23 resultados para Biomedical databases


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The deformation dynamics of metal foils (<0.25 mm thick) subjected to micro-blast wave are presented in this paper. The energy of micro-blast wave emanating from the open end of a polymer tube is used to deliver micro-particles for bio-medical applications. In these experiments metal foils are used to transfer the energy of the micro-blast wave to the micro-particles. Using cubic root scaling law the over pressure of the blast wave at the open end of the polymer tube is estimated and using this peak plate over pressure is estimated. The finite element analysis is used to estimate the velocity profile of the deforming metal foils. The finite element analysis results are compared with experimental results for the maximum deformation and deformed shape. Based on the deformation velocity, metal foil to be used for experiments is selected. Among the materials investigated 0.1 mm thick brass foil has the maximum velocity of 205 m/s and is used in the experiments. It is found from finite element analysis that the particles deposited within a radius of 0.5 mm will leave the foil with nearly equal velocity (error < 5%). The spray cone angle which is the angle of deviation of the path of particles from the axis of the polymer tube is also estimated and found to be less than 7 degrees up to a radius of 0.75 mm. Illustrative experiments are carried out to deliver micro particles (0.7 mu m diameter tungsten) into plant tissues. Particle penetration depth up to 460 mu m was achieved in ground tissue of potato tuber. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Evolution of texture and concomitant grain refinement during Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) of Ti - 13Nb - 13Zr alloy has been presented. Sub-micron sized equiaxed grains with narrow grain size distribution could be achieved after eight pass at 873 K. A characteristic ECAP texture evolved in alpha phase till four passes while the evolution of characteristic ECAP texture in the beta phase could be observed only beyond the fourth pass. On increasing the deformation up to eight passes, the texture in alpha phase weakens while the beta phase shows an ideal ECAP texture. A weaker texture, low dislocation density and high crystallite size values in alpha phase suggest the occurrence of dynamic recrystallization. The absence of texture evolution in beta phase till four passes can be attributed to local lattice rotations. The characteristic ECAP texture in the eight pass deformed sample is attributed to delayed dynamic recrystallization in the beta phase. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the design technique that has been adopted for packaging of Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) nasal sensor for biomedical applications. The PVDF film with the dimension of length 10mm, width 5mm and thickness 28 mu m was firmly adhered on one end of plastic base (8mmx5mmx30 mu m) in such a way that it forms a cantilever configuration leaving the other end free for deflection. Now with the leads attached on the surface of the PVDF film, the cantilever configuration becomes the PVDF nasal sensor. For mounting a PVDF nasal sensor, a special headphone was designed, that can fit most of the human head sizes. Two flexible strings are soldered on either side of the headphone. Two identical PVDF nasal sensors were then connected to either side of flexible string of the headphone in such a way that they are placed below the right and left nostrils respectively without disturbing the normal breathing. When a subject wares headphone along with PVDF nasal sensors, two voltage signals due to the piezoelectric property of the PVDF film were generated corresponding to his/her nasal airflow from right and left nostril. The entire design was made compact, so that PVDF nasal sensors along with headphone can be made portable. No special equipment or machines are needed for mounting the PVDF nasal sensors. The time required for packaging of PVDF nasal sensors was less and the approximate cost of the entire assembly (PVDF nasal sensors + headphone) was very nominal.


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Mg and its alloys become natural biomaterials as the elemental Mg is found in the human body in abundance and their mechanical properties being akin to the natural bone as well as due to their inherent bioabsorbable/bioresorbable property. This paper discusses the development of new Mg alloys and their corrosion characteristics in detail. The latest advancements in coating of Mg alloys to control their degradation rate are also reviewed along with the future challenges that need to be addressed.


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NrichD ( ext-link-type=''uri'' xlink:href=''http://proline.biochem.iisc.ernet.in/NRICHD/'' xlink:type=''simple''>http://proline.biochem.iisc.ernet.in/NRICHD/)< /named-content> is a database of computationally designed protein-like sequences, augmented into natural sequence databases that can perform hops in protein sequence space to assist in the detection of remote relationships. Establishing protein relationships in the absence of structural evidence or natural `intermediately related sequences' is a challenging task. Recently, we have demonstrated that the computational design of artificial intermediary sequences/linkers is an effective approach to fill naturally occurring voids in protein sequence space. Through a large-scale assessment we have demonstrated that such sequences can be plugged into commonly employed search databases to improve the performance of routinely used sequence search methods in detecting remote relationships. Since it is anticipated that such data sets will be employed to establish protein relationships, two databases that have already captured these relationships at the structural and functional domain level, namely, the SCOP database and the Pfam database, have been `enriched' with these artificial intermediary sequences. NrichD database currently contains 3 611 010 artificial sequences that have been generated between 27 882 pairs of families from 374 SCOP folds. The data sets are freely available for download. Additional features include the design of artificial sequences between any two protein families of interest to the user.


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In this paper we derive an approach for the effective utilization of thermodynamic data in phase-field simulations. While the most widely used methodology for multi-component alloys is following the work by Eiken et al. (2006), wherein, an extrapolative scheme is utilized in conjunction with the TQ interface for deriving the driving force for phase transformation, a corresponding simplistic method based on the formulation of a parabolic free-energy model incorporating all the thermodynamics has been laid out for binary alloys in the work by Folch and Plapp (2005). In the following, we extend this latter approach for multi-component alloys in the framework of the grand-potential formalism. The coupling is applied for the case of the binary eutectic solidification in the Cr-Ni alloy and two-phase solidification in the ternary eutectic alloy (Al-Cr-Ni). A thermodynamic justification entails the basis of the formulation and places it in context of the bigger picture of Integrated Computational Materials Engineering. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A low molecular weight sulfated chitosan (SP-LMWSC) was isolated from the cuttlebone of Sepia pharaonis. Elemental analysis established the presence of C, H and N. The sulfation of SP-LMWSC was confirmed by the presence of characteristic peaks in FT-IR and FT-Raman spectra. The thermal properties of SP-LMWSC were studied by thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry. Electrolytic conductivity of SP-LMWSC was measured by cyclic voltammetry and the molecular weight was determined by MALDI-TOF/MS. The molecular structure and sulfation sites of SP-LMWSC were unambiguously confirmed using H-1,C-13, 2D COSY and 2D HSQC NMR spectroscopy. SP-LMWSC exhibited increased anticoagulant activity in avian blood by delaying coagulation parameters and displayed cytostatic activity by inhibiting the migration of avian leucocytes. SP-LMWSC demonstrated avian antiviral activity by binding to Newcastle disease virus receptors at a low titer value of 1/64. These findings suggested that SP-LMWSC isolated from an industrial discard holds immense potentials as carbohydrate based pharmaceuticals in future. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.