28 resultados para Ast-R2


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Long-term deterioration in the performance of PEFCs is attributed largely to reduction in active area of the platinum catalyst at cathode, usually caused by carbon-support corrosion. It is found that the use of graphitic carbon as cathode-catalyst support enhances its long-term stability in relation to non-graphitic carbon. This is because graphitic-carbon-supported- Pt (Pt/GrC) cathodes exhibit higher resistance to carbon corrosion in-relation to non-graphitic-carbon-supported- Pt (Pt/Non-GrC) cathodes in PEFCs during accelerated stress test (AST) as evidenced by chronoamperometry and carbon dioxide studies. The corresponding change in electrochemical surface area (ESA), cell performance and charge-transfer resistance are monitored through cyclic voltammetry (CV), cell polarisation and impedance measurements, respectively. The degradation in performance of PEFC with Pt/GrC cathode is found to be around 10% after 70 h of AST as against 77% for Pt/Non-GrC cathode. It is noteworthy that Pt/GrC cathodes can withstand even up to 100 h of AST with nominal effect on their performance. Xray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and cross-sectional field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) studies before and after AST suggest lesser deformation in catalyst layer and catalyst particles for Pt/GrC cathodes in relation to Pt/Non-GrC cathodes, reflecting that graphitic carbon-support resists carbon corrosion and helps mitigating aggregation of Pt-particles.


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Longevity remains as one of the central issues in the successful commercialization of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) and primarily hinges on the durability of the cathode. Incorporation of gold (Au) to platinum (Pt) is known to ameliorate both the electrocatalytic activity and stability of cathode in relation to pristine Pt-cathodes that are currently being used in PEMFCs. In this study, an accelerated stress test (AST) is conducted to simulate prolonged fuel-cell operating conditions by potential cycling the carbon-supported Pt-Au (Pt-Au/C) cathode. The loss in performance of PEMFC with Pt-Au/C cathode is found to be similar to 10% after 7000 accelerated potential-cycles as against similar to 60% for Pt/C cathode under similar conditions. These data are in conformity with the electrochemical surface-area values. PEMFC with Pt-Au/C cathode can withstand > 10 000 potential cycles with very little effect on its performance. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy studies on the catalyst before and after AST suggest that incorporating Au with Pt helps mitigate aggregation of Pt particles during prolonged fuel-cell operations while X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy reflects that the metallic nature of Pt is retained in the Pt-Au catalyst during AST in comparison to Pt/C that shows a major portion of Pt to be present as oxidic platinum. Field-emission scanning electron microscopy conducted on the membrane electrode assembly before and after AST suggests that incorporating Au with Pt helps mitigating deformations in the catalyst layer.


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This paper elucidates the methodology of applying artificial neural network model (ANNM) to predict the percent swell of calcitic soil in sulphuric acid solutions, a complex phenomenon involving many parameters. Swell data required for modelling is experimentally obtained using conventional oedometer tests under nominal surcharge. The phases in ANN include optimal design of architecture, operation and training of architecture. The designed optimal neural model (3-5-1) is a fully connected three layer feed forward network with symmetric sigmoid activation function and trained by the back propagation algorithm to minimize a quadratic error criterion.The used model requires parameters such as duration of interaction, calcite mineral content and acid concentration for prediction of swell. The observed strong correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.9979) between the values determined by the experiment and predicted using the developed model demonstrates that the network can provide answers to complex problems in geotechnical engineering.


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Sparking potentials have been measured in nitrogen and dry air between coaxial cylindrical electrodes for values of n = R2/R1 = approximately 1 to 30 (R1 = inner electrode radius, R2 = outer electrode radius) in the presence of crossed uniform magnetic fields. The magnetic flux density was varied from 0 to 3000 Gauss. It has been shown that the minimum sparking potentials in the presence of the crossed magnetic field can be evaluated on the basis of the equivalent pressure concept when the secondary ionization coefficient does not vary appreciably with B/p (B = magnetic flux density, p = gas pressure). The values of secondary ionization coefficients �¿B in nitrogen in crossed fields calculated from measured values of sparking potentials and Townsend ionization coefficients taken from the literature, have been reported. The calculated values of collision frequencies in nitrogen from minimum sparking potentials in crossed fields are found to increase with increasing B/p at constant E/pe (pe = equivalent pressure). Studies on the similarity relationship in crossed fields has shown that the similarity theorem is obeyed in dry air for both polarities of the central electrode in crossed fields.


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This paper deals with the characterisation of tar from two configurations of bioresidue thermochemical conversion reactors designed for producer gas based power generation systems. The pulverised fuel reactor is a cyclone system (R1) and the solid bioresidue reactor (denoted R2) is an open top twin air entry system both at 75-90 kg/h capacity (to generate electricity similar to 100 kVA). The reactor, R2, has undergone rigorous test in a major Indo-Swiss programme for the tar quantity at various conditions. The former is a recent technology development. Tars collected from these systems by a standard tar collection apparatus at the laboratory at Indian Institute of Science have been analysed at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. The results of these analyses show that these thermochemical conversion reactors behave differently from the earlier reactors reported in literature in so far as tar generation is concerned. The extent of tar in hot gas is about 700-800 ppm for R1 and 70-100 ppm for R2. The amounts of the major compounds - naphthalene and phenol-are much lower that what is generally understood to happen in the gasifiers in Europe. It is suggested that the longer residence times at high temperatures allowed for in these reactors is responsible for this behavior. It is concluded the new generation reactor concepts extensively tried out at lower power levels hold promise for high power atmospheric gasification systems for woody as well as pulverisable bioresidues.


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Given a set of points P ⊆ R2, a conflict-free coloring of P w.r.t. rectangle ranges is an assignment of colors to points of P, such that each nonempty axisparallel rectangle T in the plane contains a point whose color is distinct from all other points in P ∩ T . This notion has been the subject of recent interest and is motivated by frequency assignment in wireless cellular networks: one naturally would like to minimize the number of frequencies (colors) assigned to base stations (points) such that within any range (for instance, rectangle), there is no interference. We show that any set of n points in R2 can be conflict-free colored with O(nβ∗+o(1)) colors in expected polynomial time, where β∗ = 3−√5 2 < 0.382.


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As Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells (PEFCs) are nearing the acceptable performance level for automotive and stationary applications, the focus on the research is shifting more and more toward enhancing their durability that still remains a major concern in their commercial acceptability. Hydrous ruthenium oxide (RuO2) is a promising material for pseudocapacitors due to its high stability, high specific-capacitance and rapid faradaic-reaction. Incorporation of carbon-supported RuO2 (RuO2/C) to platinum (Pt) is found to ameliorate both stability and catalytic activity of fuel cell cathodes that exhibit higher performance and durability in relation to Pt/C cathodes as evidenced by cell polarization, impedance and cyclic voltammetry data. The degradation in performance of Pt-RuO2/C cathodes is found to be only similar to 8% after 10000 accelerated stress test (AST) cycles as against similar to 60% for Pt/C cathodes after 7000 AST cycles under similar conditions. These data are in conformity with the Electrochemical Surface Area and impedance results. Interestingly, Pt-RuO2/C cathodes can withstand more than 10000 AST cycles with only a nominal loss in their performance. Studies on catalytic electrodes with X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and cross-sectional field-emission scanning electron microscopy reflect that incorporation of RuO2 to Pt helps mitigating aggregation of Pt particles and improves its stability during long-term operation of PEFCs. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/2.jes113440] All rights reserved.


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The high efficiency of fuel-cell-powered electric vehicles makes them a potentially viable option for future transportation. Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells (PEFCs) are most promising among various fuel cells for electric traction due to their quick start-up and low-temperature operation. In recent years, the performance of PEFCs has reached the acceptable level both for automotive and stationary applications and efforts are now being expended in increasing their durability, which remains a major concern in their commercialization. To make PEFCs meet automotive targets an understanding of the factors affecting the stability of carbon support and platinum catalyst is critical. Alloying platinum (Pt) with first-row transition metals such as cobalt (Co) is reported to facilitate both higher degree of crystallinity and enhanced activity in relation to pristine Pt. But a major challenge for the application of Pt-transition metal alloys in PEFCs is to improve the stability of these binary catalysts. Dissolution of the non-precious metal in the acidic environment could alleviate the activity of the catalysts and hence cell performance. The use of graphitic carbon as cathode-catalyst support enhances the long-term stability of Pt and its alloys in relation to non-graphitic carbon as the former exhibits higher resistance to carbon corrosion in relation to the latter in PEFC cathodes during accelerated-stress test (AST). Changes in electrochemical surface area (ESA), cell performance and charge-transfer resistance are monitored during AST through cyclic voltammetry, cell polarization and impedance measurements, respectively. Studies on catalytic electrodes with X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy reflect that graphitic carbon-support resists carbon corrosion and helps mitigating aggregation of Pt and Pt3Co catalyst particles. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/2.051301jes] All rights reserved.


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Nonlinear equations in mathematical physics and engineering are solved by linearizing the equations and forming various iterative procedures, then executing the numerical simulation. For strongly nonlinear problems, the solution obtained in the iterative process can diverge due to numerical instability. As a result, the application of numerical simulation for strongly nonlinear problems is limited. Helicopter aeroelasticity involves the solution of systems of nonlinear equations in a computationally expensive environment. Reliable solution methods which do not need Jacobian calculation at each iteration are needed for this problem. In this paper, a comparative study is done by incorporating different methods for solving the nonlinear equations in helicopter trim. Three different methods based on calculating the Jacobian at the initial guess are investigated. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Long-term deterioration in the performance of PEFCs is attributed largely to reduction in active area of the platinum catalyst at cathode, usually caused by carbon-support corrosion. Multi-walled carbon-nanotubes (MWCNTs) as cathode-catalyst support are found to enhance long-term stability of platinum catalyst (Pt) in relation to non-graphitic carbon. In addition, highly graphitic MWCNTs (G-MWCNTs) are found to be electrochemically more stable than pristine MWCNTs. This is because graphitic-carbon-supported-Pt (Pt/MWCNTs) cathodes exhibit higher resistance to carbon corrosion in-relation to non-graphitic-carbon-supported-Pt (Pt/C) cathodes in PEFCs during accelerated stress-test (AST) as evidenced by chronoamperometry and carbon dioxide studies. The corresponding change in electrochemical surface area (ESA), cell performance, and charge-transfer resistance are monitored through cyclic voltammetry, cell polarization, and impedance measurements, respectively. The extent of crystallinity, namely amorphous or graphitic nature of the three supports, is examined by Raman spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy studies both prior and after AST suggest lesser deformation in catalyst layer and catalyst particles for Pt/G-MWCNTs and Pt/MWCNTs cathodes in relation to Pt/C cathodes, reflecting that graphitic carbon-support resists carbon corrosion and helps mitigating aggregation of Pt particles. It is also found that with increasing degree of graphitization, the electrochemical stability for MWCNTs increases due to the lesser surface defects.


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Shock-Boundary Layer Interaction (SBLI) often occurs in supersonic/hypersonic flow fields. Especially when accompanied by separation (termed strong interaction), the SBLI phenomena largely affect the performance of the systems where they occur, such as scramjet intakes, thus often demanding the control of the interaction. Experiments on the strong interaction between impinging shock wave and boundary layer on a flat plate at Mach 5.96 are carried out in IISc hypersonic shock tunnel HST-2. The experiments are performed at moderate flow total enthalpy of 1.3 MJ/kg and freestream Reynolds number of 4 million/m. The strong shock generated by a wedge (or shock generator) of large angle 30.96 degrees to the freestream is made to impinge on the flat plate at 95 mm (inviscid estimate) from the leading edge, due to which a large separation bubble of length (75 mm) comparable to the distance of shock impingement from the leading edge is generated. The experimental simulation of such large separation bubble with separation occurring close to the leading edge, and its control using boundary layer bleed (suction and tangential blowing) at the location of separation, are demonstrated within the short test time of the shock tunnel (similar to 600 mu s) from time resolved schlieren flow visualizations and surface pressure measurements. By means of suction - with mass flow rate one order less than the mass flow defect in boundary layer - a reduction in separation length by 13.33% was observed. By the injection of an array of (nearly) tangential jets in the direction of mainstream (from the bottom of the plate) at the location of separation - with momentum flow rate one order less than the boundary layer momentum flow defect - 20% reduction in separation length was observed, although the flow field was apparently unsteady. (C) 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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An implementable nonlinear control design approach is presented for a supersonic air-breathing ramjet engine. The primary objective is to ensure that the thrust generated by the engine tracks the commanded thrust without violating the operational constraints. An important constraint is to manage the shock wave location in the intake so that it neither gets detached nor gets too much inside the intake. Both the objectives are achieved by regulating the fuel flow to the combustion chamber and by varying the throat area of the nozzle simultaneously. The design approach accounts for the nonlinear cross-coupling effects and nullifies those. Also, an extended Kalman filter has been used to filter out the sensor and process noises as well as to make the states available for feedback. Furthermore, independent control design has been carried out for the actuators. To test the performance of the engine for a realistic flight trajectory, a representative trajectory is generated through a trajectory optimization process, which is augmented with a newly-developed finite-time state dependent Riccati equation technique for nullifying the perturbations online. Satisfactory overall performance has been obtained during both climb and cruise phases. (C) 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Numerical simulation of separated flows in rocket nozzles is challenging because existing turbulence models are unable to predict it correctly. This paper addresses this issue with the Spalart-Allmaras and Shear Stress Transport (SST) eddy-viscosity models, which predict flow separation with moderate success. Their performances have been compared against experimental data for a conical and two contoured subscale nozzles. It is found that they fail to predict the separation location correctly, exhibiting sensitivity to the nozzle pressure ratio (NPR) and nozzle type. A careful assessment indicated how the model had to be tuned for better, consistent prediction. It is learnt that SST model's failure is caused by limiting of the shear stress inside boundary layer according to Bradshaw's assumption, and by over prediction of jet spreading rate. Accordingly, SST's coefficients were empirically modified to match the experimental wall pressure data. Results confirm that accurate RANS prediction of separation depends on the correct capture of the jet spreading rate, and that it is feasible over a wide range of NPRs by modified values of the diffusion coefficients in the turbulence model. (C) 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.