456 resultados para BONDS


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The proton magnetic resonance spectra of single crystals of Na2Zn(SO4)2·4H2O have been investigated and the orientations of the water molecules have been determined. Using the heavy atom structure determined by X-rays a system of hydrogen bonds between water and sulphate oxygens has been proposed.


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Proton magnetic resonance spectra of single crystals of two Tutton's salts, K2Zn (SO4)2.6H22O and K2Mg (SO4)2.6H2O, have been studied and the orientations of the water molecules in the structure have been determined. Using the heavy-atom structure of (NH4) 2Mgt(SO4)2.6H2O as determined by x-ray diffraction, a system of hydrogen bonds between the water and sulfate oxygens in Tutton's salts has been proposed. It appears that the x-ray structure needs considerable refinement.


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The Raman spectrum of crystalline boric acid is recorded using mercuryλ2537 excitation. Fifteen Raman lines, three of them belonging to the lattice spectrum, are reported. Satisfactory assignments of all the observed Raman frequencies are made using the available X-ray crystal structure data. From the presence of a new high frequency Raman band at about 3420 cm.−1 it is suggested that there might be a small number of long, weak O-H....O hydrogen bonds in the crystal, in addition to the hydrogen bonds of moderate strength reported from X-ray diffraction data.


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The method of preparation and physicochemical properties of peroxy titanium malonate, TiO2(OOC)2CH2·3H2O are given. The reasons for the poor complexing tendency of malonic acid are discussed. The nature of the bonds between titanium and the peroxy as well as malonate groups is assigned from spectrophotometric and infra-red absorption studies.


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A correlation of the structural data on IS hydrates obtained by x-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, and proton magnetic resonance reveals that when a water molecule is hydrogen bonded into a crystal structure and the angle subtended at the donor water oxygen by the acceptor atoms deviates from the vapor H-O-H angle, bent hydrogen bonds are formed in preference to distortion of the H-O-H angle. Theoretical justification for this result is obtained from energy considerations by calculating the energy of formation of bent hydrogen bonds on the basis of the Lippincott-Schroeder potential function model for the hydrogen bond and the energy of deformation of the H-O-H angle from spectroscopic force constants.


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The crystal structure of copper ammonium oxalate dihydrate (space group P1̃) has been derived from a refinement of the two-dimensional (hk0) and (0kl) x-ray data using the atomic coordinateis of the isomorphous salt CuK 2(C2O4)2.2H2O as the starting point of the analysis. In contrast to the chromium complexes of oxalic acid the C-C bonds in both the two nonequivalent oxalate ions in the unit cell are single bonds (1.58 and 1.61 Å) consistent with the conclusion of Jeffrey and Parry that the carboxyl groups of the oxalate ion are separated by a pure a bond with little or no π conjugation across the molecule. Both the oxalate ions are slightly nonplanar. The copper ions occupy the special positions (0, 0, 0) and 0, 1/2, 0) and their coordination is of the distorted octahedral type with four nearest oxygen neighbors ( ≃ 2 Å) at the corners of a square and two more distant atoms along the octahedral bond direction. The environment of the NH4+ ions consists of eight nearest oxygen atoms at a mean distance of 3 Å.


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Dimerization of thiolbenzoic acid has been studied by infra-red, ultra-violet and n.m.r. spectroscopy and cryoscopy. The results indicate that the tendency to form S - H. O hydrogen bonds is not appreciable.


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Effects of non-polar, polar and proton-donating solvents on the n → π* transitions of C=O, C=S, NO2 and N=N groups have been investigated. The shifts of the absorption maxima in non-polar and polar solvents have been related to the electrostatic interactions between solute and solvent molecules, by employing the theory of McRAE. In solvents which can donate protons the solvent shifts are mainly determined by solute-solvent hydrogen bonding. Isobestic points have been found in the n → π* bonds of ethylenetrithio-carbonate in heptane-alcohol and heptane-chloroform solvent systems, indicating the existence of equilibria between the hydrogen bonded and the free species of the solute. Among the different proton-donating solvents studied water produces the largest blue-shifts. The blue-shifts in alcohols decrease in the order 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol, methanol, ethanol, isopropanol and t-butanol, the blue-shift in trifluoroethanol being nearly equal to that in water. This trend is exactly opposite to that for the self-association of alcohols. It is suggested that electron-withdrawing groups not merely decrease the extent of self-association of alcohols, but also increase the ability to donate hydrogen bonds. The approximate hydrogen-bond energies for several donor-acceptor systems have been estimated. In a series of aliphatio ketones and nitro compounds studied, the blue-shifts and consequently the hydrogen bond energies decrease with the decrease in the electron-withdrawing power of the alkyl groups. It is felt that electron-withdrawing groups render the chromophores better proton acceptors, and the alcohols better donors. A linear relationship between n → π* transition frequency and the infrared frequency of ethylenetrithiocarbonate has been found. It is concluded that stabilization of the electronic ground states of solute molecules by electrostatic and/or hydrogen-bond interactions determines the solvent shifts.


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A careful comparison of the distribution in the (R, θ)-plane of all NH ... O hydrogen bonds with that for bonds between neutral NH and neutral C=O groups indicated that the latter has a larger mean R and a wider range of θ and that the distribution was also broader than for the average case. Therefore, the potential function developed earlier for an average NH ... O hydrogen bond was modified to suit the peptide case. A three-parameter expression of the form {Mathematical expression}, with △ = R - Rmin, was found to be satisfactory. By comparing the theoretically expected distribution in R and θ with observed data (although limited), the best values were found to be p1 = 25, p3 = - 2 and q1 = 1 × 10-3, with Rmin = 2·95 Å and Vmin = - 4·5 kcal/mole. The procedure for obtaining a smooth transition from Vhb to the non-bonded potential Vnb for large R and θ is described, along with a flow chart useful for programming the formulae. Calculated values of ΔH, the enthalpy of formation of the hydrogen bond, using this function are in reasonable agreement with observation. When the atoms involved in the hydrogen bond occur in a five-membered ring as in the sequence[Figure not available: see fulltext.] a different formula for the potential function is needed, which is of the form Vhb = Vmin +p1△2 +q1x2 where x = θ - 50° for θ ≥ 50°, with p1 = 15, q1 = 0·002, Rmin = 2· Å and Vmin = - 2·5 kcal/mole. © 1971 Indian Academy of Sciences.


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Making use of the empirical potential functions for peptide NH .. O bonds, developed in this laboratory, the relative stabilities of the rightand left-handed α-helical structures of poly-L-alanine have been investigated, by calculating their conformational energies (V). The value of Vmin of the right-handed helix (αP) is about - 10.4 kcal/mole, and that of the left-handed helix (αM) is about - 9.6 kcal/mole, showing that the former is lower in energy by 0.8 kcal/mole. The helical parameters of the stable conformation of αP are n ∼ 3.6 and h ∼ 1.5 Å. The hydrogen bond of length 2.85 Å and nonlinearity of about 10° adds about 4.0 kcal/ mole to the stabilising energy of the helix in the minimum enregy region. The energy minimum is not sharply defined, but occurs over a long valley, suggesting that a distribution of conformations (φ{symbol}, ψ) of nearly the same energy may occur for the individual residues in a helix. The experimental data of a-helical fibres of poly-L-alanine are in good agreement with the theoretical results for αP. In the case of proteins, the mean values of (φ{symbol}, ψ) for different helices are distributed, but they invariably occur within the contour for V = Vmin + 2 kcal/mole for αP.


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The method of preparation and physicochemical properties of peroxy titanium malonate, TiO2(OOC)2CH2·3H2O are given. The reasons for the poor complexing tendency of malonic acid are discussed. The nature of the bonds between titanium and the peroxy as well as malonate groups is assigned from spectrophotometric and infra-red absorption studies.


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CeO2-SnO2 solid solution has been reported to possess high oxygen storage/release property which possibly originates from local structural distortion. We have performed first-principles based density functional calculations of Ce1-xSnxO2 structure (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 1) to understand its structural stability in fluorite in comparison to rutile structure of the other end-member SnO2, and studied the local structural distortion induced by the dopant Sn ion. Analysis of relative energies of fluorite and rutile phases of CeO2, SnO2, and Ce1-xSnxO2 indicates that fluorite structure is the most stable for Ce1-xSnxO2 solid solution. An analysis of local structural distortions reflected in phonon dispersion show that SnO2 in fluorite structure is highly unstable while CeO2 in rutile structure is only weakly unstable. Thus, Sn in Ce1-xSnxO2-fluorite structure is associated with high local structural distortion whereas Ce in Ce1-xSnxO2-rutile structure, if formed, will show only marginal local distortion. Determination of M-O (M=Ce or Sn) bond lengths and analysis of Born effective charges for the optimized structure of Ce1-xSnxO2 show that local coordination of these cations changes from ideal eightfold coordination expected of fluorite lattice to 4+4 coordination, leading to generation of long and short Ce-O and Sn-O bonds in the doped structure. Bond valence analyses for all ions show the presence of oxygen with bond valence similar to 1.84. These weakly bonded oxygen ions are relevant for enhanced oxygen storage/release properties observed in Ce1-xSnxO2 solid solution. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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The Raman spectrum of l-asparagine monohydrate in the form of a single crystal has been recorded for the first time. λ 2537 excitation has been used. Fifty-three Raman frequency shifts have been recorded. They are grouped as follows: Eight Raman lines coming under the lattice spectrum, three Raman lines arising from low-frequency vibrations of the hydrogen bonds and the remaining forty-two arising from the internal oscillations of the asparagine molecule. Appropriate assignments have been given for the observed Raman lines


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Hydrolysis of beta-lactam antibiotics by beta-lactamases (e. g., metallo-beta-lactamase, m beta l) is one of the major bacterial defense systems. These enzymes can catalyze the hydrolysis of a variety of antibiotics including the latest generation of cephalosporins, cephamycins and imipenem. It is shown in this paper that the thiol/thione moieties eliminated from certain cephalosporins by m beta l-mediated hydrolysis readily react with molecular iodine to produce ionic compounds having S-I bonds. While the reaction of MTT with iodine produced the corresponding disulfide, MDT and DMETT produced the charge-transfer complexes MDT-I-2 and DMETT-I-2, respectively. Addition of two equivalents of I-2 to MDT produced a novel cationic complex having an almost linear S-I+-S moiety and I-5(-) counter anion.However, this reaction appears to be highly solvent dependent. When the reaction of MDT with I2 was carried out in water, the reaction produced a monocation having I-5(-), indicating the reactivity of MDT toward I2 is very similar to that of the most commonly used antithyroid drug methimazole (MMI). In contrast to MMI, MDT and DMETT, the triazine-based compound MTDT acts as a weak donor toward iodine. (C)2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the title compound, C15H11Cl2NO2, the dihedral angle between the two benzene rings is 74.83 (5)degrees. The N-bound and terminal benzene rings are inclined at dihedral angles of 4.09 (10) and 78.38 (9) degrees, respectively, to the mean plane through the acetamide group.Intramolecular C-H center dot center dot center dot O and N-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds both generate S(6) rings.