135 resultados para Acidulated phosphate fluoride


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Separation of Mussorie rock phosphate (P2O5 = 20%) from Uttar Pradesh, India, containing pyrite, calcite and other carbonaceous impurities by flotation has been successfully attempted to upgrade the phosphate values. Based on Hallimond cell flotation results of single and synthetic mineral mixtures of calcite and apatite using oleic acid and potassium phosphate, conditions were obtained for the separation of calcite from apatite which is considered to be the most difficult step in the beneficiation of calcareous phosphates. Further studies using 250 g of the mineral (−60 +150 and −150 mesh fractions, deslimed) in laboratory size Fagergren subaeration machine employed a stagewise flotation viz. carbonaceous materials using terpineol, pyrite using potassium-ethyl xanthate and calcite using oleic acid respectively. Separation was, however, found to be unsatisfactory in the absence of a depressant. Among starch, hydrofluosilicic acid and dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, which were tried as depressants for apatite in the final flotation stage, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate proved to be superior to others. However, the tests with the above fractions did not yield the required grade. This was possibly due to insufficient liberation of the phosphate mineral from the ore body and different experimental conditions due to scale up operations. Experiments conducted using −200 mesh deslimed fractions has yielded an acceptable grade of 27.6% P2O5 with a recovery of about 60%. The results have been explained in terms of the specific adsorption characteristics of phosphate ions on apatite and the liberation size of the mineral.


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Spectroscopic studies on pd(CG)3 and pd(GC)3 have been carried out to elucidate the sequence dependence and effect of free 5'-phosphate on the B to Z transition. Unlike d(CG)3, pd(CG)3 fails to undergo salt-induced B to Z transition at ambient temperature. Model building studies have been carried out to determine the inhibitory role of the 5'-phosphate group, but have been unsuccessful.


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Thiophosphoryl fluoride is observed to undergo a facile reaction with sulphur trioxide forming phosphoryl fluoride, sulphur dioxide and elemental sulphur in quantitative yields. In the presence of excess of sulphur trioxide, however, the elemental sulphur released combines with it to form sulphur sesquioxide which subsequently decomposes and gives off sulphur dioxide. Similar observations are made with oleum.


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A strip of Whatman filter paper (α-cellulose) dipped in an aqueous solution of dihydrazinium phosphate, (N2H5)2HPO4(DHP), and dried, carbonized without flame when ignited. The observed flame retardancy of DHP on α-cellulose has been studied using TG, DTA and mass spectrometry. Dihydrazinium phosphate appears to catalyze the dehydration of α-cellulose, minimizing the depolymerization which produces flammable tars, with the formation of water and char. Flame retardancy of DHP is compared with that of diammonium phosphate and phosphoric acid.


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The mechanism of fire retardant action of mono- and diammonium phosphates on polystyrene has been investigated. Ignition delay and mass burning rate studies reveal that the phosphates bring down both parameters considerably though to different extents. This has been adequately explained on the basis of the existing combustion models and physicochemical behavior of the material. Similar to their action on cellulosic materials, phosphates bring about fire retardancy in polystyrene via char formation. This is suggested to occur through a series of processes consisting of initial peroxide formation, decomposition to alcohols and aldehydes, formation of alkyl-phosphate esters, dehydration and subsequent char formation. Infrared and mass spectral studies support this mechanism.


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Abstract is not available.


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The reactions of sulphuryl fluoride, sulphuryl chlorofluoride and sulphuryl chloride with the amines tert-butylamine, benzylamine, piperidine, pyridine and quinoline have been investigated. The primary and secondary amines react with the elimination of hydrogen halides and formation of S---N bonds whereas tertiary amines form 1:2 adducts.


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RECENT crystallographic studies of the dinucleosides ApU (ref. 1) and GpC (ref. 2) have given experimental proof for the base pairing arrangement proposed by Watson and Crick for the DNA double helix3. Another striking feature of this structure relates to the torsional angle about the C5'-C4' bond in the phosphate−sugar backbone chain. In the Crick and Watson model4, this conformation is gauche−trans (GT). Crystal structures of 5'-nucleotides, dinucleosides and dinucleotides so far studied, however, have shown only the gauche−gauche (GG) conformation about this bond. The GG conformer is also the only one found in the refined models of the proposed structure of the double helical nucleic acids and polynucleotides5−7. The only nucleotide with a GT conformation is 6-azauridine-5'-phosphate8 which is not a normal monomer unit of nucleic acids. It is also reported that 5'-dGMP assumes preferentially GT conformation in solution9.


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C6H11o9P2-.Ba2+.7H2o, M, = 521.5, is monoclinic, space group P21, a = 11.881 (4), b = 8.616 (5), c = 8.350 (4) A,B = 102.95 (3)0, Z = 2, U = 833.0 A 3, d m = 2.09, d c = 2.08 Mg m -3, F(000) = 516. Mo Ka (u = 0.034 mm -1) intensity data. R is 0.068 for 1603 reflections. Of the two endocyclic C-O bonds in the glucose ring, C(5)-O(5) [1.463 (23)] is longer than C(1)-O(5) [1.395 (23)A]. The pyranose sugar ring takes a 4C1 chair conformation. The Cremer-Pople puckering parameters are, 0 = 6.69 o, Q = 0.619 A and 0 = 263.7o. The conformation about the exocyclic C(5)-C(6) bond is gauche-gauche, in contrast to gauche-trans observed in the structure of glucose 1-phosphate. The phosphate ester bond, P-O(6), is 1.61 (1)A. It is similar in length to the 'high-energy' P~O bond in phosphoenolpyruvate. The Ba 2÷ ion is surrounded by nine O atoms within a distance of 2.95 A, of which seven are from water molecules. There is an intramolecular hydrogen bond between the sugar hydroxyl 0(4) and phosphate oxygen O(12).


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RECENT crystallographic studies of the dinucleosides ApU (ref. 1) and GpC (ref. 2) have given experimental proof for the base pairing arrangement proposed by Watson and Crick for the DNA double helix3. Another striking feature of this structure relates to the torsional angle about the C5'-C4' bond in the phosphate−sugar backbone chain. In the Crick and Watson model4, this conformation is gauche−trans (GT). Crystal structures of 5'-nucleotides, dinucleosides and dinucleotides so far studied, however, have shown only the gauche−gauche (GG) conformation about this bond. The GG conformer is also the only one found in the refined models of the proposed structure of the double helical nucleic acids and polynucleotides5−7. The only nucleotide with a GT conformation is 6-azauridine-5'-phosphate8 which is not a normal monomer unit of nucleic acids. It is also reported that 5'-dGMP assumes preferentially GT conformation in solution9.


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CRYSTAL structure determinations of nucleic acid fragments have shown that several of the conformational features found in the monomeric building blocks are also manifested at the nucleic acid level. Stereochemical variations between thymine and uracil nucleotides are therefore of interest as they can provide a structural basis for some of the differences between the conformations of DNA and RNA. X-ray studies have so far not shown any major dissimilarities between these two nucleotide species although the sugar ring of deoxyribonucleotides is found to possess greater flexibility than that in ribonucleotides. We report here the molecular structure of deoxyuridine-5'-phosphate (dUMP-5') which is not a common monomer unit of DNAs as it is replaced by its 5-methyl analogue deoxythymidine-5'-phosphate (dTMP-5'). The investigation was undertaken to help determine whether or not this implied a fundamental difference between the geometries of these two molecules.


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THE addition of catalysts normally serves the purpose of imparting a desired burning rate change in a composite propellant. These may either retard or enhance the burning rate. Some often quoted catalysts are oxides, chromites and chromates of metals. A lot of work has been done on rinding the effect of the addition of some of these catalysts on the burning rate; however, none seems to have appeared on the influence of lithium fluoride (LiF). Only qualitative reduction in the burning rate of composite propellants with the addition of LiF was reported by Williams et al.1 Dickinson and Jackson2 reported a slight decrease in the specific impulse of composite propellant with the addition of LiF; however, they made no mention of the effect of its addition on the burning rate. We have studied the effect of the addition of varying amounts of LiF on the burning rate of Ammonium Perchlorate (AP)-Polyester propellant.


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Pure thiophosphoryl fluoride has been prepared by the fluorination of thiophosphoryl chloride by sodium fluoride in acetonitrile medium. Oxidation of this phosphoryl fluoride by acidified chloramine-T ruptures the phosphorus-sulphur bond and oxidises the sulphur present to the hexavalent state. Anhydrous hydrogen iodide reduces the sulphur to hydrogen sulphide and phosphorus to the trivalent state.


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Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography covers theoretical and fundamental aspects of the structure of matter. The journal is the prime forum for research in diffraction physics and the theory of crystallographic structure determination by diffraction methods using X-rays, neutrons and electrons. The structures include periodic and aperiodic crystals, and non-periodic disordered materials, and the corresponding Bragg, satellite and diffuse scattering, thermal motion and symmetry aspects. Spatial resolutions range from the subatomic domain in charge-density studies to nanodimensional imperfections such as dislocations and twin walls. The chemistry encompasses metals, alloys, and inorganic, organic and biological materials. Structure prediction and properties such as the theory of phase transformations are also covered.


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Thiophosphoryl fluoride and phosphoryl fluoride have been found to initiate the polymerisation of tetrahydrofuran. The living polymer formed has a high molecular weight of the order of a million and the density is found to be between 0.98 - 1.02 g/cc. A cationic mechanism for the polymerisation has been proposed.