244 resultados para sodium absorption


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We report on Raman and Ni K-edge x-ray absorption investigations of a NiS2-xSex (with x = 0.00, 0.50/0.55, 0.60, and 1.20) pyrite family. The Ni K-edge absorption edge shows a systematic shift going from an insulating phase (x = 0.00 and 0.50) to a metallic phase (x = 0.60 and 1.20). The near-edge absorption features show a clear evolution with Se doping. The extended x-ray absorption fine structure data reveal the evolution of the local structure with Se doping which mainly governs the local disorder. We also describe the decomposition of the NiS2-xSex Raman spectra and investigate the weights of various phonon modes using Gaussian and Lorentzian profiles. The effectiveness of the fitting models in describing the data is evaluated by means of Bayes factor estimation. The Raman analysis clearly demonstrates the disorder effects due to Se alloying in describing the phonon spectra of NiS2-xSex pyrites.


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A simple ball-drop impact tester is developed for studying the dynamic response of hierarchical, complex, small-sized systems and materials. The developed algorithm and set-up have provisions for applying programmable potential difference along the height of a test specimen during an impact loading; this enables us to conduct experiments on various materials and smart structures whose mechanical behavior is sensitive to electric field. The software-hardware system allows not only acquisition of dynamic force-time data at very fast sampling rate (up to 2 x 10(6) samples/s), but also application of a pre-set potential difference (up to +/- 10 V) across a test specimen for a duration determined by feedback from the force-time data. We illustrate the functioning of the set-up by studying the effect of electric field on the energy absorption capability of carbon nanotube foams of 5 x 5 x 1.2 mm(3) size under impact conditions. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Pyrophosphate cathodes have been recently reported as a competent family of insertion compounds for sodium-ion batteries. In the current study, we have investigated the binary Na2 - x(Fe1 - yMny)P2O7 (0 <= y <= 1) pyrophosphate family, synthesized by the classical solid-state method. They form a continuous solid solution maintaining triclinic P-1 (#2) symmetry. The local structural coordination differs mainly by different degrees of Na site occupancy and preferential occupation of the Fe2 site by Mn. The structural and magnetic properties of these mixed-metal pyrophosphate phases have been studied. In each case, complete Fe3+/Fe2+ redox activity has been obtained centered at 3 V vs. Na. The Fe3+/Fe2+ redox process involves multiple steps between 2.5 and 3 V owing to Na-cation ordering during electrochemical cycling, which merge to form a broad single Fe3+/Fe2+ redox peak upon progressive Mn-doping. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present study, amino-silane modified layered organosilicates were used to reinforce cyclic olefin copolymer to enhance the thermal, mechanical and moisture impermeable barrier properties. The optimum clay loading (4%) in the nanocomposite increases the thermal stability of the film while further loading decreases film stability. Water absorption behavior at 62 degrees C was carried out and compared with the behavior at room temperature and 48 degrees C. The stiffness of the matrix increases with clay content and the recorded strain to failure for the composite films was lower than the neat film. Dynamic mechanical analysis show higher storage modulus and low loss modulus for 2.5-4 wt% clay loading. Calcium degradation test and device encapsulation also show the evidence of optimum clay loading of 4 wt% for improved low water vapor transmission rates compared to other nanocomposite films. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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It is demonstrated that a square patch array on a moderately lossy dielectric can be transformed into a near-perfect absorber by the addition of a metallic square loop layer between the patch array and the metal back. In this configuration, the condition of perfect absorption can be easily obtained by modifying loop dimensions. The absorption properties of this configuration are analyzed theoretically using an equivalent circuit model and full-wave electromagnetic simulations. Experimental investigations included a bistatic radar cross-section measurement, which ensured that there are no scattered fields in other directions. An array structure built on a commercially available FR4 substrate with copper metallization is used to experimentally validate these results.


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By using a novel microfluidic set-up for drug screening applications, this study examines delivery of a novel risedronate based drug formulation for treatment of osteoporosis that was developed to overcome the usual shortcomings of risedronate, such as its low bioavailability and adverse gastric effects. Risedronate nanoparticles were prepared using muco-adhesive polymers such as chitosan as matrix for improving the intestinal cellular absorption of risedronate and also using a gastric-resistant polymer such as sodium alginate for reducing the gastric inflammation of risedronate. The in-vitro characteristics of the alginate encapsulated chitosan nanoparticles are investigated, including their stability, muco-adhesiveness, and Caco-2 cell permeability. Fluorescent markers are tagged with the polymers and their morphology within the microcapsules is imaged at various stages of drug release.


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Recently, a lot of interest has been centred on the optical properties of hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), which has a similar lattice structure to graphene. Interestingly, h-BN has a wide bandgap and is biocompatible, so it has potential applications in multiphoton bioimaging, if it can exhibit large nonlinear optical (NLO) properties. However, extensive investigation into the NLO properties of h-BN have not been done so far. Here, NLO properties of 2D h-BN nanosheets (BNNS) are reported for the first time, using 1064-nm NIR laser radiation with a pulse duration of 10 ns using the Z-scan technique. The reverse saturable absorption occurs in aqueous colloidal solutions of BNNS with a very large two-photon absorption cross section (sigma(2PA)) of approximate to 57 x 10(-46) cm(4) s(-1) photon(-1). Also, by using UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy, the temperature coefficient of the bandgap (dE(g)/dT) of BNNS is determined to be 5.9 meV K-1. Further defect-induced photoluminescence emission in the UV region is obtained in the 283-303 K temperature range, under excitations of different wavelengths. The present report of large sigma(2PA) combined with stability and biocompatibility could open up new possibilities for the application of BNNS as a potential optical material for multiphoton bioimaging and advanced photonic devices.


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The nanoindentation response of the (001) face of sodium saccharin dihydrate is examined. The structure can be demarcated into regular and irregular regions or domains. The regular domains have solid-like and the irregular ones have liquid-like characteristics. Therefore, these domains impart a microstructure to the crystal. The indent face (001) is prominently developed in this crystal and unambiguously presents the regular and irregular regions to nanoindention. Average values of elastic modulus and hardness show a distinct bimodal mechanical response. Such a response has been observed in the case of intergrown polymorphs of aspirin and felodipine. We examine two possible reasons as to why the responses could be for bimodal in this crystal. The first possibility could be that the two domains correspond to regions of the original dihydrate and a lower hydrate that is obtained by the loss of some water. The second possibility could be that these responses correspond to regular and irregular regions in the structure. Nanoindentation is a very useful technique in the characterization of molecular solids, as a complementary technique to X-ray crystallography, because it samples different length scales.


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In order to obtain better materials, control over the precise location of nanoparticles is indispensable. It is shown here that ordered arrangements of nanoparticles, possessing different characteristics (electrical/ magnetic dipoles), in the blend structure can result in excellent microwave absorption. This is manifested from a high reflection loss of ca. -67 dB for the best blend structure designed here. To attenuate electromagnetic radiation, the key parameters of high electrical conductivity and large dielectric/magnetic loss are targeted here by including a conductive material multiwall carbon nanotubes, MWNTs], ferroelectric nanostructured material with associated relaxations in the GHz frequency barium titanate, BT] and lossy ferromagnetic nanoparticles nickel ferrite, NF]. In this study, bi-continuous structures were designed using 50/50 (by wt) blends of polycarbonate (PC) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). The MWNTs were modified using an electron acceptor molecule, a derivative of perylenediimide, which facilitates p-p stacking with the nanotubes and stimulates efficient charge transport in the blends. The nanoscopic materials have specific affinity towards the PVDF phase. Hence, by introducing surface-active groups, an ordered arrangement can be tailored. To accomplish this, both BT and NF were first hydroxylated followed by the introduction of amine-terminal groups on the surface. The latter facilitated nucleophilic substitution reactions with PC and resulted in their precise location. In this study, we have shown for the first time that by a compartmentalized approach, superior EM attenuation can be achieved. For instance, when the nanoparticles were localized exclusively in the PVDF phase or in both the phases, the minimum reflection losses were ca. -18 dB (for the MWNT/BT mixture) and -29 dB (for the MWNT/NF mixture), and the shielding occurred primarily through reflection. Interestingly, by adopting the compartmentalized approach wherein the lossy materials were in the PC phase and the conductive materials (MWNT) were in the PVDF phase, outstanding reflection losses of ca. -57 dB (for the BT and MWNT combination) and -67 dB (for the NF and MWNT combination) were noted and the shielding occurred primarily through absorption. Thus, the approach demonstrates that nanoscopic structuring in the blends can be achieved under macroscopic processing conditions and this strategy can further be explored to design microwave absorbers.


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We present a framework for obtaining reliable solid-state charge and optical excitations and spectra from optimally tuned range-separated hybrid density functional theory. The approach, which is fully couched within the formal framework of generalized Kohn-Sham theory, allows for the accurate prediction of exciton binding energies. We demonstrate our approach through first principles calculations of one- and two-particle excitations in pentacene, a molecular semiconducting crystal, where our work is in excellent agreement with experiments and prior computations. We further show that with one adjustable parameter, set to produce the known band gap, this method accurately predicts band structures and optical spectra of silicon and lithium fluoride, prototypical covalent and ionic solids. Our findings indicate that for a broad range of extended bulk systems, this method may provide a computationally inexpensive alternative to many-body perturbation theory, opening the door to studies of materials of increasing size and complexity.


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Sodium-ion batteries have been extensively pursued as economic alternatives to lithium-ion batteries. Investigating the polyanion chemistry, alluaudite structured Na2Fe2II(SO4)(3) has been recently discovered as a 3.8 V positive electrode material (Barpanda et al., Nature Commun., 5: 4358, 2014). Registering the highest ever Fe-III/Fe-II redox potential (vs. Na/Na+) and formidable energy density, it has opened up a new polyanion family for sodium batteries. Exploring the alluaudite family, here we report isotypical Na2+2xMn2-xII(SO4)(3) (x = 0.22) as a novel high-voltage cathode material for the first time. Following low-temperature (ca. 350 degrees C) solid-state synthesis, the structure of this new alluaudite compound has been solved adopting a monoclinic framework (s.g. C2/c) showing antiferromagnetic ordering at 3.4 K. Synergising experimental and ab initio DFT investigation, Na2+2xMn2-xII(SO4)(3) has been found to be a potential high-voltage (ca. 4.4 V) cathode material for sodium batteries.


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Lithium sodium titanate insertion-type anode has been synthesized by classical solid-state (dry) and an alternate solution-assisted (wet) sonochemical synthesis routes. Successful synthesis of the target compound has been realized using simple Na- and Li-hydroxide salts along with titania. In contrast to the previous reports, these energy-savvy synthesis routes can yield the final product by calcination at 650 -750 degrees C for limited duration of 1-10 h. Owing to the restricted calcination duration (dry route for 1-2 h and wet route for 1-5 h), they yield homogeneous nanoscale lithium sodium titanate particles. Sono-chemical synthesis reduces the lithium sodium titanate particle size down to 80-100 nm vis-a-vis solid-state method delivering larger (200-500 nm) particles. Independent of the synthetic methods, the end products deliver reversible electrochemical performance with reversible capacity exceeding 80 mAh.g(-1) acting as a 1.3 V anode for Li-ion batteries. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study examines the effect of electric field on energy absorption capacity of carbon nanotube forests (CNTFs), comprising of vertically aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes, under both quasistatic (strain rate, (epsilon) over dot = 10(-3) s(-1)) and dynamic ((epsilon) over dot = similar to 10(3) s(-1)) loading conditions. Under quasistatic condition, the CNTFs were cyclically loaded and unloaded while electric field was applied along the length of carbon nanotube (CNT) either throughout the loading cycle or explicitly during either the loading or the unloading segment. The energy absorbed per cycle by CNTF increased monotonically with electric field when the field was applied only during the loading segment: A 7 fold increase in the energy absorption capacity was registered at an electric field of 1 kV/m whereas no significant change in it was noted for other schemes of electro-mechanical loading. The energy absorption capacity of CNTF under dynamic loading condition also increased monotonically with electric field; however, relative to the quasistatic condition, less pronounced effect was observed. This intriguing strain rate dependent effect of electric field on energy absorption capacity of CNTF is explained in terms of electric field induced strengthening of CNTF, originating from the time dependent electric field induced polarization of CNT. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nanoscale ordering in a polymer blend structure is indispensable to obtain materials with tailored properties. It was established here that controlling the arrangement of nanoparticles, with different characteristics, in co-continuous PC/PVDF (polycarbonate/poly(vinylidene fluoride)) blends can result in outstanding microwave absorption (ca. 90%). An excellent reflection loss (RL) of ca. -71 dB was obtained for a model blend structure wherein the conducting (multiwall carbon nanotubes, MWNTs) and the magnetic inclusions (Fe3O4) are localized in PVDF and the dielectric inclusion (barium titanate, BT) is in PC. The MWNTs were modified using polyaniline, which facilitates better charge transport in the blends. Furthermore, by introducing surface active groups on BT nanoparticles and changing the macroscopic processing conditions, the localization of BT nanoparticles can be tailored, otherwise BT nanoparticles would localize in the preferred phase (PVDF). In this study, we have shown that by ordered arrangement of nanoparticles, the incoming EM radiation can be attenuated. For instance, when PANI-MWNTs were localized in PVDF, the shielding was mainly through reflection. Now by localizing the conducting inclusion and the magnetic lossy materials in PVDF and the dielectric materials in PC, an outstanding shielding effectiveness of ca. -37 dB was achieved where shielding was mainly through absorption (ca. 90%). Thus, this study clearly demonstrates that lightweight microwave absorbers can be designed using polymer blends as a tool.


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Energy storage devices based on sodium have been considered as an alternative to traditional lithium based systems because of the natural abundance, cost effectiveness and low environmental impact of sodium. Their synthesis, and crystal and electronic properties have been discussed, because of the importance of electronic conductivity in supercapacitors for high rate applications. The density of states of a mixed sodium transition metal phosphate (maricite, NaMn1/3Co1/3Ni1/3PO4) has been determined with the ab initio generalized gradient approximation (GGA)+Hubbard term (U) method. The computed results for the mixed maricite are compared with the band gap of the parent NaFePO4 and the electrochemical experimental results are in good agreement. A mixed sodium transition metal phosphate served as an active electrode material for a hybrid supercapacitor. The hybrid device (maricite versus carbon) in a nonaqueous electrolyte shows redox peaks in the cyclic voltammograms and asymmetric profiles in the charge-discharge curves while exhibiting a specific capacitance of 40 F g(-1) and these processes are found to be quasi-reversible. After long term cycling, the device exhibits excellent capacity retention (95%) and coulombic efficiency (92%). The presence of carbon and the nanocomposite morphology, identified through X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies, ensures the high rate capability while offering possibilities to develop new cathode materials for sodium hybrid devices.