300 resultados para RELATIVISTIC ENERGIES


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Interaction of carbon monoxide with a few chosen bimetallic overlayers has been investigated along with the core-level binding energies of the deposited metals by employing X-rays as well as UV photoelectron spectroscopies. Core-level binding energies of the deposited metals around monolayer coverages (0 similar to 1) are significantly different than those at high coverages or of the pure metals. Bimetallic overlayers such as Ni/Au and Cu/Pt showing large negative shifts in the surface core-level binding energy of the deposited metal interact strongly with carbon monoxide. In the case of Ni/Au (0(Ni) similar to 0.85), CO dissociates around 280 K. In contrast to this behavior, the interaction of CO with Pd/Mo or W, showing large positive shifts in the surface core-level binding energy, is very weak, and the CO desorption temperature is much lower than that from the clean Pd metal surface. The CO desorption temperature generally increases as the surface core-level shift of the deposited metal becomes more negative; the separation between the (5 sigma + 1 pi) and 4 sigma levels of CO also increases in this direction. These results suggest that the variation in the strength of interaction of CO with bimetallic overlayers is a chemical manifestation of the shift in the surface core-level binding energies of the deposited metals at monolayer coverages.


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Photoluminescence and Raman scattering experiments have been carried out on single crystals of C70 up to 31 GPa to investigate the effect of pressure on the optical band gap, vibrational modes and stability of the molecule. The photoluminescence band shifts to lower energies and the pressure dependence of the band maxima yields the hydrostatic deformation potential to be 2.15 eV. The slope changes in the pressure dependence of peak positions and linewidths of the Raman modes associated with the intramolecular vibrations at 1 GPa mark the known face-centred cubic-->rhombohedral orientational ordering transition. The reversible amorphization in C70 at P > 20 GPa has been compared with the irreversible amorphization in C60 at P > 22 GPa in terms of carbon-carbon distance between the neighbouring molecules at the threshold transition pressures, in conjunction with the interplay between the intermolecular and intramolecular interactions.


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A successful protein-protein docking study culminates in identification of decoys at top ranks with near-native quaternary structures. However, this task remains enigmatic because no generalized scoring functions exist that effectively infer decoys according to the similarity to near-native quaternary structures. Difficulties arise because of the highly irregular nature of the protein surface and the significant variation of the nonbonding and solvation energies based on the chemical composition of the protein-protein interface. In this work, we describe a novel method combining an interface-size filter, a regression model for geometric compatibility (based on two correlated surface and packing parameters), and normalized interaction energy (calculated from correlated nonbonded and solvation energies), to effectively rank decoys from a set of 10,000 decoys. Tests on 30 unbound binary protein-protein complexes show that in 16 cases we can identify at least one decoy in top three ranks having <= 10 angstrom backbone root mean square deviation from true binding geometry. Comparisons with other state-of-art methods confirm the improved ranking power of our method without the use of any experiment-guided restraints, evolutionary information, statistical propensities, or modified interaction energy equations. Tests on 118 less-difficult bound binary protein-protein complexes with <= 35% sequence redundancy at the interface showed that in 77% cases, at least 1 in 10,000 decoys were identified with <= 5 angstrom backbone root mean square deviation from true geometry at first rank. The work will promote the use of new concepts where correlations among parameters provide more robust scoring models. It will facilitate studies involving molecular interactions, including modeling of large macromolecular assemblies and protein structure prediction. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comput Chem 32: 787-796, 2011.


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Scaled Particle Theory (SPT) has been applied to predict the total free energies of micellization of ionic as well as nonionic micellar systems containing an aryl ring. A modification of the previously developed model has been made, proposing a two-zone model of micellar core which corroborates with the structural information available for such systems. The results are in good agreement with experimental data and also confirm the dictating role of cavity forming free energies for such systems


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The SCF/DZP and MP2/DZP methods of ab initio quantum chemistry have been utilized to study the structure, vibrational spectra, binding energy, and barrier to internal rotation of methyl isocyanide-borane and acetonitrile-borane adducts. The eclipsed conformation of the complexes was predicted to be a minimum, and the staggered form is a transition state with a barrier height of about 10 cal/mol. The vibrational analyses of CH3NC-BH3 and CH3CN-BH3 and several of their isotopomers have been carried out by the GF matrix method. Computations have also been carried out for free CH3NC and CH3CN in order to investigate the changes in CH3NC and CH3CN as a result of their complex formation with BH3. To obtain an acceptable set of force constants, a recently proposed procedure ''RECOVES'' has been utilized. The increase in the N=C/C=N stretching force constant of CH3NC/CH3CN on adduct formation is interpreted with the help of Parr and Borkman's model. The binding energies for the two adducts have been determined taking basis set superposition error (BSSE) into consideration. The effect of the BSSE on structure, dipole moment, and vibrational frequencies of CH3CN and CH3NC is also evaluated. The predicted infrared band intensities for the two complexes are in good agreement with the experimentally observed features, and they have been utilized in the assignment of vibrational frequencies.


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The ac conductivity and dielectric behaviors of sodium borovanadate glasses have been studied over wide ranges of composition and frequency. The de activation energies calculated from the complex impedance plots decrease linearly with the Na2O concentration, indicating that ionic conductivity dominates in these glasses. The possible origin of low-temperature departures of conductivity curves (from linearity) of vanadium-rich glasses in log sigma versus 1/T plots is discussed. The ac conductivities have been fitted to the Almond-West type power law expression with use of a single value of s. It is found that in most of the glasses s exhibits a temperature-dependent minimum. The dielectric data are converted into moduli (M*) and are analyzed using the Kohlrausch-William-Watts stretched exponential function, The activation barriers, W, calculated from the temperature-dependent dielectric loss peaks compare well with the activation barriers calculated from the de conductivity plots. The stretching exponent beta is found to be temperature independent and is not likely to be related as in the equation beta = 1 - s, An attempt is made to elucidate the origin of the stretching phenomena. It appears that either a model of the increased contribution of polarization energy (caused by the increased modifier concentration) and hence the increased monopole-induced dipole interactions or a model based on increased intercationic interactions can explain the slowing down of the primitive relaxation in ionically conducting glasses.


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The charge-transfer complexes of I-2 with the n-donors diethyl ether and diethyl sulfide were studied at the Hartree-Fock and MP2 levels. The structures were fully optimized using the 3-21G((*)) basis set as well as with effective core potentials. The calculations consistently yield a C-2v structure for the ether-I-2 complex, but an unsymmetrical form for the sulfide-I-2 complex. A natural bond orbital analysis and the BSSE-corrected complexation energies reveal stronger interactions in the sulfide complex. The computed orbital energies of the monomers and complexes reproduce the trends in experimentally observed vertical ionization potentials.


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The He I photoelectron spectrum of the diethyl ether-ICl complex has been obtained. The oxygen orbitals are shifted to higher binding energies and that of ICl to lower binding energies owing to complex formation. Ab initio molecular orbital (MO) calculations of the complex molecule showed that the bonding is between the sigma-type lone pair of oxygen and the I atom and that the complex has C-2v symmetry. The binding energy of the complex is computed to be 8.06 kcal mol(-1) at the MP2/3-21G* level. The orbital energies obtained from the photoelectron spectra of the complex are compared and assigned with orbital energies obtained by MO calculations. Natural bond orbital analysis (NBO) shows that charge transfer is from the sigma-type oxygen lone pair to the iodine atom and the magnitude of charge transfer is 0.0744 e.


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Bremsstrahlung isochromat spectroscopy (BIS) along with ultraviolet and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS and XPS) has been employed to investigate the electron states of Pd and Ag deposited on amorphous graphite at different coverages. The metal core level binding energies increase with decreasing cluster size while the UPS valence bands show a decrease in the 4d states at E(F) accompanied by a shift in the intensity maximum to higher binding energies. BIS measurements show the emergence of new states closer to E(F) with increase in the cluster size. It is pointed out that the observed spectral shifts cannot be accounted for by final-state effects alone and that initial-state effects have a significant role. It therefore appears that a decrease in cluster size is accompanied by a metal-insulator transition.


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Oxygen reactivity and catalytic activity of the cobalt-containing layered defect perovskites, YBa2Cu2CoO7+delta and LaBa2Cu2CoO7+delta, in comparison with LaBa2Cu3O7-delta have been investigated employing temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) and temperature-programmed surface reactions (TPSR) in the stoichiometric and catalytic mode using carbon monoxide as a probe molecule. TPD studies showed evidence for the presence of two distinct labile oxygen species, one at (0 0 1/2) sites and the other at (0 1/2 0) sites in LaBa2Cu2CoO7+delta against a single labile species at (0 1/2 0) in the case of two other oxides. The activation energies for the catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide by oxygen over LaBa2Cu3O7-delta, YBa2Cu2CoO7+delta, and LaBa2Cu2CoO7+delta have been estimated to be 24.2, 15.9, and 13.6 kcal/mol, respectively. The reactivity and catalytic activity of the oxide systems have been interpreted in terms of the structural changes brought about by substituents, guided by a directing effect of the larger rare earth cation. TPSR profiles, structural analysis, and infrared spectroscopic investigations suggest that the oxygen present at (0 0 1/2) sites in the case of LaBa2Cu2CoO7+delta is accessible to catalytic oxidation of CO through a Mars-Van Krevelen pathway. Catalytic conversion of CO to CO2 over LaBa2Cu2CoO7+delta occurs at 200 degrees C. The enhanced reactivity is explained in terms of changes brought about in the coordination polyhedra around transition metals, enhanced basal plane oxygen diffusivity, and redox potentials of the different transition metal cations.


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A radio study of a carefully selected sample of 20 Seyfert galaxies that are matched in orientation-independent parameters, which are measures of intrinsic active galactic nucleus power and host galaxy properties, is presented to test the predictions of the unified scheme hypothesis. Our sample sources have core flux densities greater than 8 mJy at 5 GHz on arcsec scales due to the feasibility requirements. These simultaneous parsec-scale and kiloparsec-scale radio observations reveal (1) that Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 galaxies have an equal tendency to show compact radio structures on milliarcsecond scales, (2) the distributions of parsec-scale and kiloparsec-scale radio luminosities are similar for both Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 galaxies, (3) there is no evidence for relativistic beaming in Seyfert galaxies, (4) similar distributions of source spectral indices in spite of the fact that Seyferts show nuclear radio flux density variations, and (5) the distributions of the projected linear size for Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 galaxies are not significantly different as would be expected in the unified scheme. The latter could be mainly due to a relatively large spread in the intrinsic sizes. We also find that a starburst alone cannot power these radio sources. Finally, an analysis of the kiloparsec-scale radio properties of the CfA Seyfert galaxy sample shows results consistent with the predictions of the unified scheme.


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Using steady state and transient capacitance measurements, the electrical characteristics of a defect layer on the surface of bulk GaSb created during the hydrogen plasma treatment is presented. The trap density, activation energies, and the thickness of the defect layer have been calculated. The trap densities are comparable in magnitude to the carrier concentration. The defects introduce multiple energy levels in the band gap. Typical defect layer thicknesses range from a few angstroms to a fraction of a micron. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.


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The intensity ratio between L2-M45M45 and L3-M45M45 spectral features for both Fe and Co indicates significant tranfer of intensity from L2- to L3-M45M45 region due to Coster-Kronig L2-M45M45 transition. The L2-L3M45 transition can be suppressed by turning the photon energy between the L2 and L3 thresholds; however, the L3-M45M45 spectral shapes for Fe and Co do not change very significantly even at these photom energies unlike the cases of Ni, Cu and Zn, thus establishing that the M45-hole decays predominantly before the L3-hole Auger decay in the early transition elements in contrast to the late ones.


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The HeI photoelectron spectrum of the hydrogen bonded hetero-dimer H2Scdots, three dots, centeredHCl shows two vertical ionization energies at 10.91 and 12.16 eV. Ab initio MO calculations reveal that these features are due to the sulphur and chlorine lone pair ionizations respectively. Results show that while the ground ionic state is repulsive the first excited ionic state is strongly bound. The photoelectron spectrum of the diethyl sulphidecdots, three dots, centeredHCl complex is similar to that of H2Scdots, three dots, centeredHCl.