92 resultados para Atmospheric C-14


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A new soft-chemical transformation of layered perovskite oxides is described wherein K2O is sequentially extracted from the Ruddlesden-Popper (R-P) phase, K2La2Ti3O10 (I), yielding novel anion-deficient KLa2Ti3O9.5 (II) and La2Ti3O9 (III). The transformation occurs in topochemical reactions of the R-P phase I with PPh4Br and PBu4Br (Ph = phenyl; Bu = n-butyl). The mechanism involves the elimination of KBr accompanied by decomposition of PR4+ (R = phenyl or n-butyl) that extracts oxygen from the titanate. Analysis of the organic products of decomposition reveals formation of Ph3PO, Ph3P, and Ph-Ph for R = phenyl, and Bu3PO, Bu3P along with butane, butene, and octane for R = butyl. The inorganic oxides II and III crystallize in tetragonal structures (II: P4/mmm, a = 3.8335(1) angstrom, c = 14.334(1) angstrom; III: /4/ mmm, a = 3.8565(2) angstrom, c = 24.645(2) angstrom) that are related to the parent R-P phase. II is isotypic with the Dion-Jacobson phase, RbSr2Nb3O10, while III is a unique layered oxide consisting of charge-neutral La2Ti3O9 anion-deficient perovskite sheets stacked one over the other without interlayer cations. Interestingly, both II and III convert back to the parent R-P phase in a reaction with KNO3. While transformations of the R-P phases to other related layered/three-dimensional perovskite oxides in ion-exchange/metathesis/dehydration/reduction reactions are known, the simultaneous and reversible extraction of both cations and anions in the conversions K2La2Ti3O10 reversible arrow KLa2Ti3O9.5 reversible arrow La2Ti3O9 is reported here for the first time.


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The unprecedented absence of direct metal–nucleotide interaction has been observed in the X-ray structure of the ternary metal nucleotide system [Cu(bzim)(H2O)5]2+[IMP]2–·3H2O [IMP = inosine 5-monophosphate(2–), bzim = benzimidazole). The complex crystallizes in the space group P21 with a= 7.013(2), b= 13.179(9), c= 14.565(9)Å, = 94.82(4)°, and Z= 2. The structure was solved by the heavy-atom method and refined by full-matrix least squares on the basis of 1 761 observed (I? 3i) reflections to final R and R values of 0.034 and 0.036 respectively. The CuII has a distorted octahedral co-ordination with a nitrogen of the bzim ligand [Cu–N 1.947(5)Å] and three oxygens of water molecules in the basal plane [mean Cu–O 2.017(3)Å] and two more water oxygens at axial positions [Cu–O 2.194(6) and 2.732(5)Å]. The nucleotide base stacks with the bzim ligand at an average distance of 3.5 Å and an angle of 22°. In the lattice, N(7) of the base is linked to a lattice water through a hydrogen bond, while all the phosphate oxygens are involved in hydrogen bonds with co-ordinated as well as lattice water molecules. The co-ordination behaviour of IMP to CuII is compared in structures containing different -aromatic amines in order to assess the influence of the ternary ligand in complex formation. The present results indicate that, apart from the commonly observed phosphate binding, other modes of co-ordination are possible, these being influenced mainly by the -accepting properties of the ternary ligand.


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C21H27NO2, Mr=325.5 , orthorhombic,P21212,, a = 7.516 (2), b = 13.430 (2), c =18.047 (2) A, U= 1821.79 A 3, Z = 4, D x =1.186 Mg m -a, 2(Cu Ka) = 1.5418 A, # = 0.56 mm -1, F(000) = 704, T= 293 K, final R = 0.04 for 1892 reflections with I _> 3a(I). Ring A is planar, and rings B and C adopt a chair conformation. Rings D and E are envelopes, with C(14) and C(17) displaced from their respective planes by 0.643 (3) and 0.482 (3)A. The ring system A/B shows quasi-trans fusion, whilst ring systems B/C and C/D are trans fused about C(8)-C(9) and C(13)-C(14) respectively. The D/E junction shows cis fusion.


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CI3H17N5Os.C2H6OS, Mr=401.23, orthorhombic,P21212 p grown from Me2SO, a = 10.749 (2),b = 13.219 (2), c = 14.056 (2) A, V= 1997-23 A 3, Z =4, D_=1.40, D x=l.335Mgm -3, 2(CuKa)= 1.5418/~', g = 1.694 mm -~, F(000) = 848.00, T=293K, R =0.0538, wR =0.0634 for 2105 unique reflections with F > 3o(F). The asymmetric unit contains one nucleoside molecule with a disordered solvent Me2S_O molecule. The geometry about the C(4')-C(5') bond is gauche-gauche. The guanosine base is in the anti conformation with the furanose ring having C(3')-exo (E 3) puckering. The bases do not show any stacking in contrast to other guanosine-containing structures. The crystal structure is stabilized by N--H...N and N--H...O hydrogen bonding.


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C22H31NO2.H2 O, M r = 359" 5, orthorhombic,P2~212 ~, a= 10.032 (1), b= 11.186 (1), C = 17.980 (1)/~,, U= 2017.48/~3, Z = 4, D x = 1.276 Mg m -a, 2(Cu Kct) = 1.5418/~, # = 0.69 mm -~,F(000) = 784, T = 293 K. Final R = 0.05 for 1972 unique reflections with I > 3o(/). Ring A is planar, and rings B and C adopt a chair conformation. Rings D and E are envelopes, with C(14) and C(20) displaced from their respective ring planes by 0-616 (2) and 0.648 (3)/~. The A/B ring junction is quasi-trans,whilst ring systems B/C and C/D are trans fused about the bonds C(8)-C(9) and C(13)-C(14) respectively.The D/E junction shows cis fusion.


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Abstract. C25H44N20 , M r= 388.6, orthorhombic, P21212 I, a = 6.185 (2), b = 18.123 (2), c = 20.852 (2) A, U= 2337.2 A 3, Z = 4, D x = 1.104 Mg m -a, 2(Cu Ka) = 1.5418 A,/~ = 0.47 mm -~, F(000) = 864, T= 293 K. Final R - 0.038 for 1791 reflections with I >_ 3a(I). Rings A and C are in chair conformation. Ring B is in an 8fl,9a-half-chair conformation. Ring D adopts a conformation in between 13fl,14a-half-chair and 13t-envelope. There is a quasitrans fusion of rings A and B, whilst ring systems B/C and C/D are trans fused about the bonds C(8)-C(9)and C(13)-C(14).


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Significant destruction (68%) of liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 and homogeneous cytochrome P-450 purified from PB-treated rats is noticed upon incubation with 10 mM pulegone at 37-degrees-C for 30 min. There is also a concomitant loss of heme. The destructive phenomenon does not require metabolic activation of pulegone. The destruction of purified cytochrome P-450 is time-dependent and saturable. Structure-activity studies suggest that an alpha-isopropylidine ketone unit with a methyl positioned para to the isopropylidine group as in pulegone is necessary for the in vitro destruction of cytochrome P-450. SKF-525A at a concentration of 4-mM obliterates the destruction of cytochrome P-450 by pulegone. Experiments with C-14-pulegone suggest that pulegone or its rearranged product binds covalently to the prosthetic heme of cytochrome P-450.


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Previous work from our laboratory had demonstrated that deletion of TGL3 encoding the major yeast triacylglycerol (TAG) lipase resulted in decreased mobilization of TAG, a sporulation defect and a changed pattern of fatty acids, especially increased amounts of C22:0 and C26:0 very long chain fatty acids in the TAG fraction K. Athenstaedt and G. Daum, J. Biol. Chem. 278 (2003) 23317-23323]. To study a possible link between TAG lipolysis and membrane lipid biosynthesis, we carried out metabolic labeling experiments with wild type and deletion strains bearing defects in the three major yeast TAG lipases, Tgl3p, Tgl4p and Tgl5p. Using H-3]inositol. P-32]orthophosphate, 3H]palmitate and C-14]acetate as precursors for complex lipids we demonstrated that tgl mutants had a lower level of sphingolipids and glycerophospholipids than wild type. ESI-MS/MS analyses confirmed that TAG accumulation in these mutant cells resulted in reduced amounts of phospholipids and sphingolipids. In vitro and in vivo experiments revealed that TAG lipolysis markedly affected the metabolic flux of long chain fatty acids and very long chain fatty acids required for sphingolipid and glycerophospholipid synthesis. Activity and expression level of fatty acid elongases, Elo1p and Elo2p were enhanced as a consequence of reduced TAG lipolysis. Finally, the pattern of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine molecular species was altered in tgl deletion strain underlining the important role of TAG turnover in maintaining the pool size of these compounds and the remodeling of complex membrane lipids. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The title compound, C t8H~sC15NaP4, crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2~/n with a = 20.14 (2), b = 8.69 (1), c = 14.92 (2) A, fl = 98.8 (3) ° , Z = 4. The structure was determined from visual data and refined to R = 0-069 for 1450 reflections. The cyclophosphazene ring is non-planar. The exocyclic NPPh 3 group exhibits type I conformation [R. A. Shaw (1975). Pure Appl. Chem. 44, 317-341] in which the N-P bond is perpendicular to the adjacent P-CI bond.


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Crystals of dl-arginine hemisuccinate dihydrate (I)(monoclinic; P21/c; a = 5.292, b = 16.296, c = 15.203 Å; α= 92.89°; Z = 4) and l-arginine hemisuccinate hemisuccinic acid monohydrate (II) (triclinic; P1; a = 5.099; b = 10.222, c = 14.626 Å; α= 77.31, β= 89.46, γ= 78.42°; Z = 2) were grown under identical conditions from aqueous solutions of the components in molar proportions. The structures were solved by direct methods and refined to R = 0.068 for 2585 observed reflections in the case of (I) and R = 0.036 for 2154 observed reflections in the case of (11). Two of the three crystallographically independent arginine molecules in the complexes have conformations different from those observed so far in the crystal structures containing arginine. The succinic acid molecules and the succinate ions in the structures are centrosymmetric and planar. The crystal structure of (II) is highly pseudosymmetric. Arginine-succinate interactions in both the complexes involve specific guanidyl-carboxylate interactions. The basic elements of aggregation in both the structures are ribbons made up of alternating arginine dimers and succinate ions. However, the ribbons pack in different ways in the two structures. (II) presents an interesting case in which two ionisation states of the same molecule coexist in a crystal. The two complexes provide a good example of the effect of change in chirality on stoichiometry, conformation, aggregation, and ionisation state in the solid state.


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CsHllNO2.C9HilNO2, Mr = 282.3, P1, a = 5.245 (1), b = 5.424 (1), c = 14.414 (2) A, a = 97.86 (1), fl = 93-69 (2), y = 70-48 (2) °, V= 356 A 3, Z = 1, O m = 1-32 (2), Dx = 1.32 g cm-3, h(Mo Ka) = 0-7107 A, g = 5-9 cm-1, F(000) = 158, T= 298 K, R=0.035 for 1518 observed reflections with I>2tr(I). The molecules aggregate in double layers, one ayer made up of L-phenylalanine molecules and the other of D-valine molecules. Each double layer is stabilized by interactions involving main-chain atoms of both types of molecules. The interactions include hydrogen bonds which give rise to two head-to-tail sequences. The arrangement of molecules in the complex is almost the same as that in the structure of DL-valine (and DL-leucine and DL-isoleucine) except for the change in the side chain of L molecules. The molecules in crystals containing an equal number of L and O hydrophobic amino-acid molecules thus appear to aggregate in a similar fashion, irrespective of the precise details of the side chain.


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Three different complexes of copper (I) with bridging 1, 2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane (dppe), namely [Cu2 (mu-dppe) (CH3CN)6] (ClO4)2 (1), [Cu2 (mu-dppe)2 (CH3 CN)2] (ClO4)2 (2), and [Cu2 (mu-dppe) (dppe)2 (CH3CN)2] (ClO4)2 (3) have been prepared. The structure of [Cu2 (mu-dppe) (dPPe)2 (CH3CH)2] (ClO4)2 has been determined by X-ray crystallography. It crystallizes in the space group PT with a=12.984(6) angstrom, b=13.180(6) angstrom, c=14.001(3) angstrom, alpha=105.23(3), beta=105.60(2), gamma=112.53 (4), V=1944 (3) angstrom3, and Z=1. The structure was refined by least-squares method with R=0.0365; R(w)=0.0451 for 6321 reflections with F0 greater-than-or-equal-to 3 sigma (F0). The CP/MAS P-31 and IR spectra of the complexes have been analysed in the light of available crystallographic data. IR spectroscopy is particularly helpful in identifying the presence of chelating dppe. P-31 chemical shifts observed in solid state are very different from those observed in solution, and change significantly with slight changes in structure. In solution, complex 1 remains undissociated but complexes 2 and 3 undergo extensive dissociation. With a combination of room temperature H-1, Cu-63, and variable temperature P-31 NMR spectra, it is possible to understand the various processes occurring in solution.


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An air-stable and water-soluble diastereomeric half-sandwich ruthenium(I1) complex, [Ru(s-MeCsH4Pr'-p)(H*O)-(L*)] (C104) (l), has been isolated and structurally characterized [HL* = (27)-(a methylbenzyl)salicylaldimine,2-HOC6H4CH-NCHMePhI. Complex 1, Czd-I3oNO&lRu, crystallizes in the noncentric triclinic space group P1 with a = 9.885(1) A, b = 10.185(1) A, c = 14.187(2) A, a = 110.32(1)', 6 = 102.17(1)', y = 102.41(1)O, V=1243( 1) A3, and 2 = 2. The X-ray structure shows the presence of two diastereomers in a 1:l ratio having RR,,,SCand SR,,,&c onfigurations. The Ru-OHz bond distances are considerably long, and the values for RR, - a~n d SRu-1isomers are 2.1 19(5) and 2.203(5) A, respectively. The aqua complex (1) exists as a single diastereomer in solution,and it forms stable adducts with P-, N-, and halide-donor ligands. The stereochemical changes associated with adduct-forming reactions follow an inversion order: PPhs >> P(OMe)3 > pyridine bases >> halides (I, Br, Cl) >H20.


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Root absorption and translocation of [C-14]fluchloralin were determined in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cv. TMV-2 and pigweed (Amaranthus viridis L.) grown in nutrient solution culture under greenhouse conditions. Root-applied fluchloralin toxicity to groundnut and pigweed was also examined. A growth reduction of 50% occurred in groundnut that received fluchloralin at a concentration of 9.0 mum. Root absorption was similar for both groundnut and pigweed at one day after application (DAA), but groundnut absorbed about twice the amount of fluchloralin during 4 and 8 days of continuous application, compared with pigweed. Groundnut absorbed 25% of the total applied fluchloralin after 8 days. Translocation to leaves from treated roots was low and roots of groundnut contained 80% of the total absorbed C-14, 8 DAA. Contrary to the observations in groundnut, transport from the roots and leaves following root application in pigweed was rapid: 1 and 8 DAA, leaves of pigweed contained 45 and 70% of the total absorbed C-14, respectively. Different patterns of fluchloralin metabolism were observed in pigweed and groundnut. Pigweed metabolized most of the fluchloralin absorbed by roots. The fluchloralin tolerance of pigweed could partially be accounted for by absorption, translocation and metabolism.


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Attempts to prepare hydrogen-bond-directed nonlinear optical materials from a 1:1 molar mixture Of D-(+)-dibenzoyltartaric acid (DBT, I) and 4-aminopyridine (4-AP, II) resulted in two salts of different stoichiometry. One of them crystallizes in an unusual 1.5:1 (acid:base) monohydrate salt form III while the other one crystallizes as 1:1 (acid:base) salt IV. Crystal structures of both of the salts were determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. The salt III crystallizes in a monoclinic space group C2 with a = 30.339(l), b = 7.881(2), c = 14.355(1) angstrom, beta = 97.48(1)degrees, V = 3403.1(9) angstrom3, Z = 4, R(w) = 0.058, R(w)= 0.058. The salt IV also crystallizes in a monoclinic space group P2(1) with a = 7.500(1), b = 14.968(2), c = 10.370(1) angstrom, beta = 102.67(1)degrees, V = 1135.9(2) angstrom3, Z = 2, R = 0.043, R(w) = 0.043. Interestingly, two DBT molecules with distinctly different conformation are present in the same crystal lattice of salt III. Extensive hydrogen-bonding interactions are found in both of the salts, and both of them show SHG intensity 1.4-1.6 times that of urea.