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M. tuberculosis H37Ra possesses two Image -asparaginases while the H37Rv strain possesses only a single enzyme. These enzymes have been purified and their properties studied. The two Image -asparaginases in H37Ra strain differ from each other in pH optima, heat inactivation, Michaelis constant and effects of inhibitors, while one of them resembles the single Image -asparaginase present in the H37Rv strain. Image -Cysteine inhibits both Image -asparaginases in an allosteric manner probably because it is one of the end-products in Image -asparagine metabolism. This is the first time that a qualitative difference has been reported in the enzyme pattern between the avirulent and virulent strains of M. tuberculosis.


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The purification and some properties of the enzyme indoleacetaldoxime hydrolyase (EC from the fungus Gibberella fujikuroi, which dehydrates indoleacetaldoxime (IAOX) to indoleacetonitrile (IAN), are described. The enzyme activity in the fungus is present only under certain culture conditions. It is a soluble enzyme, has an optimum pH at 7, shows an energy of activation of —15,670 cal/mole, and has a Michaelis constant of 1.7 × 10−4 Image at 30 °. It appears to be specific for IAOX, and 1 mole of IAN is produced per mole of IAOX utilized. The enzyme is inhibited by a number of aldoximes of which phenylacetaldoxime (PAOX) is the most potent inhibitor. Inhibition by PAOX is competitive (Ki = 2.2 × 10−8 Image ). The enzyme is inhibited by SH reagents such as p-hydroxymercuribenzoate and N-ethylmaleimide, and by a number of SH compounds such as cysteine, β-mercaptoethanol, and 2,3-dimercaptopropanol (BAL). However, glutathione activates the enzyme. Metal chelating agents such as 8-OH-quinoline and diethyl dithiocarbamate inhibit the enzyme; the inhibition is partly reversed by ferric citrate. Ascorbic acid, and particularly dehydroascorbic acid (DHA), are good activators of the enzyme. Several other biological oxidants had either no action or had a slight effect. Potassium cyanide activates the enzyme at low concentration but inhibits at higher concentrations. Reduction of the enzyme with NaBH4 reduces activity, and the effect is partly reversed by pyridoxal phosphate and also by DHA. The above properties indicate that both an SH function and an oxidized function are required for activity.


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The enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of isoleucine and valine have been shown to be present in cell-free extracts of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. In addition to the known enzymes of the pathway, cell-free extracts of this organism contain a new enzyme. When cell-free extracts were incubated with acetolactate and Image -ascorbic acid, without reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, the isomer of acetolactate, viz., α-keto-β-hydroxyisovalerate, was found to accumulate and was identified by different methods. The reaction is enzymic, and Image -ascorbic acid cannot be replaced by other reducing agents such as hydroquinone, 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol, or glutathione; by derivatives of Image -ascorbic acid such as dehydroascorbic acid or dimethyl ascorbic acid; or by cobamide coenzyme. Since the extracts also isomerize α-acetohydroxybutyrate to α-keto-β-hydroxy-β-methylvalerate, the enzyme catalyzing the reaction has been termed “acetohydroxy acid isomerase.” This is the first time that the presence of acetohydroxy acid isomerase has been reported in any biological system and that a specific metabolic role has been assigned for Image -ascorbic acid. The extract also possesses reductase activity to convert α-keto-β-hydroxyisovalerate to α,β-dihydroxyisovalerate in the presence of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate.


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The occurrence in plants of an enzyme system catalyzing the cleavage of uridine has been demonstrated. The enzyme from Phaseolus radiatus was purified about 132-fold with 24% recovery by a combination of procedures involving mild acid treatment, ammonium sulphate fractionation, negative adsorption on calcium phosphate gel and DEAE-cellulose chromatography. The enzyme cleaves uridine to uracil and ribose in the absence of phosphate indicating that the mechanism of cleavage was hydrolytic rather than phosphorolytic. The enzyme is specific to uridine and does not act on other purine and pyrimidine compounds. The enzyme shows maximum activity at pH 7.4 and has a temperature optimum of 45 °. It does not require metal ions for activity. Inhibition of the enzyme by p-chloromercuribenzoate as well as N-ethylmaleimide and the reversal of p-chloromercuribenzoate inhibition by sulfhydryl agents indicate the probable involvement of readily oxidizable sulfhydryl groups in enzyme activity.


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Glycoprotein isolated from sheep plasma was chemically modified, and the effect of chemical modification on biological activities and immunological cross reactions has been studied. The removal of sialic acid resulted in a change in the “overall conformation” of the glycoprotein as evidenced by a decrease in viscosity of the glycoprotein solution and an increased susceptibility of the glycoprotein to proteolytic enzymes. Sialic acid-free glycoprotein no longer inhibited the tryptic activity or prolonged the clotting time of plasma. However, it could react with the antiserum to sheep plasma glycoprotein. The periodate oxidation of sheep plasma glycoprotein resulted in a complete loss of inhibition of trypsin activity, prolongation of plasma clotting time, and the ability to cross-react with the rabbit antiserum. The significance of periodate oxidation in relation to the possible sequence of sugars in the carbohydrate prosthetic group in the glycoprotein is discussed. Iodination and heating in buffers of acid and alkaline pH values of sheep plasma glycoprotein resulted in complete loss of trypsin activity and ability to prolong plasma clotting time. Iodination of the glycoprotein did not affect the immunological cross-reactivity.


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The effect of dietary cholesterol and ubiquinone on the synthesis of isoprene compounds in the liver, as tested by the incorporation of acetate-1-14C and mevalonate-2-14C, was studied in rats. In cholesterol feeding, there appears to be a second site of inhibition after squalene in addition to the previously known primary site of inhibition at the β-hydroxy-β-methyl glutaryl-CoA reductase. Feeding ubiquinone inhibited at some common step between acetate and mevalonate in the synthesis of both cholesterol and ubiquinone, without affecting the acetate activation or fatty acid synthesis, and also at a step in the synthesis of ubiquinone not common with the synthesis of cholesterol. These results are suggestive of a role for ubiquinone in the regulation of isoprene synthesis.


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An enzyme which catalyzes the oxidative conversion of o-aminophenol to 2-amino-3-H-isophenoxazin-3-one has been purified 396-fold by using standard fractionation procedures. The enzyme is specific for o-aminophenol and has pH and temperature optima at 6.2 and 40 °, respectively. It is insensitive to metal chelating agents but is inhibited by several reducing substances. There is no cofactor or metal ion requirement for the reaction. A competitive type of inhibition was observed with structural analogs such as anthranilic acid and 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid. There are no free sulfhydryl groups in the enzyme, but preincubation of the enzyme with substrate or substrate analogs resulted in the liberation of titratable free sulfhydryl groups. The mechanism of biosynthesis of isophenoxazine ring is discussed.


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A molecular model has been developed to study the vibrations of U centres in caesium iodide. Employing the rigid ion model with nearest-neighbour short-range forces, the dynamical matrix of order 27 × 27 was solved to obtain the frequencies of the localized modes and the perturbed lattice modes. The results are compared with those obtained from the Green function method.


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Isophenoxazine, formed by the condensation of two molecules of o-aminophenol, is reduced by an enzyme system from Tecoma stans leaves to two molecules of catechol. The reaction proceeds well under anaerobic conditions; a 1–2 mole stoichiometry between the substrate disappeared and the product formed was maintained. The enzyme showed maximum activity at pH 5. The substrate at high concentrations caused a diminution in the activity and the optimum concentration of substrate was at 6 × 10−4 Image . The enzyme preparation was able to convert cinnabarinic acid and diphenylene dioxide 2,3-quinone into the corresponding catechol substances. The diphenylene dioxide 2,3-quinone at the same concentration was three times more susceptible to enzymic cleavage than isophenoxazine. Cinnabarinic acid inhibited the enzymic cleavage of isophenoxazine competitively. None of the known electron donors was found to activate the reaction. Inhibition studies suggested that intact sulfhydryl groups are necessary for enzyme activity. Heavy metal ions like Hg++, Ag+, Co++, Fe++, Ni++, and Fe3++ inhibited the reaction. Metal chelating agents did not have any effect on the enzyme.


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Evidence for the presence and possible participation of a flavoprotein, coenzyme Q, and a cytochrome in the oxidation of NADH in the cell-free extracts of Agrobacterium tumefaciens was presented. Coenzyme Q10 was established as the homologue by several criteria. The characteristics of the cytochrome showed that it was different from the b and c groups of cytochromes. Amytal, antimycin A, and cyanide inhibited the oxidation of NADH, and from their effects on the electron transport components the following sequence has been proposed: NADH → flavoprotein → coenzyme Q10 → cytochrome oxygen.


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The excess of free inhibitor for the enzyme NADase present in the crude cell-free extracts of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv has been purified by chromatography on a DEAE-cellulose column and adsorption and elution from alumina Cγ-gel. Some of the properties of the purified inhibitor have been studied and attempts have been made to elucidate the nature of combination between the enzyme and the inhibitor. The purified inhibitor may be glycoprotein in nature, and considerable loss in the activity of the inhibitor preparations could be brought about by trypsin digestion. The inhibitor was specific for the enzymes from M. tuberculosis H37Rv or H37Ra and could be stored for at least 6 months in the frozen state below 0 ° without any significant loss in activity. The inhibition was noncompetitive with respect to the substrates, and the enzyme-inhibitor complex formed was undissociable.


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The excess of free inhibitor for the enzyme NADase present in the crude cell-free extracts of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv has been purified by chromatography on a DEAE-cellulose column and adsorption and elution from alumina Cγ-gel. Some of the properties of the purified inhibitor have been studied and attempts have been made to elucidate the nature of combination between the enzyme and the inhibitor. The purified inhibitor may be glycoprotein in nature, and considerable loss in the activity of the inhibitor preparations could be brought about by trypsin digestion. The inhibitor was specific for the enzymes from M. tuberculosis H37Rv or H37Ra and could be stored for at least 6 months in the frozen state below 0 ° without any significant loss in activity. The inhibition was noncompetitive with respect to the substrates, and the enzyme-inhibitor complex formed was undissociable.


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The occurrence of an enzyme hydrolyzing flavine adenine dinucleotide (FAD) was demonstrated in a number of seed extracts. The enzyme from Phaseolus radiatus was purified 104-fold by fractionation with ammonium sulfate and ethanol and by negative adsorption on alumina Cγ gel. The enzyme cleaves the POP bond of FAD to yield flavine mononucleotide and adenosine monophosphate. When reduced glutathione is added to the enzyme, it cleaves FAD at the COP bond to yield riboflavine, adenosine, and pyrophosphate, Both the activities are optimal at a pH of 7.2 and at a temperature of 37 . The Km for both the activities is 1.65 × 10−5 M. The stoichiometry and the identity of the products of both the treated and untreated enzyme were established. The untreated enzyme was not inhibited by pCMB or arsenite, but the treated enzyme was sensitive to both these inhibitors. The inhibition by pCMB could be reversed by monothiols and the inhibition by arsenite by dithiols.


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Acetohydroxy acid isomerase (AHA isomerase) was purified about 110-fold and separated from reductase and acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase. The AHA isomerase was found to be homogeneous by agar and polyacrylamide gel electrophoreses at different pHs. The properties of AHA isomerase have been studied. The purified enzyme showed requirement for Image -ascorbic acid and sulfate ions for its activity. Synthetic ascorbic acid sulfate could replace Image -ascorbic acid and sulfate. α-Methyllactate and α-ketoisovalerate were found to inhibit AHA isomerase activity competitively whereas Image -valine and Image -isoleucine had no significant inhibitory effect. p-Hydroxymercuribenzoate inhibited AHA isomerase activity and the inhibition was reversed by β-mercaptoethanol.


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Neurospora crassa Em 5297a secretes an ironbinding compound (X) when grown under conditions of iron deficiency. Decreasing the concentration of iron in the medium results in an increase of X and a corresponding fall in catalase activity. Under iron-deficient conditions the production of X precedes the fall in catalase activity. The iron complex of the iron-binding compound (XFe) can act as a good iron source to the organism to maintain normal growth and catalase activity, even though the iron is held very firmly in the chemical sense. While ferrichrome is as potent as XFe, as an iron source to N. crassa, ferrichrome A and ferric acethydroxamate are only partially beneficial. XFe, when provided as the sole iron source, also influences nonheme iron enzyme activities like succinic dehydrogenase and aconitase. XFe is permeable to N. crassa mycelia and is incorporated at a much faster rate compared with that from a simple chelate such as ferric citrate.