314 resultados para Matter-wave interferometry


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Visual search in real life involves complex displays with a target among multiple types of distracters, but in the laboratory, it is often tested using simple displays with identical distracters. Can complex search be understood in terms of simple searches? This link may not be straightforward if complex search has emergent properties. One such property is linear separability, whereby search is hard when a target cannot be separated from its distracters using a single linear boundary. However, evidence in favor of linear separability is based on testing stimulus configurations in an external parametric space that need not be related to their true perceptual representation. We therefore set out to assess whether linear separability influences complex search at all. Our null hypothesis was that complex search performance depends only on classical factors such as target-distracter similarity and distracter homogeneity, which we measured using simple searches. Across three experiments involving a variety of artificial and natural objects, differences between linearly separable and nonseparable searches were explained using target-distracter similarity and distracter heterogeneity. Further, simple searches accurately predicted complex search regardless of linear separability (r = 0.91). Our results show that complex search is explained by simple search, refuting the widely held belief that linear separability influences visual search.


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Light neutralino dark matter can be achieved in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model if staus are rather light, with mass around 100 GeV. We perform a detailed analysis of the relevant supersymmetric parameter space, including also the possibility of light selectons and smuons, and of light higgsino- or wino-like charginos. In addition to the latest limits from direct and indirect detection of dark matter, ATLAS and CMS constraints on electroweak-inos and on sleptons are taken into account using a ``simplified models'' framework. Measurements of the properties of the Higgs boson at 125 GeV, which constrain amongst others the invisible decay of the Higgs boson into a pair of neutralinos, are also implemented in the analysis. We show that viable neutralino dark matter can be achieved for masses as low as 15 GeV. In this case, light charginos close to the LEP bound are required in addition to light right-chiral staus. Significant deviations are observed in the couplings of the 125 GeV Higgs boson. These constitute a promising way to probe the light neutralino dark matter scenario in the next run of the LHC. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The paper discusses a wave propagation based method for identifying the damages in an aircraft built up structural component such as delamination and skin-stiffener debonding. First, a spectral finite element mode l (SFEM) is developed for modeling wave propagation in general built-up structures by using the concept of assembling 2D spectral plate elements. The developed numerical model is validated using conventional 2-D FEM. Studies are performed to capture the mode coupling,that is, the flexural-axial coupling present in the wave responses. Lastly, the damages in these built up structures are then identified using the developed SFEM model and the measured responses using the concept Damage Force Indicator (DFI) technique.


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Stiffener is one of the major components of aircraft structures to increase the load carrying capacity. Damage in the stiffener, mostly in the form of crack is an unavoidable problem in aerospace structures. Stiffener is bonded to the inner side of the aircraft panel which is not accessible for immediate inspection. A sensor-actuator network can be placed on the outer side of the panel that is accessible. Ultrasonic lamb waves are transmitted through stiffener using the sensoractuator network for detecting the presence of damages. The sensor-actuator network is placed on both halves of the stiffened section on the accessible surface of the plate. Detecting damage in stiffener by using this technique has significant potential for SHM technology. One of the major objectives of the present work is to determine the smallest detectable crack on the stiffener using the proposed technique. Wavelet based damage parameter correlation studies are carried out. In the proposed scheme, with increase in the damage size along the stiffener, it is found that the amplitude of the received signal decreases monotonically. The advantage of this technique is that the stiffened panels need not be disassembled in a realistic deployment of SHM system.


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Similar quantum phase diagrams and transitions are found for three classes of one-dimensional models with equally spaced sites, singlet ground states (GS), inversion symmetry at sites and a bond order wave (BOW) phase in some sectors. The models are frustrated spin-1/2 chains with variable range exchange, half-filled Hubbard models with spin-independent interactions and modified Hubbard models with site energies for describing organic charge transfer salts. In some range of parameters, the models have a first order quantum transition at which the GS expectation value of the sublattice spin < S-A(2)> of odd or even-numbered sites is discontinuous. There is an intermediate BOW phase for other model parameters that lead to two continuous quantum transitions with continuous < S-A(2)>. Exact diagonalization of finite systems and symmetry arguments provide a unified picture of familiar 1D models that have appeared separately in widely different contexts.


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Similar quantum phase diagrams and transitions are found for three classes of one-dimensional models with equally spaced sites, singlet ground states (GS), inversion symmetry at sites and a bond order wave (BOW) phase in some sectors. The models are frustrated spin-1/2 chains with variable range exchange, half-filled Hubbard models with spin-independent interactions and modified Hubbard models with site energies for describing organic charge transfer salts. In some range of parameters, the models have a first order quantum transition at which the GS expectation value of the sublattice spin < S-A(2)> of odd or even-numbered sites is discontinuous. There is an intermediate BOW phase for other model parameters that lead to two continuous quantum transitions with continuous < S-A(2)>. Exact diagonalization of finite systems and symmetry arguments provide a unified picture of familiar 1D models that have appeared separately in widely different contexts.


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The thermoacoustic prime mover (TAPM) has gained considerable attention as a pressure wave generator to drive pulse tube refrigerator (PTR) due to no moving parts, reasonable efficiency, use of environmental friendly working fluids etc. To drive PTCs, lower frequencies (f) with larger pressure amplitudes (Delta P) are essential, which are affected by geometric and operating parameters of TAPM as well as working fluids. For driving PTRs, a twin standing wave TAPM is built and studied by using different working fluids such as helium, argon, nitrogen and their binary mixtures. Simulation results of DeltaEc are compared with experimental data wherever possible. DeltaEc predicts slightly increased resonance frequencies, but gives larger Delta P and lower temperature difference Delta T across stack. High mass number working fluid leads to lower frequency with larger Delta P, but higher Delta T. Studies indicate that the binary gas mixture of right composition with lower Delta T can be arrived at to drive TAPM of given geometry. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this study is to analyse the performance of thermoacoustic refrigerator (TAR) measured in terms of hot end temperature and temperature difference across refrigerator stack with two different spacing namely 0.4 mm and 0.8 mm and stack used in refrigerating section was made of low thermal conductivity materials namely Mylar sheet and photographic film & the experiments were carried out at 1 MPa pressure using helium as working fluid. High powered acoustic wave with frequency of 460 Hz and pressure amplitude of congruent to 0.07 MPa was obtained from twin thermoacoustic prime mover (TAPM) and this acoustic wave produced temperature difference of 16 degrees C across the Mylar sheet stack made of 0.4 mm spacing in refrigerator section. From this study, it has been inferred that twin TAPM can act as efficient drive for TAR. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.


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Damage detection using guided Lamb waves is an important tool in Structural health Monitoring. In this paper, we outline a method of obtaining Lamb wave modes in composite structures using two dimensional Spectral Finite Elements. Using this approach, Lamb wave dispersion curves are obtained for laminated composite structures with different fibre orientation. These propagating Lamb wave modes are pictorially captured using tone burst signal.


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Composite T-joints are commonly used in modern composite airframe, pressure vessels and piping structures, mainly to increase the bending strength of the joint and prevents buckling of plates and shells, and in multi-cell thin-walled structures. Here we report a detailed study on the propagation of guided ultrasonic wave modes in a composite T-joint and their interactions with delamination in the co-cured co-bonded flange. A well designed guiding path is employed wherein the waves undergo a two step mode conversion process, one is due to the web and joint filler on the back face of the flange and the other is due to the delamination edges close to underneath the accessible surface of the flange. A 3D Laser Doppler Vibrometer is used to obtain the three components of surface displacements/velocities of the accessible face of the flange of the T-joint. The waves are launched by a piezo ceramic wafer bonded on to the back surface of the flange. What is novel in the proposed method is that the location of any change in material/geometric properties can be traced by computing a frequency domain power flow along a scan line. The scan line can be chosen over a grid either during scan or during post-processing of the scan data off-line. The proposed technique eliminates the necessity of baseline data and disassembly of structure for structural interrogation.


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The study of detonations and their interactions is vital for the understanding of the high-speed flow physics involved and the ultimate goal of controlling their detrimental effects. However, producing safe and repeatable detonations within the laboratory can be quite challenging, leading to the use of computational studies which ultimately require experimental data for their validation. The objective of this study is to examine the induced flow field from the interaction of a shock front and accompanying products of combustion, produced from the detonation taking place within a non-electrical tube lined with explosive material, with porous plates with varying porosities, 0.7-9.7%. State of the art high-speed schlieren photography alongside high-resolution pressure measurements is used to visualise the induced flow field and examine the attenuation effects which occur at different porosities. The detonation tube is placed at different distances from the plates' surface, 0-30 mm, and the pressure at the rear of the plate is recorded and compared. The results indicate that depending on the level of porosity and the Mach number of the precursor shock front secondary reflected and transmitted shock waves are formed through the coalescence of compression waves. With reduced porosity, the plates act almost as a solid surface, therefore the shock propagates faster along its surface.


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To investigate the dynamics of gravity waves in stratified Boussinesq flows, a model is derived that consists of all three-gravity-wave-mode interactions (the GGG model), excluding interactions involving the vortical mode. The GGG model is a natural extension of weak turbulence theory that accounts for exact three-gravity-wave resonances. The model is examined numerically by means of random, large-scale, high-frequency forcing. An immediate observation is a robust growth of the so-called vertically sheared horizontal flow (VSHF). In addition, there is a forward transfer of energy and equilibration of the nonzero-frequency (sometimes called ``fast'') gravity-wave modes. These results show that gravity-wave-mode interactions by themselves are capable of systematic interscale energy transfer in a stratified fluid. Comparing numerical simulations of the GGG model and the full Boussinesq system, for the range of Froude numbers (Fr) considered (0.05 a parts per thousand currency sign Fr a parts per thousand currency sign 1), in both systems the VSHF is hardest to resolve. When adequately resolved, VSHF growth is more vigorous in the GGG model. Furthermore, a VSHF is observed to form in milder stratification scenarios in the GGG model than the full Boussinesq system. Finally, fully three-dimensional nonzero-frequency gravity-wave modes equilibrate in both systems and their scaling with vertical wavenumber follows similar power-laws. The slopes of the power-laws obtained depend on Fr and approach -2 (from above) at Fr = 0.05, which is the strongest stratification that can be properly resolved with our computational resources.


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The low-surface-brightness galaxies are gas rich and yet have a low star formation rate; this is a well-known puzzle. The spiral features in these galaxies are weak and difficult to trace, although this aspect has not been studied much. These galaxies are known to be dominated by the dark matter halo from the innermost regions. Here, we do a stability analysis for the galactic disc of UGC 7321, a low-surface-brightness, superthin galaxy, for which the various observational input parameters are available. We show that the disc is stable against local, linear axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric perturbations. The Toomre Q parameter values are found to be large (>> 1) mainly due to the low disc surface density, and the high rotation velocity resulting due to the dominant dark matter halo, which could explain the observed low star formation rate. For the stars-alone case, the disc shows finite swing amplification but the addition of dark matter halo suppresses that amplification almost completely. Even the inclusion of the low-dispersion gas which constitutes a high disc mass fraction does not help in causing swing amplification. This can explain why these galaxies do not show strong spiral features. Thus, the dynamical effect of a halo that is dominant from inner regions can naturally explain why star formation and spiral features are largely suppressed in low-surface-brightness galaxies, making these different from the high-surface-brightness galaxies.


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Earlier version of an indigenously developed Pressure Wave Generator (PWG) could not develop the necessary pressure ratio to satisfactorily operate a pulse tube cooler, largely due to high blow by losses in the piston cylinder seal gap and due to a few design deficiencies. Effect of different parameters like seal gap, piston diameter, piston stroke, moving mass and the piston back volume on the performance is studied analytically. Modifications were done to the PWG based on analysis and the performance is experimentally measured. A significant improvement in PWG performance is seen as a result of the modifications. The improved PWG is tested with the same pulse tube cooler but with different inertance tube configurations. A no load temperature of 130 K is achieved with an inertance tube configuration designed using Sage software. The delivered PV power is estimated to be 28.4 W which can produce a refrigeration of about 1 W at 80 K.