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One of the unexplored, yet important aspects of the biology of acyl carrier proteins (ACPs) is the self-acylation and malonyl transferase activities dedicated to ACPs in polyketide synthesis. Our studies demonstrate the existence of malonyl transferase activity in ACPs involved in type II fatty acid biosynthesis from Plasmodium falciparum and Escherichia coli. We also show that the catalytic malonyl transferase activity is intrinsic to an individual ACP. Mutational analysis implicates an arginine/lysine in loop II and an arginine/glutamine in helix III as the catalytic residues for transferase function. The hydrogen bonding properties of these residues appears to be indispensable for the transferase reaction. Complementation of fabD(Ts) E. coli highlights the putative physiological role of this process. Our studies thus shed light on a key aspect of ACP biology and provide insights into the mechanism involved therein.


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The photochemical and photophysical processes of many organic compounds are a function of the environment in which they are present. In this connection we have chosen to investigate the environmental perturbations on the photodimerization of coumarin,l and the results of our study in aqueous and micellar media are presented in this paper. Coumarin has historically been the subject of intense photochemical and spectroscopic interest, mainly as a consequence of its importance in biological systems. Coumarin has been chosen for our investigation as its fascinating photochemical behavior has been fairly well explored,2 and therefore the environmental influence, which is the subject of our concern, would be easily understandable.


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Research in the field of NOx abatement has grown significantly in the past two decades. The general trend has been to develop new catalysts with complex materials in order to meet the stringent environmental regulations. This review discusses briefly about the different sources of NOx and its adverse effect on the ecosystem. The main portion of the review discusses the progress and development of various catalysts for NOx removal from exhaust by NO decomposition, NO reduction by CO or H-2 or NH3 or hydrocarbons. The importance of understanding the mechanism of NO decomposition and reduction in presence of metal ion substituted catalysts is emphasized. Some conclusions are made on the various catalytic approaches to NOx abatement.


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Formation of fibril-type nanostructures of the Alzheimer's beta-amyloid diphenylalanine (L-Phe-L-Phe, FF) at the organic-aqueous interface and the factors affecting their structures have been investigated. Such nanostructures are also formed by bovine serum albumin and bovine pancreas insulin. The concentration of the precursor taken in the aqueous layer plays an important role in determining the morphology of the nanostructures, The addition of curcumin to the organic layer changes the structure of the self-assembled one-dimensional aggregates of diphenylalanine. By coating the diphenylalanine dipeptide fibrils with appropriate precursors followed by calcination in air, it has been possible to obtain one-dimensional nanostructures of inorganic materials.


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Synthetic amphiphiles have been employed for the investigation of diverse topics, e.g. membrane mimetics, drug delivery, ion sensing and even in certain separation processes. Metal-complexing amphiphiles comprise an interesting class of compounds possessing multiple utilities. Upon solubilization in water they form metallomicelles. For achieving specific catalysis of a variety of reactions, metallomicelles were utilized by applying the principles of coordination chemistry and self-organizing systems. Because of their certain similarities with the natural enzymes, metallomicelles were synthesized as catalysts for many reactions. In particular the metallomicelles play a catalytic role in reactions involving the hydrolysis of activated carboxylate esters, phosphate esters and amides at ambient conditions near neutral pH. Apart from the hydrolysis reactions, these were exploited to play pertinent role as Lewis acid catalysts in cycloaddition reactions, and in other reactions such as phenolic oxidation in presence of hydrogen peroxide. In this review we emphasize with the help of assorted examples, the design, synthesis of metal-complexing amphiphiles and their aggregation behavior leading to catalytic hydrolysis reactions in aqueous media.


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Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) of pyridine adsorbed on ultrathin nanocrystalline Au and Ag films generated at the liquid-liquid interface has been investigated. The shifts and intensification of bands formed with these films comprising metal nanoparticles are comparable to those found with other types of Au and Ag substrates. SERS of rhodamine 6G adsorbed on Ag films has also been studied. The results demonstrate that nanocrystalline metal films prepared by the simple method involving the organic-aqueous interface can be used effectively for SERS investigations.


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Enzyme is a dynamic entity with diverse time scales, ranging from picoseconds to seconds or even longer. Here we develop a rate theory for enzyme catalysis that includes conformational dynamics as cycling on a two-dimensional (2D) reaction free energy surface involving an intrinsic reaction coordinate (X) and an enzyme conformational coordinate (Q). The validity of Michaelis-Menten (MM) equation, i.e., substrate concentration dependence of enzymatic velocity, is examined under a nonequilibrium steady state. Under certain conditions, the classic MM equation holds but with generalized microscopic interpretations of kinetic parameters. However, under other conditions, our rate theory predicts either positive (sigmoidal-like) or negative (biphasic-like) kinetic cooperativity due to the modified effective 2D reaction pathway on X-Q surface, which can explain non-MM dependence previously observed on many monomeric enzymes that involve slow or hysteretic conformational transitions. Furthermore, we find that a slow conformational relaxation during product release could retain the enzyme in a favorable configuration, such that enzymatic turnover is dynamically accelerated at high substrate concentrations. The effect of such conformation retainment in a nonequilibrium steady state is evaluated.


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The linear polypeptide antibiotic alamethicin is known to form channels in artificial lipid membranes. Synthetic 13- and 17-residue alamethicin fragments, labelled with a fluorescent dansyl group at the N-terminus, have been shown to translocate divalent cations across phospholipid membranes and to uncouple oxidative phosphorylation in rat liver mitochondria, in a manner analogous to the parent peptides. From studies of the aqueous phase aggregation behavior of the peptides, as well as their interaction with rat liver mitochondria, it is concluded that the interaction of the peptides with membranes is a complex process, probably involving both aqueous and membrane phase aggregation.


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Dendrite structures of ice produced on undirectional solidification of ternary and quaternary aqueous solutions have been studied. Upon freezing, solutions containing more than one solute produce plate-shaped dendrites of ice. The spacing between dendrites increase linearly with the distance from the chill surface and the square root of local solidification time (or square root of inverse freezing rate) for any fixed composition. For fixed freezing conditions, the dendrite spacings from multicomponent aqueous solutions were a function of the concentrations and diffusion coefficients of the individual solutes. The dendrite spacing produced by freezing of a solution was changed by the addition of a solute different from those already present. If the main diffusion coefficient of the added solute is higher than that of solutes already present, the dendrite spacing is increased and vice versa. The dendrite spacing in multi-component systems increases with the total solute concentration if the constituent solutes are present in equal amounts. The dendrite spacing obtained on freezing of these dilute multicomponent solutions can be expressed by regression equations of the type Image Full-size image (2K) where L is the dendrite spacing in microns, C1, C2 and C3 are concentrations of individual solutes, Θf is the total freezing time and A1 −A8 are constants. A Yates analysis of the dendrite spacings in a factorial design of quaternary solutions indicates that there are strong interactions between individual solutes in regard to their effect on the dendrite spacings. A mass transport analysis has been used to calculate the interdendritic supersaturation ΔC of the individual solutes, the supercooling in the interdendritic liquid ΔT, and the transverse growth velocity of the dendrites, VT. In ternary solutions if two solutes are present in equal amount the supersaturation of the solute with higher main diffusion coefficient is lower, and vice versa. If a solute with higher main diffusion coefficient is added to a binary solution, the interface growth velocity, the interdendritic supersaturation of the base solute and the interdendritic supercooling increase with the quantity of solute added.


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The binding of the fluorescent probes 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate and dansyl cadaverine to the sodium salts of cholic, deoxycholic and dehydrocholic acids has been investigated. Enhanced probe solubilisation accompanies aggregation. Monitoring of fluorescence intensities as a function of bile salt concentration permits the detection of primary micelle formation, as well as secondary association. The transition concentrations obtained by fluorescence are in good agreement with values determined for the critical micelle concentrations, by other methods. Differences in the behaviour of cholate and deoxycholate have been noted. Fluorescence polarisation studies of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene solubilised in bile salt micelles suggest a higher microviscosity for the interior of the deoxycholate micelle as compared to cholate. 1H NMR studies of deoxycholate over the range 1–100 mg/ml suggest that micelle formation leads to a greater immobilisation of the C18 and C19 methyl groups as compared to the C21 methyl group. Well resolved 13C resonances are observed for all three steroids even at high concentration. Both fluorescence and NMR studies confirm that dehydrocholate does not aggregate.


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Aqueous solutions of sodium chloride were solidified under the influence of magnetic and electrical fields using two different freezing systems. In the droplet system, small droplets of the solution are introduced in an organic liquid column at −20°C which acts as the heat sink. In the unidirectional freezing system the solutions are poured into a tygon tube mounted on a copper chill, maintained at −70°C, from which the freezing initiates. Application of magnetic fields caused an increase in the spacing and promoted side branching of primary ice dendrites in the droplet freezing system, but had no measurable effect on the dendrites formed in the unidirectional freezing system. The range of electric fields applied in this investigation had no measurable effect on the dendritic structure. Possible interactions between external magnetic and electrical fields have been reviewed and it is suggested that the selective effect of magnetic fields on dendrite spacings in a droplet system could be due to a change in the nucleation behaviour of the solution in the presence of a magnetic field.


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The effect of aqueous pyridine on a hapten—antihapten system was investigated by the quantitative precipitin reaction and by the membrane filtration method. It was found that dilute solutions of pyridine inhibited the reaction between isopentenyladenosine and its antiserum. Other solvents examined were less effective. The effect of pyridine was reversible at concentrations where complete inhibition occurred, thus indicating its use for the dissociation of antigen—antibody complexes. The inhibitory effect of pyridine was exploited in a single-step purification method for anti—isopentenyladenosine and antideoxy-adenylate antibodies. In addition, generally applicable methods for linking nucleosides and nucleotides to aminoethyl-Sepharose are described.


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The effect of aqueous pyridine on a hapten—antihapten system was investigated by the quantitative precipitin reaction and by the membrane filtration method. It was found that dilute solutions of pyridine inhibited the reaction between isopentenyladenosine and its antiserum. Other solvents examined were less effective. The effect of pyridine was reversible at concentrations where complete inhibition occurred, thus indicating its use for the dissociation of antigen—antibody complexes. The inhibitory effect of pyridine was exploited in a single-step purification method for anti—isopentenyladenosine and antideoxy-adenylate antibodies. In addition, generally applicable methods for linking nucleosides and nucleotides to aminoethyl-Sepharose are described.


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Kinetic information on the resinification of furfuryl alcohol has been derived from the rate of increase of color intensity measured with a photoelectric colorimeter, the resinification being carried out isothermally in Clark-Lubs aqueous buffer solutions in the pH range of 1.0-2.2. The activation energy for polymerization is found to increase exponentially with pH. The time required for emulsification (which is quickly followed by separation of resin layer) to occur in an aqueous solution of furfuryl alcohol also increases exponentially with pH, but it decreases exponentially with temperature. This is described quantitatively by a single expression.


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In an attempt to unravel the role of conserved histidine residues in the structure-function of sheep liver cytosolic serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT), three site-specific mutants (H134N, H147N, and H150N) were constructed and expressed, H134N and H147N SHMTs had K-m values for L-serine, L-allo-threonine and beta-phenylserine similar to that of wild type enzyme, although the k(cat) values were markedly decreased, H134N SHMT was obtained in a dimeric form with only 6% of bound pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) compared with the wild type enzyme, Increasing concentrations of PLP (up to 500 mu M) enhanced the enzyme activity without changing its oligomeric structure, indicating that His-134 may be involved in dimer-dimer interactions, H147N SHMT was obtained in a tetrameric form but with very little PLP (3%) bound to it, suggesting that this residue was probably involved in cofactor binding, Unlike the wild type enzyme, the cofactor could be easily removed by dialysis from H147N SHMT, and the apoenzyme thus formed was present predominantly in the dimeric form, indicating that PLP binding is at the dimer-dimer interface, H150N SHMT was obtained in a tetrameric form with bound PLP, However, the mutant had very little enzyme activity (<2%). The k(cat)/K-m values for L-serine, L-allo-threonine and beta-phenylserine were 80-, 56-, and SS-fold less compared with wild type enzyme, Unlike the wild type enzyme, it failed to form the characteristic quinonoid intermediate and was unable to carry out the exchange of 2-S proton from glycine in the presence of H-4-folate. However, it could form an external aldimine with serine and glycine, The wild type and the mutant enzyme had similar K-d values for serine and glycine, These results suggest that His-150 may be the base that abstracts the alpha-proton of the substrate, leading to formation of the quinonoid intermediate in the reaction catalyzed by SHMT.