76 resultados para Antibiotic prescription


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The interaction of antibiotic valinomycin with manganese (II) has been studied using circular dichroism, electron spin resonance and infrared techniques. Results show that Mn(II) forms complexes with valinomycin in both 2:1 (valinomycin-ion-valinomycin sandwich) and 1:1 (equimolar) stoichiometries. The 1:1 type observed here is very different from the well known K+-valinomycin bracelet conformation.


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The inhibitory action of the anticancer antibiotic, Adriamycin, on succinate-dependent oxidative phosphorylation in heart mitochondria was markedly potentiated by the presence of hexokinase in the reaction medium. This 'hexokinase effect' was not observed in the oxidation of NAD+-linked substrates, or when liver or kidney mitochondria were used in place of heart mitochondria. These results offer a biochemical explanation for the extreme cardiac toxicity of the drug.


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For an understanding of the cation selectivity and general binding characteristics of macrotetralide antibiotic nonactin (NA) with ions of different sizes and charges, the nature of binding of divalent cation, Ca2+, to NA and conformation of the NA-Ca2+ complex have been studied by use of 270-MHz proton nuclear magnetic resonance ('H NMR) and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR). The calcium ion induced significantly large changes in chemical shifts for H7, H2, H3, and H5 protons of NA and relatively small changes for H18 and H2' protons. Changes in I3C chemical shift were quite large for carbonyl carbon, C,; it is noteworthy that in the NA-K+ complex, H2 and H2' protons practically do not show any change during complexation and carbonyl carbon shows a much smaller chemical shift change.


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Studies on the conformational and binding characteristics of the ionophoric antibiotic X-537A (lasalocid-A)�calcium ion complexes have been carried out in deuteriated acetonitrile (CD3 CN) using proton and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (1 H and 13C n.m.r.) spectroscopy. Detailed analysis of the salt-induced chemical shifts at various X-537A to calcium concentration ratios indicated that X-537A forms charged complexes with calcium with 2 : 1 and 1 : 1 stoicheiometries. The conformational model for the complex based on the n.m.r. data showed that the calcium ion is preferentially bound to one end of the molecule, which is binding to three oxygen atoms, the other end (the salicylic acid part) being relatively free. In the 2 : 1 (sandwich) complex, the calcium ion is sandwiched between two X-537A molecules with three oxygen atoms binding to it from each molecule.


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The interaction of the ionophore antibiotic lasalocid-A with lithium perchlorate in acetonitrile has been studied by circular dichroism (c.d.) and 1H, 13C and 7Li nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) techniques. Analysis of the c.d. data has shown that both the 2:1 sandwich (ionophore-cation-ionosphore) complex and 1:1 complex coexist in solution. The n.m.r. data are consistent with a conformational model in which the carbonyl oxygen, he tetrahydrofuran and the tetrahydropyran ring oxygen atoms, two hydroxyl group oxygens and either a water or a solvent molecule coordinate to the lithium ion.


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Possible conformations of penicillin G; d and l isomers of ampicillin; α-amino-α-methyl-benzyl penicillins and 3- pyridyl methyl penicillin have been studied by an energy minimization procedure using empirical potential functions. The preferred conformations of these antibiotics have been correlated with their biological activity. The conformational requirement of the antibiotic to be active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative (β-lactamase-negative) bacterial strains seems to be the same. The reduced activity of penicillin G against Gram-negative bacteria has been attributed to its lower ability to permeate the outer membrane. The flexibility of the sidechains of these antibiotics is also shown to be important for the desired biological activity.


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The linear polypeptide antibiotic alamethicin is known to form channels in artificial lipid membranes. Synthetic 13- and 17-residue alamethicin fragments, labelled with a fluorescent dansyl group at the N-terminus, have been shown to translocate divalent cations across phospholipid membranes and to uncouple oxidative phosphorylation in rat liver mitochondria, in a manner analogous to the parent peptides. From studies of the aqueous phase aggregation behavior of the peptides, as well as their interaction with rat liver mitochondria, it is concluded that the interaction of the peptides with membranes is a complex process, probably involving both aqueous and membrane phase aggregation.


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Cyclohexa-1, 4-dienes with appropriate substituents, obtained by birch reduction of the substituted benzene, react directly with derivatives of propiolic ester or aldchyde to yield aromatic polyketides. The following compounds have been synthesized; mycophenolic acid, nidulol methyl other, the root growth hormone 3, 5-dihydroxy-2-formyl-4-mythyl-benzoic acid, antibiotic DB 2073, the macrocyclic lactones lasiodiplodin and dihydrozearalenone and the biphenyl derivatives alternario and altenusin. Polyketide anthraquinones can be made from naphthoquinone precursors.


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Chromomycin A3, mithramycin, olivomycin and actinomycin D, four antitumor antibiotics inhibit growth of Yoshida ascites sarcoma (YAS). The antibiotic treated tumor-free rats exhibit antitumor immunity as judged by rejection of subsequent tumor transplant. The lymphocytes from immune rats are able to inhibit tumor growth in syngenic animals.


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The binding of chromomycin A3, an antitumour antibiotic, to various DNA and chromatin isolated from mouse and rat liver, mouse fibrosarcoma and Yoshida ascites sarcoma cells was studied spectrophotometrically at 29°C in 10−2 M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0, containing small amounts of MgCl2 (4.5 · 10−5−25 · 10−5 M). An isobestic point at 415 nm was observed when chromomycin A3 was gradually titrated with Image and its spectrum shifted towards higher wavelength. The rates and extent of these spectral changes were found to be dependent on the concentration of Mg2+. The change in absorbance at 440 nm was used to calculate apparent binding constant (Ka p M−1) and sites per nucleotide (n) from Scatchard plots for various DNA and chromatins. As expected, values of n for chromatin (0.06–0.10) were found to be lower than that found for corresponding DNA (0.10–0.15). Apparently no such correlation exists between binding constants (Ka p M−1 · 10−4) of DNA (6.4–11.2) and of chromatin (3.1–8.3), but Ka p M−1 of chromatin isolated from mouse fibrosarcoma and Yoshida ascites sarcoma are 1.5–3 times higher than that found for mouse and rat liver chromatin. These differences may be taken to indicate structural difference in nucleoprotein complexes caused by neoplasia. The relevance of this finding to tumour suppressive action of chromomycin A3 is discussed.


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Two methods were employed to measure the rate of ribonucleic acid (RNA) chain growth in vivo in Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv cultures growing in Sauton medium at 37 degrees C, with a generation time of 10 h. In the first, the bacteria were allowed to assimilate [3H]uracil or [3H]guanine into their RNA for short time periods. The RNA was then extracted and hydrolyzed with alkali, and the radioactivity in the resulting nucleotides and nucleosides was measured. The data obtained by this method allowed the calculation of the individual nucleotide step times during the growth of RNA chains, from which the average rate of RNA chain elongation was estimated to be about 4 nucleotides per s. The second method employed the antibiotic rifampin, which specifically inhibits the initiation of RNA synthesis without interfering with the elongation and completion of nascent RNA chains. Usint this method, the transcription time of the 16S, 23S, and 5S ribosomal RNA genes was estimated to be 7.6 min, which corresponds to a ribosomal RNA chain growth rate of 10 nucleotides per s.


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Bacilysin is a non-ribosomally synthesized dipeptide antibiotic that is active against a wide range of bacteria and some fungi. Synthesis of bacilysin (L-alanine-[2,3-epoxycyclohexano-4]-L-alanine) is achieved by proteins in the bac operon, also referred to as the bacABCDE (ywfBCDEF) gene cluster in B. subtilis. Extensive genetic analysis from several strains of B. subtilis suggests that the bacABC gene cluster encodes all the proteins that synthesize the epoxyhexanone ring of L-anticapsin. These data, however, were not consistent with the putative functional annotation for these proteins whereby BacA, a prephenate dehydratase along with a potential isomerase/guanylyl transferase, BacB and an oxidoreductase, BacC, could synthesize L-anticapsin. Here we demonstrate that BacA is a decarboxylase that acts on prephenate. Further, based on the biochemical characterization and the crystal structure of BacB, we show that BacB is an oxidase that catalyzes the synthesis of 2-oxo-3-(4-oxocyclohexa-2,5-dienyl)propanoic acid, a precursor to L-anticapsin. This protein is a bi-cupin, with two putative active sites each containing a bound metal ion. Additional electron density at the active site of the C-terminal domain of BacB could be interpreted as a bound phenylpyruvic acid. A significant decrease in the catalytic activity of a point variant of BacB with a mutation at the N-terminal domain suggests that the N-terminal cupin domain is involved in catalysis.


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Antibiotic resistance in 40 Staphylococcus aureus clinical isolates from 110 diabetic patients (36%) was evaluated. Of these, 32 (80%) of the isolates showed multidrug-resistance to more than eight antibiotics and 35% isolates were found to be methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA). All 40 S. aureus strains (100%) screened from diabetic clinical specimens were resistant to penicillin, 63% to ampicillin, 55% to streptomycin, 50% to tetracycline and 50% to gentamicin. Where as low resistance rate was observed to ciprofloxacin (20%) and rifampicin (8%). In contrast, all (100%) S. aureus strains recorded susceptibility to teicoplanin, which was followed by vancomycin (95%). Genotypical examination revealed that 80% of the aminoglycoside resistant S. aureus (ARSA) have aminoglycoside modifying enzyme (AME) coding genes; however, 20% of ARSA which showed non-AME mediated (adaptive) aminoglycoside resistance lacked these genes in their genome. In contrast all MRSA isolates possessed mecA, femA genetic determinants in their genome.


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Peptides Possessing antibiotic activity isolated from microbial sources have been the subject of intensive structural and biological investigation over the past two decades. Perhaps, the discovery and widespread use of penicillin, a molecule biosynthetically derived from a tripeptide precursor, as a strong antibacterial agent, has provided the necessary impetus for the detailed study of microbial peptides. While many of these peptides have not been used clinically, They show unique metal binding properties and often possess the ability to modify the electrical properties or ion permeabilities of artificial lipid membranes. Hence, these peptides have been used extensively to study transmembrane ion transport processes in model and natural systems like mitochondria, chloroplasts and plasma membranes.


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Structural specificity for the direct vesicle−vesicle exchange of phospholipids through stable molecular contacts formed by the antibiotic polymyxin B (PxB) is characterized by kinetic and spectroscopic methods. As shown elsewhere [Cajal, Y., Rogers, J., Berg, O. G., & Jain, M. K. (1996) Biochemistry 35, 299−308], intermembrane molecular contacts between anionic vesicles are formed by a small number of PxB molecules, which suggests that a stoichiometric complex may be responsible for the exchange of phospholipids. Larger clusters containing several vesicles are formed where each vesicle can make multiple contacts if sterically allowed. In this paper we show that the overall process can be dissected into three functional steps: binding of PxB to vesicles, formation of stable vesicle−vesicle contacts, and exchange of phospholipids. Polycationic PxB binds to anionic vesicles. Formation of molecular contacts and exchange of monoanionic phospholipids through PxB contacts does not depend on the chain length of the phospholipid. Only monoanionic phospholipids (with methanol, serine, glycol, butanol, or phosphatidylglycerol as the second phosphodiester substituent in the head group) exchange through these contacts, whereas dianionic phosphatidic acid does not. Selectivity for the exchange was also determined with covesicles of phosphatidylmethanol and other phospholipids. PxB does not bind to vesicles of zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine, and its exchange in covesicles is not mediated by PxB. Vesicles of dianionic phospholipids, like phosphatidic acid, bind PxB; however, this phospholipid does not exchange. The structural features of the contacts are characterized by the spectroscopic and chemical properties of PxB at the interface. PxB in intermembrane contacts is readily accessible from the aqueous phase to quenchers and reagents that modify amino groups. Results show that PxB at the interface can exist in two forms depending on the lipid/PxB ratio. Additional studies show that stable PxB-mediated vesicle−vesicle contacts may be structurally and functionally distinct from “stalks”, the putative transient intermediate for membrane fusion. The phenomenon of selective exchange of phospholipids through peptide-mediated contacts could serve as a prototype for intermembrane targeting and sorting of phospholipids during their biosynthesis and trafficking in different compartments of a cell. The protocols and results described here also extend the syllogistic foundations of interfacial equilibria and catalysis.