386 resultados para B and T Lymphocyte Attenuator


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Macrophages, as sentinels of robust host immunity, are key regulators of innate immune responses against invading mycobacteria; however, pathogenic mycobacteria survive in the infected host by subverting host innate immunity. Infection dependent expression of early secreted antigenic target protein 6 (ESAT-6) by Mycobacterium tuberculosis is strongly correlated with subversion of innate immune responses against invading mycobacteria. As a part of multifaceted immunity to mycobacterial infection, induced expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) may act as an important influencing factor towards effective host immunity. In the current investigation, we demonstrate that ESAT-6 triggers COX-2 expression both in vitro and in vivo in a TLR2 dependent manner. Signaling perturbation data suggest that signaling dynamics of PI3K and p38 and JNK1/2 MAPK assume critical importance in ESAT-6 triggered expression of COX-2 in macrophages. Interestingly, ESAT-6 triggered PI3K-MAPK signaling axis holds the capacity to regulate coordinated activation of NF-kappa B and AP-1. Overall, current investigation provides mechanistic insights into ESAT-6 induced COX-2 expression and unravels TLR2 mediated interplay of PI3K and MAPK signaling axis as a rate-determining step during intricate host immune responses. These findings would serve as a paradigm to understand pathogenesis of mycobacterial infection and clearly pave a way towards development of novel therapeutics. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recent experiments have indicated a dramatically different viscosity dependence of the translational and the rotational diffusion coefficients in a supercooled liquid as the glass transition temperature is approached from above. While the translational motion seems to be decoupled from the rising viscosity (eta), the rotational motion seems to remain firmly coupled to eta. In order to understand the microscopic origin of this behavior, we have carried nut detailed theoretical calculations of both the quantities by using a self-consistent mode-coupling theory (MCT). it is found that when the size of the solute is same as that of the solvent molecules, the conventional MCT fails to predict the observed decoupling. The solvent inhomogeneity is found to play a decisive role in determining the decoupling. The difference in the viscosity dependence between rotation and translational diffusion coefficient is discussed.


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Regenerating codes are a class of recently developed codes for distributed storage that, like Reed-Solomon codes, permit data recovery from any subset of k nodes within the n-node network. However, regenerating codes possess in addition, the ability to repair a failed node by connecting to an arbitrary subset of d nodes. It has been shown that for the case of functional repair, there is a tradeoff between the amount of data stored per node and the bandwidth required to repair a failed node. A special case of functional repair is exact repair where the replacement node is required to store data identical to that in the failed node. Exact repair is of interest as it greatly simplifies system implementation. The first result of this paper is an explicit, exact-repair code for the point on the storage-bandwidth tradeoff corresponding to the minimum possible repair bandwidth, for the case when d = n-1. This code has a particularly simple graphical description, and most interestingly has the ability to carry out exact repair without any need to perform arithmetic operations. We term this ability of the code to perform repair through mere transfer of data as repair by transfer. The second result of this paper shows that the interior points on the storage-bandwidth tradeoff cannot be achieved under exact repair, thus pointing to the existence of a separate tradeoff under exact repair. Specifically, we identify a set of scenarios which we term as ``helper node pooling,'' and show that it is the necessity to satisfy such scenarios that overconstrains the system.


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3-(2,3-Dimethoxyphenyl)-1-(pyridin-2-yl)prop-2-en-1-one (DMPP) a potential second harmonic generating (SHG) has been synthesized and grown as a single crystal by the slow evaporation technique at ambient temperature. The structure determination of the grown crystal was done by single crystal X-ray diffraction study. DMPP crystallizes with orthorhombic system with cell parameters a = 20.3106(8)angstrom, b = 4.9574(2)angstrom, c = 13.4863(5)angstrom, alpha = 90 degrees, beta = 90 degrees, gamma = 90 degrees and space group Pca2(1). The crystals were characterized by FT-IR, thermal analysis, UV-vis-NIR spectroscopy and SHG measurements. Various functional groups present in DMPP were ascertained by FTIR analysis. DMPP is thermally stable up to 80 degrees C and optically transparent in the visible region. The crystal exhibits SHG efficiency comparable to that of KDP. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In todays era of energy crisis and global warming, hydrogen has been projected as a sustainable alternative to depleting CO2-emitting fossil fuels. However, its deployment as an energy source is impeded by many issues, one of the most important being storage. Chemical hydrogen storage materials, in particular B?N compounds such as ammonia borane, with a potential storage capacity of 19.6 wt?% H2 and 0.145 kg?H?2?L-1, have been intensively studied from the standpoint of addressing the storage issues. Ammonia borane undergoes dehydrogenation through hydrolysis at room temperature in the presence of a catalyst, but its practical implementation is hindered by several problems affecting all of the chemical compounds in the reaction scheme, including ammonia borane, water, borate byproducts, and hydrogen. In this Minireview, we exhaustively survey the state of the art, discuss the fundamental problems, and, where applicable, propose solutions with the prospect of technological applications.


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Let G be a simple, undirected, finite graph with vertex set V (G) and edge set E(G). A k-dimensional box is a Cartesian product of closed intervals [a(1), b(1)] x [a(2), b(2)] x ... x [a(k), b(k)]. The boxicity of G, box(G), is the minimum integer k such that G can be represented as the intersection graph of k-dimensional boxes; i.e., each vertex is mapped to a k-dimensional box and two vertices are adjacent in G if and only if their corresponding boxes intersect. Let P = (S, P) be a poset, where S is the ground set and P is a reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive binary relation on S. The dimension of P, dim(P), is the minimum integer t such that P can be expressed as the intersection of t total orders. Let G(P) be the underlying comparability graph of P; i.e., S is the vertex set and two vertices are adjacent if and only if they are comparable in P. It is a well-known fact that posets with the same underlying comparability graph have the same dimension. The first result of this paper links the dimension of a poset to the boxicity of its underlying comparability graph. In particular, we show that for any poset P, box(G(P))/(chi(G(P)) - 1) <= dim(P) <= 2box(G(P)), where chi(G(P)) is the chromatic number of G(P) and chi(G(P)) not equal 1. It immediately follows that if P is a height-2 poset, then box(G(P)) <= dim(P) <= 2box(G(P)) since the underlying comparability graph of a height-2 poset is a bipartite graph. The second result of the paper relates the boxicity of a graph G with a natural partial order associated with the extended double cover of G, denoted as G(c): Note that G(c) is a bipartite graph with partite sets A and B which are copies of V (G) such that, corresponding to every u is an element of V (G), there are two vertices u(A) is an element of A and u(B) is an element of B and {u(A), v(B)} is an edge in G(c) if and only if either u = v or u is adjacent to v in G. Let P(c) be the natural height-2 poset associated with G(c) by making A the set of minimal elements and B the set of maximal elements. We show that box(G)/2 <= dim(P(c)) <= 2box(G) + 4. These results have some immediate and significant consequences. The upper bound dim(P) <= 2box(G(P)) allows us to derive hitherto unknown upper bounds for poset dimension such as dim(P) = 2 tree width (G(P)) + 4, since boxicity of any graph is known to be at most its tree width + 2. In the other direction, using the already known bounds for partial order dimension we get the following: (1) The boxicity of any graph with maximum degree Delta is O(Delta log(2) Delta), which is an improvement over the best-known upper bound of Delta(2) + 2. (2) There exist graphs with boxicity Omega(Delta log Delta). This disproves a conjecture that the boxicity of a graph is O(Delta). (3) There exists no polynomial-time algorithm to approximate the boxicity of a bipartite graph on n vertices with a factor of O(n(0.5-is an element of)) for any is an element of > 0 unless NP = ZPP.


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Regenerating codes are a class of recently developed codes for distributed storage that, like Reed-Solomon codes, permit data recovery from any arbitrary of nodes. However regenerating codes possess in addition, the ability to repair a failed node by connecting to any arbitrary nodes and downloading an amount of data that is typically far less than the size of the data file. This amount of download is termed the repair bandwidth. Minimum storage regenerating (MSR) codes are a subclass of regenerating codes that require the least amount of network storage; every such code is a maximum distance separable (MDS) code. Further, when a replacement node stores data identical to that in the failed node, the repair is termed as exact. The four principal results of the paper are (a) the explicit construction of a class of MDS codes for d = n - 1 >= 2k - 1 termed the MISER code, that achieves the cut-set bound on the repair bandwidth for the exact repair of systematic nodes, (b) proof of the necessity of interference alignment in exact-repair MSR codes, (c) a proof showing the impossibility of constructing linear, exact-repair MSR codes for d < 2k - 3 in the absence of symbol extension, and (d) the construction, also explicit, of high-rate MSR codes for d = k+1. Interference alignment (IA) is a theme that runs throughout the paper: the MISER code is built on the principles of IA and IA is also a crucial component to the nonexistence proof for d < 2k - 3. To the best of our knowledge, the constructions presented in this paper are the first explicit constructions of regenerating codes that achieve the cut-set bound.


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Nanocrystalline Nd2O3:Ni2+ (2 mol%) phosphor has been prepared by a low temperature (similar to 400 degrees C) solution combustion method, in a very short time (<5 min). Powder X-ray diffraction results confirm the single hexagonal phase of nanopowders. Scanning electron micrographs show that nanophosphor has porous nature and the particles are agglomerated. Transmission electron microscopy confirms the nanosize (20-25 nm) of the crystallites. The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum exhibits a symmetric absorption at g approximate to 2.77 which suggests that the site symmetry around Ni2+ ions is predominantly octahedral. The number of spins participating in resonance (N) and the paramagnetic susceptibility (chi) has been evaluated. Raman study show major peaks, which are assigned to F-g and combination of A(g) + E-g modes. Thermoluminescence (TL) studies reveal well resolved glow peaks at 169 degrees C along with shoulder peak at around 236 degrees C. The activation energy (E in eV), order of kinetics (b) and frequency factor (s) were estimated using glow peak shape method. It is observed that the glow peak intensity at 169 degrees C increases linearly with gamma-dose which suggest that Nd2O3:Ni2+ is suitable for radiation dosimetry applications. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gd2O3:Eu3+ (4 mol%) co-doped with Bi3+ (Bi = 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 mol%) ions were synthesized by a low-temperature solution combustion method. The powders were calcined at 800A degrees C and were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform infrared and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The PXRD profiles confirm that the calcined products were in monoclinic with little cubic phases. The particle sizes were estimated using Scherrer's method and Williamson-Hall plots and are found to be in the ranges 40-60 nm and 30-80 nm, respectively. The results are in good agreement with TEM results. The photoluminescence spectra of the synthesized phosphors excited with 230 nm show emission peaks at similar to 590, 612 and 625 nm, which are due to the transitions D-5(0)-> F-7(0), D-5(0)-> F-7(2) and D-5(0)-> F-7(3) of Eu3+, respectively. It is observed that a significant quenching of Eu3+ emission was observed under 230 nm excitation when Bi3+ was co-doped. On the other hand, upon 350 nm excitation, the luminescent intensity of Eu3+ ions was enhanced by incorporation of Bi3+ (5 mol%) ions. The introduction of Bi3+ ions broadened the excitation band of Eu3+ of which a new strong band occurred ranging from 320 to 380 nm. This has been attributed to the 6s(2)-> 6s6p transition of Bi3+ ions, implying a very efficient energy transfer from Bi3+ ions to Eu3+ ions. The gamma radiation response of Gd2O3:Eu3+ exhibited a dosimetrically useful glow peak at 380A degrees C. Using thermoluminescence glow peaks, the trap parameters have been evaluated and discussed. The observed emission characteristics and energy transfer indicate that Gd2O3:Eu3+, Bi3+ phosphors have promising applications in solid-state lighting.


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Background: In higher primates, during non-pregnant cycles, it is indisputable that circulating LH is essential for maintenance of corpus luteum (CL) function. On the other hand, during pregnancy, CL function gets rescued by the LH analogue, chorionic gonadotropin (CG). The molecular mechanisms involved in the control of luteal function during spontaneous luteolysis and rescue processes are not completely understood. Emerging evidence suggests that LH/CGR activation triggers proliferation and transformation of target cells by various signaling molecules as evident from studies demonstrating participation of Src family of tyrosine kinases (SFKs) and MAP kinases in hCG-mediated actions in Leydig cells. Since circulating LH concentration does not vary during luteal regression, it was hypothesized that decreased responsiveness of luteal cells to LH might occur due to changes in LH/CGR expression dynamics, modulation of SFKs or interference with steroid biosynthesis. Methods: Since, maintenance of structure and function of CL is dependent on the presence of functional LH/CGR its expression dynamics as well as mRNA and protein expressions of SFKs were determined throughout the luteal phase. Employing well characterized luteolysis and CL rescue animal models, activities of SFKs, cAMP phosphodiesterase (cAMP-PDE) and expression of SR-B1 (a membrane receptor associated with trafficking of cholesterol ester) were examined. Also, studies were carried out to investigate the mechanisms responsible for decline in progesterone biosynthesis in CL during the latter part of the non-pregnant cycle. Results and discussion: The decreased responsiveness of CL to LH during late luteal phase could not be accounted for by changes in LH/CGR mRNA levels, its transcript variants or protein. Results obtained employing model systems depicting different functional states of CL revealed increased activity of SFKs pSrc (Y-416)] and PDE as well as decreased expression of SR-B1correlating with initiation of spontaneous luteolysis. However, CG, by virtue of its heroic efforts, perhaps by inhibition of SFKs and PDE activation, prevents CL from undergoing regression during pregnancy. Conclusions: The results indicated participation of activated Src and increased activity of cAMP-PDE in the control of luteal function in vivo. That the exogenous hCG treatment caused decreased activation of Src and cAMP-PDE activity with increased circulating progesterone might explain the transient CL rescue that occurs during early pregnancy.


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Organo-clay was prepared by incorporating different amounts (in terms of CEC, ranging from 134-840 mg of quaternary ammonium cation (QACs) such as hexadecytrimethylammonium bromide (C19H42N]Br) into the montmorillonite clay. Prepared organo-clays are characterized by CHN analyser and XRD to measure the amount of elemental content and interlayer spacing of surfactant modified clay. The batch experiments of sorption of permanganate from aqueous media by organo-clays was studied at different acidic strengths (pH 1-7). The experimental results show that the rate and amount of adsorption of permanganate was higher at lower pH compared to raw montmorillonite. Laboratory fixed bed experiments were conducted to evaluate the breakthrough time and nature of breakthrough curves. The shape of the breakthrough curves shows that the initial cationic surfactant loadings at 1.0 CEC of the clay is enough to enter the permanganate ions in to the interlamellar region of the surfactant modified smectile clays. These fixed bed studies were also applied to quantify the effect of bed-depth and breakthrough time during the uptake of permanganate. Calculation of thermodynamic parameters shows that the sorption of permanganate is spontaneous and follows the first order kinetics.


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The factorization theorem for exclusive processes in perturbative QCD predicts the behavior of the pion electromagnetic form factor F(t) at asymptotic spacelike momenta t(= -Q(2)) < 0. We address the question of the onset energy using a suitable mathematical framework of analytic continuation, which uses as input the phase of the form factor below the first inelastic threshold, known with great precision through the Fermi-Watson theorem from pi pi elastic scattering, and the modulus measured from threshold up to 3 GeV by the BABAR Collaboration. The method leads to almost model-independent upper and lower bounds on the spacelike form factor. Further inclusion of the value of the charge radius and the experimental value at -2.45 GeV2 measured at JLab considerably increases the strength of the bounds in the region Q(2) less than or similar to 10 GeV2, excluding the onset of the asymptotic perturbative QCD regime for Q(2) < 7 GeV2. We also compare the bounds with available experimental data and with several theoretical models proposed for the low and intermediate spacelike region.


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Nanocrystalline Nd2O3:Cu2+ (2 mol %) phosphors have been prepared by a low temperature solution combustion technique. Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) results confirm that hexagonal A-type Nd2O3 (900 degrees C, 3 h) and the lattice parameters have been evaluated by Rietveld refinement. Surface morphology of as-formed and Cu2+ doped Nd2O3 phosphors show that the particles are irregular in shape and porous in nature. TEM results also confirm the nature and size of the particles. The EPR spectrum exhibits two resonance signals with effective g values at g(parallel to) approximate to 2.12 and g(perpendicular to) approximate to 2.04. The g values indicate that the site symmetry of Cu2+ ions is octahedral symmetry with elongated tetragonal distortion. Raman studies show major peaks, which are assigned, to F-g and combination of A(g) + E-g modes. It is observed that the Raman peaks and intensity have been reduced in Cu2+ doped samples. UV-Visible absorption spectra exhibit a strong and broad absorption band at similar to 240 nm. Further, the absorption peak shifts to similar to 14 nm in Cu2+ doped samples. The optical band gap is estimated to be 5.28 eV for Cu doped Nd2O3 nanoparticles which are higher than the bulk Nd2O3 (4.7 eV). This can be attributed to the quantum confinement effect of the nanoparticles. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: Waardenburg syndrome (WS) is characterized by sensorineural hearing loss and pigmentation defects of the eye, skin, and hair. It is caused by mutations in one of the following genes: PAX3 (paired box 3), MITF (microphthalmia-associated transcription factor), EDNRB (endothelin receptor type B), EDN3 (endothelin 3), SNAI2 (snail homolog 2, Drosophila) and SOX10 (SRY-box containing gene 10). Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked recessive disorder caused by mutations in the DMD gene. The purpose of this study was to identify the genetic causes of WS and DMD in an Indian family with two patients: one affected with WS and DMD, and another one affected with only WS. Methods: Blood samples were collected from individuals for genomic DNA isolation. To determine the linkage of this family to the eight known WS loci, microsatellite markers were selected from the candidate regions and used to genotype the family. Exon-specific intronic primers for EDN3 were used to amplify and sequence DNA samples from affected individuals to detect mutations. A mutation in DMD was identified by multiplex PCR and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification method using exon-specific probes. Results: Pedigree analysis suggested segregation of WS as an autosomal recessive trait in the family. Haplotype analysis suggested linkage of the family to the WS4B (EDN3) locus. DNA sequencing identified a novel missense mutation p.T98M in EDN3. A deletion mutation was identified in DMD. Conclusions: This study reports a novel missense mutation in EDN3 and a deletion mutation in DMD in the same Indian family. The present study will be helpful in genetic diagnosis of this family and increases the mutation spectrum of EDN3.