434 resultados para FREQUENCIES


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The free vibrational characteristics of a beam-column, which is having randomly varying Young's modulus and mass density and subjected to randomly distributed axial loading is analysed. The material property fluctuations and axial loadings are considered to constitute independent one-dimensional, uni-variate, homogeneous real, spatially distributed stochastic fields. Hamilton's principle is used to formulate the problem using stochastic FEM. Vibration frequencies and mode shapes are analysed for their statistical descriptions. A numerical example is shown.


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One of the most important factors that affect the pointing of precision payloads and devices in space platforms is the vibration generated due to static and dynamic unbalanced forces of rotary equipments placed in the neighborhood of payload. Generally, such disturbances are of low amplitude, less than 1 kHz, and are termed as ‘micro-vibrations’. Due to low damping in the space structure, these vibrations have long decay time and they degrade the performance of payload. This paper addresses the design, modeling and analysis of a low frequency space frame platform for passive and active attenuation of micro-vibrations. This flexible platform has been designed to act as a mount for devices like reaction wheels, and consists of four folded continuous beams arranged in three dimensions. Frequency and response analysis have been carried out by varying the number of folds, and thickness of vertical beam. Results show that lower frequencies can be achieved by increasing the number of folds and by decreasing the thickness of the blade. In addition, active vibration control is studied by incorporating piezoelectric actuators and sensors in the dynamic model. It is shown using simulation that a control strategy using optimal control is effective for vibration suppression under a wide variety of loading conditions.


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Alkali metal perchlorates (KClO4, RbClO4, and CsClO4) undergo a structural phase transition from the orthorhombic to the cubic phase at elevated temperatures. A detailed dielectric study of these crystals across the phase transition is carried out at different frequencies. The crystals are found to exhibit pronounced dielectric dispersion in the kHz frequency range. The results support the view that these transitions are of order–disorder type. The dielectric behaviour at temperatures above Tc is discussed in terms of modulus spectroscopy. An estimate of conductivity relaxation times above the phase transition temperatures made from modulus spectroscopy data gives values of 3.1, 12.2 and 17.7 μs for KClO4, RbClO4, and CsClO4, respectively.


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Molecular dynamics calculations on methane sorbed in NaY (Si/Al = 3.0) employing realistic methane-methane and methane-zeolite intermolecular potential functions at different temperatures (50, 150, 220, and 300 K) and concentrations (2, 4, 6, and 8 molecules/cage) are reported. The thermodynamic results are in agreement with the available experimental data. Guest-guest and guest-host radial distribution functions (rdfs), energy distribution functions, distribution of cage occupancy, center-of-cage-center-of-mass (coc-com) rdfs, velocity autocorrelation functions for com and angular motion and the Fourier transformed power spectra, and diffusion coefficients are presented as a function of temperature and concentration. At 50 K, methane is localized near the adsorption site. Site-site migration and essentially free rotational motion are observed at 150 K. Molecules preferentially occupy the region near the inner surface of the alpha-cage. The vibrational frequencies for the com of methane shift toward higher values with decreasing temperature and increasing adsorbate concentration. The observed frequencies for com motion are 36, 53, and 85 cm-1 and for rotational motion at 50 K, 95 and 150 cm-1 in agreement with neutron scattering data. The diffusion coefficients show a type I behavior as a function of loading in agreement with NMR measurements. Cage-to-cage diffusion is found to be always mediated by the surface.


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Pressure and temperature dependence of 35Cl nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) has been investigated in NaClO3 and Ba(ClO3)2·H2O. NQR frequencies are measured in the temperature range 77–300 K and up to 5 kbar pressure. The torsional frequency of the ClO3 pyramid and its variation with both pressure and temperature are evaluated from the NQR frequencies under the harmonic approximation. In general, the pressure effect on the internal motions is found to be less in Ba (ClO3)2·H2O compared to NaClO3. When the samples are cooled to 77 K the pressure coeffecient of NQR frequency becomes nearly zero in sodium chlorate, whereas it retains a value of 6 kHz kbar−1 in barium chlorate. This behaviour follows from the fact that at 77K, the torsional frequency in NaClO3 is unaffected by the application of pressure while it increases at the rate 12 cm−1 kbar−1 in Ba(ClO3)2·H2O.


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The temperature dependence of the chlorine-35 n.q.r. in the mercuric chloride-4-picoline N-oxide complex has been studied from 77 K to room temperature, and the results are used to assign the observed frequencies to terminal and bridging chlorines.


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This paper presents a study on the uncertainty in material parameters of wave propagation responses in metallic beam structures. Special effort is made to quantify the effect of uncertainty in the wave propagation responses at high frequencies. Both the modulus of elasticity and the density are considered uncertain. The analysis is performed using a Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) under the spectral finite element method (SEM). The randomness in the material properties is characterized by three different distributions, the normal, Weibull and extreme value distributions. Their effect on wave propagation in beams is investigated. The numerical study shows that the CPU time taken for MCS under SEM is about 48 times less than for MCS under a conventional one-dimensional finite element environment for 50 kHz loading. The numerical results presented investigate effects of material uncertainties on high frequency modes. A study is performed on the usage of different beam theories and their uncertain responses due to dynamic impulse load. These studies show that even for a small coefficient of variation, significant changes in the above parameters are noticed. A number of interesting results are presented, showing the true effects of uncertainty response due to dynamic impulse load.


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Representation and quantification of uncertainty in climate change impact studies are a difficult task. Several sources of uncertainty arise in studies of hydrologic impacts of climate change, such as those due to choice of general circulation models (GCMs), scenarios and downscaling methods. Recently, much work has focused on uncertainty quantification and modeling in regional climate change impacts. In this paper, an uncertainty modeling framework is evaluated, which uses a generalized uncertainty measure to combine GCM, scenario and downscaling uncertainties. The Dempster-Shafer (D-S) evidence theory is used for representing and combining uncertainty from various sources. A significant advantage of the D-S framework over the traditional probabilistic approach is that it allows for the allocation of a probability mass to sets or intervals, and can hence handle both aleatory or stochastic uncertainty, and epistemic or subjective uncertainty. This paper shows how the D-S theory can be used to represent beliefs in some hypotheses such as hydrologic drought or wet conditions, describe uncertainty and ignorance in the system, and give a quantitative measurement of belief and plausibility in results. The D-S approach has been used in this work for information synthesis using various evidence combination rules having different conflict modeling approaches. A case study is presented for hydrologic drought prediction using downscaled streamflow in the Mahanadi River at Hirakud in Orissa, India. Projections of n most likely monsoon streamflow sequences are obtained from a conditional random field (CRF) downscaling model, using an ensemble of three GCMs for three scenarios, which are converted to monsoon standardized streamflow index (SSFI-4) series. This range is used to specify the basic probability assignment (bpa) for a Dempster-Shafer structure, which represents uncertainty associated with each of the SSFI-4 classifications. These uncertainties are then combined across GCMs and scenarios using various evidence combination rules given by the D-S theory. A Bayesian approach is also presented for this case study, which models the uncertainty in projected frequencies of SSFI-4 classifications by deriving a posterior distribution for the frequency of each classification, using an ensemble of GCMs and scenarios. Results from the D-S and Bayesian approaches are compared, and relative merits of each approach are discussed. Both approaches show an increasing probability of extreme, severe and moderate droughts and decreasing probability of normal and wet conditions in Orissa as a result of climate change. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The α→γ→α→β transitions of para-dichlorobenzene have been studied by employing infrared and n.q.r. spectroscopy as well as differential scanning calorimetry. The γ phase is associated with considerably higher values of some of the intramolecular vibration frequencies. The α→γ transition shows athermal nucleation behaviour as in martensitic transitions. Intermolecular vibration bands around 46 and 85 cm–1 present in γ and α phases disappear in the β phase. The α→β transition seems to be associated with some orientational disorder.


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Sparking potentials in a coaxial cylinder geometry in oxygen and dry air were measured in crossed electric and magnetic fields. From the data effective collision frequencies were calculated using the equivalent pressure concept. It is shown that the equivalent pressure concept holds good for deriving the effective collision frequencies in non-uniform electric fields.


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The Infrared spectra of carbohydrazide, diprotonated carbohydrazide and their deuterated compounds have been measured in the solid state. From the results on thio- and selenocarbohydrazides and other related molecules and normal coordinate analyses using a Urey-Bradley force field assignments of the fundamental vibrational frequencies and a description of the normal modes of carbohydrazide, diprotonated carbohydrazide and their deuterated species are given.


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In rapid parallel magnetic resonance imaging, the problem of image reconstruction is challenging. Here, a novel image reconstruction technique for data acquired along any general trajectory in neural network framework, called ``Composite Reconstruction And Unaliasing using Neural Networks'' (CRAUNN), is proposed. CRAUNN is based on the observation that the nature of aliasing remains unchanged whether the undersampled acquisition contains only low frequencies or includes high frequencies too. Here, the transformation needed to reconstruct the alias-free image from the aliased coil images is learnt, using acquisitions consisting of densely sampled low frequencies. Neural networks are made use of as machine learning tools to learn the transformation, in order to obtain the desired alias-free image for actual acquisitions containing sparsely sampled low as well as high frequencies. CRAUNN operates in the image domain and does not require explicit coil sensitivity estimation. It is also independent of the sampling trajectory used, and could be applied to arbitrary trajectories as well. As a pilot trial, the technique is first applied to Cartesian trajectory-sampled data. Experiments performed using radial and spiral trajectories on real and synthetic data, illustrate the performance of the method. The reconstruction errors depend on the acceleration factor as well as the sampling trajectory. It is found that higher acceleration factors can be obtained when radial trajectories are used. Comparisons against existing techniques are presented. CRAUNN has been found to perform on par with the state-of-the-art techniques. Acceleration factors of up to 4, 6 and 4 are achieved in Cartesian, radial and spiral cases, respectively. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The small signal ac response is measured across the source-drain terminals of organic field-effect transistors (OFET) under dc bias to obtain the equivalent circuit parameters of poly(2,5-bis(3-tetradecylthiophen-2-yl)thieno[3,2-b]thiophene) (PBTTT) and poly(3-hexyl thiophene) (P3HT) based devices. The numerically simulated response based on these parameters is in good agreement with the experimental data for PBTTT-FET except at low frequencies, while the P3HT-FET data show significant deviations. This indicates that the interface with the metal electrode is rather complex for the latter, involving additional circuit elements arising from contact impedance or charge injection processes. Such an investigation can help in identifying the operational bottlenecks and to improve the performance of OFETs.


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A study of radio intensity variations at seven frequencies in the range 0.3 to 90 GHz for compact extragalactic radio sources classified as BL Lacs and high- and low-optical polarization quasars (HPQs and LPQs) is presented. This include the results of flux-density monitoring of 33 compact sources for three years at 327 MHz with the Ooty Synthesis Radio Telescope. The degrees of 'short-term' (tau less than about 1 yr) variability for the three optical types are found to be indistinguishable at low frequencies (less than 1 GHz), pointing to an extrinsic origin for the low-frequency variability. At high frequencies, a distinct dependence on optical type is present, the variability increasing from LPQs, through HPQs to BL Lacs. This trend persists even when only sources with ultra-flat radio spectra (alpha greater than -0.2) are considered. Implications of this for the phenomenon of high-frequency variability and the proposed unification schemes for different optical types of active galactic nuclei are discussed.


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The various existing models for predicting the maximum stable drop diameterd max in turbulent stirred dispersions have been reviewed. Variations in the basic framework dictated by additional complexities such as the presence of drag reducing agents in the continuous phase, or viscoelasticity of the dispersed phase have been outlined. Drop breakage in the presence of surfactants in the continuous phase has also been analysed. Finally, the various approaches to obtaining expressions for the breakage and coalescence frequencies, needed to solve the population balance equation for the number density function of the dispersed phase droplets, have been discussed.