307 resultados para Sensory Interaction


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The interaction of guar gum with the hydrophobic solids namely talc, mica and graphite has been investigated through adsorption, electrokinetic and flotation experiments. The adsorption densities of guar gum onto the above hydrophobic minerals show that they are more or less independent of pH. The adsorption isotherms of guar gum onto talc, mica and graphite indicate that the adsorption densities increase with increase in guar gum concentration and all the isotherms follow the as L1 type according to Giles classification. The magnitude of the adsorption density of guar gum onto the above minerals may be arranged in the following sequence: talc > graphite > mica The effect of particle size on the adsorption density of guar gum onto these minerals has indicated that higher adsorption takes place in the coarser size fraction, consequent to an increase in the surface face-to-edge ratio. In the case of the talc and mica samples pretreated with EDTA and the leached graphite sample, a decrease in the adsorption density of guar gum is observed, due to a reduction in the metallic adsorption sites. The adsorption densities of guar gum increase with decrease in sample weight for all the three minerals. Electrokinetic measurements have indicated that the isoelectric points (iep) of these minerals lie between pH 2-3, Addition of guar gum decreases the negative electrophoretic mobility values in proportion to the guar gum concentration without any observable shift in the iep values, resembling the influence of an indifferent electrolyte. The flotation recovery is diminished in the presence of guar gum for all the three minerals, The magnitude of depression follows the same sequence as observed in the adsorption studies. The floatability of EDTA treated talc and mica samples as well as the leached graphite sample is enhanced, complementing the adsorption data, Possible mechanisms of interaction between the hydrophobic minerals and guar gum are discussed.


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Neutron time-of-flight spectroscopy has been employed to study the crystal-field interaction in the pyrochlore titanate Ho2Ti2O7. The crystal-field parameters and corresponding energy-level scheme have been determined from a profile fit to the observed neutron spectra. The ground state is a well separated Eg doublet with a strong Ising-like anisotropy, which can give rise to frustration in the pyrochlore lattice. Using the crystal-field parameters determined for the Ho compound as an estimate of the crystal-field potential in other pyrochlore magnets, we also find the Ising type behavior for Dy. In contrast, the almost planar anisotropy found for Er and Yb prevents frustration, because of the continuous range of possible spin orientations in this case.


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Theoretical and computational investigations of nucleation have been plagued by the sensitivity of the phase diagram to the range of the interaction potential. As the surface tension depends strongly on the range of interaction potential and as the classical nucleation theory (CNT) predicts the free energy barrier to be directly proportional to the cube of the surface tension, one expects a strong sensitivity of nucleation barrier to the range of the potential; however, CNT leaves many aspects unexplored. We find for gas-liquid nucleation in Lennard-Jones system that on increasing the range of interaction the kinetic spinodal (KS) (where the mechanism of nucleation changes from activated to barrierless) shifts deeper into the metastable region. Therefore the system remains metastable for larger value of supersaturation and this allows one to explore the high metastable region without encountering the KS. On increasing the range of interaction, both the critical cluster size and pre-critical minima in the free energy surface of kth largest cluster, at respective kinetic spinodals, shift towards smaller cluster size. In order to separate surface tension contribution to the increase in the barrier from other non-trivial factors, we introduce a new scaling form for surface tension and use it to capture both the temperature and the interaction range dependence of surface tension. Surprisingly, we find only a weak non-trivial contribution from other factors to the free energy barrier of nucleation. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3685835]


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Scattering of water waves by a sphere in a two-layer fluid, where the upper layer has an ice-cover modelled as an elastic plate of very small thickness, while the lower one has a rigid horizontal bottom surface, is investigated within the framework of linearized water wave theory. The effects of surface tension at the surface of separation is neglected. There exist two modes of time-harmonic waves - the one with lower wave number propagating along the ice-cover and the one with higher wave number along the interface. Method of multipole expansions is used to find the particular solution for the problem of wave scattering by a submerged sphere placed in either of the layers. The exciting forces for vertical and horizontal directions are derived and plotted against different values of the wave number for different submersion depths of the sphere and flexural rigidity of the ice-cover. When the flexural rigidity and the density of the ice-cover are taken to be zero, the numerical results for the exciting forces for the problem with free surface are recovered as particular cases. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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While the effect of electrochemical doping on single-layer graphene (SG) with holes and electrons has been investigated, the effect of charge-transfer doping on SG has not been examined hitherto. Effects of varying the concentration of electron donor and acceptor molecules such as tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) and tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) on SG produced by mechanical exfoliation as well as by the reduction of single-layer graphene oxide have been investigated. TTF softens the G-band in the Raman spectrum, whereas TCNE stiffens the G-band. The full-width-at-half-maximum of the G-band increases on interaction with both TTF and TCNE. These effects are similar to those found with few-layer graphene, but in contrast to those found with electrochemical doping. A common feature between the two types of doping is found in the case of the 2-D band, which shows softening and stiffening on electron and hole doping, respectively. The experimental results are explained on the basis of the frequency shifts, electron-phonon coupling and structural inhomogeneities that are relevant to molecule-graphene interaction.


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Studies on the diffusion of methane in a zeolite structure type LTA (as per IZA nomenclature) have indicated that different types of methane zeolite potentials exist in the literature in which methane is treated within the united-atom model. One set of potentials, referred to as model A, has a methane oxygen diameter of 3.14 angstrom, while another set of potential parameters, model B, employs a larger value of 3.46 angstrom. Fritzsche and co-workers (1993) have shown that these two potentials lead to two distinctly different energetic barriers for the passage of methane through the eight-ring window in the cation-free form of zeolite A. Here, we compute the variation of the self-diffusivity (D) with loading (c) for these two types of potentials and show that this slight variation in the diameter changes the concentration dependence qualitatively: thus, D decreases monotonically with c for model A, while D increases and goes through a maximum before finally decreasing for model B. This effect and the surprising congruence of the diffusion coefficients for both models at high loadings is examined in detail at the molecular level. Simulations for different temperatures reveal the Arrhenius behaviour of the self-diffusion coefficient. The apparent activation energy is found to vary with the loading. We conclude that beside the cage-to-cage jumps, which are essential for the migration of the guest molecules, at high concentrations migration within the cage and guest guest interactions with other molecules become increasingly dominant influences on the diffusion coefficient and make the guest zeolite interaction less important for both model A and model B.


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV), a member of Flaviviridae, encoding a positive-sense single-stranded RNA translates by cap-independent mechanism using the internal ribosome entry site (IRES) present in the 5' UTR of the virus. The IRES has complex stem loop structures and is capable of recruiting the 40S ribosomal subunit in a factor-independent fashion. As the IRES sequence is highly conserved throughout the HCV genotypes and the translation is the first obligatory step of the HCV life cycle, the IRE'S-mediated translation, or more specifically, the ribosome HCV RNA interaction is an attractive target to design effective antivirals. This article will focus on the mechanism of the HCV IRES translation and the various ways in which the interaction of ribosome and IRES has been targeted.


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Based on the Wilemski-Fixman approach G. Wilemski, M. Fixman, J. Chem. Phys. 60 (1974) 866], we show that, for a flexible chain in theta solvent, hydrodynamic interaction treated with a pre-averaging approximation makes ring closing faster if the chain is not very short. We also show that the ring closing time for a long chain with hydrodynamic interaction in theta solvent scales with the chain length (N) as N-1.5, in agreement with the previous renormalization group calculation based prediction by Freidman and O'Shaughnessy B. Friedman, B. O'Shaughnessy, Phys. Rev. A 40 (1989) 5950]. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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There are many well-known examples of proteins with low sequence similarity, adopting the same structural fold. This aspect of sequence-structure relationship has been extensively studied both experimentally and theoretically, however with limited success. Most of the studies consider remote homology or ``sequence conservation'' as the basis for their understanding. Recently ``interaction energy'' based network formalism (Protein Energy Networks (PENs)) was developed to understand the determinants of protein structures. In this paper we have used these PENs to investigate the common non-covalent interactions and their collective features which stabilize the TIM barrel fold. We have also developed a method of aligning PENs in order to understand the spatial conservation of interactions in the fold. We have identified key common interactions responsible for the conservation of the TIM fold, despite high sequence dissimilarity. For instance, the central beta barrel of the TIM fold is stabilized by long-range high energy electrostatic interactions and low-energy contiguous vdW interactions in certain families. The other interfaces like the helix-sheet or the helix-helix seem to be devoid of any high energy conserved interactions. Conserved interactions in the loop regions around the catalytic site of the TIM fold have also been identified, pointing out their significance in both structural and functional evolution. Based on these investigations, we have developed a novel network based phylogenetic analysis for remote homologues, which can perform better than sequence based phylogeny. Such an analysis is more meaningful from both structural and functional evolutionary perspective. We believe that the information obtained through the ``interaction conservation'' viewpoint and the subsequently developed method of structure network alignment, can shed new light in the fields of fold organization and de novo computational protein design.


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Parkinsons disease (PD) is the second most prevalent progressive neurological disorder commonly associated with impaired mitochondrial function in dopaminergic neurons. Although familial PD is multifactorial in nature, a recent genetic screen involving PD patients identified two mitochondrial Hsp70 variants (P509S and R126W) that are suggested in PD pathogenesis. However, molecular mechanisms underlying how mtHsp70 PD variants are centrally involved in PD progression is totally elusive. In this article, we provide mechanistic insights into the mitochondrial dysfunction associated with human mtHsp70 PD variants. Biochemically, the R126W variant showed severely compromised protein stability and was found highly susceptible to aggregation at physiological conditions. Strikingly, on the other hand, the P509S variant exhibits significantly enhanced interaction with J-protein cochaperones involved in folding and import machinery, thus altering the overall regulation of chaperone-mediated folding cycle and protein homeostasis. To assess the impact of mtHsp70 PD mutations at the cellular level, we developed yeast as a model system by making analogous mutations in Ssc1 ortholog. Interestingly, PD mutations in yeast (R103W and P486S) exhibit multiple in vivo phenotypes, which are associated with omitochondrial dysfunction', including compromised growth, impairment in protein translocation, reduced functional mitochondrial mass, mitochondrial DNA loss, respiratory incompetency and increased susceptibility to oxidative stress. In addition to that, R103W protein is prone to aggregate in vivo due to reduced stability, whereas P486S showed enhanced interaction with J-proteins, thus remarkably recapitulating the cellular defects that are observed in human PD variants. Taken together, our findings provide evidence in favor of direct involvement of mtHsp70 as a susceptibility factor in PD.


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Nucleic acid interaction with nanoscale objects like carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and dendrimers is of fundamental interest because of their potential application in CNT separation, gene therapy and antisense therapy. Combining nucleic acids with CNTs and dendrimers also opens the door towards controllable self-assembly to generate various supra-molecular and nano-structures with desired morphologies. The interaction between these nanoscale objects also serve as a model system for studying DNA compaction, which is a fundamental process in chromatin organization. By using fully atomistic simulations, here we report various aspects of the interactions and binding modes of DNA and small interfering RNA (siRNA) with CNTs, graphene and dendrimers. Our results give a microscopic picture and mechanism of the adsorption of single- and double-strand DNA (ssDNA and dsDNA) on CNT and graphene. The nucleic acid-CNT interaction is dominated by the dispersive van der Waals (vdW) interaction. In contrast, the complexation of DNA (both ssDNA and dsDNA) and siRNA with various generations of poly-amido-amine (PAMAM) dendrimers is governed by electrostatic interactions. Our results reveal that both the DNA and siRNA form stable complex with the PAMAM dendrimer at a physiological pH when the dendrimer is positively charged due to the protonation of the primary amines. The size and binding energy of the complex increase with increase in dendrimer generation. We also give a summary of the current status in these fields and discuss future prospects.


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The cis/trans isomer ratios of the Xaa-Pyr (Pyr = pyrrolidine) 3 degrees amide bonds are significantly high (similar to 90% cis) in the novel peptidomimetics where Pyr contains 1,3-oxazine (Oxa) or 1,3-thiazine (Thi) at its 2 position. We find that an unusual n -> pi(i-1)* interaction, selectively stabilizes the cis conformer and the n X n repulsion destabilizes the trans conformer of these molecules. Both these electronic effects oppose the steric effects in the 3 degrees amide bond. The structural requirements for manifestation of these electronic effects are determined. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Effect of interaction of tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) and tetrathia fulvalene (TTF) with boron- and nitrogen-doped graphene has been investigated by Raman spectroscopy. The G- and 2D bands of boron- and nitrogen-doped graphenes in the Raman spectra show significantly different changes on interaction with electron-donor and -acceptor molecules. Thus, tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) and tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) have different effects on the Raman spectra of boron- and nitrogen-doped graphenes. The changes in the Raman spectra brought about by electron-donor and -acceptor molecules can be understood in general terms on the basis of molecular charge transfer. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this article we present dual-component charge-transfer interaction (CT) induced organogel formation with bile acid anthracene conjugates as donors and 2,4,7-trinitrofluorenone (TNF) as the acceptor. The use of TNF (1) as a versatile electron acceptor in the formation of gels is demonstrated through the formation of gels with different steroidal groups on the anthracene moiety in a variety of solvents ranging from aromatic hydrocarbons to long chain alcohols. Thermal stability and variable temperature fluorescence experiments were performed on these CT gels. Dynamic rheological experiments conducted on these gels suggest that these are viscoelastic soft materials and with the gel strength can be modulated by varying the donor/acceptor ratios.