277 resultados para Rashba wave function


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A vast amount of literature has accumulated on the characterization of DNA methyltransferases. The HhaI DNA methyltransferase, a C5-cytosine methyltransferase, has been the subject of investigation for the last 2 decades. Biochemical and kinetic characterization have led to an understanding of the catalytic and kinetic mechanism of the methyltransfer reaction. The HhaI methyltransferase has also been subjected to extensive structural analysis, with the availability of 12 structures with or without a cofactor and a variety of DNA substrates. The mechanism of base flipping, first described for the HhaI methyltransferase, is conserved among all DNA methyltransferases and is also found to occur in numerous DNA repair enzymes. Studies with other methyltransferase reveal a significant structural and functional similarity among different types of methyltransferases. This review aims to summarize the available information on the HhaI DNA methyltransferase.


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An entirely different approach for localisation of winding deformation based on terminal measurements is presented. Within the context of this study, winding deformation means, a discrete and specific change externally imposed at a particular position on the winding. The proposed method is based on pre-computing and plotting the complex network-function loci e.g. driving-point impedance (DPI)] at a selected frequency, for a meaningful range of values for each element (increasing and decreasing) of the ladder network which represents the winding. This loci diagram is called the nomogram. After introducing a discrete change, amplitude and phase of DPI are measured. By plotting this single measurement on the nomogram, it is possible to estimate the location and identify the extent of change. In contrast to the existing approach, the proposed method is fast, non-iterative and yields reasonably good localisation. Experimental results for actual transformer windings (interleaved and continuous disc) are presented.


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A geometrically non-linear Spectral Finite Flement Model (SFEM) including hysteresis, internal friction and viscous dissipation in the material is developed and is used to study non-linear dissipative wave propagation in elementary rod under high amplitude pulse loading. The solution to non-linear dispersive dissipative equation constitutes one of the most difficult problems in contemporary mathematical physics. Although intensive research towards analytical developments are on, a general purpose cumputational discretization technique for complex applications, such as finite element, but with all the features of travelling wave (TW) solutions is not available. The present effort is aimed towards development of such computational framework. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is used for transformation between temporal and frequency domain. SFEM for the associated linear system is used as initial state for vector iteration. General purpose procedure involving matrix computation and frequency domain convolution operators are used and implemented in a finite element code. Convergnence of the spectral residual force vector ensures the solution accuracy. Important conclusions are drawn from the numerical simulations. Future course of developments are highlighted.


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A class of I boundary value problems involving propagation of two-dimensional surface water waves, associated with water of uniform finite depth, against a plane vertical wave maker is investigated under the assumption that the surface is covered by a thin sheet of ice. It is assumed that the ice-cover behaves like a thin isotropic elastic plate. Then the problems under consideration lead to those of solving the two-dimensional Laplace equation in a semi-infinite strip, under Neumann boundary conditions on the vertical boundary as well as on one of the horizontal boundaries, representing the bottom of the fluid region, and a condition involving upto fifth order derivatives of the unknown function on the top horizontal ice-covered boundary, along with the two appropriate edge-conditions, at the ice-covered corner, ensuring the uniqueness of the solutions. The mixed boundary value problems are solved completely, by exploiting the regularity property of the Fourier cosine transform.


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Shock wave reflection over a rotating circular cylinder is numerically and experimentally investigated. It is shown that the transition from the regular reflection to the Mach reflection is promoted on the cylinder surface which rotates in the same direction of the incident shock motion, whereas it is retarded on the surface that rotates to the reverse direction. Numerical calculations solving the Navier-Stokes equations using extremely fine grids also reveal that the reflected shock transition from RRdouble right arrowMR is either advanced or retarded depending on whether or not the surface motion favors the incident shock wave. The interpretation of viscous effects on the reflected shock transition is given by the dimensional analysis and from the viewpoint of signal propagation.


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In engineering design, the end goal is the creation of an artifact, product, system, or process that fulfills some functional requirements at some desired level of performance. As such, knowledge of functionality is essential in a wide variety of tasks in engineering activities, including modeling, generation, modification, visualization, explanation, evaluation, diagnosis, and repair of these artifacts and processes. A formal representation of functionality is essential for supporting any of these activities on computers. The goal of Parts 1 and 2 of this Special Issue is to bring together the state of knowledge of representing functionality in engineering applications from both the engineering and the artificial intelligence (AI) research communities.