337 resultados para POLARIZATION


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Antiferroelectric lanthanum-modified PbZrO3 thin films with La contents between 0 and 6 at. % have been deposited on Pt(111)/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate by sol-gel route. On the extent of La-modification, maximum polarization (Pmax) and recoverable energy density (W) have been enhanced followed by their subsequent reduction. A maximum Pmax ( ∼ 0.54 C/m2 at ∼ 60 MV/m) as well as a maximum W ( ∼ 14.9 J/cc at ∼ 60 MV/m) have been achieved on 5% La modification. Both Pmax and W have been found to be strongly dependent on La-induced crystallographic orientations.


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Novel ferroelectric bismuth vanadate, Bi2VO5.5 (BVO), thin films have been grown between lattice matched metallic LaNiO3 (LNO) layers deposited on SrTiO3 (STO) by the pulsed laser deposition technique. LNO/BVO/LNO/STO and Au/BVO/LNO/STO trilayer structures exhibited c‐oriented (001) growth of BVO. LNO has been found to be a good metallic electrode with sheet resistance ∼20 Ω in addition to aiding c‐axis oriented BVO growth. The dielectric constant, ϵr of LNO/BVO/LNO/STO, at 300 K was about 12. However, when an Au electrode was used on top of BVO/LNO/STO film, it showed a significant improvement in the dielectric constant (ϵr=123). The ferroelectric properties of BVO thin films have been confirmed by hysteresis behavior with a remnant polarization, Pr=4.6×10−8 C/cm2 and coercive field, Ec=23 kV/cm at 300 K.


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The frequency and temperature dependences of the dielectric constant and the electrical conductivity of the transparent glasses in the composition Li2O–3B2O3 were investigated in the 100 Hz–10 MHz frequency range. The dielectric constant and the loss in the low frequency regime were electrode material dependent. Dielectric and electrical relaxations were, respectively, analyzed using the Cole–Cole and electric modulus formalisms. The dielectric relaxation mechanism was discussed in the framework of electrode and charge carrier (hopping of the ions) related polarization using generalized Cole–Cole expression. The frequency dependent electrical conductivity was rationalized using Jonscher’s power law. The activation energy associated with the dc conductivity was 0.80±0.02 eV, which was ascribed to the motion of Li+ ions in the glass matrix. The activation energy associated with dielectric relaxation was almost equal to that of the dc conductivity, indicating that the same species took part in both the processes. Temperature dependent behavior of the frequency exponent (n) suggested that the correlated barrier hopping model was the most apposite to rationalize the electrical transport phenomenon in Li2O–3B2O3 glasses. These glasses on heating at 933 K/10 h resulted in the known nonlinear optical phase LiB3O5.


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BaTiO3/BaZrO3 superlattices with varying periodicities were grown on SrRuO3 buffered MgO (001) substrates by pulsed laser ablation. Ferroelectric measurements were done and correlated to the strain in the heterostructures. The results of ferroelectric measurements indicate an apparent suppression of polarization in the low period superlattices and the onset of weakly ferroelectric behavior in higher period superlattices. Measured switchable polarization values indicate that contribution is primarily from the BaTiO3 in the structure. These results have been correlated to the interfacial strain and the critical thickness of BaTiO3 when grown over tensile substrates such as MgO.


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Aurivillus intergrowth Bi4Ti3O12–5BiFeO3 was demonstrated to be ferroelectric that evoked the possibility of achieving high temperature magnetoelectric property in this family of compounds. X-ray diffraction studies confirmed its structure to be orthorhombic [Fmm2; a = 5.5061(11) Å, b = 5.4857(7) Å, c = 65.742(12) Å]. However, transmission electron microscopy established the random incidence of intergrowth at nanoscale corresponding to n = 6 and n = 7 members of the Aurivillius family. Diffuse ferroelectric orthorhombic to paraelectric tetragonal phase transition around 857 K was confirmed by dielectric and high temperature x-ray diffraction studies. Polarization versus electric field hysteresis loops associated with 2Pr of 5.2 μC/cm2 and coercive field of 42 kV/cm were obtained at 300 K.


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A ferroelectriclike hysteresis loop was obtained at room temperature for CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) ceramic. The remnant polarization and coercive field for 1100 °C/5 h sintered CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics were 0.063 μC/cm2 and 195 V/cm, respectively. Remnant polarization increased while the coercive field decreased with increase in sintering temperature/duration, implying that these were microstructural dependent. The observation of the hysteresis loop for CCTO ceramic was corroborated by its pyroelectric behavior, and the pyroelectric current at room temperature was −0.0028 nA. These findings were attributed to the presence of mixed-valent Ti ions, apart from off center displacement of Ti ions in TiO6 octahedra.


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Highly (110) preferred orientated antiferroelectric PbZrO3 (PZ) and La-modified PZ thin films have been fabricated on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates using sol-gel process. Dielectric properties, electric field induced ferroelectric polarization, and the temperature dependence of the dielectric response have been explored as a function of composition. The Tc has been observed to decrease by ∼ 17 °C per 1 mol % of La doping. Double hysteresis loops were seen with zero remnant polarization and with coercive fields in between 176 and 193 kV/cm at 80 °C for antiferroelectric to ferroelectric phase transformation. These slim loops have been explained by the high orientation of the films along the polar direction of the antiparallel dipoles of a tetragonal primitive cell and by the strong electrostatic interaction between La ions and oxygen ions in an ABO3 perovskite unit cell. High quality films exhibited very low loss factor less than 0.015 at room temperature and pure PZ; 1 and 2 mol % La doped PZs have shown the room temperature dielectric constant of 135, 219, and 142 at the frequency of 10 kHz. The passive layer effects in these films have been explained by Curie constants and Curie temperatures. The ac conductivity and the corresponding Arrhenius plots have been shown and explained in terms of doping effect and electrode resistance.


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Pure stoichiometric MgRh(2)O(4) could not be prepared by solid state reaction from an equimolar mixture of MgO and Rh(2)O(3) in air. The spinel phase formed always contained excess of Mg and traces of Rh or Rh(2)O(3). The spinel phase can be considered as a solid solution of Mg(2)RhO(4) in MgRh(2)O(4). The compositions of the spinel solid solution in equilibrium with different phases in the ternary system Mg-Rh-O were determined by electron probe microanalysis. The oxygen potential established by the equilibrium between Rh + MgO + Mg(1+x)Rh(2-x)O(4) was measured as a function of temperature using a solid-state cell incorporating yttria-stabilized zirconia as an electrolyte and pure oxygen at 0.1 MPa as the reference electrode. To avoid polarization of the working electrode during the measurements, an improved design of the cell with a buffer electrode was used. The standard Gibbs energies of formation of MgRh(2)O(4) and Mg(2)RhO(4) were deduced from the measured electromotive force (e.m.f.) by invoking a model for the spinel solid solution. The parameters of the model were optimized using the measured composition of the spinel solid solution in different phase fields and imposed oxygen partial pressures. The results can be summarized by the equations: MgO + beta -Rh(2)O(3) -> MgRh(2)O(4); Delta G degrees (+ 1010)/J mol(-1) = -32239 + 7.534T; 2MgO + RhO(2) -> Mg(2)RhO(4); Delta G degrees(+/- 1270)/J mol(-1) = 36427 -4.163T; Delta G(M)/J mol(-1) = 2RT(xInx + (1-x)In(1-x)) + 4650x(1-x), where Delta G degrees is the standard Gibbs free energy change for the reaction and G(M) is the free energy of mixing of the spinel solid solution Mg(1+x)Rh(2-x)O(4). (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Electrochemical oxidation of sodium borohydride (NaBH(4)) and ammonia borane (NH(3)BH(3)) (AB) have been studied on titanium carbide electrode. The oxidation is followed by using cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry and polarization measurements. A fuel cell with TiC as anode and 40 wt% Pt/C as cathode is constructed and the polarization behaviour is studied with NaBH(4) as anodic fuel and hydrogen peroxide as catholyte. A maximum power density of 65 mW cm(-2) at a load current density of 83 mA cm(-2) is obtained at 343 K in the case of borhydride-based fuel cell and a value of 85 mW cm(-2) at 105 mA cm(-2) is obtained in the case of AB-based fuel cell at 353 K. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The gamma-phase poly (vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) films are usually prepared using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solvent, regardless of preparation temperature. Here we report the crystallization of both alpha and gamma-phase PVDF films by varying preparation temperature using DMSO solvent. The gamma-phase PVDF films were annealed at 70, 90, 110, 130 and 160 degrees C for five hours. The changes in the phase contents in the PVDF at different annealing conditions have been described. When thin films were annealed at 90 degrees C for 5 h, maximum percentage of beta-phase appears in PVDF thin films. The gamma-phase PVDF films completely converted to alpha-phase when they were annealed at 160 degrees C for 5 h. From X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Raman studies, it is confirmed that the PVDF thin films, cast from solution and annealed at 90 degrees C for 5 h, have maximum percentage of beta-phase. The beta-phase PVDF shows a remnant polarization of 4.9 mu C/cm(2) at 1400 kV/cm at 1 Hz.


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The liquid crystalline phase represents a unique state of matter where partial order exists on molecular and supra-molecular levels and is responsible for several interesting properties observed in this phase. Hence a detailed study of ordering in liquid crystals is of significant scientific and technological interest. NMR provides several parameters that can be used to obtain information about the liquid crystalline phase. Of these, the measurement of dipolar couplings between nuclei has proved to be a convenient way of obtaining liquid crystalline ordering since the coupling is dependent on the average orientation of the dipolar vector in the magnetic field which also aligns the liquid crystal.However, measurement of the dipolar coupling between a pair of selected nuclei is beset with problems that require special solutions. In this article the use of cross polarization for measuring dipolar couplings in liquid crystals is illustrated. Transient oscillations observed during cross polarization provide the dipolar couplings between essentially isolated nearest neighbor spins which can be extracted for several sites simultaneously by employing two-dimensional NMR techniques. The use of the method for obtaining heteronuclear dipolar couplings and hence the order parameters of liquid crystals is presented. Several modifications to the basic experiment are considered and their utility illustrated. A method for obtaining proton–proton dipolar couplings, by utilizing cross polarization from the dipolar reservoir, is presented. Some applications are also highlighted.


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We revisit the process e(+)e(-) -> gamma Z at the ILC with transverse beam polarization in the presence of anomalous CP- violating gamma ZZ coupling lambda(1) and gamma gamma Z coupling lambda(2). We point out that if the final- state spins are resolved, then it becomes possible to fingerprint the anomalous coupling Re lambda(1). 90% confidence level limit on Re lambda(1) achievable at ILC with center- of- mass energy of 500 GeVor 800 GeV with realistic initial beam polarization and integrated luminosity is of the order of few times of 10(-2) when the helicity of Z is used and 10(-3) when the helicity of gamma is used. The resulting corrections at quadratic order to the cross section and its influence on these limits are also evaluated and are shown to be small. The benefits of such polarization programmes at the ILC are compared and contrasted for the process at hand. We also discuss possible methods by which one can isolate events with a definite helicity for one of the final- state particles.


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Fast three-dimensional (3D) imaging requires parallel optical slicing of a specimen with an efficient detection scheme. The generation of multiple localized dot-like excitation structures solves the problem of simultaneous slicing multiple specimen layers, but an efficient detection scheme is necessary. Confocal theta detection (detection at 90 degrees to the optical axis) provides a suitable detection platform that is capable of cross-talk-free fluorescence detection from each nanodot (axial dimension approximate to 150 nm). Additionally, this technique has the unique feature of imaging a specimen at a large working distance with super-resolution capabilities. Polarization studies show distinct field structures for fixed and fluid samples, indicating a non-negligible field-dipole interaction. The realization of the proposed imaging technique will advance and diversify multiphoton fluorescence microscopy for numerous applications in nanobioimaging and optical engineering.


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Pyrochlore phase free [Pb0.94Sr0.06] [(Mn1/3Sb2/3)(0.05)(Zr0.53Ti0.47)(0.95)] O-3 ceramics has been synthesized with pure Perovskite phase by semi-wet route using the columbite precursor method. The field dependences of the dielectric response and the conductivity have been measured in a frequency range from 50 Hz to 1 MHz and in a temperature range from 303 K to 773 K. An analysis of the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric permittivity with frequency has been performed, assuming a distribution of relaxation times. The scaling behavior of the dielectric loss spectra suggests that the distribution of the relaxation times is temperature independent. The SEM photographs of the sintered specimens present the homogenous structures and well-grown grains with a sharp grain boundary. The material exhibits tetragonal structure. When measured at frequency (100 Hz), the polarization shows a strong field dependence. Different piezoelectric figures of merit (k(p), d(33) and Q(m)) of the material have also been measured obtaining their values as 0.53, 271 pC/N and 1115, respectively, which are even higher than those of pure PZT with morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) composition. Thus the present ceramics have the optimal overall performance and are promising candidates for the various high power piezoelectric applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electroless Ni-Cu-P-ZRO(2) composite coating was successfully obtained on low carbon steel matrix by electroless plating technique. Coatings with different compositions were obtained by varying copper as ternary metal and nano sized zirconium oxide particles so as to obtain elevated corrosion resistant Ni-P coating. Microstructure, crystal structure and composition of deposits were analyzed by SEM, EDX and XRD techniques. The corrosion behavior of the deposits was studied by anodic polarization, Tafel plots and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in 3.5% sodium chloride solution. The ZRO(2) incorporated Ni-P coating showed higher corrosion resistance than plain Ni-P. The introduction of copper metal into Ni-P-ZRO(2) enhanced the protection ability against corrosion. The influence of copper metal and nanoparticles on microhardness of coatings was evaluated. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.