90 resultados para AUTOMATION


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An axis-parallel b-dimensional box is a Cartesian product R-1 x R-2 x ... x R-b where each R-i (for 1 <= i <= b) is a closed interval of the form [a(i), b(i)] on the real line. The boxicity of any graph G, box(G) is the minimum positive integer b such that G can be represented as the intersection graph of axis-parallel b-dimensional boxes. A b-dimensional cube is a Cartesian product R-1 x R-2 x ... x R-b, where each R-i (for 1 <= i <= b) is a closed interval of the form [a(i), a(i) + 1] on the real line. When the boxes are restricted to be axis-parallel cubes in b-dimension, the minimum dimension b required to represent the graph is called the cubicity of the graph (denoted by cub(G)). In this paper we prove that cub(G) <= inverted right perpendicularlog(2) ninverted left perpendicular box(G), where n is the number of vertices in the graph. We also show that this upper bound is tight.Some immediate consequences of the above result are listed below: 1. Planar graphs have cubicity at most 3inverted right perpendicularlog(2) ninvereted left perpendicular.2. Outer planar graphs have cubicity at most 2inverted right perpendicularlog(2) ninverted left perpendicular.3. Any graph of treewidth tw has cubicity at most (tw + 2) inverted right perpendicularlog(2) ninverted left perpendicular. Thus, chordal graphs have cubicity at most (omega + 1) inverted right erpendicularlog(2) ninverted left perpendicular and circular arc graphs have cubicity at most (2 omega + 1)inverted right perpendicularlog(2) ninverted left perpendicular, where omega is the clique number.


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The development of techniques for scaling up classifiers so that they can be applied to problems with large datasets of training examples is one of the objectives of data mining. Recently, AdaBoost has become popular among machine learning community thanks to its promising results across a variety of applications. However, training AdaBoost on large datasets is a major problem, especially when the dimensionality of the data is very high. This paper discusses the effect of high dimensionality on the training process of AdaBoost. Two preprocessing options to reduce dimensionality, namely the principal component analysis and random projection are briefly examined. Random projection subject to a probabilistic length preserving transformation is explored further as a computationally light preprocessing step. The experimental results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed training process for handling high dimensional large datasets.


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Let G = (V, E) be a finite, simple and undirected graph. For S subset of V, let delta(S, G) = {(u, v) is an element of E : u is an element of S and v is an element of V - S} be the edge boundary of S. Given an integer i, 1 <= i <= vertical bar V vertical bar, let the edge isoperimetric value of G at i be defined as b(e)(i, G) = min(S subset of V:vertical bar S vertical bar=i)vertical bar delta(S, G)vertical bar. The edge isoperimetric peak of G is defined as b(e)(G) = max(1 <= j <=vertical bar V vertical bar)b(e)(j, G). Let b(v)(G) denote the vertex isoperimetric peak defined in a corresponding way. The problem of determining a lower bound for the vertex isoperimetric peak in complete t-ary trees was recently considered in [Y. Otachi, K. Yamazaki, A lower bound for the vertex boundary-width of complete k-ary trees, Discrete Mathematics, in press (doi: 10.1016/j.disc.2007.05.014)]. In this paper we provide bounds which improve those in the above cited paper. Our results can be generalized to arbitrary (rooted) trees. The depth d of a tree is the number of nodes on the longest path starting from the root and ending at a leaf. In this paper we show that for a complete binary tree of depth d (denoted as T-d(2)), c(1)d <= b(e) (T-d(2)) <= d and c(2)d <= b(v)(T-d(2)) <= d where c(1), c(2) are constants. For a complete t-ary tree of depth d (denoted as T-d(t)) and d >= c log t where c is a constant, we show that c(1)root td <= b(e)(T-d(t)) <= td and c(2)d/root t <= b(v) (T-d(t)) <= d where c(1), c(2) are constants. At the heart of our proof we have the following theorem which works for an arbitrary rooted tree and not just for a complete t-ary tree. Let T = (V, E, r) be a finite, connected and rooted tree - the root being the vertex r. Define a weight function w : V -> N where the weight w(u) of a vertex u is the number of its successors (including itself) and let the weight index eta(T) be defined as the number of distinct weights in the tree, i.e eta(T) vertical bar{w(u) : u is an element of V}vertical bar. For a positive integer k, let l(k) = vertical bar{i is an element of N : 1 <= i <= vertical bar V vertical bar, b(e)(i, G) <= k}vertical bar. We show that l(k) <= 2(2 eta+k k)


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Computation of the dependency basis is the fundamental step in solving the membership problem for functional dependencies (FDs) and multivalued dependencies (MVDs) in relational database theory. We examine this problem from an algebraic perspective. We introduce the notion of the inference basis of a set M of MVDs and show that it contains the maximum information about the logical consequences of M. We propose the notion of a dependency-lattice and develop an algebraic characterization of inference basis using simple notions from lattice theory. We also establish several interesting properties of dependency-lattices related to the implication problem. Founded on our characterization, we synthesize efficient algorithms for (a): computing the inference basis of a given set M of MVDs; (b): computing the dependency basis of a given attribute set w.r.t. M; and (c): solving the membership problem for MVDs. We also show that our results naturally extend to incorporate FDs also in a way that enables the solution of the membership problem for both FDs and MVDs put together. We finally show that our algorithms are more efficient than existing ones, when used to solve what we term the generalized membership problem.


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Computation of the dependency basis is the fundamental step in solving the implication problem for MVDs in relational database theory. We examine this problem from an algebraic perspective. We introduce the notion of the inference basis of a set M of MVDs and show that it contains the maximum information about the logical consequences of M. We propose the notion of an MVD-lattice and develop an algebraic characterization of the inference basis using simple notions from lattice theory. We also establish several properties of MVD-lattices related to the implication problem. Founded on our characterization, we synthesize efficient algorithms for (a) computing the inference basis of a given set M of MVDs; (b) computing the dependency basis of a given attribute set w.r.t. M; and (c) solving the implication problem for MVDs. Finally, we show that our results naturally extend to incorporate FDs also in a way that enables the solution of the implication problem for both FDs and MVDs put together.


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Simultaneous consideration of both performance and reliability issues is important in the choice of computer architectures for real-time aerospace applications. One of the requirements for such a fault-tolerant computer system is the characteristic of graceful degradation. A shared and replicated resources computing system represents such an architecture. In this paper, a combinatorial model is used for the evaluation of the instruction execution rate of a degradable, replicated resources computing system such as a modular multiprocessor system. Next, a method is presented to evaluate the computation reliability of such a system utilizing a reliability graph model and the instruction execution rate. Finally, this computation reliability measure, which simultaneously describes both performance and reliability, is applied as a constraint in an architecture optimization model for such computing systems. Index Terms-Architecture optimization, computation


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Several techniques are known for searching an ordered collection of data. The techniques and analyses of retrieval methods based on primary attributes are straightforward. Retrieval using secondary attributes depends on several factors. For secondary attribute retrieval, the linear structuresinverted lists, multilists, doubly linked listsand the recently proposed nonlinear tree structuresmultiple attribute tree (MAT), K-d tree (kdT)have their individual merits. It is shown in this paper that, of the two tree structures, MAT possesses several features of a systematic data structure for external file organisation which make it superior to kdT. Analytic estimates for the complexity of node searchers, in MAT and kdT for several types of queries, are developed and compared.


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This paper presents on overview of the issues in precisely defining, specifying and evaluating the dependability of software, particularly in the context of computer controlled process systems. Dependability is intended to be a generic term embodying various quality factors and is useful for both software and hardware. While the developments in quality assurance and reliability theories have proceeded mostly in independent directions for hardware and software systems, we present here the case for developing a unified framework of dependabilitya facet of operational effectiveness of modern technological systems, and develop a hierarchical systems model helpful in clarifying this view. In the second half of the paper, we survey the models and methods available for measuring and improving software reliability. The nature of software bugs, the failure history of the software system in the various phases of its lifecycle, the reliability growth in the development phase, estimation of the number of errors remaining in the operational phase, and the complexity of the debugging process have all been considered to varying degrees of detail. We also discuss the notion of software fault-tolerance, methods of achieving the same, and the status of other measures of software dependability such as maintainability, availability and safety.


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This paper is aimed at reviewing the notion of Byzantine-resilient distributed computing systems, the relevant protocols and their possible applications as reported in the literature. The three agreement problems, namely, the consensus problem, the interactive consistency problem, and the generals problem have been discussed. Various agreement protocols for the Byzantine generals problem have been summarized in terms of their performance and level of fault-tolerance. The three classes of Byzantine agreement protocols discussed are the deterministic, randomized, and approximate agreement protocols. Finally, application of the Byzantine agreement protocols to clock synchronization is highlighted.


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The application of multilevel control strategies for load-frequency control of interconnected power systems is assuming importance. A large multiarea power system may be viewed as an interconnection of several lower-order subsystems, with possible change of interconnection pattern during operation. The solution of the control problem involves the design of a set of local optimal controllers for the individual areas, in a completely decentralised environment, plus a global controller to provide the corrective signal to account for interconnection effects. A global controller, based on the least-square-error principle suggested by Siljak and Sundareshan, has been applied for the LFC problem. A more recent work utilises certain possible beneficial aspects of interconnection to permit more desirable system performances. The paper reports the application of the latter strategy to LFC of a two-area power system. The power-system model studied includes the effects of excitation system and governor controls. A comparison of the two strategies is also made.


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The fault-tolerant multiprocessor (ftmp) is a bus-based multiprocessor architecture with real-time and fault- tolerance features and is used in critical aerospace applications. A preliminary performance evaluation is of crucial importance in the design of such systems. In this paper, we review stochastic Petri nets (spn) and developspn-based performance models forftmp. These performance models enable efficient computation of important performance measures such as processing power, bus contention, bus utilization, and waiting times.


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A hybrid simulation technique for identification and steady state optimization of a tubular reactor used in ammonia synthesis is presented. The parameter identification program finds the catalyst activity factor and certain heat transfer coefficients that minimize the sum of squares of deviation from simulated and actual temperature measurements obtained from an operating plant. The optimization program finds the values of three flows to the reactor to maximize the ammonia yield using the estimated parameter values. Powell's direct method of optimization is used in both cases. The results obtained here are compared with the plant data.


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n this paper, a multistage evolutionary scheme is proposed for clustering in a large data base, like speech data. This is achieved by clustering a small subset of the entire sample set in each stage and treating the cluster centroids so obtained as samples, together with another subset of samples not considered previously, as input data to the next stage. This is continued till the whole sample set is exhausted. The clustering is accomplished by constructing a fuzzy similarity matrix and using the fuzzy techniques proposed here. The technique is illustrated by an efficient scheme for voiced-unvoiced-silence classification of speech.


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A forest of quadtrees is a refinement of a quadtree data structure that is used to represent planar regions. A forest of quadtrees provides space savings over regular quadtrees by concentrating vital information. The paper presents some of the properties of a forest of quadtrees and studies the storage requirements for the case in which a single 2m 2m region is equally likely to occur in any position within a 2n 2n image. Space and time efficiency are investigated for the forest-of-quadtrees representation as compared with the quadtree representation for various cases.


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The specific objective of this paper is to develop a state space model of a tubular ammonia reactor which is the heart of an ammonia plant in a fertiliser complex. A ninth order model with three control inputs and two disturbance inputs is generated from the nonlinear distributed model using linearization and lumping approximations. The lumped model is chosen such that the steady state temperature at the exit of the catalyst bed computed from the simplified state space model is close enough to the one computed from the nonlinear steady state model. The model developed in this paper is very useful for the design of continuous/discrete versions of single variable/multivariable control algorithms.