307 resultados para Pressure recovery


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The sparse recovery methods utilize the l(p)-normbased regularization in the estimation problem with 0 <= p <= 1. These methods have a better utility when the number of independent measurements are limited in nature, which is a typical case for diffuse optical tomographic image reconstruction problem. These sparse recovery methods, along with an approximation to utilize the l(0)-norm, have been deployed for the reconstruction of diffuse optical images. Their performancewas compared systematically using both numerical and gelatin phantom cases to show that these methods hold promise in improving the reconstructed image quality.


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The effect of high pressure on reduced graphene oxide (RGO) has been investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and infrared (IR) absorption spectroscopy. Our XRD measurements show two-step reversible compression in the inter-layer spacing of RGO whereas intra-layer ordering exhibits a high pressure behavior similar to that of graphite up to 20 GPa. The line shape analysis of (100) peak, representing the intra-layer ordering, suggests presence of local out of plane distortions in RGO in the form of puckered regions which progressively straighten out as a function of pressure. IR measurements show reversible changes in spectroscopic features attributed to remnant functional groups in the inter-layer region. These measurements suggest high stability and recovering ability of RGO under pressure cycling. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pyridoxal kinase (PdxK; EC belongs to the phosphotransferase family of enzymes and catalyzes the conversion of the three active forms of vitamin B-6, pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine, to their phosphorylated forms and thereby plays a key role in pyridoxal 5 `-phosphate salvage. In the present study, pyridoxal kinase from Salmonella typhimurium was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli, purified using Ni-NTA affinity chromatography and crystallized. X-ray diffraction data were collected to 2.6 angstrom resolution at 100 K. The crystal belonged to the primitive orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unitcell parameters a = 65.11, b = 72.89, c = 107.52 angstrom. The data quality obtained by routine processing was poor owing to the presence of strong diffraction rings caused by a polycrystalline material of an unknown small molecule in all oscillation images. Excluding the reflections close to powder/polycrystalline rings provided data of sufficient quality for structure determination. A preliminary structure solution has been obtained by molecular replacement with the Phaser program in the CCP4 suite using E. coli pyridoxal kinase (PDB entry 2ddm) as the phasing model. Further refinement and analysis of the structure are likely to provide valuable insights into catalysis by pyridoxal kinases.


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Earlier version of an indigenously developed Pressure Wave Generator (PWG) could not develop the necessary pressure ratio to satisfactorily operate a pulse tube cooler, largely due to high blow by losses in the piston cylinder seal gap and due to a few design deficiencies. Effect of different parameters like seal gap, piston diameter, piston stroke, moving mass and the piston back volume on the performance is studied analytically. Modifications were done to the PWG based on analysis and the performance is experimentally measured. A significant improvement in PWG performance is seen as a result of the modifications. The improved PWG is tested with the same pulse tube cooler but with different inertance tube configurations. A no load temperature of 130 K is achieved with an inertance tube configuration designed using Sage software. The delivered PV power is estimated to be 28.4 W which can produce a refrigeration of about 1 W at 80 K.


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The current work addresses the use of producer gas, a bio-derived gaseous alternative fuel, in engines designed for natural gas, derived from diesel engine frames. Impact of the use of producer gas on the general engine performance with specific focus on turbo-charging is addressed. The operation of a particular engine frame with diesel, natural gas and producer gas indicates that the peak load achieved is highest with diesel fuel (in compression ignition mode) followed by natural gas and producer gas (both in spark ignite mode). Detailed analysis of the engine power de-rating on fuelling with natural gas and producer gas indicates that the change in compression ratio (migration from compression to spark ignited mode), difference in mixture calorific value and turbocharger mismatch are the primary contributing factors. The largest de-rating occurs due to turbocharger mismatch. Turbocharger selection and optimization is identified as the strategy to recover the non-thermodynamic power loss, identified as the recovery potential (the loss due to mixture calorific value and turbocharger mismatch) on operating the engine with a fuel different from the base fuel. A turbocharged after-cooled six cylinder, 5.9 l, 90 kWe (diesel rating) engine (12.2 bar BMEP) is available commercially as a naturally aspirated natural gas engine delivering a peak load of 44.0 kWe (6.0 bar BMEP). The engine delivers a load of 27.3 kWe with producer gas under naturally aspirated mode. On charge boosting the engine with a turbocharger similar in configuration to the diesel engine turbocharger, the peak load delivered with producer gas is 36 kWe (4.8 bar BMEP) indicating a de-rating of about 60% over the baseline diesel mode. Estimation of knock limited peak load for producer gas-fuelled operation on the engine frame using a Wiebe function-based zero-dimensional code indicates a knock limited peak load of 76 kWe, indicating the potential to recover about 40 kWe. As a part of the recovery strategy, optimizing the ignition timing for maximum brake torque based on both spark sweep tests and established combustion descriptors and engine-turbocharger matching for producer gas-fuelled operation resulted in a knock limited peak load of 72.8 kWe (9.9 bar BMEP) at a compressor pressure ratio of 2.30. The de-rating of about 17.0 kWe compared to diesel rating is attributed to the reduction in compression ratio. With load recovery, the specific biomass consumption reduces from 1.2 kg/kWh to 1.0 kg/kWh, an improvement of over 16% while the engine thermal efficiency increases from 28% to 32%. The thermodynamic analysis of the compressor and the turbine indicates an isentropic efficiency of 74.5% and 73%, respectively.


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Free-standing Pt-aluminide (PtAl) bond coat, when subjected to tensile testing at high temperatures (T >= 900 degrees C), exhibits significant decrease in strength and increase in ductility during deformation at strains exceeding that corresponding to the ultimate tensile strength (UTS), i.e., in the post-UTS regime. The stress-strain curve is also marked by serrations in this regime. Electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies suggest dynamic recovery and recrystallization (DRR) as the mechanisms for the observed tensile behavior in the coating. Activation energy values suggest vacancy diffusion assists DRR. The fine recrystallized grains formed after deformation had a strong < 110 > texture. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we investigate the local flame surface statistics of constant-pressure turbulent expanding flames. First the statistics of local length ratio is experimentally determined from high-speed planar Mie scattering images of spherically expanding flames, with the length ratio on the measurement plane, at predefined equiangular sectors, defined as the ratio of the actual flame length to the length of a circular-arc of radius equal to the average radius of the flame. Assuming isotropic distribution of such flame segments we then convolute suitable forms of the length-ratio probability distribution functions (pdfs) to arrive at the corresponding area-ratio pdfs. It is found that both the length ratio and area ratio pdfs are near log-normally distributed and shows self-similar behavior with increasing radius. Near log-normality and rather intermittent behavior of the flame-length ratio suggests similarity with dissipation rate quantities which stimulates multifractal analysis. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Scaling of pressure spectrum in zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layers is discussed. Spatial DNS data of boundary layer at one time instant (Re-theta = 4500) are used for the analysis. It is observed that in the outer regions the pressure spectra tends towards the -7/3 law predicted by Kolmogorov's theory of small-scale turbulence. The slope in the pressure spectra varies from -1 close to the wall to a value close to -7/3 in the outer region. The streamwise velocity spectra also show a -5/3 trend in the outer region of the flow. The exercise carried out to study the amplitude modulation effect of the large scales on the smaller ones in the near-wall region reveals a strong modulation effect for the streamwise velocity, but not for the pressure fluctuations. The skewness of the pressure follows the same trend as the amplitude modulation coefficient, as is the case for the velocity. In the inner region, pressure spectra were seen to collapse better when normalized with the local Reynolds stress (-(u'v') over bar) than when scaled with the local turbulent kinetic energy (q(2) = (u'(2)) over bar + (v'(2)) over bar + (w'(2)) over bar)


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Pressure-induced phase transformations (PIPTs) occur in a wide range of materials. In general, the bonding characteristics, before and after the PIPT, remain invariant in most materials, and the bond rearrangement is usually irreversible due to the strain induced under pressure. A reversible PIPT associated with a substantial bond rearrangement has been found in a metal-organic framework material, namely tmenH(2)]Er(HCOO)(4)](2) (tmenH(2)(2+) = N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediammonium). The transition is first-order and is accompanied by a unit cell volume change of about 10%. High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies reveal the complex bond rearrangement through the transition. The reversible nature of the transition is confirmed by means of independent nanoindentation measurements on single crystals.


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Molybdenum disulphide is a layered transition metal dichalcogenide that has recently raised considerable interest due to its unique semiconducting and opto-electronic properties. Although several theoretical studies have suggested an electronic phase transition in molybdenum disulphide, there has been a lack of experimental evidence. Here we report comprehensive studies on the pressure-dependent electronic, vibrational, optical and structural properties of multilayered molybdenum disulphide up to 35 GPa. Our experimental results reveal a structural lattice distortion followed by an electronic transition from a semiconducting to metallic state at similar to 19 GPa, which is confirmed by ab initio calculations. The metallization arises from the overlap of the valance and conduction bands owing to sulphur-sulphur interactions as the interlayer spacing reduces. The electronic transition affords modulation of the opto-electronic gain in molybdenum disulphide. This pressure-tuned behaviour can enable the development of novel devices with multiple phenomena involving the strong coupling of the mechanical, electrical and optical properties of layered nanomaterials.


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Extended x-ray absorption fine-structure studies have been performed at the Zn K and Cd K edges for a series of solid solutions of wurtzite Zn1-xCdxS samples with x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0, where the lattice parameter as a function of x evolves according to the well-known Vegard's law. In conjunction with extensive, large-scale first-principles electronic structure calculations with full geometry optimizations, these results establish that the percentage variation in the nearest-neighbor bond distances are lower by nearly an order of magnitude compared to what would be expected on the basis of lattice parameter variation, seriously undermining the chemical pressure concept. With experimental results that allow us to probe up to the third coordination shell distances, we provide a direct description of how the local structure, apparently inconsistent with the global structure, evolves very rapidly with interatomic distances to become consistent with it. We show that the basic features of this structural evolution with the composition can be visualized with nearly invariant Zn-S-4 and Cd-S-4 tetrahedral units retaining their structural integrity, while the tilts between these tetrahedral building blocks change with composition to conform to the changing lattice parameters according to the Vegard's law within a relatively short length scale. These results underline the limits of applicability of the chemical pressure concept that has been a favored tool of experimentalists to control physical properties of a large variety of condensed matter systems.


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Extensive molecular dynamics studies of 13 different silica polymorphs are reported in the isothermal-isobaric ensemble with the Parrinello-Rahman variable shape simulation cell. The van Beest-Kramer-van Santen (BKS) potential is shown to predict lattice parameters for most phases within 2%-3% accuracy, as well as the relative stabilities of different polymorphs in agreement with experiment. Enthalpies of high-density polymorphs - CaCl2-type, alpha-PbO2-type, and pyrite-type for which no experimental data are available as yet, are predicted here. Further, the calculated enthalpies exhibit two distinct regimes as a function of molar volume-for low and medium-density polymorphs, it is almost independent of volume, while for high-pressure phases a steep dependence is seen. A detailed analysis indicates that the increased short-range contributions to enthalpy in the high-density phases arise not only from an increased coordination number of silicon but also shorter Si-O bond lengths. Our results indicate that amorphous phases of silica exhibit better optimization of short-range interactions than crystalline phases at the same density while the magnitude of Coulombic contributions is lower in the amorphous phase. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Amorphous solids prepared from their melt state exhibit glass transition phenomenon upon heating. Viscosity, specific heat, and thermal expansion coefficient of the amorphous solids show rapid changes at the glass transition temperature (T-g). Generally, application of high pressure increases the T-g and this increase (a positive dT(g)/dP) has been understood adequately with free volume and entropy models which are purely thermodynamic in origin. In this study, the electrical resistivity of semiconducting As2Te3 glass at high pressures as a function of temperature has been measured in a Bridgman anvil apparatus. Electrical resistivity showed a pronounced change at T-g. The T-g estimated from the slope change in the resistivity-temperature plot shows a decreasing trend (negative dT(g)/dP). The dT(g)/dP was found to be -2.36 degrees C/kbar for a linear fit and -2.99 degrees C/kbar for a polynomial fit in the pressure range 1 bar to 9 kbar. Chalcogenide glasses like Se, As2Se3, and As30Se30Te40 show a positive dT(g)/dP which is very well understood in terms of the thermodynamic models. The negative dT(g)/dP (which is generally uncommon in liquids) observed for As2Te3 glass is against the predictions of the thermodynamic models. The Adam-Gibbs model of viscosity suggests a direct relationship between the isothermal pressure derivative of viscosity and the relaxational expansion coefficient. When the sign of the thermal expansion coefficient is negative, dT(g)/dP = Delta k/Delta alpha will be less than zero, which can result in a negative dT(g)/dP. In general, chalcogenides rich in tellurium show a negative thermal expansion coefficient (NTE) in the supercooled and stable liquid states. Hence, the negative dT(g)/dP observed in this study can be understood on the basis of the Adams-Gibbs model. An electronic model proposed by deNeufville and Rockstad finds a linear relation between T-g and the optical band gap (E-g for covalent semiconducting glasses when they are grouped according to their average coordination number. The electrical band gap (Delta E) of As2Te3 glass decreases with pressure. The optical and electrical band gaps are related as Delta E-g = 2 Delta E; thus, a negative dT(g)/dP is expected when As2Te3 glass is subjected to high pressures. In this sense, As2Te3 is a unique glass where its variation of T-g with pressure can be understood by both electronic and thermodynamic models.


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Diaphragm thickness and the corresponding piezoresistor locations change due to over or under etching in bulk micromachined piezoresistive pressure sensor which intern influences the device performance. In the present work, variation of sensitivity and nonlinearity of a micro electro mechanical system low pressure sensor is investigated. The sensor is modeled using finite element method to analyze the variation of sensitivity and nonlinearity with diaphragm thickness. To verify the simulated results, the sensors with different diaphragm thicknesses are fabricated. The models are verified by comparing the calculated results with experimental data. This study is potentially useful for the researchers as most of the times the diaphragm is either over-etched or under-etched due to inherent variation in wafer thickness and involving manual operations.


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Permanent plastic deformation induced by mechanical contacts affects the shape recovery of shape memory alloys. To understand the shape recovery of NiTiCu thin films subjected to local contact stresses, systematic investigations are carried out by inducing varying levels of contact stresses using nanoindentation. The resulting indents are located precisely for imaging using a predetermined array consisting of different sized indents. Morphology and topography of these indents before and after shape recovery are characterized using Scanning Electron Microscope and Atomic Force Microscope quantitatively. Shape recovery is found to be dependent on the contact stresses at the low loads while the recovery ratio remains constant at 0.13 for higher loads. Shape recovery is found to occur mainly in depth direction of the indent, while far field residual stresses play very little role in the recovery. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.