317 resultados para ELECTROLYTE


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The thermodynamic stability of the compound BaCu2O2 was determined using a solid-state galvanic cell: View the MathML source as a function of temperature in the range 970–1170 K. Single crystal BaF2 was used as the solid electrolyte. The partial pressure of oxygen in the argon gas flowing over the electrodes was 1.27 Pa. The reversible e.m.f. of the cell can be expressed by View the MathML source. The Gibbs free energy of formation of barium cuprite from component oxides according to the reaction View the MathML source is View the MathML source.


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New compos~tiong radient solid electrolytes are developed which have application in high temperature solid state galvanic sensors and provide a new tool for thermodynamic measurements. The electrolyte consists oi a solid solution between two ionic conductors with a common mobile ion and spatial variation in composition of otber coxup nents. Incorporation of the composite electrolyte in sensors permits the use oi dissimilar gas electrodes. It is demonsuated, both experimentall y and theoretically, that the composition gradient of the relativeiy immobile species does not give rise to a diffusion potential.The emi of a cell is determined by the activity of the mobile species at the two eiectrodes. The thermodynamic properties of solid solutions can be measured using the gradient solid electrolyte. The experimental stuay is based on model systems A?(COj)x(S04)l-x (A=Na,K),where S \.aria across the electrolyte. The functionally gradient solid electrolytes used for activity measurements consist of pure carbonate at one ena and the solid solution under stuav at the other. The identical vaiues of activity, obtained h m t hree different modes of operation of the ceil. indicate unit transport number for the ddi metal ion in the graciient electrolyte. Tlle activities in the solid solutions exhibit moderate positive deviations from Raoult 's law.


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Phase relations in the pseudoternary system NiO-CaO-SiO2 at 1373 K are established. The coexisting phases are identified by X-ray diffraction and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis of equilibrated samples. There is only one quaternary oxide CaNiSi2O6 with clinopyroxene structure. The Gibbs energy of formation of CaNiSi2O6 is measured using a solid state galvanic cell incorporating stabilized zirconia as the solid electrolyte in the temperature range of 1000 to 1400 K:Pt, Ni + SiO2 + CaSiO3 + CaNiSi2O6 \ (Y2O3)ZrO2 \ Ni + NiO, Pt From the electromotive force (emf) of the cell, the Gibbs energy of formation of CaNiSi2O6 from NiO, SiO2, and CaSiO3 is obtained. To derive the Gibbs energy of formation of the quaternary oxide from component binary oxides, the free energy of formation of CaSiO, is determined separately using a solid state cell based on single crystal CaF2 as the electrolyte: Pt, O-2, CaO + CaF2 \ CaF2 \ CaSiO3 + SiO2 + CaF2, O-2, Pt The results can be expressed by the following equations: NiO (r.s) + CaO (r.s) + 2SiO(2) (qz) --> CaNiSi2O6 (pyr) Delta G degrees = -115,700 + 10.63T (+/-100) J mol(-1) CaO (r.s) + SiO2 (qz) --> CaSiO3 (wol) Delta G degrees = -90,030 -0.61T (+/-60) J mol(-1).


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The standard Gibbs energy of formation of the spinel MgAl2O4 from component oxides, MgO and α-Al2O3, has been determined in the temperature range 900 to 1250 K using a solid-state cell incorporating single-crystal CaF2 as the solid electrolyte. The cell can be represented as—Pt,O2,MgO+MgF2|CaF2|MgF2+MgAl2O4+α-Al2O3,O2,Pt—The standard Gibbs energy of formation from binary oxides, computed from the reversible emf, can be represented by the expression—capdeltaG°f,ox=−23600 − 5.91T(±150) J/mol—The ‘second-law’ enthalpy of formation of MgAl2O4 obtained in this study is in good agreement with high-temperature solution calorimetric studies reported in the literature.


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The lanthanide metals lanthanum, praseodymium and neodymium containing 2,200, 2,600, 1,850 mass ppm oxygen, respectively, were deoxidized to 20-30 ppm level at 1,073 K by an electrochemical method. The metal to be deoxidized was used as the cathode in an electrolysis cell which consisted of a graphite anode and molten CaCl2 electrolyte. The calcium metal produced at the cathode by electrolysis effectively deoxidized the lanthanide metal. Calcium oxide produced by deoxidation, dissolved in the melt. The liberation of carbon monoxide/dioxide at the anode was found to prevent accumulation of oxygen in the melt. For a quantitative discussion of the limits of deoxidation achievable by this technique, a thermodynamic investigation of the lanthanide-oxygen (Ln-O ; Ln = La, Pr, Nd) solid solutions was conducted. The lanthanide metal, yttrium and titanium samples were immersed in calcium-saturated CaCl2 melt, containing a small quantity of dissolved CaO, at 1,093 K. The oxygen potential of the melt and the Ln-O solid solutions were obtained from the oxygen content of yttrium samples at equilibrium, and the known thermodynamic properties of yttrium-oxygen solid solution. The results were confirmed by using Y/Y2O3 equilibrium to control the oxygen potential of the molten salt reservoir. The oxygen affinity of the metals was found to decrease in the order : Y > Ti > Nd > Pr > La. The deoxidation results are consistent with the thermodynamic properties of the RE-O solid solutions.


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The removal of oxygen from rare-earth metals (RE, RE=Gd, Tb, Dy, Er) by an electrochemical deoxidation method was investigated. A titanium basket containing the rare-earth metal sample, submerged in molten CaCl2 electrolyte, formed the cathode of an electrolysis cell. A high-purity graphite anode was used. The calcium metal produced at the cathode effectively deoxidized the rare-earth metal. Carbon monoxide and dioxide were generated at the graphite anode. Rare-earth metals containing more than 2000 mass ppm oxygen were deoxidized to 10–50 mass ppm level by electrolysis at 1189 K for 36 ks (10 h). Cyclic voltammetry was used to characterize the molten salt at different stages of the process. The effectiveness of the process is discussed with the aid of a chemical potential diagram for RE–O solid solutions. The new electrochemical technique is compared with the conventional deoxidation methods reported in the literature. The possibility of nitrogen removal from the rare-earth metals by the electrochemical method is outlined.


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The standard Gibbs energies of formation of SrIrO3, Sr2IrO4 and Sr4IrO6 have been determined in the temperature range from 975 to 1400 K using solid-state cells with (Y2O3) ZrO2 as the electrolyte and pure oxygen gas at a pressure of 0.1 MPa as the reference electrode. For the design of appropriate working electrodes, phase relations in the ternary system Sr–Ir–O were investigated at 1350 K. The only stable oxide detected along the binary Ir–O was IrO2. Three ternary oxides, SrIrO3, Sr2IrO4 and Sr4IrO6, compositions of which fall on the join SrO–IrO2, were found to be stable. Each of the oxides coexisted with pure metal Ir. Therefore, three working electrodes were prepared consisting of mixtures of Ir+SrO+Sr4IrO6, Ir+Sr4IrO6+Sr2IrO4, and Ir+Sr2IrO4+SrIrO3. These mixtures unambiguously define unique oxygen chemical potentials under isothermal and isobaric conditions. Used for the measurements was a novel apparatus, in which a buffer electrode was introduced between reference and working electrodes to absorb the electrochemical flux of oxygen through the solid electrolyte. The buffer electrode prevented polarization of the measuring electrode and ensured accurate data. The standard Gibbs energies of formation of the compounds, obtained from the emf of the cells, can be represented by the following equations: View the MathML sourcem View the MathML source View the MathML source where Δf (ox)Go represents the standard Gibbs energy of formation of the ternary compound from its component binary oxides SrO and IrO2. Based on the thermodynamic information, chemical potential diagrams for the system Sr–Ir–O were developed.


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An isothermal section of the phase diagram for the system Nd-Pd-O at 1350 K has been established by equilibration of samples representing 13 different compositions and phase identification after quenching by optical and scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and energy dispersive analysis of x-rays. The binary oxides PdO and NdO were not stable at 1350 K. Two ternary oxides Nd4PdO7 and Nd2Pd2O5 were identified. Solid and liquid alloys, as well as the intermetallics NdPd3 and NdPd5, were found to be in equilibrium with Nd2O3. Based on the phase relations, three solidstate cells were designed to measure the Gibbs energies of formation of PdO and the two ternary oxides. An advanced version of the solid-state cell incorporating a buffer electrode was used for high-temperature thermodynamic measurements. The function of the buffer electrode, placed between reference and working electrodes, was to absorb the electrochemical flux of the mobile species through the solid electrolyte caused by trace electronic conductivity. The buffer electrode prevented polarization of the measuring electrode and ensured accurate data. Yttria-stabilized zirconia was used as the solid electrolyte and pure oxygen gas at a pressure of 0.1 MP a as the reference electrode. Electromotive force measurements, conducted from 950 to 1425 K, indicated the presence of a third ternary oxide Nd2PdO4, stable below 1135 (±10) K. Additional cells were designed to study this compound. The standard Gibbs energy of formation of PdO (†f G 0) was measured from 775 to 1125 Kusing two separate cell designs against the primary reference standard for oxygen chemical potential. Based on the thermodynamic information, chemical potential diagrams for the system Nd-Pd-O were also developed.


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An advanced design of the solid-state cell incorporating a buffer electrode has been developed for high temperature thermodynamic measurements. The function of the buffer electrode, placed between reference and working electrodes, was to absorb the electrochemical flux of the mobile species through the solid electrolyte caused by trace electronic conductivity. The buffer electrode prevented polarization of the measuring electrode and ensured accurate data. The application of the novel design and its advantages have been demonstrated by measuring the standard Gibbs energies of formation of ternary oxides of the system Sm–Pd–O. Yttria-stabilized zirconia was used as the solid electrolyte and pure oxygen gas at a pressure of 0.1 MPa as the reference electrode. For the design of appropriate working electrodes, phase relations in the ternary system Sm–Pd–O were investigated at 1273 K. The two ternary oxides, Sm4PdO7 and Sm2Pd2O5, compositions of which fall on the Sm2O3–PdO join, were found to coexist with pure metal Pd. The thermodynamic properties of the ternary oxides were measured using three-phase electrodes in the temperature range 950–1425 K. During electrochemical measurements a third ternary oxide, Sm2PdO4, was found to be stable at low temperature. The standard Gibbs energies of formation (Δf(ox)Go) of the compounds from their component binary oxides Sm2O3 and PdO, can be represented by the equations: Sm4PdO7: Δf(ox)Go (J mol−1)=−34,220+0.84T(K) (±280); Sm2PdO4: Δf(ox)Go (J mol−1)=−33,350+2.49T(K) (±230); Sm2Pd2O5: Δf(ox)Go (J mol−1)=−59,955+1.80T(K) (±320). Based on the thermodynamic information, three-dimensional P–T–C and chemical potential diagrams for the system Sm–Pd–O were developed.


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An isothermal section of the phase diagram for the system Cu-Rh-O at 1273 K has been established by equilibration of samples representing eighteen different compositions, and phase identification after quenching by optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (EDX). In addition to the binary oxides Cu2O, CuO, and Rh2O3, two ternary oxides CuRhO2 and CuRh2O4 were identified. Both the ternary oxides were in equilibrium with metallic Rh. There was no evidence of the oxide Cu2Rh2O5 reported in the literature. Solid alloys were found to be in equilibrium with Cu2O. Based on the phase relations, two solid-state cells were designed to measure the Gibbs energies of formation of the two ternary oxides. Yttria-stabilized zirconia was used as the solid electrolyte, and an equimolar mixture of Rh+Rh2O3 as the reference electrode. The reference electrode was selected to generate a small electromotive force (emf), and thus minimize polarization of the three-phase electrode. When the driving force for oxygen transport through the solid electrolyte is small, electrochemical flux of oxygen from the high oxygen potential electrode to the low potential electrode is negligible. The measurements were conducted in the temperature range from 900 to 1300 K. The thermodynamic data can be represented by the following equations: {fx741-1} where Δf(ox) G o is the standard Gibbs energy of formation of the interoxide compounds from their component binary oxides. Based on the thermodynamic information, chemical potential diagrams for the system Cu-Rh-O were developed.


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A new design for the solid-state cell incorporating a buffer electrode for high-temperature thermodynamic measurements is presented. The function of the buffer electrode, placed between the reference and working electrodes, is to absorb the electrochemical flux of the mobile species through the solid electrolyte caused by trace electronic conductivity. The buffer electrode prevents polarization of the measuring electrode and ensures accurate data. The application of this novel design and its advantages are demonstrated by measurement of the standard Gibbs energies of formation of Nd6Ir2O13 (low-temperature form) and Nd2Ir2O7 in the temperature range from 975 to 1450 K. Yttria-stabilized zirconia is used as the solid electrolyte and pure oxygen gas at a pressure of 0.1 MPa as the reference electrode. For the design of appropriate working electrodes, phase relations in the ternary system NdIrO were investigated at 1350 K. The two ternary oxides, Nd6Ir2O13 and Nd2Ir2O7, compositions of which fall on the join Nd2O3IrO2, were found to coexist with pure metal Ir. Therefore, two working electrodes were prepared consisting of mixtures of Ir+Nd2O3+Nd6Ir2O13 and Ir+Nd6Ir2O13+ Nd2Ir2O7. These mixtures unambiguously define unique oxygen chemical potentials under isothermal and isobaric conditions. The standard Gibbs energies of formation (ΔG°f (ox)) of the compounds from their component binary oxides Nd2O3 and IrO2, obtained from the emf of the cells, can be represented by the equations:View the MathML source View the MathML source Based on the thermodynamic information, chemical potential diagrams for the system NdIrO are developed.


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An isothermal section of the phase diagram for (silver + rhodium + oxygen) at T = 1173 K has been established by equilibration of samples representing twelve different compositions, and phase identification after quenching by optical and scanning electron microscopy (s.e.m.), X-ray diffraction (x.r.d.), and energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (e.d.x.), Only one ternary oxide, AgRhO2, was found to be stable and a three phase region involving Ag, AgRhO2 and Rh2O3 was identified. The thermodynamic properties of AgRhO2 were measured using a galvanic cell in the temperature range 980 K to 1320 K. Yttria-stabilized zirconia was used as the solid electrolyte and pure oxygen gas at a pressure of 0.1 MPa was used as the reference electrode. The Gibbs free energy of formation of the ternary oxide from the elements, ΔfGo (AgRhO2), can be represented by two linear equations that join at the melting temperature of silver. In the temperature range 980 K to 1235 K, ΔfGo(AgRhO2)/(J . mol-1) = -249080 + 179.08 T/K (±120). Above the melting temperature of silver, in the temperature range 1235 K to 1320 K, ΔfGo(AgRhO2)/(J . mol-1) = -260400 + 188.24 T/K (±95). The thermodynamic properties of AgRhO2 at T = 298.15 K were evaluated from the high temperature data. The chemical potential diagram for (silver + rhodium + oxygen) at T = 1200 K was also computed on the basis of the results of this study.


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The standard Gibbs energy of formation of ReO2 in the temperature range from 900 to 1200 K has been determined with high precision using a novel apparatus incorporating a buffer electrode between reference and working electrodes. The role of the buffer electrode was to absorb the electrochemical flux of oxygen through the solid electrolyte from the electrode with higher oxygen chemical potential to the electrode with lower oxygen potential. It prevented the polarization of the measuring electrode and ensured accurate data. The Re+ReO2 working electrode was placed in a closed stabilized-zirconia crucible to prevent continuous vaporization of Re2O7 at high temperatures. The standard Gibbs energy of the formation of ReO2 can be represented by the equation View the MathML source Accurate values of low and high temperature heat capacity of ReO2 are available in the literature. The thermal data are coupled with the standard Gibbs energy of formation, obtained in this study, to evaluate the standard enthalpy of formation of ReO2 at 298.15 K by the ‘third law’ method. The value of standard enthalpy of formation at 298.15 K is: View the MathML source(ReO2)/kJ mol−1=−445.1 (±0.2). The uncertainty estimate includes both random (2σ) and systematic errors.


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Phase relations in the system Cu-Eu-O have been determined by equilibrating samples of different average composition at 1200 K and by phase analysis after quenching using optical microscopy (OM), x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive x-ray (EDX). The equilibration experiments were conducted in evacuated ampoules and under flowing inert gas and pure oxygen. The Cu-Eu alloys were found to be in equilibrium with EuO. The higher oxides of europium, Eu3O4 and Eu2O3, coexist with metallic copper. Two ternary oxides CuEu2O4 and CuEuO2 were found to be stable. The ternary oxide CuEuO2, with copper in the monovalent state, can coexist with Cu, Cu2O, Eu2O3 and CuEu2O4 in different phase fields. The compound CuEu2O4 can be in equilibrium with Cu2O, CuO, CuEuO2, Eu2O3, and O2 gas under different conditions at 1200 K. Thermodynamic properties of the ternary oxides were determined using three solid-state cells based on yttria-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte in the temperature range from 875 to 1250 K. The cells essentially measure the oxygen chemical potential in the three-phase fields: Cu+Eu2O3+CuEuO2, Cu2O+CuEuO2+CuEu2O4, and Eu2O3+CuEuO2+CuEu2O4. The thermodynamic properties of the ternary oxides can be represented by the equations: $\begin{gathered} {\raise0.5ex\hbox{$Couldn't find \end for begin{gathered} Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) studies in Ar+O2 mixtures confirmed the results from emf measurements. An oxygen potential diagram for the system Cu-Eu-O at 1200 K was evaluated from the results of this study and information available in the literature on the binary phases.


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The activity of Ti02 in single and two··phase regions of ihe system ZrOrTi02 has heen measured lIsing solid state cells based on yttria··doped tho ria (YDT) as the solid electrolyte at 1373 K. The cells used can be represented as: Pt, Tio.07PtO.Y3 + Zrj.,Tix0 2 / YDT / Ti02 + Tio.07Pto.93, Pt Pt, Tio.07Pto.93 + ZrJ.xTix02 + ZrTi04 / YDT / Ti02+ Tio.07PtO.93, Pt In each cell the composition of Pt-Ti alloy was identical at hoth electrodes. The emf of the cell is therefore directly related to the activity of Ti02 in oxide phase or oxide phase mixture: aTiO~ :;: cxp (-4FE/RT). The activity coefficient of Ti02 in th~ zirconia-rich solid solution with monoclinic structure (CUl2 2" XTi02 2" 0) can be expressed as:In the zirconia-rich solid solution with tetragonal structure (0.085 2" X ri02 2" 0.03), the activity coefficient is given by:In YTi02 (± 0.012) = 2.354 (1-XTiO? )2 +0.064 The standard Gibbs energy of formation of ZrTi04 is -5650 (± 200) J/mol at 1373 K .