376 resultados para Optical material


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The velocity distribution for a vibrated granular material is determined in the dilute limit where the frequency of particle collisions with the vibrating surface is large compared to the frequency of binary collisions. The particle motion is driven by the source of energy due to particle collisions with the vibrating surface, and two dissipation mechanisms-inelastic collisions and air drag-are considered. In the latter case, a general form for the drag force is assumed. First, the distribution function for the vertical velocity for a single particle colliding with a vibrating surface is determined in the limit where the dissipation during a collision due to inelasticity or between successive collisions due to drag is small compared to the energy of a particle. In addition, two types of amplitude functions for the velocity of the surface, symmetric and asymmetric about zero velocity, are considered. In all cases, differential equations for the distribution of velocities at the vibrating surface are obtained using a flux balance condition in velocity space, and these are solved to determine the distribution function. It is found that the distribution function is a Gaussian distribution when the dissipation is due to inelastic collisions and the amplitude function is symmetric, and the mean square velocity scales as [[U-2](s)/(1 - e(2))], where [U-2](s) is the mean square velocity of the vibrating surface and e is the coefficient of restitution. The distribution function is very different from a Gaussian when the dissipation is due to air drag and the amplitude function is symmetric, and the mean square velocity scales as ([U-2](s)g/mu(m))(1/(m+2)) when the acceleration due to the fluid drag is -mu(m)u(y)\u(y)\(m-1), where g is the acceleration due to gravity. For an asymmetric amplitude function, the distribution function at the vibrating surface is found to be sharply peaked around [+/-2[U](s)/(1-e)] when the dissipation is due to inelastic collisions, and around +/-[(m +2)[U](s)g/mu(m)](1/(m+1)) when the dissipation is due to fluid drag, where [U](s) is the mean velocity of the surface. The distribution functions are compared with numerical simulations of a particle colliding with a vibrating surface, and excellent agreement is found with no adjustable parameters. The distribution function for a two-dimensional vibrated granular material that includes the first effect of binary collisions is determined for the system with dissipation due to inelastic collisions and the amplitude function for the velocity of the vibrating surface is symmetric in the limit delta(I)=(2nr)/(1 - e)much less than 1. Here, n is the number of particles per unit width and r is the particle radius. In this Limit, an asymptotic analysis is used about the Limit where there are no binary collisions. It is found that the distribution function has a power-law divergence proportional to \u(x)\((c delta l-1)) in the limit u(x)-->0, where u(x) is the horizontal velocity. The constant c and the moments of the distribution function are evaluated from the conservation equation in velocity space. It is found that the mean square velocity in the horizontal direction scales as O(delta(I)T), and the nontrivial third moments of the velocity distribution scale as O(delta(I)epsilon(I)T(3/2)) where epsilon(I) = (1 - e)(1/2). Here, T = [2[U2](s)/(1 - e)] is the mean square velocity of the particles.


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Two methods based on wavelet/wavelet packet expansion to denoise and compress optical tomography data containing scattered noise are presented, In the first, the wavelet expansion coefficients of noisy data are shrunk using a soft threshold. In the second, the data are expanded into a wavelet packet tree upon which a best basis search is done. The resulting coefficients are truncated on the basis of energy content. It can be seen that the first method results in efficient denoising of experimental data when scattering particle density in the medium surrounding the object was up to 12.0 x 10(6) per cm(3). This method achieves a compression ratio of approximate to 8:1. The wavelet packet based method resulted in a compression of up to 11:1 and also exhibited reasonable noise reduction capability. Tomographic reconstructions obtained from denoised data are presented. (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved,


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Double hydroxides of the formula, Ni1-xZn2x (OH)(2) (CO3)(x). nH(2)O (x = 0.1 to 0.25) having the same structure as that of alpha-nickel hydroxide have been synthesized by partial substitution of zinc for nickel. The hydroxide having the composition x = 0.25 exhibits prolonged stability in 6 M KOH. Pasted electrodes comprising this material are rechargeable with a stabilized reversible discharge capacity of 410 +/- 15 mAh g(-1) of nickel even under suboptimal conditions of electrode fabrication. This compares favorably with the capacity values achieved for beta-nickel hydroxide (221 mAh g(-1)', This work; 297 mAh g(-1), Delahaye-Vidal and Figlarz;(1) 456 mAh g(-1), theoretical). (C) 1999 The Electrochemical Society. S0013-4651(98)01-071-4. All rights reserved.


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A series of aryl monosulphides and disulphides have been synthesized and characterized. Their molecular hyperpolarizability (beta) has been measured in solution with the hyper-Rayleigh Scattering technique and also calculated by semiempirical AMI method. The trend in the observed and calculated values of first hyperpolarizability of these compounds has been found to be in good agreement. These compounds show moderate P values and excellent transparency in the visible region.


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Deposition of Al2O3 coatings by CVD is of importance because they are often used as abrading material in cemented carbide cutting tools. The conventionally used CVD process for Al2O3 involves the corrosive reactant AlCl3. In this paper, we report on the thermal characterisation of the metalorganic precursors namely aluminium tristetramethyl-heptanedionate [Al(thd)(3)] and aluminium tris-acetylacetonate [Al(acac)(3)] and their application to the CVD of Al2O3 films. Crystalline Al2O3 films were deposited by MOCVD at low temperatures by the pyrolysis of Al(thd)(3) and Al(acac)(3). The films were deposited on a TiN-coated tungsten carbide (TiN/WC) and Si(100) substrates in the temperature range 500-1100degreesC. The as-deposited films were characterised by x-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy. The observed crystallinity of films grown at low temperatures, their microstructure, and composition may be interpreted in terms of a growth process that involves the melting of the metalorganic precursor on the hot growth surface.


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Crystallization behaviors of the glass with a composition of 25Li(2)O.25B(2)O(3).50GeO(2) corresponding to lithium borogermanate LiBGeO4 have been examined. It has been confirmed that the LiBGeO4 crystalline phase is formed at the surface of heat-treated glasses. The second harmonic (SH) generation is found from transparent surface crystallized glasses, demonstrating for the first time that the LiBGeO4 phase shows optical nonlinearity. The SH intensity of LiBGeO4 crystallites (powdered state) prepared through crystallization is about ten times as large as that of pulverized alpha-quartz. The SH intensity of transparent crystallized glasses (bulk state) with crystalline layers of 3-4.5 mum thickness increases with increasing heat treatment temperature (540-560degreesC) and time (1-6 h), and the maximum SH intensity among the samples studied is in the order of 1/10 in comparison with that of alpha-quartz single crystal. The transparent crystallized glass obtained by heat treatment at 550alphaC for 3 h exhibits a clear and fine Maker fringe pattern, indicating a highly orientation of LiBGeO4 crystals at the surface.


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Glass nanocomposites in the system (1-x)Li2B4O7-xBi(2)WO(6) (0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.35, in molar ratio) were fabricated by splat quenching technique. The as-quenched samples were X-ray amorphous. Differential Thermal Analyses (DTA) confirmed their glassy nature. The composites on heat-treatment at 720 K yielded monophasic crystalline bismuth tungstate in lithium borate glass matrix. The average size and the spherical nature of the dispersed crystallites were assessed via High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM). The dielectric constants (epsilon(r)) of both the as-quenched and post heat-treated composites were found to increase with increase in x (bismuth tungstate content) at all the frequencies (100 Hz-40 MHz) in the temperature range 300 K-870 K. While the dielectric loss (D) decreased with increasing x. The pyroelectric coefficients of the as-quenched (consisting 20 nm sized crystallites) and 720 K heat-treated sample (x = 0.3) were determined as a function of temperature (300 K-873 K) and the values obtained at room temperature were 20 and 60 muC/m(2) K respectively. The as-quenched and heat-treated (720 K) glass nanocomposites exhibited ferroelectric (P Vs E) hysteresis loops. The remnant polarization and coercive field of the heat-treated glass nanocomposite at 300 K were respectively 2.597 muC/cm(2) and 543 V/cm. These glass nanocomposites were birefringent in the 300-873 K temperature range.


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Single crystal (100) wafers of n-InSb were implanted with 50 MeV Li3+ ions at various fluences ranging from 10(10) to 10(14) ions/cm(2) at room temperature. Investigations of the optical, electrical, and structural properties of the as-grown, irradiated, annealed wafers were carried out by infrared and Raman spectroscopies, Hall measurements, and high resolution x-ray diffraction (HRXRD). In the case of samples irradiated with an ion fluence of 1.6x10(14) ions/cm(2), electrical measurements at 80 K reveal that there is a decrease in carrier concentration from 8.5x10(15) (for unirradiated) to 1.1x10(15)/cm(3) and an increase in mobility from 5.4x10(4) to 1.67x10(5) cm(2)/V s. The change in carrier concentration is attributed to the creation of electron trap centers induced by ion beam irradiation and the increase in mobility to the formation of electrical inactive complexes. Nevertheless, even with the irradiation at 1.6x10(14) ions/cm(2) fluence the crystalline quality remains largely unaffected, as is seen from HRXRD and Raman studies. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Single crystals of a recent ferroelectric material, glycine phosphite were grown from aqueous solution employing the techniques of slow cooling and controlled evaporation. Powder X-ray diffraction studies as well as thermal analysis were carried out on the grown crystals. The morphology of the crystal has been determined using contact and optical goniometry. The mechanical hardness of the crystal was evaluated by Vickers indentation method. Thickness dependence of the dielectric properties has been investigated and the results can be interpreted in terms of a surface layer of lower dielectric constant.


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Single crystals of a-hopeite exhibiting high transparency were grown by single diffusion gel growth technique. Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis reveals that the crystal belongs to orthorhombic system. The values of several structural and physical parameters have been determined for the grown crystal. The optical absorption study reveals the transparency of the crystal and is noticed in the entire visible region and the cut-off wavelength was found to be 230 nm. The optical band gap found to be at 3.25 eV. The dependence of extinction co-efficient (k) and the refractive index (n) on the wavelength was also shown. The dielectric constant and dielectric loss of the crystal was studied as a function of frequency and temperature. Transport properties of the grown crystal have been studied from the Cole-Cole plot. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Syntactic foam made by mechanical mixing of glass hollow spheres in epoxy resin matrix is characterized for compressive properties in the present study. Volume fraction of hollow spheres in the syntactic foam under investigation is kept at 67.8%. Effect of specimen aspect ratio on failure behavior and stress-strain curve of the material is highlighted. Considerable differences are noted in the macroscopic fracture features of the specimen and the stress-strain curve with the variation in specimen aspect ratio, although compressive yield strength values were within a narrow range. Post compression test scanning electron microscopic observations coupled with the macroscopic observations taken during the test helped in explaining the deviation in specimen behavior and in gathering support for the proposed arguments.


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Wear of metals in dry sliding is dictated by the material response to traction. This is demonstrated by considering the wear of aluminium and titanium alloys. In a regime of stable homogeneous deformation the material approaching the surface from the bulk passes through microprocessing zones of flow, fracture, comminution and compaction to generate a protective tribofilm that retains the interaction in the mild wear regime. If the response leads to microstructural instabilities such as adiabatic shear bands, the near-surface zone consists of stacks of 500 nm layers situated parallel to the sliding direction. Microcracks are generated below the surface to propagate normally away from the surface though microvoids situated in the layers, until it reaches a depth of 10-20 mum. A rectangular laminate debris consisting of a 20-40 layer stack is produced, The wear in this mode is severe.


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Specific wear rates of a range of metals and alloys upon dry sliding are compiled together to discern the influence of material properties on wear. No systematic influence of bulk hardness was found. Following our previous work on the influence of power dissipative capacity of metals on wear, we explore the influence of thermal diffusivity on wear of these metals.


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In this paper we develop an analytical heat transfer model, which is capable of analyzing cyclic melting and solidification processes of a phase change material used in the context of electronics cooling systems. The model is essentially based on conduction heat transfer, with treatments for convection and radiation embedded inside. The whole solution domain is first divided into two main sub-domains, namely, the melting sub-domain and the solidification sub-domain. Each sub-domain is then analyzed for a number of temporal regimes. Accordingly, analytical solutions for temperature distribution within each subdomain are formulated either using a semi-infinity consideration, or employing a method of quasi-steady state, depending on the applicability. The solution modules are subsequently united, leading to a closed-form solution for the entire problem. The analytical solutions are then compared with experimental and numerical solutions for a benchmark problem quoted in the literature, and excellent agreements can be observed.