299 resultados para visuomotor rotation


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Reaction of cis-Cl2Pt(S(O)Me-2)(2)] with 1 equiv of sym-N,N',N `'-triarylguanidines, ArN=C(NHAr)(2) (sym = symmetrical; Ar = 2-MeC6H4 (LH22-tolyl), 2-(MeO)C6H4 (LH22-anisyl), 4-MeC6H4 (LH24-tolyl), 2,5-Me2C6H3 (LH22,5-xylyl), and 2,6-Me2C6H3 (LH22,6-xylyl)) in toluene under reflux condition for 3 h afforded cis- or trans-Cl2Pt(S(O)Me-2)(ArN=C(NHAr)(2))] (Ar = 2-MeC6H4 (1), 2-(MeO)C6H4 (2), 4-MeC6H4 (3), 2,5-h Me2C6H3 (4), and 2,6-Me2C6H3 (5), respectively) in 83-96% yield. Reaction of cis-Cl2Pt(S(O)Me-2)(2)] with 1 equiv of LH22-tolyl and LH24-tolyl in the presence of 1 equiv of NaOAc in methanol under reflux condition for 3 h afforded acetate-substituted products, cis-(AcO)ClPt(S(O)Me-2)(ArN=C(NHAr)(2))] (Ar = 2-MeC6H4 (6) and 4-MeC6H4 (7)) in 83% and 84% yields, respectively. Reaction of cis-Cl2Pt(S(O)Me-2)(2)] with 1 equiv of LH22-anisyl and LH22-tolyl in the presence of 1 equiv of NaOAc in methanol under reflux condition for 3 and 12 h afforded six-membered C,N] platinacycles, Pt{kappa(2)(C,N)-C6H3R-3(NHC(NHAr)(=NAr))-2}Cl(S(O)Me-2)] (Ar = 2-RC6H4; R = OMe (8) and Me (9)), in 92% and 79% yields, respectively. The new complexes have been characterized by analytical and spectroscopic techniques, and further the molecular structures of 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8 have been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The platinum atom in 1, 4, and 5 exhibited the trans configuration, while that in 2, 6, and 8 exhibited the cis configuration. Complex 6 is shown to be the precursor for 9, and the former is suggested to transform to the latter possibly via an intramolecular C-H activation followed by elimination of AcOH. The solution behavior of new complexes has been studied by multinuclear NMR (H-1, Pt-195, and C-13) spectroscopy. The new complexes exist exclusively as a single isomer (trans (1 and 5) and cis (6 and 7)), a mixture of cis and trans isomers with the former isomer being predominant in the case of 2 and the latter isomer being predominant in the case of 3. Complex 5 in the trans form revealed the presence of one isomer at 0.007 mM concentration and two isomers in about 1.00:0.12 ratio at 0.154 mM concentration as revealed by H-1 NMR spectroscopy, and this has been ascribed to the restricted Pt-S bond rotation at higher concentration. Platinacycle 8 exists as one isomer, while 9 exists as a mixture of seven isomers in solution. The influence of steric factor, pi-acceptor property of the guanidine, subtle solid-state packing forces upon the configuration of the platinum atom, and the number of isomers in solution have been outlined. Factors that accelerate or slow down the cycloplatination reaction, the role of NaOAc, and a plausible mechanism of this reaction have been discussed.


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This paper presents a unified framework using the unit cube for measurement, representation and usage of the range of motion (ROM) of body joints with multiple degrees of freedom (d.o.f) to be used for digital human models (DHM). Traditional goniometry needs skill and kn owledge; it is intrusive and has limited applicability for multi-d.o.f. joints. Measurements using motion capture systems often involve complicated mathematics which itself need validation. In this paper we use change of orientation as the measure of rotation; this definition does not require the identification of any fixed axis of rotation. A two-d.o.f. joint ROM can be represented as a Gaussian map. Spherical polygon representation of ROM, though popular, remains inaccurate, vulnerable due to singularities on parametric sphere and difficult to use for point classification. The unit cube representation overcomes these difficulties. In the work presented here, electromagnetic trackers have been effectively used for measuring the relative orientation of a body segment of interest with respect to another body segment. The orientation is then mapped on a surface gridded cube. As the body segment is moved, the grid cells visited are identified and visualized. Using the visual display as a feedback, the subject is instructed to cover as many grid cells as he can. In this way we get a connected patch of contiguous grid cells. The boundary of this patch represents the active ROM of the concerned joint. The tracker data is converted into the motion of a direction aligned with the axis of the segment and a rotation about this axis later on. The direction identifies the grid cells on the cube and rotation about the axis is represented as a range and visualized using color codes. Thus the present methodology provides a simple, intuitive and accura te determination and representation of up to 3 d.o.f. joints. Basic results are presented for the shoulder. The measurement scheme to be used for wrist and neck, and approach for estimation of the statistical distribution of ROM for a given population are also discussed.


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Constellation Constrained (CC) capacity regions of two-user Gaussian Multiple Access Channels (GMAC) have been recently reported, wherein an appropriate angle of rotation between the constellations of the two users is shown to enlarge the CC capacity region. We refer to such a scheme as the Constellation Rotation (CR) scheme. In this paper, we propose a novel scheme called the Constellation Power Allocation (CPA) scheme, wherein the instantaneous transmit power of the two users are varied by maintaining their average power constraints. We show that the CPA scheme offers CC sum capacities equal (at low SNR values) or close (at high SNR values) to those offered by the CR scheme with reduced decoding complexity for QAM constellations. We study the robustness of the CPA scheme for random phase offsets in the channel and unequal average power constraints for the two users. With random phase offsets in the channel, we show that the CC sum capacity offered by the CPA scheme is more than the CR scheme at high SNR values. With unequal average power constraints, we show that the CPA scheme provides maximum gain when the power levels are close, and the advantage diminishes with the increase in the power difference.


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In this paper, we address a physics based closed form model for the energy band gap (E-g) and the transport electron effective mass in relaxed and strained 100] and 110] oriented rectangular Silicon Nanowire (SiNW). Our proposed analytical model along 100] and 110] directions are based on the k.p formalism of the conduction band energy dispersion relation through an appropriate rotation of the Hamiltonian of the electrons in the bulk crystal along 001] direction followed by the inclusion of a 4 x 4 Luttinger Hamiltonian for the description of the valance band structure. Using this, we demonstrate the variation in Eg and the transport electron effective mass as function of the cross-sectional dimensions in a relaxed 100] and 110] oriented SiNW. The behaviour of these two parameters in 100] oriented SiNW has further been studied with the inclusion of a uniaxial strain along the transport direction and a biaxial strain, which is assumed to be decomposed from a hydrostatic deformation along 001] with the former one. In addition, the energy band gap and the effective mass of a strained 110] oriented SiNW has also been formulated. Using this, we compare our analytical model with that of the extracted data using the nearest neighbour empirical tight binding sp(3)d(5)s* method based simulations and has been found to agree well over a wide range of device dimensions and applied strain. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Optically active Lewis acids and Lewis pairs were synthesized and characterized by multinuclear NMR, UV/Vis spectroscopy and elemental analysis. Optical rotation measurements were carried out and the absolute configuration of the new chiral molecules confirmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction.


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Welding parameters like welding speed, rotation speed, plunge depth, shoulder diameter etc., influence the weld zone properties, microstructure of friction stir welds, and forming behavior of welded sheets in a synergistic fashion. The main aims of the present work are to (1) analyze the effect of welding speed, rotation speed, plunge depth, and shoulder diameter on the formation of internal defects during friction stir welding (FSW), (2) study the effect on axial force and torque during welding, (c) optimize the welding parameters for producing internal defect-free welds, and (d) propose and validate a simple criterion to identify defect-free weld formation. The base material used for FSW throughout the work is Al 6061T6 having a thickness value of 2.1 mm. Only butt welding of sheets is aimed in the present work. It is observed from the present analysis that higher welding speed, higher rotation speed, and higher plunge depth are preferred for producing a weld without internal defects. All the shoulder diameters used for FSW in the present work produced defect-free welds. The axial force and torque are not constant and a large variation is seen with respect to FSW parameters that produced defective welds. In the case of defect-free weld formation, the axial force and torque are relatively constant. A simple criterion, (a,tau/a,p)(defective) > (a,tau/a,p)(defect free) and (a,F/a,p)(defective) > (a,F/a,p)(defect free), is proposed with this observation for identifying the onset of defect-free weld formation. Here F is axial force, tau is torque, and p is welding speed or tool rotation speed or plunge depth. The same criterion is validated with respect to Al 5xxx base material. Even in this case, the axial force and torque remained constant while producing defect-free welds.


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A combined 3D finite element simulation and experimental study of interaction between a notch and cylindrical voids ahead of it in single edge notch (tension) aluminum single crystal specimens is undertaken in this work. Two lattice orientations are considered in which the notch front is parallel to the crystallographic 10 (1) over bar] direction. The flat surface of the notch coincides with the (010) plane in one orientation and with the (1 (1) over bar1) plane in the other. Three equally spaced cylindrical voids are placed directly ahead of the notch tip. The predicted load-displacement curves, slip traces, lattice rotation and void growth from the finite element analysis are found to be in good agreement with the experimental observations for both the orientations. Finite element results show considerable through-thickness variation in both hydrostatic stress and equivalent plastic slip which, however, depends additionally on the lattice orientation. The through-thickness variation in the above quantities affects the void growth rate and causes it to differ from the center-plane to the free surface of the specimen. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The nucleus of the eukaryotic cell functions amidst active cytoskeletal �laments, but its response to the stresses carried by these �laments is largely unexplored. We report here the results of studies of the translational and rotational dynamics of the nuclei of single �broblast cells, with the e�ects of cell migration suppressed by plating onto �bronectin-coated micro-fabricated patterns. Patterns of the same area but di�erent shapes and/or aspect ratio were used to study the e�ect of cell geometry on the dynamics. On circles, squares and equilateral triangles, the nucleus undergoes persistent rotational motion, while on high-aspect-ratio rectangles of the same area it moves only back and forth. The circle and the triangle showed respectively the largest and the smallest angular speed. We show that our observations can be understood through a hydrodynamic approach in which the nucleus is treated as a highly viscous inclusion residing in a less viscous uid of orientable �laments endowed with active stresses. Lowering actin contractility selectively by introducing blebbistatin at low concentrations drastically reduced the speed and persistence time of the angular motion of the nucleus. Time-lapse imaging of actin revealed a correlated hydrodynamic ow around the nucleus, with pro�le and magnitude consistent with the results of our theoretical approach. Coherent intracellular ows and consequent nuclear rotation thus appear to be a generic property that cells must balance by speci�c mechanisms in order to maintain nuclear homeostasis


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The parameters of a special type of alpha-effect known in dynamo theory as the Babcock-Leighton mechanism are estimated using the data of sunspot catalogs. The estimates support the presence of the Babcock-Leighton alpha-effect on the Sun. Fluctuations of the alpha-effect are also estimated. The fluctuation amplitude appreciably exceeds themean value, and the characteristic time for the fluctuations is comparable to the period of the solar rotation. Fluctuations with the parameters found are included in a numericalmodel for the solar dynamo. Computations show irregular changes in the amplitudes of the magnetic cycles on time scales of centuries and millennia. The calculated statistical characteristics of the grand solar minima and maxima agree with the data on solar activity over the Holocene.


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We study transport across a line junction lying between two orthogonal topological insulator surfaces and a superconductor which can have either s-wave (spin-singlet) or p-wave (spin-triplet) pairing symmetry. The junction can have three time-reversal invariant barriers on three sides. We compute the charge and the spin conductance across such a junction and study their behaviors as a function of the bias voltage applied across the junction and the three parameters used to characterize the barrier. We find that the presence of topological insulators and a superconductor leads to both Dirac- and Schrodinger-like features in charge and spin conductances. We discuss the effect of bound states on the superconducting side of the barrier on the conductance; in particular, we show that for triplet p-wave superconductors, such a junction may be used to determine the spin state of its Cooper pairs. Our study reveals that there is a nonzero spin conductance for some particular spin states of the triplet Cooper pairs; this is an effect of the topological insulators which break the spin rotation symmetry. Finally, we find an unusual satellite peak (in addition to the usual zero bias peak) in the spin conductance for p-wave symmetry of the superconductor order parameter.


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Recent observations of Sun-like stars, similar to our Sun in their surface temperature (5600-6000 K) and slow rotation (rotational period > 10 d), using the Kepler satellite by Maehara et al. (2012, Nature, 485, 478) have revealed the existence of superflares (with energy of 10(33)-10(35) erg). From statistical analyses of these superflares, it was found that superflares with energy of 10(34) erg occur once in 800 yr, and superflares with 10(35) erg occur once in 5000 yr. In this paper, we examine whether superflares with energy of 10(33)-10(35) erg could occur on the present Sun through the use of simple order-of-magnitude estimates based on current ideas related to the mechanisms of the solar dynamo. If magnetic flux is generated by differential rotation at the base of the convection zone, as assumed in typical dynamo models, it is possible that the present Sun would generate a large sunspot with a total magnetic flux of similar to 2 x 10(23) Mx (= G cm(2)) within one solar cycle period, and lead to superflares with an energy of 10(34) erg. To store a total magnetic flux of similar to 10(24) Mx, necessary for generating 10(35) erg superflares, it would take similar to 40 yr. Hot Jupiters have often been argued to be a necessary ingredient for the generation of superflares, but we found that they do not play any essential role in the generation of magnetic flux in the star itself, if we consider only the magnetic interaction between the star and the hot Jupiter. This seems to be consistent with Maehara et al.'s finding of 148 superflare-generating solar-type stars that do not have a hot Jupiter-like companion. Altogether, our simple calculations, combined with Maehara et al.'s analysis of superflares on Sun-like stars, show that there is a possibility that superflares of 10(34) erg would occur once in 800 yr on our present Sun.


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A systematic study of the evolution of the microstructure and crystallographic texture during free end torsion of a single phase magnesium alloy Mg-3Al-0.3Mn (AM30) was carried out. The torsion tests were done at a temperature of 250 degrees C to different strain levels in order to examine the progressive evolution of the microstructure and texture. A detailed microstructural analysis was performed using the electron back-scattered diffraction technique. The observed microstructural features indicated the occurrence of continuous dynamic recovery and recrystallization, starting with the formation of subgrains and ending with recrystallized grains with high angle boundaries. Texture and microstructure evolution were analysed by decoupling the effects of imposed shear and of dynamic recrystallization. Microstructure was partitioned to separate the deformed grains from the recovered/recrystallized grains. The texture of the deformed part could be reproduced by viscoplastic self-consistent polycrystal simulations. Recovered/recrystallized grains were formed as a result of rotation of these grains so as to reach a low plastic energy state. (C) 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we calculate the potential for a prolate spheroidal distribution as in a dark matter halo with a radially varying eccentricity. This is obtained by summing up the shell-by-shell contributions of isodensity surfaces, which are taken to be concentric and with a common polar axis and with an axis ratio that varies with radius. Interestingly, the constancy of potential inside a shell is shown to be a good approximation even when the isodensity contours are dissimilar spheroids, as long as the radial variation in eccentricity is small as seen in realistic systems. We consider three cases where the isodensity contours are more prolate at large radii, or are less prolate or have a constant eccentricity. Other relevant physical quantities like the rotation velocity, the net orbital and vertical frequency due to the halo and an exponential disc of finite thickness embedded in it are obtained. We apply this to the kinematical origin of Galactic warp, and show that a prolate-shaped halo is not conducive to making long-lived warps - contrary to what has been proposed in the literature. The results for a prolate mass distribution with a variable axis ratio obtained are general, and can be applied to other astrophysical systems, such as prolate bars, for a more realistic treatment.


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Tropical dry forests and savannas constitute more than half of all tropical forests and grasslands, but little is known about forest fire regimes within these two extensive types of ecosystems. Forest fire regimes in a predominantly dry forest in India, the Nilgiri landscape, and a predominantly savanna ecosystem in the Sathyamangalam landscape, were examined. Remote sensing data were applied to delineate burned areas, determine fire size characteristics, and to estimate fire-rotation intervals. Belt transects (0.5 ha) were used to estimate forest structure, diversity, and fuel loads. Mean area burned, mean number of fires, and mean fire size per year were substantially higher in the Nilgiri landscape compared to the Sathyamangalam landscape. Mean fire-rotational interval was 7.1 yr in the Nilgiri landscape and 44.1 yr in the Sathyamangalam landscape. Tree (>= 10 cm diameter at breast height) species diversity, tree density, and basal area were significantly higher in the Nilgiri landscape compared to the Sathyamangalam landscape. Total fuel loads were significantly higher in tropical dry and moist deciduous forests in the Nilgiri landscape, but total fuel loads were higher in the tropical dry thorn forests of the Sathyamangalam landscape. Thus, the two landscapes revealed contrasting fire regimes and forest characteristics, with more and four-fold larger fires in the Nilgiri landscape. The dry forests and savannas could be maintained by a combination of factors, such as fire, grazing pressures, and herbivore populations. Understanding the factors maintaining these two ecosystems will be critical for their conservation.


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In this manuscript, rotational spectra of four new isotopologues of the S-H center dot center dot center dot pi bonded C2H4 center dot center dot center dot H2S complex, i.e., C2D4 center dot center dot center dot H2S, C2D4 center dot center dot center dot D2S, C2D4 center dot center dot center dot HDS, and (CCH4)-C-13 center dot center dot center dot H2S have been reported and analyzed. All isotopologues except C2D4 center dot center dot center dot HDS show a four line pattern whereas a doubling of the transition frequencies was observed for C2D4 center dot center dot center dot HDS. These results together with our previous report on the title complex M. Goswami, P. K. Mandal, D. J. Ramdass, and E. Arunan, Chem. Phys. Lett. 393(1-3), 22-27 (2004)] confirm that both subunits (C2H4 and H2S) are involved in large amplitude motions leading to a splitting of each rotational transition to a quartet. Further, the results also confirm that the motions which are responsible for the observed splittings involve both monomers. Molecular symmetry group analysis, considering the interchange of equivalent H atoms in H2S and C2H4 could explain the observed four line pattern and their intensities in the microwave spectrum. In addition, hydride stretching fundamentals of the complex were measured using coherence-converted population transfer Fourier Transform Microwave-infrared (IR-MW double resonance) experiments in the S-H and C-H stretch regions. Changes in the tunneling splittings upon vibrational excitation are consistent with the isotopic dependence of pure rotational transitions. A complexation shift of 2.7-6.5 cm(-1) has been observed in the two fundamental S-H stretching modes of the H2S monomer in the complex. Vibrational pre-dissociation in the bound S-H stretch has been detected whereas the instrument-limited line-shapes in other S-H and C-H stretches indicate slower pre-dissociation rate. Some local perturbations in the vibrational spectra have been observed. Two combination bands have been observed corresponding to both the S-H stretching fundamentals and what appears to be the intermolecular stretching mode at 55 cm(-1). The tunneling splitting involved in the rotation of C2H4 unit has been deduced to be 1.5 GHz from the IR-MW results. In addition, ab initio barrier heights derived for different motions of the monomers support the experimental results and provide further insight into the motions causing the splitting. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.