of solid solutions of wurtzite Zn1-xCdxS samples with x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0, where the lattice parameter as a function of x evolves according to the well-known Vegard's law. In conjunction with extensive, large-scale first-principles electronic structure calculations with full geometry optimizations, these results establish that the percentage variation in the nearest-neighbor bond distances are lower by nearly an order of magnitude compared to what would be expected on the basis of lattice parameter variation, seriously undermining the chemical pressure concept. With experimental results that allow us to probe up to the third coordination shell distances, we provide a direct description of how the local structure, apparently inconsistent with the global structure, evolves very rapidly with interatomic distances to become consistent with it. We show that the basic features of this structural evolution with the composition can be visualized with nearly invariant Zn-S-4 and Cd-S-4 tetrahedral units retaining their structural integrity, while the tilts between these tetrahedral building blocks change with composition to conform to the changing lattice parameters according to the Vegard's law within a relatively short length scale. These results underline the limits of applicability of the chemical pressure concept that has been a favored tool of experimentalists to control physical properties of a large variety of condensed matter systems.


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Topological crystalline insulators (TCIs) are a new quantum state of matter in which linearly dispersed metallic surface states are protected by crystal mirror symmetry. Owing to its vanishingly small bulk band gap, a TCI like Pb0.6Sn0.4Te has poor thermoelectric properties. Breaking of crystal symmetry can widen the band gap of TCI. While breaking of mirror symmetry in a TCI has been mostly explored by various physical perturbation techniques, chemical doping, which may also alter the electronic structure of TCI by perturbing the local mirror symmetry, has not yet been explored. Herein, we demonstrate that Na doping in Pb0.6Sn0.4Te locally breaks the crystal symmetry and opens up a bulk electronic band gap, which is confirmed by direct electronic absorption spectroscopy and electronic structure calculations. Na doping in Pb0.6Sn0.4Te increases p-type carrier concentration and suppresses the bipolar conduction (by widening the band gap), which collectively gives rise to a promising zT of 1 at 856 K for Pb0.58Sn0.40Na0.02Te. Breaking of crystal symmetry by chemical doping widens the bulk band gap in TCI, which uncovers a route to improve TCI for thermoelectric applications.


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UVPES studies and ab initio and DFT computations have been done on the benzene...ICl complex; electron spectral data and computed orbital energies show that donor orbitals are stabilized and acceptor orbitals are destabilized due to complexation. Calculations predict an oblique structure for the complex in which the interacting site is a C=C bond center in the donor and iodine atom in the acceptor, in full agreement with earlier experimental reports. BSSE-corrected binding energies closely match the enthalpy of complexation reported, and the NBO analysis clearly reveals the involvement of the pi orbital of benzene and the sigma* orbital of ICl in the complex.


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Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the action of enzymes at the atomic level. Among them, the recent proposals involving short hydrogen bonds as a step in catalysis by Gerlt and Gassman [1] and proton transfer through low barrier hydrogen bonds (LBHBs) [2, 3] have attracted attention. There are several limitations to experimentally testing such hypotheses, Recent developments in computational methods facilitate the study of active site-ligand complexes to high levels of accuracy, Our previous studies, which involved the docking of the dinucleotide substrate UpA to the active site of RNase A [4, 5], enabled us to obtain a realistic model of the ligand-bound active site of RNase A. From these studies, based on empirical potential functions, we were able to obtain the molecular dynamics averaged coordinates of RNase A, bound to the ligand UpA. A quantum mechanical study is required to investigate the catalytic process which involves the cleavage and formation of covalent bonds. In the present study, we have investigated the strengths of some of the hydrogen bonds between the active site residues of RNase A and UpA at the ab initio quantum chemical level using the molecular dynamics averaged coordinates as the starting point. The 49 atom system and other model systems were optimized at the 3-21G level and the energies of the optimized systems were obtained at the 6-31G* level. The results clearly indicate the strengthening of hydrogen bonds between neutral residues due to the presence of charged species at appropriate positions. Such a strengthening manifests itself in the form of short hydrogen bonds and a low barrier for proton transfer. In the present study, the proton transfer between the 2'-OH of ribose (from the substrate) and the imidazole group from the H12 of RNase A is influenced by K41, which plays a crucial role in strengthening the neutral hydrogen bond, reducing the barrier for proton transfer.


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A copper(II) complex of dipyridophenazine, viz., [Cu(dppz)(2)(H2O)](ClO4)(2) (I), has been prepared and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The crystal structure of the complex shows a five-coordinate structure in which two N,N-donor dipyridophenazine (dppz) and one aqua ligand bind to the copper(II) center giving Cu-O and Cu-N bond distances in the range of 1.981(6) to 2.043(6) angstrom. The ESI-MS spectrum of 1 in MeCN shows a peak at m/z value of 313 (100%) indicating the dissociation of the aqua ligand in the solution phase. The complex is one-electron paramagnetic (mu(eff), 1.86 mu(B)). It displays a quasi-reversible Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox process at 0.096 V. The complex is an avid binder to CT DNA giving a binding constant value of 3.5 x 10(5) M-1. It shows significant hydrolytic cleavage of supercoiled pUC19 DNA in dark ill the absence of any external agents. The complex exhibits chemical nuclease activity oil treatment with 3-mercaptopropionic acid as a reducing agent forming hydroxyl radicals. Complex 1 is a model synthetic nuclease and hydrolase showing both modes of DNA cleavage under different reaction conditions. The DNA cleavage activity of 1 is significantly better than its phen analogue but similar to that of the bis-dpq complex.


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Energetics of the ground and excited state intramolecular proton transfer in salicylic acid have been studied by ab initio molecular orbital calculations using the 6-31G** basis set at the restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) and configuration interaction-single excitation (CIS) levels and also using the semiempirical method AM1 at the RHF level as well as with single and pair doubles excitation configuration interaction spanning eight frontier orbitals (PECI = 8). The ab initio potential energy profile for intramolecular proton transfer in the ground state reveals a single minimum corresponding to the primary form, in the first excited singlet state, however, there are two minima corresponding to the primary and tautomeric forms, separated by a barrier of similar to 6 kcal/mol, thus accounting for dual emission in salicylic acid. Electron density changes with electronic excitation and tautomerism indicate no zwitterion formation. Changes in spectral characteristics with change in pH, due to protonation and deprotonation of salicylic acid, are also accounted for, qualitatively. Although the AM1 calculations suggest a substantial barrier for proton transfer in the ground as well as the first excited state of SA, it predicts the transition wavelength in near quantitative accord with the experimental results for salicylic acid and its protonated and deprotonated forms.


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Hydroxo-bridged homo- and hetero-trinuclear cobalt(III) complexes of the type [MII(H2O)2{(OH)2CoIII(N4)}2]X2·nH2O [MII= a divalent metal ion such as CoII, NiII or ZnII; N4=(en)2(en = ethane-1,2-diamine) or (NH3)4; X = SO4 or (ClO4)2; n= 3 or 5] have been prepared and spectroscopically characterized. The structure of [Cu{(OH)2Co(en)2}2][SO4]2·2H2O 1 has been determined. The geometry around copper atom is a pseudo-square-based pyramid, with the basal sites occupied by four bridging hydroxide oxygens and the apical site is occupied by a weakly co-ordinated sulfate anion [Cu–O 2.516(4)Å]. The hydroxo groups bridge pairs of cobalt(III) ions which are in near-octahedral environments. The ethylenediamine chelate rings have the twist conformation. In the crystal structure of [Cu{(OH)2Co(en)2}2][ClO4]4·2H2O 2 the perchlorate ion is not co-ordinated and the en ligands have envelope conformations. The sulfate ion in [Cu{(OH)2Co(NH3)4}2][SO4]2·4H2O 3 is not co-ordinated to the central copper ion. Electronic, infrared and variable-temperature EPR spectral data are discussed.


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Quinuclidine grafted cationic bile salts are forming salted hydrogels. An extensive investigation of the effect of the electrolyte and counterions on the gelation has been envisaged. The special interest of the quinuclidine grafted bile salt is due to its broader experimental range of gelation to study the effect of electrolyte. Rheological features of the hydrogels are typical of enthalpic networks exhibiting a scaling law of the elastic shear modulus with the concentration (scaling exponent 2.2) modeling cellular solids in which the bending modulus is the dominant parameter. The addition of monovalent salt (NaCl) favors the formation of gels in a first range (0.00117 g cm-3 (0.02 M) < TNaCl < 0.04675 g cm-3 (0.8 M)). At larger salt concentrations, the gels become more heterogeneous with nodal zones in the micron scale. Small-angle neutron scattering experiments have been used to characterize the rigid fibers ( ≈ 68 Å) and the nodal zones. Stress sweep and creeprecovery measurements are used to relate the lack of linear viscoelastic domain to a mechanism of disentanglement of the fibers from their associations into fagots. The electrostatic interactions can be screened by addition of salt to induce a progressive evolution toward flocculation. SEM, UV absorbance, and SAXS study of the Bragg peak at large Q-values complete the investigation.


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Reaction between PdCl2 and 1-alkyl-2-(arylazo)imidazole (RaaiR') or 1-alkyl-2-(naphthyl-alpha/beta-azo)imidazole (alpha/beta-NaiR') under reflux in ethanol has isolated complexes of compositions Pd(RaaiR')(2)Cl-2 (5, 6) and Pd(alpha/beta-NaiR')(2)Cl-2 (7, 8). The X-ray structure determination of one of the molecules, Pd(alpha-NaiBz)(2)Cl-2 (7c), has reported a trans-PdCl2 configuration, and alpha-NaiBz acts as monodentate N(imidazole) donor ligand. The spectral (IR, UV-vis, H-1 NMR) data support the structure. UV light irradiation (light source: Perkin-Elmer LS 55 spectrofluorimeter, Xenon discharge lamp, lambda = 360-396 nm) in a MeCN solution of the complexes shows E-to-Z isomerization of the coordinated azoimidazole unit. The reverse transformation, Z-to-E, is very slow with visible light irradiation. Quantum yields (phi(E-Z)) of E-to-Z isomerization are calculated, and phi is lower than that of the free ligand but comparable with those of Cd(II) and Hg(II) complexes of the same ligand. The Z-to-E isomerization is a thermally induced process. The activation energy (E-a) of Z-to-E isomerization is calculated by controlled-temperature experimentation. cis-Pd(azoimidazole)Cl-2 complexes (azomidazole acts as N(imidazole) and N(azo) Chelating ligand) do not respond upon light irradiation, which supports the idea that the presence of noncoordinated azo-N to make free azo (-N=N-) function is important to reveal photochromic activity. DFT calculation of Pd(alpha-NaiBz)(2)Cl-2 (7c) has suggested that the HOMO of the molecule is constituted of Pd (32%) and Cl (66%), and hence photo excitation may use the energy of Pd and Cl instead of that of the photofunctional -N=N-Ar motif; thus, the rate of photoisomerization and quantum yield decrease versus the free ligand values.


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Sr2FeMoO6 oxides exhibit a half-metallic ferromagnetic (HM-FM) ground state and peculiar magnetic and magnetotransport properties, which are interesting for applications in the emerging field of spintronics and attractive for fundamental research in the field of heavily correlated electron systems. Sr2FeWO6 is an insulator with an antiferromagnetic (I-AFM) ground state. The solid solutions Sr2FeMoxW1-xO6 also have peculiar properties-W doping enhances chemical order which allows stabilization of the HM-FM state; as the W content exceeds a certain value a metal to insulator transition (MIT) occurs. The role of W in determining the physical properties of Sr2FeMoxW1-xO6 systems has been a matter of intense investigation. This work deals with the problem of the structural and electronic changes related to the MIT from a local perspective by means of x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). This technique allows one to probe in detail the local structure and electronic modifications around selected absorber ions (W, Mo, Fe and Sr in our case). The results of XAS analysis in the whole composition range (0 <= x <= 1), in the near edge (XANES) and extended (EXAFS) regions, demonstrate an abrupt change of the local structure around the Fe and Mo sites at the critical composition, x(c). This change represents the microstructural counterpart associated with the MIT. Conversely, the local structure and electronic configuration of W ions remain unaltered in the whole composition range, suggesting indirect participation of W in the MIT.


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A pre-requisite for the elucidation of the mechanism of action of aspirin-like drugs, which are believed to exert their pharmacological effects through the inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis, is an understanding of their molecular geometry, the non-covalent interactions they are likely to be involved in, and the geometrical and the electronic consequences of such interactions. This has been sought to be achieved through the x-ray analysis of these drug molecules and their crystalline complexes with other suitable molecules. The results obtained from such studies have been discussed in terms of specific typical examples. For instance, antipyrine can form metal and hydrogen-bonded complexes; phenylbutazone can form ionic complexes with basic molecules. Complex formation is accompanied by characteristic changes in the molecular geometry and the electronic structure in both the cases. The results obtained so far appear to indicate that the important common invariant structural features of the fenamates, deduced from crystal structures, are retained even when complexation takes place.


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From the proton NMR spectra of Nfl-dimethyluracil oriented in two different nematic solvents, the internal rotation of the methyl groups about the N-C bonds is studied. It has been observed that the preferred conformation of the methyl group having one carbonyl in the vicinity is the one where a C-H bond is in the ring plane pointing toward the carbonyl group. The results are not sensitive to the mode of rotation of the other methyl group. These data are interpreted in terms of the bond polarizations.


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Using first-principles density-functional calculations, we determine and analyze the Born effective charges Z(*) that describe the coupling between electric field and atomic displacements for ferromagnetic double-perovskite compound, La2NiMnO6. We find that th Born effective charge matrix of Ni in La2NiMnO6, has an anomalously large antisymmetric component, whose magnitude reduces substantially upon change in the magnetic ordering between Ni and Mn, showing it to be a magnetism-dependent electrostructural coupling. We use a local picture of the electronic structure obtained with Wannier functions, along with its band-by-band decomposition to determine its electronic origin.


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A new hydrazinium uranyl oxalate complex (N2H5)6[(UO2)2(C2O4)5]·2H2O has been prepared and characterized by chemical analysis, infrared, visible spectra and TG-DTA. The single crystal X-ray structure of the complex shows the presence of discrete N2H5+ cations, water molecules and [(UO2)2(C2O4)5]6− anions. In the anion, the linear uranyl groups are coordinated by two chelating bidentate oxalates and one bridging oxalate which lies on the center of symmetry between the two uranyl groups. The coordination polyhedron around each uranium atom is approximately a pentagonal bipyramid.


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The three isomeric cresols were subjected to the all-valence-electron CNDO/2 andPPP-CI calculations. Results from this study were used: (i) to compare the electronic structures of these isomers vis-Ã-vis parent compounds-phenol and toluene, (ii) to obtain a quantitative picture of their chemical reactivities and electronic absorption spectra. Using the sgr-core charges derived from CNDO/2 calculations and subsequently revising the valence-state ionisation potential and one-center-two-electron repulsion integrals, thePPP-CI calculations were performed on the title compounds according toNishimoto andForster scheme. In these calculations the pseudo-unsaturated nature of the methyl group has been given due consideration. In spectral assignment, compared to the conventionalPPP approach, the CNDO/2-basedPPP-CI method gave a better agreement with the experimental data.