242 resultados para dual-factor logic


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Temperature dependent reaction products are observed when borohydride is present in aqueous solutions containing Ir3+. At temperatures of 40 degrees C and above, metallic iridium is formed while under ambient conditions of 25 degrees C, borohydride results in an alkaline environment that helps in hydrolyzing the precursor to form IrO2. The Ir foams and IrO2 are subsequently used to study their catalytic properties.


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Tracking systems, that continually orient photovoltaic (PV) panels towards the Sun, are expected to increase the power output from the PV panels. Tremendous amount of research is being done and funds are being spent in order to increase the efficiency of PV cells to generate more power. We report the performance of two almost identical PV systems; one at a fixed latitude tilt and the other on a two-axis tracker. We observed that the fixed axis PV panels generated 336.3 kWh, and the dual-axis Sun-tracked PV panels generated 407.2 kWh during August 2012 March 2013. The tracked panels generated 21.2% more electricity than the optimum tilt angle fixed-axis panels. The cost payback calculations indicate that the additional cost of the tracker can be recovered in 450 days.


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The atomization characteristics of blends of bioderived camelina hydrogenated renewable jet (HRJ) alternative fuel with conventional aviation kerosene (Jet A-1) discharging into ambient atmospheric air from a dual-orifice atomizer used in aircraft engines are described. The spray tests are conducted in a spray test facility at six different test flow conditions to compare the atomization of alternative fuels with that of Jet A-1. The fuel sprays are characterized in terms of fuel discharge, spray cone angle, drop size distribution, and spray patternation. The measurements of spray drop size distribution are obtained using laser diffraction based Spraytec equipment. The characteristics of fuel discharge and cone angle of alternative fuel sprays do not show any changes from that of Jet A-1 sprays. The characteristics of spray drop size, evaluated in terms of the variation of mean drop size along the spray axis, for the alternative fuel sprays remain unaffected by the variation in fuel properties between the alternative fuels and Jet A-1. The measurements on spray patternation, obtained using a mechanical patternator at a distance 5.1 cm from the atomizer exit, show an enhanced fuel concentration in the vicinity of spray axis region for the alternative fuel sprays discharging from the dual-orifice atomizer.


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Transactivator protein C is required for the expression of bacteriophage Mu late genes from lys, I, P and mom promoters during lytic life cycle of the phage. The mechanism of transcription activation of mom gene by C protein is well understood. C activates transcription at Pmom by initial unwinding of the promoter DNA, thereby facilitating RNA polymerase (RNAP) recruitment. Subsequently, C interacts with the (sic) subunit of RNAP to enhance promoter clearance. The mechanism by which C activates other late genes of the phage is not known. We carried out promoter-polymerase interaction studies with all the late gene promoters to determine the individual step of C mediated activation. Unlike at P-mom, at the other three promoters, RNAP recruitment and closed complex formation are not C dependent. Instead, the action of C at P-lys, P-I, and P-P is during the isomerization from closed complex to open complex with no apparent effect at other steps of initiation pathway. The mechanism of transcription activation of mom and other late promoters by their common activator is different. This distinction in the mode of activation (promoter recruitment and escape versus isomerization) by the same activator at different promoters appears to be important for optimized expression of each of the late genes.


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The annotated whole-genome sequence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis indicated that Rv1388 (Mtihf) likely encodes a putative 20 kDa integration host factor (mIHF). However, very little is known about the functional properties of mIHF or organization of mycobacterial nucleoid. Molecular modeling of the mIHF three-dimensional structure, based on the cocrystal structure of Streptomyces coelicolor IHF-duplex DNA, a bona fide relative of mIHF, revealed the presence of Arg170, Arg171, and Arg173, which might be involved in DNA binding, and a conserved proline (P150) in the tight turn. The phenotypic sensitivity of Escherichia coli Delta ihfA and Delta ihfB strains to UV and methylmethanesulfonate could be complemented with the wild-type Mtihf, but not its alleles bearing mutations in the DNA-binding residues. Protein DNA interaction assays revealed that wild-type mIHF, but not its DNA-binding variants, bind with high affinity to fragments containing attB and attP sites and curved DNA. Strikingly, the functionally important amino acid residues of mIHF and the mechanism(s) underlying its binding to DNA, DNA bending, and site-specific recombination are fundamentally different from that of E. coli IHF alpha beta. Furthermore, we reveal novel insights into IHF-mediated DNA compaction depending on the placement of its preferred binding sites; mIHF promotes compaction of DNA into nucleoid-like or higher-order filamentous structures. We hence propose that mIHF is a distinct member of a subfamily of proteins that serve as essential cofactors in site-specific recombination and nucleoid organization and that these findings represent a significant advance in our understanding of the role(s) of nucleoid-associated proteins.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis has multiple sigma factors which enable the bacterium to reprogram its transcriptional machinery under diverse environmental conditions. sigma(J), an extracytoplasmic function sigma factor, is upregulated in late stationary phase cultures and during human macrophage infection. sigma(J) governs the cellular response to hydrogen peroxide-mediated oxidative stress. sigma(J) differs from other canonical sigma factors owing to the presence of a SnoaL_2 domain at the C-terminus. sigma(J) crystals belonged to the tetragonal space group I422, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 133.85, c = 75.08 angstrom. Diffraction data were collected to 2.16 angstrom resolution on the BM14 beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF).


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An elastic organic crystal, 2,6-dichlorobenzylidine-4-fluoro-3-nitroaniline (DFNA), which also shows thermosalient behavior, is studied. The presence of these two distinct properties in the same crystal is unusual and unprecedented because they follow respectively from isotropy and anisotropy in the crystal packing. Therefore, while both properties lead from the crystal structure, the mechanisms for bending and thermosalience are quite independent of one another. Crystals of the low-temperature (a) form of the title compound are bent easily without any signs of fracture with the application of deforming stress, and this bending is within the elastic limit. The crystal structure of the a-form was determined (P2(1)/c, Z = 4, a = 3.927(7) angstrom, b = 21.98(4) angstrom, c = 15.32(3) angstrom). There is an irreversible phase transition at 138 degrees C of this form to the high-temperature beta-form followed by melting at 140 degrees C. Variable-temperature X-ray powder diffraction was used to investigate the structural changes across the phase transition and, along with an FTIR study, establishes the structure of the beta-form. A possible rationale for strain build-up is given. Thermosalient behavior arises from anisotropic changes in the three unit cell parameters across the phase transition, notably an increase in the b axis parameter from 21.98 to 22.30 angstrom. A rationale is provided for the existence of both elasticity and thermosalience in the same crystal. FTIR studies across the phase transition reveal important mechanistic insights: (i) increased pi...pi repulsions along 100] lead to expansion along the a axis; (ii) change in alignment of C-Cl and NO2 groups result from density changes; and (iii) competition between short-range repulsive (pi...pi) interactions and long-range attractive dipolar interactions (C-Cl and NO2) could lie at the origin of the existence of two distinctive properties.


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A real-time cooperative localization system, utilizing dual foot-mounted low-cost inertial sensors and RF-based inter-agent ranging, has been developed. Scenario-based tests have been performed, using fully-equipped firefighters mimicking a search operation in a partly smoke-filled environment, to evaluate the performance of the TOR (Tactical lOcatoR) system. The performed tests included realistic firefighter movements and inter-agent distances, factors that are crucial in order to provide realistic evaluations of the expected performance in real-world operations. The tests indicate that the TOR system may be able to provide a position accuracy of approximately two to three meters during realistic firefighter operations, with only two smoke diving firefighters and one supervising firefighter within range.


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Glioblastoma (grade IV glioma/GBM) is the most common primary adult malignant brain tumor with poor prognosis. To characterize molecular determinants of tumor-stroma interaction in GBM, we profiled 48 serum cytokines and identified macrophage colony-stimulating factor (MCSF) as one of the elevated cytokines in sera from GBM patients. Both MCSF transcript and protein were up-regulated in GBM tissue samples through a spleen tyrosine kinase (SYK)-dependent activation of the PI3K-NF kappa B pathway. Ectopic overexpression and silencing experiments revealed that glioma-secreted MCSF has no role in autocrine functions and M2 polarization of macrophages. In contrast, silencing expression of MCSF in glioma cells prevented tube formation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells elicited by the supernatant from monocytes/microglial cells treated with conditioned medium from glioma cells. Quantitative proteomics based on stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture showed that glioma-derived MCSF induces changes in microglial secretome and identified insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 1 (IGFBP1) as one of the MCSF-regulated proteins secreted by microglia. Silencing IGFBP1 expression in microglial cells or its neutralization by an antibody reduced the ability of supernatants derived from microglial cells treated with glioma cell-conditioned medium to induce angiogenesis. In conclusion, this study shows up-regulation of MCSF in GBM via a SYK-PI3K-NF kappa B-dependent mechanism and identifies IGFBP1 released by microglial cells as a novel mediator of MCSF-induced angiogenesis, of potential interest for developing targeted therapy to prevent GBM progression.


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This paper presents the development and testing of an integrated low-power and low-cost dual-probe heat-pulse (DPHP) soil-moisture sensor in view of the electrical power consumed and affordability in developing countries. A DPHP sensor has two probes: a heater and a temperature sensor probe spaced 3 mm apart from the heater probe. Supply voltage of 3.3V is given to the heater-coil having resistance of 33 Omega power consumption of 330 mW, which is among the lowest in this category of sensors. The heater probe is 40 mm long with 2 mm diameter and hence is stiff enough to be inserted into the soil. The parametric finite element simulation study was performed to ensure that the maximum temperature rise is between 1 degrees C and 5 degrees C for wet and dry soils, respectively. The discrepancy between the simulation and experiment is less than 3.2%. The sensor was validated with white clay and tested with red soil samples to detect volumetric water-content ranging from 0% to 30%. The sensor element is integrated with low-power electronics for amplifying the output from thermocouple sensor and TelosB mote for wireless communication. A 3.7V lithium ion battery with capacity of 1150 mAh is used to power the system. The battery is charged by a 6V and 300 mA solar cell array. Readings were taken in 30 min intervals. The life-time of DPHP sensor node is around 3.6 days. The sensor, encased in 30 mm x 20 mm x 10 mm sized box, and integrated with electronics was tested independently in two separate laboratories for validating as well as investigating the dependence of the measurement of soil-moisture on the density of the soil. The difference in the readings while repeating the experiments was found out to be less than 0.01%. Furthermore, the effect of ambient temperature on the measurement of soil-moisture is studied experimentally and computationally. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The otoliths (N = 12) of freshwater invasive species tilapia (Tilapia mossambicus) collected from two water bodies located at Kolkata and Bangalore, India, were analyzed for stable isotopes (delta 18O, delta 14C) and major and trace elements in order to assess the suitability of using otoliths as a tracer of aquatic environmental changes. The stable isotope analysis was done using the dual inlet system of a Finnigan-MAT 253 isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Thermo-Fisher, Bremen, Germany). Concentrations of major and trace elements were determined using a Thermo X-Series II quadrupole mass spectrometer. The stable isotope composition in tilapia otolith samples from Bangalore and Kolkata water bodies are quite good agreeing with that of the respective lake/pond and rain water. Elemental composition revealed in a pattern of Ca > Fe > Na > Sr > K > Ba > Cr > Mg > As > Mn > Zn > Co > Cu > Cd > Pb. The otoliths from Kolkata pond water are more enriched in Ba, Zn, Pb, Mn, Se, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Ni whereas Cr and As were found to be higher in otolith samples from Bangalore lake. The enrichment factor (EF) values of Cr were higher for both the sampling location in comparison with other metals, although all the studied metals exhibited EF values >1. The PCA shows clustering of metals in the otolith which are related either with the metabolic and physiological attributes or waterborne source. The study demonstrated the potential of stable isotope techniques to distinguish otolith specimens from varied climatic zone, while elemental composition recorded the quality of water at both the locations. The role of climate driving the quality of water can be understood by detailed and continuous monitoring of otolith specimens in the future. Future method allows reconstruction of climate and water quality from old specimens from field exposures or museum collection.


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Specific and coordinated regulation of innate immune receptor-driven signaling networks often determines the net outcome of the immune responses. Here, we investigated the cross-regulation of toll-like receptor (TLR)2 and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)2 pathways mediated by Ac2PIM, a tetra-acylated form of mycobacterial cell wall component and muramyl dipeptide (MDP), a peptidoglycan derivative respectively. While Ac2PIM treatment of macrophages compromised their ability to induce NOD2-dependent immunomodulators like cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS)-3, and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9, no change in the NOD2-responsive NO, TNF-alpha, VEGF-A, and IL-12 levels was observed. Further, genome-wide microRNA expression profiling identified Ac2PIM-responsive miR-150 and miR-143 to target NOD2 signaling adaptors, RIP2 and TAK1, respectively. Interestingly, Ac2PIM was found to activate the SRC-FAK-PYK2-CREB cascade via TLR2 to recruit CBP/P300 at the promoters of miR-150 and miR-143 and epigenetically induce their expression. Loss-of-function studies utilizing specific miRNA inhibitors establish that Ac2PIM, via the miRNAs, abrogate NOD2-induced PI3K-PKC delta-MAPK pathway to suppress beta-catenin-mediated expression of COX-2, SOCS-3, and MMP-9. Our investigation has thus underscored the negative regulatory role of Ac2PIM-TLR2 signaling on NOD2 pathway which could broaden our understanding on vaccine potential or adjuvant utilities of Ac2PIM and/or MDP.


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A range constraint method viz. centroid method is proposed to fuse the navigation information of dual (right and left) foot-mounted Zero-velocity-UPdaTe (ZUPT)-aided Inertial Navigation Systems (INSs). Here, the range constraint means that the distance of separation between the position estimates of right and left foot ZUPT-aided INSs cannot be greater than a quantity known as foot-to-foot maximum separation. We present the experimental results which illustrate the applicability of the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method significantly enhances the accuracy of the navigation solution when compared to using two uncoupled foot-mounted ZUPT-aided INSs. Also, we compare the performance of the proposed method with the existing data fusion methods.


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Pt(cur)(NH3)(2)](NO3) (1), a curcumin-bound cis-diammineplatinum(II) complex, nicknamed Platicur, as a novel photoactivated chemotherapeutic agent releases photoactive curcumin and an active platinum(II) species upon irradiation with visible light. The hydrolytic instability of free curcumin reduces upon binding to platinum(II). Interactions of 1 with 5'-GMP and ct-DNA indicated formation of platinum-bound DNA adducts upon exposure to visible light (lambda = 400-700 nm). It showed apoptotic photocytotoxicity in cancer cells (IC50 approximate to 15 mu M), thus forming (OH)-O-center dot, while remaining passive in the darkness (IC50 > 200 mu M). A comet assay and platinum estimation suggest Pt-DNA crosslink formation. The fluorescence microscopic images showed cytosolic localization of curcumin, thus implying possibility of dual action as a chemo-and phototherapeutic agent.


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In this work, we have reported a new approach on the use of stimuli-responsive molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) for trace level sensing of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), which is a well know cancer biomarker. The stimuli-responsive MIP is composed of three components, a thermo-responsive monomer, a pH responsive component (tyrosine derivative) and a highly fluorescent vinyl silane modified carbon dot. The synthesized AFP-imprinted polymer possesses excellent selectivity towards their template molecule and dual-stimuli responsive behavior. Along with this, the imprinted polymer was also explored as `OR' logic gate with two stimuli (pH and temperature) as inputs. However, the non-imprinted polymers did not have such `OR' gate property, which confirms the role of template binding. The imprinted polymer was also used for estimation of AFP in the concentration range of 3.96-80.0 ng mL(-1), with limit of detection (LOD) 0.42 ng mL(-1). The role of proposed sensor was successfully exploited for analysis of AFP in real human blood plasma, serum and urine sample. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.