325 resultados para ZnO Thin Films


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In 2003, Babin et al. theoretically predicted (J. Appl. Phys. 94:4244, 2003) that fabrication of organic-inorganic hybrid materials would probably be required to implement structures with multiple photonic band gaps. In tune with their prediction, we report synthesis of such an inorganic-organic nanocomposite, comprising Cu4O3-CuO-C thin films that experimentally exhibit the highest (of any known material) number (as many as eleven) of photonic band gaps in the near infrared. On contrary to the report by Wang et al. (Appl. Phys. Lett. 84:1629, 2004) that photonic crystals with multiple stop gaps require highly correlated structural arrangement such as multilayers of variable thicknesses, we demonstrate experimental realization of multiple stop gaps in completely randomized structures comprising inorganic oxide nanocrystals (Cu4O3 and CuO) randomly embedded in a randomly porous carbonaceous matrix. We report one step synthesis of such nanostructured films through the metalorganic chemical vapor deposition technique using a single source metalorganic precursor, Cu-4(deaH)(dea)(oAc)(5) a <...aEuro parts per thousand(CH3)(2)CO. The films displaying multiple (4/9/11) photonic band gaps with equal transmission losses in the infrared are promising materials to find applications as multiple channel photonic band gap based filter for WDM technology.


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Ferroelectric c-oriented Bi2VO5.5 (BVO) thin films (thickness approximate to 300 nm) were fabricated by pulsed laser deposition on corning glass substrates. Nonlinear refractive index (n(2)) and two photon absorption coefficient (beta) were measured by Z-scan technique at 532 nm wavelength delivering pulses with 10 ns duration. Relatively large values of n(2) = 2.05 +/- 0.2 x 10(-10) cm(2)/W and beta = 9.36 +/- 0.3 cm/MW were obtained for BVO thin films. Origin of the large optical nonlinearities in BVO thin films was discussed based on bond-orbital theory of transition metal oxides. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin films were deposited on fused quartz substrates by electron beam evaporation method at room temperature. The films were annealed at different temperatures in ambient air. The surface morphology/roughness at different annealing temperatures were analyzed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The crystallinity of the film has improved with the increase of annealing temperature. The effect of annealing temperature on optical, photoluminescence and Raman spectra of TiO2 films were investigated. The refractive index of TiO2 films were studied by envelope method and reflectance spectra and it is observed that the refractive index of the films was high. The photoluminescence intensity corresponding to green emission was enhanced with increase of annealing temperature. The peaks in Raman spectra depicts that the TiO2 film is of anatase phase after annealing at 300 degrees C and higher. The films show high refractive index, good optical quality and photoluminescence characteristics suggest that possible usage in opto-electronic and optical coating applications. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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CdTe thin films of 500 thickness prepared by thermal evaporation technique were analyzed for leakage current and conduction mechanisms. Metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors were fabricated using these films as a dielectric. These films have many possible applications, such as passivation for infrared diodes that operate at low temperatures (80 K). Direct-current (DC) current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements were performed on these films. Furthermore, the films were subjected to thermal cycling from 300 K to 80 K and back to 300 K. Typical minimum leakage currents near zero bias at room temperature varied between 0.9 nA and 0.1 mu A, while low-temperature leakage currents were in the range of 9.5 pA to 0.5 nA, corresponding to resistivity values on the order of 10(8) a''broken vertical bar-cm and 10(10) a''broken vertical bar-cm, respectively. Well-known conduction mechanisms from the literature were utilized for fitting of measured I-V data. Our analysis indicates that the conduction mechanism in general is Ohmic for low fields < 5 x 10(4) V cm(-1), while the conduction mechanism for fields > 6 x 10(4) V cm(-1) is modified Poole-Frenkel (MPF) and Fowler-Nordheim (FN) tunneling at room temperature. At 80 K, Schottky-type conduction dominates. A significant observation is that the film did not show any appreciable degradation in leakage current characteristics due to the thermal cycling.


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Further miniaturization of magnetic and electronic devices demands thin films of advanced nanomaterials with unique properties. Spinel ferrites have been studied extensively owing to their interesting magnetic and electrical properties coupled with stability against oxidation. Being an important ferrospinel, zinc ferrite has wide applications in the biological (MRI) and electronics (RF-CMOS) arenas. The performance of an oxide like ZnFe2O4 depends on stoichiometry (defect structure), and technological applications require thin films of high density, low porosity and controlled microstructure, which depend on the preparation process. While there are many methods for the synthesis of polycrystalline ZnFe2O4 powder, few methods exist for the deposition of its thin films, where prolonged processing at elevated temperature is not required. We report a novel, microwave-assisted, low temperature (<100°C) deposition process that is conducted in the liquid medium, developed for obtaining high quality, polycrystalline ZnFe2O4 thin films on technologically important substrates like Si(100). An environment-friendly solvent (ethanol) and non-hazardous oxide precursors (β-diketonates of Zn and Fe in 1:2 molar ratio), forming a solution together, is subjected to irradiation in a domestic microwave oven (2.45 GHz) for a few minutes, leading to reactions which result in the deposition of ZnFe2O4 films on Si (100) substrates suspended in the solution. Selected surfactants added to the reactant solution in optimum concentration can be used to control film microstructure. The nominal temperature of the irradiated solution, i.e., film deposition temperature, seldom exceeds 100°C, thus sharply lowering the thermal budget. Surface roughness and uniformity of large area depositions (50x50 mm2) are controlled by tweaking the concentration of the mother solution. Thickness of the films thus grown on Si (100) within 5 min of microwave irradiation can be as high as several microns. The present process, not requiring a vacuum system, carries a very low thermal budget and, together with a proper choice of solvents, is compatible with CMOS integration. This novel solution-based process for depositing highly resistive, adherent, smooth ferrimagnetic films on Si (100) is promising to RF engineers for the fabrication of passive circuit components. It is readily extended to a wide variety of functional oxide films.


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The impact of chemical treatment on the surface morphology and other physical properties of tin monosulphide (SnS) thin films have been investigated. The SnS films treated with selected organic solvents exhibited strong improvement in their crystalline-quality and considerable decrease in electrical resistivity. Particularly, the films treated with chloroform showed very low electrical resistivity of similar to 5 Omega cm and a low optical band gap of 1.81 eV as compared to untreated and treated SnS films with other chemicals. From these studies we realized that the chemical treatment of SnS films has strong impact on their surface morphology and also on other physical properties. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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TiO2 and Al2O3 are commonly used materials in optical thin films in the visible and near‐infrared wavelength region due to their high transparency and good stability. In this work, TiO2 and Al2O3 single, and nano composite thin films with different compositions were deposited on glass and silicon substrates at room temperature using a sol‐gel spin coater. The optical properties like reflectance, transmittance and refractive index have been studied using Spectrophotometer, and structural properties using X‐Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM).


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Electrical switching studies on amorphous Ge17Te83−xSnx thin films (1 ≤ x ≤ 4) has been done to find their suitability for Phase Change Memory application; Bulk ingots in glassy form are prepared using conventional melt quenching technique and the thin films are coated using flash evaporation technique. Samples are found to exhibit memory type of electrical switching behavior. The switching voltages of Ge17Te83−xSnx thin films have been found to decrease with increase in Sn concentration. The comparatively lower switching voltages of Ge17Te83−xSnx samples, make them suitable candidates for phase change memory applications.


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In this paper, we report on the application aspect of piezoelectric ZnO thin film deposited on flexible phynox alloy substrate. Highly crystalline piezoelectric ZnO thin films were deposited by RF reactive magnetron sputtering and were characterized by XRD, SEM, AFM analysis. Also, the effective d(33) coefficient value measurement was performed. The actuator element is a circular diaphragm of phynox alloy on to which piezoelectric ZnO thin film was deposited. ZnO film deposited actuator element was firmly fixed inside a suitable concave perspex mounting designed specifically for micro actuation purpose. The actuator element was excited at different frequencies for the supply voltages of 2V, 5V and 8V. Maximum deflection of the ZnO film deposited diaphragm was measured to be 1.25 mu m at 100 Hz for the supply voltage of 8V. The developed micro actuator has the potential to be used as a micro pump for pumping nano liters to micro liters of fluids per minute for numerous biomedical and aerospace applications.


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In this article, we have reported the controlled synthesis of uniformly grown zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) films by a simple, low-cost, and scalable pulsed spray pyrolysis technique. From the surface analysis it is noticed that the as-deposited films have uniformly dispersed NPs-like morphology. The structural studies reveal that these NPs films have highly crystalline hexagonal crystal structure, which are preferentially orientated along the (001) planes. The size of the NPs varied between 5 and 100 nm, and exhibited good stoichiometric chemical composition. Raman spectroscopic analysis reveals that these ZnO NPs films have pure single phase and hexagonal crystal structure. These unique nanostructured films exhibited a low electrical resistivity (5 Omega cm) and high light transmittance (90 %) in visible region.


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We report the evidence for the anisotropic magnetoimpedance behavior in (001) oriented La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) thin films, in low frequency-low magnetic field regime. (001) oriented LSMO thin films were deposited using pulsed laser deposition and characterized with X-ray diffraction and temperature dependent magnetization studies. In the in-plain configuration, an ac magnetoresistance (MRac) of similar to -0.5% was observed at 1000 Oe, at 100 Hz frequency in these films. The MRac was found to decrease with increase in frequency. We observe increases in MRac at low frequency, indicating major contribution for change of permeability from domain wall motion. At higher frequencies, it decreases due to decrease in transverse permeability, resulting from dampening of domain wall motion. Out-of-plane configuration showed MRac similar to 5.5% at 1000 Oe, at 100 Hz frequency. The MRac turned from positive to negative with increase in frequency in out-of-plane configuration. These changes are attributed to the change in permeability of the film with the frequency and applied magnetic field.


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Thin films of alumina (Al2O3) were deposited over Si < 1 0 0 > substrates at room temperature at an oxygen gas pressure of 0.03 Pa and sputtering power of 60 W using DC reactive magnetron sputtering. The composition of the as-deposited film was analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and the O/Al atomic ratio was found to be 1.72. The films were then annealed in vacuum to 350, 550 and 750 degrees C and X-ray diffraction results revealed that both as-deposited and post deposition annealed films were amorphous. The surface morphology and topography of the films was studied using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy, respectively. A progressive decrease in the root mean square (RMS) roughness of the films from 1.53 nm to 0.7 nm was observed with increase in the annealing temperature. Al-Al2O3-Al thin film capacitors were then fabricated on p-type Si < 1 0 0 > substrate to study the effect of temperature and frequency on the dielectric property of the films and the results are discussed.


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Pure and cadmium doped tin oxide thin films were deposited on glass substrates from aqueous solution of cadmium acetate, tin (IV) chloride and sodium hydroxide by the nebulizer spray pyrolysis (NSP) technique. X-ray diffraction reveals that all films have tetragonal crystalline structure with preferential orientation along (200) plane. On application of the Scherrer formula, it is found that the maximum size of grains is 67 nm. Scanning electron microscopy shows that the grains are of rod and spherical in shape. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis reveals the average ratio of the atomic percentage of pure and Cd doped SnO2 films. The electrical resistivity is found to be 10(2) Omega cm at higher temperature (170 degrees C) and 10(3) Omega cm at lower temperature (30 degrees C). Optical band gap energy was determined from transmittance and absorbance data obtained from UV-vis spectra. Optical studies reveal that the band gap energy decreases from 3.90 eV to 3.52 eV due to the addition of Cd as dopant with different concentrations.


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In this Letter, we present the interesting results of photodarkening (PD), transition toward photostability, and a slow crossover from PD to photobleaching when composition of the chalcogenide glassy thin film changes from Ge-deficient to rich. A subsequent Raman analysis on these as-prepared and irradiated samples provide the direct evidence of photoinduced structural rearrangement, i.e., photocrystallization of Se and the removal of edge-sharing GeSe4 tetrahedra. Further, our experimental results clearly demonstrate that light-induced effects can be effectively controlled by choosing the right composition and provide valuable information on synthesizing photostable/sensitive glasses.


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In this paper we investigate the application of polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEM) coated metal slides in enhancing fluorescence signal. We observed around eight-fold enhancement in fluorescence for protein incubated on PEM coated on aluminium mirror surface with respect to that of functionalized bare glass slides. The fluorescence intensities were also compared with commercially available FAST (R) slides (Whatman) offering 3D immobilization of proteins and the results were found to be comparable. We also showed that PEM coated on low-cost and commonly available aluminium foils also results in comparable fluorescence enhancement as sputtered aluminium mirrors. Immunoassay was also performed, using model proteins, on aluminium mirror as well as on aluminium foil based devices to confirm the activity of proteins. This work demonstrated the potential of PEMs in the large-scale, roll-to-roll manufacturing of fluorescence enhancements substrates for developing disposable, low-cost devices for fluorescence based diagnostic methods.