469 resultados para 250100 Physical Chemistry (incl. Structural)


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A simple but self-consistent microscopic theory for the time dependent solvation energy of both ions and dipoles is presented which includes, for the first time, the details of the self-motion of the probe on its own solvation dynamics. The theory leads to several interesting predictions. The most important of them is that, for dipolar solvation, both the rotational and the translational motions of the dipolar solute probe can significantly accelerate the rate of solvation. In addition, the rotational self-motion of the solute can also give rise to an additional mechanism of nonexponentiality in solvation time correlation functions in otherwise slow liquids. A comparison between the present theoretical predictions and the recent experimental studies of Maroncelli et al. on solvation dynamics of aniline in l-propanol seems to indicate that the said experiments have missed the initial solvent response up to about 45 ps. After mapping the experimental results on the redefined time scale, the theoretical results can explain the experimental results for solvation of aniline in 1-propanol very well. For ionic solvation, the translational motion is significant for light solutes only. For example, for Li+ in water, translational motion speeds up the solvation by about 20%. The present theory demonstrates that in dipolar solvation the partial quenching of the self-motion due to the presence of specific solute-solvent interactions (such as H-bonding) may lead to a much slower solvation than that when the self-motion is present. This point has been discussed. In addition, we present the theoretical results for solvation of aniline in propylene carbonate, Here, the solvation is predicted to be complete within 15-20 ps.


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As the viscosity of a liquid increases rapidly in the supercooled regime, the nature of molecular relaxation can exhibit dynamics rather different from the fast dynamics observed in the normal regime. In this article, we present theoretical studies of solvation dynamics and orientational relaxation in slow liquids. As the local short-range correlations are important in the slow liquids, we have extended our previous theory to take into account the shea-range pair correlations between the polar solute and the dipolar solvent molecules. Application of the generalized theory To the study of solvation dynamics of amide systems gives nice agreement with the experimental results of Maroncelli and co-workers (J. Phys. Chem. 1990, 94, 4929). The theory also provides valuable insight into the orientational relaxation precesses in the viscous liquids.


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on rigid and flexible framework models of silicalite and a rigid framework model of the aluminophosphate VPI-5 for different sorbate diameters are reported. The sorbate-host interactions are modeled in terms of simple atom-atom Lennard-Jones interactions. The results suggest that the diffusion coefficient exhibits an anomaly as gamma approaches unity. The MD results confirm the existence of a linear regime for sorbate diameters significantly smaller than the channel diameter and an anomalous regime observed for sorbate diameters comparable to the channel diameter. The power spectra obtained by Fourier transformation of the velocity autocorrelation function indicate that there is an increase in the intensity of the low-frequency component for the velocity component parallel to the direction of motion for the sorbate diameter in the anomalous regime. The present results suggest that the diffusion anomaly is observed irrespective of (1) the geometry and topology of the pore structure and (2) the nature of the host material. The results are compared with the work of Derouane and co-workers, who have suggested the existence of ''floating molecules'' on the basis of earlier theoretical and computational approaches.


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A previous B-11 nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of glasses belonging to the B2S3-Li2S-LiI system had allowed the authors to determine the variation of the number of three and four coordinated boron atoms with composition. These results, in addition to the observation that vitreous B2S3 quite easily forms fibres during casting, have led us to propose structural hypotheses for B2S3 based glasses, which are supported by the present Raman spectroscopy study. For vitreous B2S3 the spectra were accounted for on the basis of the various types of BS3/2 triangles proposed by the model. Molecular orbital considerations allowed us to assign the most significant lines for the binary glasses by assuming that BS3/2 triangles (with or without nonbridging sulphur atoms) and BS4 tetrahedra were present. In the ternary system, lithium iodide has been found to interact slightly on the structural entities, altering their vibrational characteristics without fundamentally modifying their nature.


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The catalytic conversion ATP + AMP -> 2ADP by the enzyme adenylate kinase (ADK) involves the binding of one ATP. molecule to the LID domain and one AMP molecule to the NMP domain. The latter is followed by a. phosphate transfer and then the release of two ADP molecules. We have computed a novel two-dimensional configurational free energy surface (2DCFES), with one reaction coordinate each for the LID and the NMP domain motions, while considering explicit water interactions. Our computed 2DCFES clearly reveals the existence of a stable half-open half-closed (HOHC) intermediate stale of the enzyme. Cycling of the enzyme through the HOHC state reduces the conformational free energy barrier for. the reaction by about 20 kJ/mol. We find that the stability of the HOHC state (missed in all earlier studies with implicit solvent model) is largely because of the increase of specific interactions of the polar amino acid side chains with water, particularly with the arginine and the histidine residues. Free energy surface of the LID domain is rather rugged, which can conveniently slow down LID's conformational motion, thus facilitating a new substrate capture after the product release in the catalytic cycle.


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The flow and vaporization behaviors of long-chain esters of varying molecular weights (300-900) ana branching (linear, Y-shaped, and +-shaped molecules) have been studied. The flow behavior is found to depend on the structure as well as the molecular weight. Below a molecular weight of 600, the molecules flow wholly but above this, segmental motion occurs, and the flow becomes independent of the molecular weight which is explained from the blob model. The blob concept demonstrates that the hole of a size of about 11 angstrom is needed for the flow to occur and it is much less than the size of the molecule. The blob size is observed to slightly decrease along the series linear and Y- and +-branched esters. The heat of vaporization is found to be independent of the molecular structure since the molecules acquire a coiled spherical shape during vaporization and hence depends only on the molecular weight. A significant structural effect is observed for the esters on their glass transition temperature (T(g)). The T(g) vs molecular weight plot displays contrasting trend for linear and +-branched esters, with Y esters showing an intermediate behavior. It is explained from their molecular packing and entanglement as visualized by the blob model.


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Post-irradiation studies have been carried out to elucidate the effects of electron beam irradiation on the structural, optical, dielectric, and thermal properties of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) films. The experimental results showed that both the optical band gap and activation energy of HDPE films decreases with an increase in the doses of electron radiation. The electrical measurements showed that dielectric constant and the ac conductivity of HDPE increases with an increase in the dose of electron radiation. The thermal analysis carried out using DSC and TGA revealed that the melting temperature, degree of crystallinity, and thermal stability of the HDPE films increased, obviously, due to the predominant cross-linking reaction following high doses of electron irradiation.


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The use of fac-[Mo(CO)(3)(MeCN)(eta(2)-L(1))] (1a) {L(1) = Ph(2)PN(Pr-i)PPh(DMP)}(2) as a precursor to metalloligands and bimetallic, heterotrimetallic, and heptacoordinated complexes is reported. The reaction of 1a with diphosphazane, dppa, or a diphosphinoalkane such as dppm or dppe yields the fac-eta(1)-diphosphine substituted metalloligands, fac-[Mo(CO)(3)(eta(2)-L(1))(eta(1)-PXP)] {PXP = dppa (2), dppm (3), and dppe (4)}. These undergo isomerization to yield the corresponding mer-diphosphine complexes (5-7). Oxidation of the uncoordinated phosphorus atom of the mer-eta(1)-dppm-substituted complex eventually provides mer-[Mo(CO)(3)-(eta(2)-L(1)){eta(1)-Ph(2)PCH(2)P(O)Ph(2)}](8). The structure of the latter complex has been confirmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction {triclinic system, P ($) over bar 1; a = 11.994(3), b = 14.807(2), c = 15.855(3) Angstrom; alpha = 114.24(1), beta = 91.35(2), and gamma = 98.95(1)degrees; Z = 2, 4014 data (F-0 > 5 sigma(F-0)), R = 0.066, R(W) = 0.069}. Treatment of the dppe metalloligand 7 with [PtCl2(COD)] yields the heterotrimetallic complex cis-[PtCl2{mer-[Mo(CO)(3)(eta(2)-L(1))(eta(1)-dppe]}(2)] (9). Attempts to prepare a related trimetallic complex with the dppm-containing metalloligand were unsuccessful; only the tetracarbonyl complex cis-[Mo(CO)(4)(eta(2)-L(1))] (1b) and cis-[PtCl2(eta(2)-dppm)] were obtained. Reaction of la with dppe in the ratio 2:1 yields the mer-mer dinuclear complex [{mer-[Mo(CO)(3)(eta(2)-L(1))]}(2)(mu-dppe)] (10) bridged by dppe. Oxidation of 1a with iodine yields the Mo(II) heptacoordinated complex [MoI2(CO)(2)(eta(3)-L(1))] (11) with tridentate PPN coordination. The same Mo(II) complex 11 is also obtained by the direct oxidation of the tetracarbonyl complex cis-[Mo(CO)(4)(eta(2)-L(1))] (1b) with iodine. The structure of 11 has been confirmed by X-ray diffraction studies {monoclinic system, Cc; a = 10.471(2), b = 19.305(3), c = 17.325(3) Angstrom; beta = 95.47(2)degrees; Z = 4, 3153 data (F-0 > 5 sigma(F-0)), R = 0.049, R(W) = 0.051}. This complex exhibits an unusual capped-trigonal prismatic geometry around the metal. A similar heptacoordinated complex 12 with a chiral diphosphazane ligand {L(3) = (S,R)-P(h)2PN-(*CHMePh)*PPh(DMP)} has also been synthesized.


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Dipolar systems, both liquids and solids, constitute a class of naturally abundant systems that are important in all branches of natural science. The study of orientational relaxation provides a powerful method to understand the microscopic properties of these systems and, fortunately, there are many experimental tools to study orientational relaxation in the condensed phases. However, even after many years of intense research, our understanding of orientational relaxation in dipolar systems has remained largely imperfect. A major hurdle towards achieving a comprehensive understanding is the long range and complex nature of dipolar interactions which also made reliable theoretical study extremely difficult. These difficulties have led to the development of continuum model based theories, which although they provide simple, elegant expressions for quantities of interest, are mostly unsatisfactory as they totally neglect the molecularity of inter-molecular interactions. The situation has improved in recent years because of renewed studies, led by computer simulations. In this review, we shall address some of the recent advances, with emphasis on the work done in our laboratory at Bangalore. The reasons for the failure of the continuum model, as revealed by the recent Brownian dynamics simulations of the dipolar lattice, are discussed. The main reason is that the continuum model predicts too fast a decay of the torque-torque correlation function. On the other hand, a perturbative calculation, based on Zwanzig's projection operator technique, provides a fairly satisfactory description of the single particle orientational dynamics for not too strongly polar dipolar systems. A recently developed molecular hydrodynamic theory that properly includes the effects of intermolecular orientational pair correlations provides an even better description of the single-particle orientational dynamics. We also discuss the rank dependence of the dielectric friction. The other topics reviewed here includes dielectric relaxation and solvation dynamics, as they are intimately connected with orientational relaxation. Recent molecular dynamics simulations of the dipolar lattice are also discussed. The main theme of the present review is to understand the effects of intermolecular interactions on orientational relaxation. The presence of strong orientational pair correlation leads to a strong coupling between the single particle and the collective dynamics. This coupling can lead to rich dynamical properties, some of which are detailed here, while a major part remains yet unexplored.


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Scanning tunneling microscopy of solid films of C-60 and C-70 clearly demonstrate the occurrence of photochemical polymerization of these fullerenes in the solid state. X-ray diffraction studies show that such a polymerization is accompanied by contraction of the unit-cell volume in the case of C-60 and expansion in the case of C-70. This is also evidenced from the STM images. These observations help to understand the differences in the amorphization behavior of C-60 and C-70 under pressure. Amorphization of C-60 under pressure is irreversible because it is accompanied by polymerization associated with a contraction of the unit cell volume. Monte Carlo simulations show how pressure-induced polymerization is favored in C-60 because of proper orientation as well as the required proximity of the molecules. Amorphization of C-70, on the other hand, is reversible because C-70 is less compressible and polymerization is not favored under pressure.


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A novel solid solution in the system Bi-W-Cu-O has been synthesized and its structural and dielectric properties studied. The solid solution Bi2O3-(1-x)WO3-xCuO exists up to x = 0.7; the solid solutions up to x = 0.65 are orthorhombic but stabilize in tetragonal structure in a narrow range around x = 0.7. The solid solutions are non-centrosymmetric and exhibit ferroelectric behaviour similar to their parent phase Bi2WO6. The Curie point of the solid solution is found to decrease with increase in x.


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A series of new photo-crosslinkable main-chain liquid-crystalline polymers containing bis(benzylidene)cycloalkanone units have been studied. These units in the polymers function as mesogens as well as photoactive centres. Polyesters with three different bis(4-hydroxybenzylidene)cycloalkanones corresponding to three cycloalkanones, namely cyclopentanone, cyclohexanone and cycloheptanone, have been prepared. Three dicarboxylic acids with ether linkages, which were derived from oligoethylene oxides, namely triethylene glycol, tetraethylene glycol and pentaethylene glycol, have been used as spacers in these polymers. Polymerization was carried out by both solution and interfacial polycondensation; the latter method gave high-molecular-weight polymers. Structural characterizations were done by ultra-violet, infra-red and H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Liquid-crystalline properties were studied by differential scanning calorimetry and polarized-light optical microscopy. These polymers show a nematic mesophase. Liquid-crystalline transition temperatures were correlated with polymer structure. The decrease in transition temperature with increase in cycloalkanone ring size was explained in terms of the change in geometrical anisotropy of bis(benzylidene)cycloalkanone units. MNDO (modified neglect of differential overlap) calculations were performed on the model compounds, bis(4-acetyloxybenzylidene)cycloalkanone to elucidate the geometrical variation of the mesogenic units with cycloalkanone ring size. Studies of photolysis reveal the two kinds of photoreactions that proceed in these polymer systems, namely photoisomerization and photo-crosslinking. The former reaction disrupts the parallel stacking of the chromophores and is reflected as an increase in the ultra-violet spectral intensity. The favourability of these two reactions depends on the mobility of the polymer chains. When the photolysis was done below T-g, photo-crosslinking dominates over photoisomerization. Above T-g, photoisomerization is followed by photo-crosslinking. The photosensitivity of the polymers decreases with increase in size of the cycloalkanone ring.


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Over the years, new power requirements for telecommunication, space, automotive and traction applications have arisen which need to be met. Although lead-acid and nickel-cadmium storage batteries continue to be the work horses with limited advances, associated environmental hazards and recycling are still the issues to be resolved. As a result, lead-acid and nickel-cadmium storage batteries have declined in importance whilst nickel-metal hydride and lithium secondary batteries with superior performances have shown greater acceptability in newer applications. These developments are reflected in this article.


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We report the C-HETSERF experiment for determination of long- and short-range homo- and heteronuclear scalar couplings ((n)J(HH) and (n)J(XH), n >= 1) of organic molecules with a low sensitivity dilute heteronucleus in natural abundance. The method finds significant advantage in measurement of relative signs of long-range heteronuclear total couplings in chiral organic liquid crystal. The advantage of the method is demonstrated for the measurement of residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) in enantiomers oriented in the chiral liquid crystal with a focus to unambiguously assign R/S designation in a 2D spectrum. The alignment tensor calculated from the experimental RDCs and with the computed structures of enantiomers obtained by DFT calculations provides the size of the back-calculated RDCs. Smaller root-mean-square deviations (rmsd) between experimental and calculated RDCs indicate better agreement with the input structure and its correct designation of the stereogenic center.