407 resultados para beam-foil technique


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Pre-whitening techniques are employed in blind correlation detection of additive spread spectrum watermarks in audio signals to reduce the host signal interference. A direct deterministic whitening (DDW) scheme is derived in this paper from the frequency domain analysis of the time domain correlation process. Our experimental studies reveal that, the Savitzky-Golay Whitening (SGW), which is otherwise inferior to DDW technique, performs better when the audio signal is predominantly lowpass. The novelty of this paper lies in exploiting the complementary nature to the two whitening techniques to obtain a hybrid whitening (HbW) scheme. In the hybrid scheme the DDW and SGW techniques are selectively applied, based on short time spectral characteristics of the audio signal. The hybrid scheme extends the reliability of watermark detection to a wider range of audio signals.


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With the introduction of 2D flat-panel X-ray detectors, 3D image reconstruction using helical cone-beam tomography is fast replacing the conventional 2D reconstruction techniques. In 3D image reconstruction, the source orbit or scanning geometry should satisfy the data sufficiency or completeness condition for exact reconstruction. The helical scan geometry satisfies this condition and hence can give exact reconstruction. The theoretically exact helical cone-beam reconstruction algorithm proposed by Katsevich is a breakthrough and has attracted interest in the 3D reconstruction using helical cone-beam Computed Tomography.In many practical situations, the available projection data is incomplete. One such case is where the detector plane does not completely cover the full extent of the object being imaged in lateral direction resulting in truncated projections. This result in artifacts that mask small features near to the periphery of the ROI when reconstructed using the convolution back projection (CBP) method assuming that the projection data is complete. A number of techniques exist which deal with completion of missing data followed by the CBP reconstruction. In 2D, linear prediction (LP)extrapolation has been shown to be efficient for data completion, involving minimal assumptions on the nature of the data, producing smooth extensions of the missing projection data.In this paper, we propose to extend the LP approach for extrapolating helical cone beam truncated data. The projection on the multi row flat panel detectors has missing columns towards either ends in the lateral direction in truncated data situation. The available data from each detector row is modeled using a linear predictor. The available data is extrapolated and this completed projection data is backprojected using the Katsevich algorithm. Simulation results show the efficacy of the proposed method.


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In this paper, a model for composite beam with embedded de-lamination is developed using the wavelet based spectral finite element (WSFE) method particularly for damage detection using wave propagation analysis. The simulated responses are used as surrogate experimental results for the inverse problem of detection of damage using wavelet filtering. The WSFE technique is very similar to the fast fourier transform (FFT) based spectral finite element (FSFE) except that it uses compactly supported Daubechies scaling function approximation in time. Unlike FSFE formulation with periodicity assumption, the wavelet-based method allows imposition of initial values and thus is free from wrap around problems. This helps in analysis of finite length undamped structures, where the FSFE method fails to simulate accurate response. First, numerical experiments are performed to study the effect of de-lamination on the wave propagation characteristics. The responses are simulated for different de-lamination configurations for both broad-band and narrow-band excitations. Next, simulated responses are used for damage detection using wavelet analysis.


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The Gibbs energy of mixing for the system Fe3O4-FeAl2O4 was determined at 1573 K using a gas-metal-oxide equilibration technique. Oxide solid solution samples were equilibrated with Pt foils under controlled CO+CO2 gas streams. The equilibrium iron concentration in the foil was determined by chemical analysis. The cation distribution between tetrahedral and octahedral sites in the spinel crystal can be calculated from site-preference energies and used as an alternate method of determining some thermodynamic properties, including the Gibbs energy of mixing. The solvus occurring at low temperatures in the system Fe3C4-FeAl2C4 was used to derive the effect of lattice distortion due to cation size difference on the enthalpy of mixing and to obtain a better approximation to the measured thermodynamic quantities.


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The oxygen concentration of liquid manganese in equilibrium with MnAl2+2xO4+3x and α−Al2O3 has been determined in the temperature range 1520 to 1875 K. The oxygen content of quenched samples, wrapped in oxygen-free nickel foil, was determined by an inert gas fusion technique. The results are combined with accurate data now available on the Gibbs energies of formation of MnO and Al2O3−saturated MnAl2+2xO4+3x to derive the oxygen content of liquid manganese in equilibrium with MnO and the Gibbs energy of solution of diatomic oxygen gas in liquid manganese. The enthalpy and entropy of solution of oxygen in manganese are compared with similar data on other metal-oxygen systems.


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In the present study singular fractal functions (SFF) were used to generate stress-strain plots for quasibrittle material like concrete and cement mortar and subsequently stress-strain plot of cement mortar obtained using SFF was used for modeling fracture process in concrete. The fracture surface of concrete is rough and irregular. The fracture surface of concrete is affected by the concrete's microstructure that is influenced by water cement ratio, grade of cement and type of aggregate 11-41. Also the macrostructural properties such as the size and shape of the specimen, the initial notch length and the rate of loading contribute to the shape of the fracture surface of concrete. It is known that concrete is a heterogeneous and quasi-brittle material containing micro-defects and its mechanical properties strongly relate to the presence of micro-pores and micro-cracks in concrete 11-41. The damage in concrete is believed to be mainly due to initiation and development of micro-defects with irregularity and fractal characteristics. However, repeated observations at various magnifications also reveal a variety of additional structures that fall between the `micro' and the `macro' and have not yet been described satisfactorily in a systematic manner [1-11,15-17]. The concept of singular fractal functions by Mosolov was used to generate stress-strain plot of cement concrete, cement mortar and subsequently the stress-strain plot of cement mortar was used in two-dimensional lattice model [28]. A two-dimensional lattice model was used to study concrete fracture by considering softening of matrix (cement mortar). The results obtained from simulations with lattice model show softening behavior of concrete and fairly agrees with the experimental results. The number of fractured elements are compared with the acoustic emission (AE) hits. The trend in the cumulative fractured beam elements in the lattice fracture simulation reasonably reflected the trend in the recorded AE measurements. In other words, the pattern in which AE hits were distributed around the notch has the same trend as that of the fractured elements around the notch which is in support of lattice model. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Phase pure wurtzite GaN films were grown on Si (100) substrates by introducing a silicon nitride layer followed by low temperature GaN growth as buffer layers. GaN films grown directly on Si (100) were found to be phase mixtured, containing both cubic (beta) and hexagonal (alpha) modifications. The x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy studies reveal that the significant enhancement in the structural as well as in the optical properties of GaN films grown with silicon nitride buffer layer grown at 800 degrees C when compared to the samples grown in the absence of silicon nitride buffer layer and with silicon nitride buffer layer grown at 600 degrees C. Core-level photoelectron spectroscopy of Si(x)N(y) layers reveals the sources for superior qualities of GaN epilayers grown with the high temperature substrate nitridation process. The discussion has been carried out on the typical inverted rectification behavior exhibited by n-GaN/p-Si heterojunctions. Considerable modulation in the transport mechanism was observed with the nitridation conditions. The heterojunction fabricated with the sample of substrate nitridation at high temperature exhibited superior rectifying nature with reduced trap concentrations. Lowest ideality factors (similar to 1.5) were observed in the heterojunctions grown with high temperature substrate nitridation which is attributed to the recombination tunneling at the space charge region transport mechanism at lower voltages and at higher voltages space charge limited current conduction is the dominating transport mechanism. Whereas, thermally generated carrier tunneling and recombination tunneling are the dominating transport mechanisms in the heterojunctions grown without substrate nitridation and low temperature substrate nitridation, respectively. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3658867]


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A deep‐level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) technique is reported for determining the capture cross‐section activation energy directly. Conventionally, the capture activation energy is obtained from the temperature dependence of the capture cross section. Capture cross‐section measurement is often very doubtful due to many intrinsic errors and is more critical for nonexponential capture kinetics. The essence of this technique is to use an emission pulse to allow the defects to emit electrons and the transient signal from capture process due to a large capture barrier was analyzed, in contrast with the emission signal in conventional DLTS. This technique has been applied for determining the capture barrier for silicon‐related DX centers in AlxGa1−xAs for different AlAs mole fractions.


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InN quantum dots (QDs) were grown on Si (111) by epitaxial Stranski-Krastanow growth mode using plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Single-crystalline wurtzite structure of InN QDs was verified by the x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Scanning tunneling microscopy has been used to probe the structural aspects of QDs. A surface bandgap of InN QDs was estimated from scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) I-V curves and found that it is strongly dependent on the size of QDs. The observed size-dependent STS bandgap energy shifts with diameter and height were theoretical explained based on an effective mass approximation with finite-depth square-well potential model.


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A new hybrid comparison technique for transmission line protection, providing polar characteristics marked by sharp discontinuities, has been developed. The comparator models, described in block schematic form, accompany a steady state theoretical basis for comparison. Dynamic test results are indicated for a directional quadrilateral characteristic which closely corresponds to the probable fault area of a transmission line.