31 resultados para 658.848


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CI3H17N5Os.C2H6OS, Mr=401.23, orthorhombic,P21212 p grown from Me2SO, a = 10.749 (2),b = 13.219 (2), c = 14.056 (2) A, V= 1997-23 A 3, Z =4, D_=1.40, D x=l.335Mgm -3, 2(CuKa)= 1.5418/~', g = 1.694 mm -~, F(000) = 848.00, T=293K, R =0.0538, wR =0.0634 for 2105 unique reflections with F > 3o(F). The asymmetric unit contains one nucleoside molecule with a disordered solvent Me2S_O molecule. The geometry about the C(4')-C(5') bond is gauche-gauche. The guanosine base is in the anti conformation with the furanose ring having C(3')-exo (E 3) puckering. The bases do not show any stacking in contrast to other guanosine-containing structures. The crystal structure is stabilized by N--H...N and N--H...O hydrogen bonding.


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In order to have access to chiral gels, a series of salts derived from (1R, 3S)-(+)-camphoric acid and various secondary amines were prepared based on supramolecular synthon rationale. Out of seven salts prepared, two showed moderate gelation abilities. The gels were characterized by differential scanning calorimetry, table top rheology, scanning electron microscopy, single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction. Structure property correlation based on X-ray diffraction techniques remain inconclusive indicating that some of the integrated part associated with the gelation phenomena requires a better understanding.


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Let n points be placed independently in d-dimensional space according to the density f(x) = A(d)e(-lambda parallel to x parallel to alpha), lambda, alpha > 0, x is an element of R-d, d >= 2. Let d(n) be the longest edge length of the nearest-neighbor graph on these points. We show that (lambda(-1) log n)(1-1/alpha) d(n) - b(n) converges weakly to the Gumbel distribution, where b(n) similar to ((d - 1)/lambda alpha) log log n. We also prove the following strong law for the normalized nearest-neighbor distance (d) over tilde (n) = (lambda(-1) log n)(1-1/alpha) d(n)/log log n: (d - 1)/alpha lambda <= lim inf(n ->infinity) (d) over tilde (n) <= lim sup(n ->infinity) (d) over tilde (n) <= d/alpha lambda almost surely. Thus, the exponential rate of decay alpha = 1 is critical, in the sense that, for alpha > 1, d(n) -> 0, whereas, for alpha <= 1, d(n) -> infinity almost surely as n -> infinity.


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The total synthesis of racemic albene 2 via the prochiral precursor 3, using a stereoselective Claisen rearrangement and an intramolecular diazoketone cyclopropanation as key reactions, is described.


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Coastal lagoons are complex ecosystems exhibiting a high degree of non-linearity in the distribution and exchange of nutrients dissolved in the water column due to their spatio-temporal characteristics. This factor has a direct influence on the concentrations of chlorophyll-a, an indicator of the primary productivity in the water bodies as lakes and lagoons. Moreover the seasonal variability in the characteristics of large-scale basins further contributes to the uncertainties in the data on the physico-chemical and biological characteristics of the lagoons. Considering the above, modelling the distributions of the nutrients with respect to the chlorophyll-concentrations, hence requires an effective approach which will appropriately account for the non-linearity of the ecosystem as well as the uncertainties in the available data. In the present investigation, fuzzy logic was used to develop a new model of the primary production for Pulicat lagoon, Southeast coast of India. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the concentrations of chlorophyll-a in the lagoon was highly influenced by the dissolved concentrations of nitrate, nitrites and phosphorous to different extents over different seasons and years. A high degree of agreement was obtained between the actual field values and those predicted by the new fuzzy model (d = 0.881 to 0.788) for the years 2005 and 2006, illustrating the efficiency of the model in predicting the values of chlorophyll-a in the lagoon.


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We present a method for measuring the local velocities and first-order variations in velocities in a timevarying image. The scheme is an extension of the generalized gradient model that encompasses the local variation of velocity within a local patch of the image. Motion within a patch is analyzed in parallel by 42 different spatiotemporal filters derived from 6 linearly independent spatiotemporal kernels. No constraints are imposed on the image structure, and there is no need for smoothness constraints on the velocity field. The aperture problem does not arise so long as there is some two-dimensional structure in the patch being analyzed. Among the advantages of the scheme is that there is no requirement to calculate second or higher derivatives of the image function. This makes the scheme robust in the presence of noise. The spatiotemporal kernels are of simple form, involving Gaussian functions, and are biologically plausible receptive fields. The validity of the scheme is demonstrated by application to both synthetic and real video images sequences and by direct comparison with another recently published scheme Biol. Cybern. 63, 185 (1990)] for the measurement of complex optical flow.


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Hyperbranched polyurethanes, with varying oligoethyleneoxy spacer segments between the branching points, have been synthesized by a one-pot approach starting from the appropriately designed carbonyl azide that incorporates the different spacer segments. The structures of monomers and polymers were confirmed by IR and H-1-NMR spectroscopy. The solution viscosity of the polymers suggested that they were of reasonably high molecular weight. Reversal of terminal functional groups was achieved by preparing the appropriate monohydroxy dicarbonyl azide monomer. The large number of terminal isocyanate groups at the chain ends of such hyperbranched macromolecules caused them to crosslink prior to its isolation. However, carrying out the polymerization in the presence of 1 equiv of a capping agent, such as an alcohol, resulted in soluble polymers with carbamate chain ends. Using a biphenyl-containing alcohol as a capping agent, we have also prepared novel hyperbranched perbranched polyurethanes with pendant mesogenic segments. These mesogen-containing polyurethanes, however, did not exhibit liquid crystallinity probably due to the wholly aromatic rigid polymer backbone. (C) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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A steel ball was slid on aluminium-silicon alloys at different temperatures. After the coefficient of friction had been measured, the surface shear stress was deconvoluted using a two-term model of friction. The ratio of surface shear stress to bulk hardness was calculated as a function of temperature, silicon content and alloying additions. These results are qualitatively similar to those recorded for pre-seizure specimens slid against an En24 disc in a pin-on-disc machine. This similarity, when viewed in the context of the phenomenon of bulk shear, provides a model for seizure of these alloys.


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The Hanuman langur is one of the most widely distributed and morphologically variable non-human primates in South Asia. Even though it has been extensively studied, the taxonomic status of this species remains unresolved due to incongruence between various classification schemes. This incongruence, we believe, is largely due to the use of plastic morphological characters such as coat color in classification. Additionally these classification schemes were largely based on reanalysis of the same set of museum specimens. To bring greater resolution in Hanuman langur taxonomy we undertook a field survey to study variation in external morphological characters among Hanuman langurs. The primary objective of this study is to ascertain the number of morphologically recognizable units (morphotypes) of Hanuman langur in peninsular India and to compare our field observations with published classification schemes. We typed five color-independent characters for multiple adults from various populations in South India. We used the presence-absence matrix of these characters to derive the pair-wise distance between individuals and used this to construct a neighbor-joining (NJ) tree. The resulting NJ tree retrieved six distinct clusters, which we assigned to different morphotypes. These morphotypes can be identified in the field by using a combination of five diagnostic characters. We determined the approximate distributions of these morphotypes by plotting the sampling locations of each morphotype on a map using GIS software. Our field observations are largely concordant with some of the earliest classification schemes, but are incongruent with recent classification schemes. Based on these results we recommend Hill (Ceylon Journal of Science, Colombo 21:277-305, 1939) and Pocock (Primates and carnivora (in part) (pp. 97-163). London: Taylor and Francis, 1939) classification schemes for future studies on Hanuman langurs.


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Analysis of data on 106,848 marriages in the cities of Bangalore and Mysore, South India, between 1980 and 1989 showed that levels of consanguineous marriage varied between cities through time and by religion. The average coefficient of inbreeding was higher in Bangalore (F = 0·0339) than in Mysore (F = 0·0203), principally reflecting large-scale, post-Independence rural migration into Bangalore. Although there was some evidence of a decline in consanguineous marriages in Mysore, there was no convincing support in either city for earlier projections of a rapid reduction in the popularity of unions between close biological relatives.


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Sapphirine-cordierite intergrowths occur as pods within garnet-absent, high-Mg orthopyroxene-granulite xenoliths in the Kambam valley, Madurai Block, southern India. Whereas the cores of the pods are composed of sapphirine (X-Mg = 0.871-0.897) - cordierite (X-Mg = 0.892-0.931) intergrowth along with rutile, zircon and monazite, the rims are characterized by cordierite, apatite, plagioclase, K-feldspar, quartz and minor calcite. The surrounding matrix comprises orthopyroxene (maximum Al2O3 4.1 wt.%, X-Mg 0.848-0.850), plagioclase, biotite and quartz, similar to the assemblage in the surrounding charnockites. Sapphirine in the Kambam rocks is characterized by high Al contents with an end-member composition in the range of 7:9:3 and 3:5:1. The occurrence of peraluminous sapphirine in association with cordierite and in the absence of phases such as sillimanite and garnet is distinct from ultrahigh-temperature assemblages in other localities within the Madurai Block. The peraluminous composition of the pods suggests that these domains could represent cryptic pathways through which aluminous melts migrated. The reaction of such peraluminous melts with Mg-rich orthopyroxene in the host granulite at temperatures of 1025 degrees C and pressures around 8 kbar as computed from phase equilibria modeling followed by an isobaric cooling is inferred to have generated the sapphirine-cordierite pods. The unusual high-Mg orthopyroxene granulite suggests interaction of supracrustal rocks with mafic magmas, which probably acted as the heat source for the partial melting of lower crust and UHT metamorphism.


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We experimentally study the effect of having hinged leaflets at the jet exit on the formation of a two-dimensional counter-rotating vortex pair. A piston-cylinder mechanism is used to generate a starting jet from a high-aspect-ratio channel into a quiescent medium. For a rigid exit, with no leaflets at the channel exit, the measurements at a central plane show that the trailing jet in the present case is never detached from the vortex pair, and keeps feeding into the latter, unlike in the axisymmetric case. Passive flexibility is introduced in the form of rigid leaflets or flaps that are hinged at the exit of the channel, with the flaps initially parallel to the channel walls. The experimental arrangement closely approximates the limiting case of a free-to-rotate rigid flap with negligible structural stiffness, damping and flap inertia, as these limiting structural properties permit the largest flap openings. Using this arrangement, we start the flow and measure the flap kinematics and the vorticity fields for different flap lengths and piston velocity programs. The typical motion of the flaps involves a rapid opening and a subsequent more gradual return to its initial position, both of which occur when the piston is still moving. The initial opening of the flaps can be attributed to an excess pressure that develops in the channel when the flow starts, due to the acceleration that has to be imparted to the fluid slug between the flaps. In the case with flaps, two additional pairs of vortices are formed because of the motion of the flaps, leading to the ejection of a total of up to three vortex pairs from the hinged exit. The flaps' length (L-f) is found to significantly affect flap motions when plotted using the conventional time scale L/d, where L is the piston stroke and d is the channel width. However, with a newly defined time scale based on the flap length (L/L-f), we find a good collapse of all the measured flap motions irrespective of flap length and piston velocity for an impulsively started piston motion. The maximum opening angle in all these impulsive velocity program cases, irrespective of the flap length, is found to be close to 15 degrees. Even though the flap kinematics collapses well with L/L-f, there are differences in the distribution of the ejected vorticity even for the same L/L-f. Such a redistribution of vorticity can lead to important changes in the overall properties of the flow, and it gives us a better understanding of the importance of exit flexibility in such flows.